Sunday, April 3, 2011

Muslims Should Ignore The Mad Dog Pastor

Hantu Laut

I'll be damned if this Terry Jones is not a nut case.A maniacal idiot whose non-denominated obscured church with only 50 members is more a hate group than a Christian denomination.Level-headed Christians are not with him.

Muslims worldwide should ignore this mad man.

U.S. pastor says he will put Mohammed 'on trial' next as Koran burning sparks second day of violence, leaving 10 dead, 78 injured

By Daily Mail Reporter
3rd April 2011

  • Killings in Kandahar follow UN attack that left up to 20 dead and 83 wounded
  • Taliban claims responsibility for UN attack
  • Demonstrations against the burnings take place across the Middle East
  • President Obama appeals for calm but does not mention Florida pastor
  • Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish and Nepalese nationals among those killed

Despite clear evidence that his actions have led to multiple murders and widespread violence in the Middle East, controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones has vowed to step up his provocative campaign against Islam.

The radical pastor said that he was considering putting Islamic prophet Mohammed 'on trial' for his next 'day of judgement' publicity stunt.

His last, in which he oversaw the burning of a copy of the Koran after a six-hour mock trial, has been directly responsible for a wave of violence that began last night and has left 30 people dead and more than 150 injured.

Terry Jones

Don't blame me: Florida Pastor Terry Jones in his office at the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida. He says his Koran-burning stunt was meant to be provocative

A second day of violence in Afghanistan today saw at least ten deaths, 78 injured and at least 17 arrests as protesters clash with security forces in Kandahar.

There were also reports of attempted suicide attacks on a U.S. military base in Kabul, but these were not directly linked to Mr Jones's actions.

But the vilified pastor remains unrepentant about his actions, and has even hinted that he will take his provocative stance further.

He said in an interview today: 'It is definitely a consideration to stage a trial on the life of Mohammed in the future.'

Such a move would trigger further violent protests in the Muslim world - even in more moderate Islamic states.

Terry Jones

Unrepentant: Mr Jones checks his phone messages as the media has descended upon him. He has not apologised for his actions, and says he would do it again

Terry Jones
Terry Jones

Action and reaction: While jones remains defiant (and relatively safe) in Florida, outraged Muslims in Herat, Afghanistan burn the American flag as protests around the country and Middle East flare into deadly violence

But Mr Jones shows no signs of backing down, refusing to admit the violence is his fault, and apparently proud of his actions.

In an interview at his Dove World Outreach Center today, the pastor at least admitted that he was saddened by the Afghan attacks - but added that he would burn the Koran again if given the chance.

He told the New York Times: 'It was intended to stir the pot; if you don’t shake the boat, everyone will stay in their complacency.

'Emotionally, it’s not all that easy. People have tried to make us responsible for the people who are killed. It’s unfair and somewhat damaging.


Blood on the streets: Afghan protesters swarm into the streets of Kandahar as they carry a wounded colleague during a second day of violence to condemn the burning of a copy of the Muslim holy book by Mr Jones

'Did our action provoke them? Of course. Is it a provocation that can be justified? Is it a provocation that should lead to death?

Read more:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

TI:Making An Ass Of Yourself

Hantu Laut

Well done! Nazri, I for once agree with you.

Transparency International Malaysia is a donkey organisation headed by a jackass. If this donkey is a dumb-ass than I would excuse him because stupidity is a defect hard to repair but than he is not a dumb-ass and the only defect he has is his askew brain.Apple polishing someone's balls.

Wasn't there free and fair elections in this country?

Let me ask this brainy little man how he accounts for the BN near defeat in the March 2008 General Elections where the long-suffering oppositions captured 5 states and robbed the BN of its two-thirds majority if there had been systematic bias by the Election Commission in favour of the BN?

Even in by-elections, how on earth the oppositions managed to win almost half of the 14 or so by-elections so far yet this smart-ass conveniently closed his eyes and say there is no free and fair elections in this country.

If there was unfair advantage in this opposition's version of a banana republic because we have become as poor as a church mouse according to them, tell me, how could people like Anwar Ibrahim, his wife Wan Azizah, his daughter Nurul and over 80 opposition members get into Parliament?

