Some of you might have read the book "What They Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School" where the writer Mark McCormack delved into the realities of the business world, things that you don't learn at business schools.The street knowledge that comes from day-to-day experience of running a business and managing people.The pitfalls that they don't tell you.I presume that's why the Chinese are more successful in business, they don't go by the book, they have entrepreneurial instinct.
McCormack never studied in Harvard, he got a law degree from Yale.Most of what he wrote in the book were based on his personal experience running a business.
More on our flamboyant ostentatious big spender who reputedly studied at the highly reputable Wharton Business School at University of Pennsylvania.
Wharton is the oldest business school in the US, is a member of the Ivy League and rated the No.1 business school in the world.In 2010 London Business School took the top spot.Harvard, better known here, is only second best.
Somebody, should write "What They Don't Teach You at Wharton Business School." How not to blow $160,000 in one night's party bash.
How not to be an obsequious sychophant and blow your money just to be seen sitting with those slimy and stony celebrities.How not to blow your father's money.Has to be, unless Najib gave him multi-million-dollar contract?
Unlikely ?
More on Jyo Lo below.
Asian financier looks to take on collection of luxe Manhattan apartments
November 05, 2009 09:20AMAn Asian financier calling himself "J. Lo" is reportedly looking to buy up luxe apartments in Manhattan's premier buildings with haste. Lo, who is currently renting a $100,000-per-month condo at West 56th Street's Park Imperial, counting neighbors like Daniel Craig, Sean "Diddy" Combs and Deepak Chopra, also recently signed a contract at the Park Laurel on West 63rd Street. He is reported to have paid nearly $28 million for the 7,758-square-foot spot that belonged to Israeli philanthropist Ephraim Gildor. Lo hasn't made an offer yet on the $31 million penthouse he visited at Trump Park Avenue, but he did bid almost $40 million on founder Todd Wagner's apartment at the Time Warner Center, which, unfortunately for Lo, isn't actually for sale. Wagner bought the 4,800-square-foot penthouse, once famously rented by Jay-Z, from real estate investor Michael Hirtenstein in 2007. Observers have noticed Lo's black Cadillac Escalades idling outside his current rental, where he's had shopping bags from Bergdorf Goodman delivered to his door. [Post, 1st item]
My latest grapevine revealed he is not Najib and Rosmah's friend.He is Najib's son friend.See below for some of his connections .
Board of Directors of UBG Berhad
Low Taek Jho
(Malaysian, Aged 27 years, Non-Independent Non-Executive Director)
So, no MBA, only ordinary business degree, only 27 years old and can become advisers to so many companies.Bet your bottom dollar all those companies are under the same stable.
Looks like, Sarawak a major contributor to Mr Lo's lifestyle.
Does that son'e friend relationship make any difference? It could be the connection to JL's extreme wealth. No one in their right mind would blow away their own money the way he does however wealthy they are.
Pak Tua
JL has been with Paris from S Africa to france and Italy and see what happens with Paris
Hilton lashes out at 'perv' snapper
AAP July 20, 2010, 9:58 am
Paris Hilton has lashed out at a paparazzo who snapped her sunbathing topless on a boat in Italy.
Paris Hilton has lashed out at a paparazzo who snapped her sunbathing topless on a boat off the coast of Italy, branding the photographer a "perv".
The socialite is currently holidaying in Europe and was sailing on a luxury yacht off the island of Sardinia last weekend.
But she was caught out when she stripped off her bikini top and was captured on camera by a cheeky snapper, prompting Hilton to blast the paparazzo for his shady tactics.
Taking to her account, she rages, "Note to Self - Beware. You never know when some perv paparazzi may be lurking and hiding on a fishing boat in the middle of the ocean".
It's the latest controversy to upset her holiday - Hilton was questioned by police in South Africa after a member of her entourage was caught smoking pot at a soccer game, and the hotel heiress was stopped at an airport on the French island of Corsica last Friday when police allegedly found her in possession of the drug.
