Friday, July 11, 2008

Federal House Of Shame

Hantu Laut

The building below is the new Federal House also known as Mini Puterajaya, where most of the Federal departments are located.

This is one of those badly constructed buildings built by the Federal government.Sabah was not spared from this shameful actions of those given the projects.

Since its completion about a year ago huge chunk of tiles kept falling off its internal/external walls and ceiling.So far no serious accident or  injury has occured.The next time you are there it may be advisable to use a crash helmet, just in case.Keep watching the ceiling, it may come down on you, if you are unlucky.

In fact most of the federal-funded projects seem to suffer similar problems.Schools and hospitals suffered the same fate.

There were huge hospitals and schools built in the most unlikely places. Where hospitals were short of doctors, schools faced similar problem, shortage of teachers and surprisingly shortage of students too.If that's not enough, sub-standard materials and shoddy workmanship added to the pain and misery to those who have to use such buildings.

Some of them were projects just to line somebody's pocket with easy money.Many were built during our former Prime Minister's time.The one below was probably planned much earlier but built under the current administration.

Note the scaffolding.They are now doing repair work on the 
defects.They may have to remove the whole facade and replace
with lighter materials.More money?

Below is another shopping complex that opened it doors about a year ago.Known as 'Warisan Square' it is owned by the same developer that developed 1 Borneo.It sits smack in the middle of town. Most of the shops here are the same as those in 1 Borneo but smaller in size.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Poetic Sunset

                                   Click to enlarge

Hantu Laut

It's still no politics day.

Its kaleidoscope of colours can be most alluring, the changing hues of the darkening sky is like a cabaret in the heavenly sky.

It's one of the best sunset in this region if not the whole world.

Come to Tg.Aru Beach,Kota Kinabalu,Sabah where you can watch one of the most enchanting sunset.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Faces Of Kota Kinabalu

Hantu Laut,

I'll take the Prime Minister's advice and take respite from politicking in the blog.It's bad for your health and bad for the health of the nation.

Today is no politics day, will not touch anything politics the next few days.

I would be happy to give my readers a guided tour of my hometown, the ugly and beautiful Kota Kinabalu.
I will start from the new to the older 
section of this pretty little city.

Latest addition to KK skyline is the
biggest hypermall in Borneo, ONE BORNEO, a wannabe ART DECO that falls flat on its face, didn't have the decadence and extravagance of the Art Deco of Miami, nor it succeeded in its attempt to be the ecclesiastical Gothic architecture.

Don't be deceived by its outward 
appearance, this building would 
probably be one of the most
functional buildings in KK when it is fully completed.The shopping archade is well designed with good layout, similar to KLCC in Kuala Lumpur.

Many medium-priced brands have set up shops here.Interior well lit,well-dressed windows and looks expensively intimidating.

Many KL-based yuppy restaurants have opened their doors here.

Had lunch in one of them today.One that has a dome in its ceiling and serves a mixture of Western and Oriental dishes.Had one of the worst 'fish and chip' as far back as I could remember.Just couldn't finish the two big chunks of what I presumed must be the rather bland dory, an imported fish that had become common in supermarkets and restaurants in this country over the past few years.

Considered a good food fish in the West, but not exactly a gastronomic experience for the Asian palate,especially those who are voracious fish eaters.Maybe, fish is not its strong point, I am sure it has some other good dishes that I haven't had the chance to try yet. The interior is chic,clinically clean, the service fairly good and staffs friendly and attentive.

The complex once completed will housed two hotels and two blocks of apartments.

Budget airline Air Asia has opened its Tune Hotel and Tune Store in the complex.

The only problem the complex is away from the town centre, about 6 Km from town.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Government In Limbo

Hantu Laut

Yes!, I agree we should stop blogging at least for the next 48 hours as a show of protest to the appalling state of affairs we are witnessing every day, a nation in a state of chaos.

Of course I don't expect the government and the oppositions to give a damn what we bloggers say or do.For Anwar Ibrahim it's a crusade against a regime that had treated him badly and had found the only way to grab power is to use full force of the demagogue, which has, someway, brought him considerable success.His demagogic approach appeals to the rabble.

It's troubling and heart-rending to see how our politicians had taken politics to the gutter and the nation down the tube.The governed were helpless while the governance embroiled in multitude of scandals is wavering. A government lay siege to an equally appalling opposition who cares not whether the nation is wrecked as long as one man unbending craze for power goes unhindered. 

This nation is in crisis.The spiralling costs of living,rising inflation and an economy that soon will face the toughest period of its entire history will, left unchecked, drag the nation down faster than one could imagine. Rome was not built in one day, so was the economy of this nation.

We have a government more pre-occupied with having to defend itself against the onslaught of criticism and rendering impetuous responses without the oracle of wisdom.The opacity of its policies had been the cause of  its implosion.

The crisis of confidence has reached its peak. As much as those in UMNO refused to admit or believe the seriousness of the situation and much to their own detriment, it would not be impertinent on my part to say, if there were to be a general elections today, UMNO and the BN would not only be badly mauled, the chance of a wipe out is not too remote a possibility.

Although I am not a great fan of Anwar Ibrahim, this is the bitter truth prevailing at this moment.

For now the government is safe, the rebel MPs from BN that Anwar claims he has is just a tactic of psychological warfare he uses to weaken the resolve of those easily tempted by his promises.

It's better late than never and the situation can still be salvaged.It's time Pak Lah and his crew to take stock, ignore Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat, shape up and get down to serious work to restore confidence in him, the economy and his government.  

We can't continue to have a government lay in siege and in limbo.