How did heavyweight opposition leaders like Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and Hadi Awang get elected? If there was no free and fair elections how did Lim Guan Eng become the Chief Minister of Pinang, Khalid Ibrahim the Menteri Besar of Selangor, Nik Aziz the Menteri Besar of Kelantan and Ustaz Haji Azizan the Menteri Besar of Kedah?

As far back as 1985 in the Sabah state elections where little mouse Joseph Pairin's PBS demolished the mighty Harris Salleh's Berjaya in spite of the full force of the Federal government's support where Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad even promised to "sink and swim" with Harris.

Mahathir had to walk with tail between his legs.Berjaya was decimated left with 6 seats and the giant of a man Harris lost his seat to an unknown. Even then was there no free and fair elections?

You can give away million ringgits worth of sweeteners if the people don't want you, they don't want you.Did not Najib offer the people of Sibu million ringgits worth of development projects? Did they vote for his party?

Before I conclude I would like to ask this jackass to do some soul searching the next time before he spills his guts out.

I apologise for the harsh language but some people do not deserve better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Man Of Many Talents

Hantu Laut

Looked like Anwar Ibrahim is on the vanguard of another reformasi movement, given a new lease of life by the illicit sex video.If the tape is a true fake Anwar is king.

Rahim Thamby Cik misread the whole scenario, he has forgotten that Anwar is a better political animal than he is, one who can turn the table around and take the aces and give you the craps.

He has been drumming up supports by organising public rallies attracting thousands of followers and spectators and of course, the very thing he wanted to show Malaysians and the rest of the world, the brutal Malaysian police stopping his peaceful cheramahs.As Mahathir rightly portrayed in his book "When Anwar wanted to win people over, he could be very polished and charming.He could win over the strongly religious Arabs while being friendly with die-hard, anti-Arab Jews"

That's how good Anwar is in psychological warfare, rabble-rousing and bewitching.He has excellent interpersonal skills and can be very charming if he wanted to and just as nasty in the same equity.He collects friends as fast as he loses them.His impatience killed many of his high ambitions.The misstep costs him the premiership.

Remember! When he fell off a horse and almost broke his neck and had to use a neck brace for many months for the whole of Malaysia to see and took pity on him and prayed for his safety.

In his book Mahathir wrote that Anwar took up riding because he did.He probably mistaken a 'trot' for a 'gallop'. "Before he learned to ride properly, he started galloping.He fell, almost broke his neck and had to be hospitalised" said Mahathir.

That weaken spine of his came handy during his detention when he was again seen in neck brace for many months and the police was implicated.

Mahathir, over 20 years his senior have never had a fatal fall off a horse.Unlike Mahathir, horse riding or any equestrian sports had never been his passion. He rides for posterity.

During his time in UMNO, when he was Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister then and much involved in the youth movement where his main support base was, he picked up another sport, equally dangerous if your are reckless and impatience.

He took up jet skiing, a sport for the young and restless. There was a mad rush by the Sabah UMNO boys, some of whom did not know or have even seen what a jet ski looked like, to buy jet skis, to join their favourite leader whenever he visited Sabah then.Leading the pack was a one time Berjaya supremo/UMNO Likas divisional head, always seen with Anwar on his outings here.

I do not know Anwar personally because I have never been in politics, I only watch politicians.

I have only met one top politician twice, on trade missions to China and Pakistan, Tun Mahathir Mohammad, who was prime minister then.

In form, Mahathir, commands respect and is statesmanlike, even his gait is that of a statesman, unless, you are Lim Kit Siang or Anwar Ibrahim who have an axe to grin with him than you would not see him in the same light, he becomes a dictator and a tyrant.

I used to watch the going-ons from the safety of my 55-footer how the UMNO boys clamoring around him for attention.

Anwar is very charismatic, there is an aura about him that magnetise certain type of people to him.He can't be faulted for his extraordinary talent, that's how great leaders and great tyrants are born.Even Mahathir admitted how impressed he was with Anwar hence allowing his meteoric rise in the party until he found to his dismay that he would be the next victim of Anwar's glutton for power.The rest is history.

Impatience,recklessness and greed. That was the comeuppance of Anwar Ibrahim.

Majority of Malaysians are sold that the tape is a fake or even if it was not, say was an entrapment, Anwar would still deny and the whole world would believe him.

That's how good Anwar Ibrahim is.