She laughed off the reports and insisted she had not been arrested on either occasion, stating, "Just to put an end to these rumours. The stories saying I have been arrested are completely false"!
"I am having the best vacation of my life! What an amazing summer! I feel so blessed and grateful for everything. I Love Life!! Now let's move on and everyone focus and enjoy their own summer time! Love you guys!"
Millionaire Jho Low caught in France
Tue, 20 Jul 2010 10:34
By FMT Staff
KUALA LUMPUR: “Mystery” man Jho Taek Low, who reportedly secured the RM500 million contract to redevelop the Sungai Besi airbase (Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia), is back in the spotlight, this time in France.
The millionaire businessman, who is closely linked to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s family, was detained together with famed Hollywood star Paris Hilton by French police.
According to the French newspaper, Corse Matin, Hilton was detained at the Corsica airport after police dogs sniffed out her marijuana loot.
The paper reported that Hilton travelling with a personality who was “closely linked to the top Malaysian authorities” when she was detained.
If he can afford it,or someone foot the bill, who cares. Do you think he or his sponsors are so stupid to spend all those money without having in mind some big returns in the near future? Thats the problem with you, looking at just the superficial.
I'd say, J.Lo or whatever, good for you.
Maybe,writer should do some articles about multi million mansions of the rich and famous politicians in Malysia, and i guess he should know better. Or he would rather avoid that like plague?
Y Bhg Dato Sri Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib happens to be Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's son. Btw CMS is controlled by Taib's family as well. So he is more likely connected to Taib's son than to Najib's son.
I hve noticed that the crown prince was given much press coverage... So J Lo is not just friend with a son, but the future PM of malaysia.
Do not underestimate some of these young "Bigwigs"...
These people have their Global Elite Master Connections including here in Bolehland...
Some of whom are the "Tavistock Institute trained UK/US Ivy League University Educated" ....
Like Uni of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business & Int Rel....
Pawns of the NWO...
Tavistock Institute for Global Manipulation -
"This “institution” has graduated such *prominent* alums as Donald Trump, a shining testament to the "callous and glibly egotistical mercenaries" it churns out "to do its biddings."
Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, also “graduated” (one can only wonder how many favors Donald had to agree to do in order for that feat to be accomplished!) from this pretentious brainwashing center." Unquote.
The Global Shadow Masters are controlling Bolehland's (Elite & the Powers that be by the "Orbs/Juglars") high and mighty of society among their number - royalties, top politicians, government officials, bankers, business leaders, policemen, lawyers, judges, doctors, coroners, publishers, editors and journalists...
Their networks place their people in the major positions of power in all the areas they need to control to prevent proper investigation or to ensure that any high-profile case that does get to court always fails...
Compared to Bolehland's Elites & Powers that be...
These "Global Con-Sultans" do make "Big" things "Happen" Globally & in Bolehland with our Tax $$$...
International Con-Sultans....
Some of Bolehland's Corporate Chairmen & CEOs are in their pockets...Sime Darby, etc, etc, etc???
They just do some numbers crunching, "Create Niche Deals" for their Global Elite Masters ("to do its biddings.")...
As "International Advisers" to their Assigned "Targeted Victim Nations, Head of States, Presidents, PMs, Corporate CEOs, etc, Locks the Deal, get their "cut" and move on to their next assignments...
All organised & paid for/reimbursed by their "Masters"...
Just like any Global Corporate CEOs doing their job on Company's Service...!
So "No Worries Mate!"...
Just to share this...
One of the Malaysian/Global $$$ Bigwigs...
“…but when New Yorkers are scratching their heads over how you party and drink, oh lord, you must really be dishing it out. It takes some balls " to be flashier than Donald Trump" in his city.” Unquote.
• Just Who is Jho Low? « Est modus in rebus
Paris Hilton: Next Top Model? JUL 15, 2010 AT 02:42 PM
You be the judge.
