Saturday, July 7, 2007



A religious man said to a whore, 'You are drunk,

Caught every moment in a different snare.'
She replied, 'Oh Shaikh, I am what you say,
Are you what you seem ?'

Omar Khayyam 1048-1122

A message for the 'God of Virtue' at the Perak Religious Department.
A message to all the Sultans to excerise some control over the 'God of Virtue' in their respective state.
A message to the Prime Minister to disband the 'Gods of Virtue' before they destroy this country in the name of Islam.

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil;
in its worst state, an intolerable one"

Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1737-1809

1 comment:

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