Beware of Strange Bedfellows: The Curious Case of Gordon Brown, his Sister-in-Law, and the Rainforests of Exotic Borneo

By Rachel Motte

WASHINGTON, DC – What do U.S. presidents and British prime ministers do when they leave office? Usually they write their memoirs, create libraries and foundations, and– if they are Tony Blair– make a lot of money working for investment banks.

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has published his book, but has otherwise kept his head down since losing the British election a year ago, having by then become one of the least popular politicians in British history. Among the reasons for Mr. Brown’s unpopularity: he was blamed for the UK recession, he was seen to be a cold and aloof figure who had for years been plotting to take over from Tony Blair, and he also took the blame for a huge British parliamentary scandal that involved the fiddling of expenses by Members of Parliament on a range of personal expenses.

In 2009, Prime Minister Brown was himself part of the scandal. British taxpayers were unhappy when they found he had used their money to arrange for his own family to manage his personal housecleaning expenses.

That was when Gordon Brown’s sister-in-law, Clare Rewcastle Brown, made her first public appearance, having previously been simply the obscure relative of a British politician. She and her husband had accepted taxpayer money from the Prime Minister to pay for house cleaning bills. Her public defense of Gordon Brown, namely that she and her husband had just been keeping “a bit of an eye on him on the domestic front”, was not well received in Britain.

Fast-forward to the last 30 days. Gordon Brown and his sister-in-law have returned to the British press, this time not as bit players in a broader scandal, but as accusers of the local government of Sarawak, a tourist destination in the rainforests of Borneo.

The former British prime minister has expressed concern about the deforestation of Borneo as a result of logging, and his sister-in-law heads an environmentalist campaign with a host of allegations, including the claim that 90% of the rainforest has been destroyed by logging. As the two find themselves at the center of a complex Malaysian political feud, it’s important to remember that former presidents and prime ministers must be scrupulously sure to get the facts straight when they lend their names to apparently worthy causes.

If you imagine the picture Gordon Brown paints of Borneo, you might envision a barren landscape, raped and pillaged of its native beauty by the unceasing march of progress. The real story is much more complicated than either of the Browns would have you believe.

The former UK Prime Minister says deforestation has run rampant through Sarawak’s rainforest and “only five per cent” of the forest is left. That’s a startling statistic, and Clare Rewcastle Brown’s figures are even more alarming. Her activist blog suggests “less than 3% of the original rainforest remains.”

In an interview published this week, Sarawak’s Chief Minister Abdul Taib directly refuted these claims noting “the fact is more than 70% of our forest are still intact.” He also said that 14% of the state’s secondary jungle has either been replanted or is in the planning stage for replanting. As often happens in such debates, it’s likely the most accurate figures, which are difficult to measure given the density of the very rainforest that is supposedly in its last death throes, lie somewhere between the two figures. Necessary land clearing and cultivation has changed, but not utterly destroyed, the forest. This is perhaps regrettable, given Borneo’s incomparable wealth of rare plant and animal life, but it’s also quite good: people live in that rainforest, and those people must have roads, clean water, medical care, education, and a means to support themselves financially. They need clear, farmable land to ensure their own survival, and they have provided it for themselves. Whether they have always done so to the highest publicly acceptable degree is inconsequential compared to the ways in which these people’s lives have been improved and even saved by their cultivation of the land.

In the interview, Chief Minister Taib asserted that he had “nothing to hide” and invited “independent and international inspection teams” to come to Sarawak to document and verify the facts. He further emphasized that a considerable percentage of the cultivated land was being replanted and rehabilitated to proactively avoid the sort of deforestation that the Browns find problematic.

It’s odd that these complaints come from a figure well-known for his own shortcomings in environmental policy. Gordon Brown’s policies regarding aviation and planning were ineffective in Britain. He refused the advice of advisers who lobbied him to adopt energy saving measures by insulating homes and embracing renewable energy resources. Even Labour Party members close to Brown considered him a crashing disappointment in the field of environmental policy. Perhaps he feels the need to atone for his failures in Britain by asserting authority over the indigenous peoples of a far away island state—a strange ambition, to be sure.

Or perhaps he thinks he can benefit from the political power to be gained from interfering in Sarawak, which has just announced that it will hold state elections in April—though exactly how he might expect to profit is anyone’s guess, as his career is more likely to be harmed than helped in Sarawak. Read more.