Monday, August 6, 2007



Malaysia has many political clowns but nothing can beat this short little kampong boy who claimed to be a graduate from Harvard. He made an astounding revelation in Malaysia Today in an article written by 'Deep Throat' of Sabah about his fifty percent equity in Innoprise, a wholly own subsidiary of Yayasan Sabah.

Below are excrepts of some of his testimony in Bahasa Melayu;

Jeffrey membayangkan akan menyaman Musa Khan kerana mendedahkan rahsia kerajaan dan telah gagal memaklumkan kepadanya kedudukan anak syarikat Yayasan Sabah, iaitu Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd. ”Saya adalah pemegang saham asal syarikat berkenaan bersama Damianus Bianus Aludah iaitu masing-masing satu unit. Mengikut Memorandum of Articles, saya dan Damianus menjadi pemegang saham dan pengarah syarikat berkenaan seumur hidup, tetapi kenapa saya tidak dimaklumkan sebarang perubahan atau keuntungan syarikat berkenaan, ” ujar Jeffrey yang meminta Musa Khan lebih bertanggungjawab dan mengurangkan politik dalam pentadbiran. Tegas Jeffrey, walaupun kedudukan terkini kewangan ekonomi Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd. adalah kukuh iaitu mempunyai surplus RM1.646 bilion bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 2004, namun oleh kerana statusnya sebagai pemegang 50 peratus ekuiti asal, maka beliau berhak menuntut keuntungan syarikat berkenaan. ”Saya mungkin akan ambil injuksi untuk menghalang Musa dan kuncu-kuncunya daripada mencampuri urusan syarikat ini yang menjadi tunjang kepada Yayasan Sabah demi menjaga kredibiliti syarikat ini dan 38 anak syarikatnya yang saya dan Lembaga Pemegang Amanah ada kepentingan,” ujar Jeffrey lagi. Berdasarkan senario ini, tepatlah kata Jeffrey, Musa adalah Hero yang dicipta oleh Umno manakala Kedudukan Kewangan Negeri Kerajaan Negeri Sabah dalam keadaan Zero!

For the sake of my English readers the translated version wound be as follows.

Jeffrey is contemplating legal action against Musa Khan for disclosing state secrets and failure to inform him the position of Yayasan Sabah subsidiary, Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd

"I am the original shareholder together with Damianus Mianus Aluda holding one unit share each respectively.According to the Memorandum and Articles of Association , I and Damianus are shareholders and directors of the company for life, why haven't I been informed of any changes and financial position of the company" said Jeffrey urging Musa to be more responsible and to stop using politic in the administration.

"Even though the financial position of Innoprise Corporation Sdn.Bhd is strong and has a surplus of RM1.646 billion for the financial year end 2004, I, Jeffrey Kitingan as 50% equity shareholder in the company have the right to demand share of the profit of the company" lamented Jeffery.

"I may take a court injuction to stop Musa and his cronies from the administration of the company, a lifeline for Yayasan Sabah and to protect the credibility of its 38 subsidiaries, where I and the Board of Trustees have personal interest" said Jeffery.

With the present scenario, said Jeffery, Musa is a Hero invented by UMNO and the current financial position of Sabah Government is Zero.

Is he really a product of Harvard University or a clown? Is this the man that the KDM(KadazanDusunMurut) going to make their next Huguan Siou(Paramount Chief) ? Is this the man Anwar Ibrahim put all his bets on to help him form the next state government?

The rumor is, he would be taking on his brother, Joseph Pairin Kitingan in the next election and with the help of Keadilan, he would be the new Huguan Siou and Chief Minister.He also predicted the demise of all other KDM political parties. Bon voyage to Joseph Pairin, Bernard Dompok and Joseph Kurup.

It is a known fact and a Yayasan Sabah enactment that the Board of Trustees are nominated by the government of the day.

I will not elaborate on the absurdity and foolishness of his statement. I believe my readers are intelligent enough to make their own judgement.

Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest American Presidents once said.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time"

Take heed, Jeffrey.

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