Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kadazanpower, A Colonial Hangover

Hantu Laut

It takes all kinds to make the world go round.We are an island in the universe and a diminutive particle in God's greater scheme of things.We woke up in the morning as sure as the sunrise.Some, woke up with hangovers from the joy of intoxication.

Rarely, we woke up with..............aah...aah... a colonial hangover.

Some do.


About Me

Self-reliance, original, strong will power, witty and dignified, enjoy being around other go-getters, prone to self-centeredness and want to be first in all things, likeable, very persuasive...


Favorite Movies

What happened to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia?

Did the 'Grinch', stole it for Tadau Kaamatan?

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