DFW, Texas adalah salah satu aerotroplis yang paling sibuk di dunia. Di bandar-bandar Mid-Cities yang berdekatan dengan lapangan terbang antarabangsa telah menjadi tempatnya bagi berbagai industri aviation, termasuk syarikat simuflite.
Malaysia kerap menghantar kapalterbang-kapalterbang mewah pensendirian untuk diservis atau diperbaiki. Ini termasuk kapalterbang yang dipunyai oleh Yang Dipertuan Agung Malaysia. Kursus latihan juga diadakan disini untuk cara pengendalian kapalterbang-kapalterbang tersebut. Disinilah juga terdapat komuniti kecil dari Malaysia, dan Indonesia.
saya berkerja sebagai seorang Sushi Chef dekat sekali dengan SIMUFLITE, dan golongan besar pelangan kami adalah perkerja-pekerja dari lapangan terbang tersebut.
Baru 2 hari yang lalu, aku didatangi seorang jurulatih penerbangan bersama kawannya memakan di Sushi Bar. Hati aku tertanya sama ada kunjungan rombangan dari Malaysia untuk menjalani latihan pernerbangan, kerana biasanya member aku Zaid akan menjemput mereka ke rumah untuk mengeratkan lagi silahturahim. Melihat name tag di kemejanya, "SIMULFLITE TRAINER" aku pun sibuk melepak dengan kedua-dua pelangan tersebut. Dari diberitahu baru tahun lalu SIMULFLITE membuka cawangan di Kuala lumpur, dan Malaysia telah jarang menghantar pelatih-pelatih kesini........
TIBA-TIBA kawan jurulatih tersebut bertanya saya kenapa Malaysia begitu kaya raya. Dibertanya saya sama ada saya mengenali seorang peniaga berumur 28 tahun namanya J LO. Beliau merupakan seorang juruterbang yang selalu menerbangi J LO ke merata tempat di USA, dan di serata dunia seperti California, Las Vegas bermalam di Ceasar Palace bersama J LO. Beliau memberitahu kapalterbang yang membawa bagman ini selalu dipenuhi dengan arak. J Lo orang ini yang selalu belanja boros seperti wangnya tidak dimiliki beliau. Kerap ke negara-negara Arab seperti Dhubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, pernah ke Ka Chin pengunungan di utara Myammar berniaga junta mlitari disana. Pernah ke Zurich mungkin simpan wang haramnya? Diberitahu J Lo baru berkahwin tahun lalu, dan beliau berasal dari Pulau Pinang. Ayah J Lo bermastautin di KL, dan juruterbangan tersebut pernah memakai kapalterbang mewah untuk menghantar saudara mara J LO dari Pulau Pinang ke KL semamsa beliau berkahwin.
Sepanjang penerbangan di merata dunia, anak Najib juga kerap bersama beliau. Biasanya juruterbang tersebut diarah untuk mendarat ke Singapura sebelum ke Malaysia. J LO suka memilih mendarat ke lapangan terbang yang kecil di Malaysia dari khalayak ramai. Juruterbang kurang faham apakah perniagaan si muda 28 tahun ini? Bagaimana beliau mempunyai begitu banyak wang sekali. selalunya membawa beg-beg lugage yang besar masuk dengan berpadlock ke destinasinya, dan kebiasaan pulang tanpa beg-begnya. mungkin itu wang-wang tunainya kot.............
DFW, Texas adalah salah satu aerotroplis yang paling sibuk di dunia. Di bandar-bandar Mid-Cities yang berdekatan dengan lapangan terbang antarabangsa telah menjadi tempatnya bagi berbagai industri aviation, termasuk syarikat simuflite.
Malaysia kerap menghantar kapalterbang-kapalterbang mewah pensendirian untuk diservis atau diperbaiki. Ini termasuk kapalterbang yang dipunyai oleh Yang Dipertuan Agung Malaysia. Kursus latihan juga diadakan disini untuk cara pengendalian kapalterbang-kapalterbang tersebut. Disinilah juga terdapat komuniti kecil dari Malaysia, dan Indonesia.
saya berkerja sebagai seorang Sushi Chef dekat sekali dengan SIMUFLITE, dan golongan besar pelangan kami adalah perkerja-pekerja dari lapangan terbang tersebut.
Baru 2 hari yang lalu, aku didatangi seorang jurulatih penerbangan bersama kawannya memakan di Sushi Bar. Hati aku tertanya sama ada kunjungan rombangan dari Malaysia untuk menjalani latihan pernerbangan, kerana biasanya member aku Zaid akan menjemput mereka ke rumah untuk mengeratkan lagi silahturahim. Melihat name tag di kemejanya, "SIMULFLITE TRAINER" aku pun sibuk melepak dengan kedua-dua pelangan tersebut. Dari diberitahu baru tahun lalu SIMULFLITE membuka cawangan di Kuala lumpur, dan Malaysia telah jarang menghantar pelatih-pelatih kesini........
TIBA-TIBA kawan jurulatih tersebut bertanya saya kenapa Malaysia begitu kaya raya. Dibertanya saya sama ada saya mengenali seorang peniaga berumur 28 tahun namanya J LO. Beliau merupakan seorang juruterbang yang selalu menerbangi J LO ke merata tempat di USA, dan di serata dunia seperti California, Las Vegas bermalam di Ceasar Palace bersama J LO. Beliau memberitahu kapalterbang yang membawa bagman ini selalu dipenuhi dengan arak. J Lo orang ini yang selalu belanja boros seperti wangnya tidak dimiliki beliau. Kerap ke negara-negara Arab seperti Dhubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, pernah ke Ka Chin pengunungan di utara Myammar berniaga junta mlitari disana. Pernah ke Zurich mungkin simpan wang haramnya? Diberitahu J Lo baru berkahwin tahun lalu, dan beliau berasal dari Pulau Pinang. Ayah J Lo bermastautin di KL, dan juruterbangan tersebut pernah memakai kapalterbang mewah untuk menghantar saudara mara J LO dari Pulau Pinang ke KL semamsa beliau berkahwin.
Sepanjang penerbangan di merata dunia, anak Najib juga kerap bersama beliau. Biasanya juruterbang tersebut diarah untuk mendarat ke Singapura sebelum ke Malaysia. J LO suka memilih mendarat ke lapangan terbang yang kecil di Malaysia dari khalayak ramai. Juruterbang kurang faham apakah perniagaan si muda 28 tahun ini? Bagaimana beliau mempunyai begitu banyak wang sekali. selalunya membawa beg-beg lugage yang besar masuk dengan berpadlock ke destinasinya, dan kebiasaan pulang tanpa beg-begnya. mungkin itu wang-wang tunainya kot.............
He calls himself John Low! Goes shopping with Najib's son, Niza. Hails from Penang and the son of an established Penang businessman in construction. Went to school in Union High, Penang. He was the brain behind the 1Malaysia Development Board whom got funds in from Kuwait. His Kuwaiti henchman is one Hamad Alwazzan!! Notice recently that the 'master developer' of the TUDM base in Sungai Besi will be 1Malaysia Development Board. That's where he makes his dough by charging the Board a purported RM500million bill for 'consultancy' work, his usual modus operandi. Now, not the entire RM500mil will go to him but to his shopping partner / parents.
Gay partners kot!
Jho Low aka Malaysia's Golden Child..Good for him, not even an UMNO goon, so other people can justify his extravagance by saying he is qualified and deserve it as he worked hard for the money even though he is just 27 and just come out of University.
I hope no Subsidies from Malaysia??
If he hasn't already started, there's plenty of property H E R E he can cherry pick!
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