I got my copy of Mahathir's memoirs "Doctor In The House" today.Rest assured it will be consumed in no time.
No leader in this country, not even the blue bloods, has such stockaded belief in the Malay cause as much as Mahathir.Critical of Malaysia's first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman's leadership and of the weaknesses of the Malay race, he had been admonished, reviled and sacked from UMNO and resuscitated by the political fortunes of succeeding leaders.
As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, Mahathir is the most misunderstood politician in the country but still a prepondrence among the Malay masses. Loved by many but hated by politicians, in and outside his party, casting aspersions on his leadership.
A non conformist he is still dishing out controversial political views making him the approbrium of his poltical nemeses.
At age 86, Mahathir is still the maverick politician and very popular still.His blog and exoteric writing has attracted over 33 million visitors.People like Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang did not even dare put up traffic meter on their blogs.Anwar called him a blatant liar and suffering from selective amnesia here.
Who do I think the liar?
My bets!
It is Anwar. Suffering from 'pseudologia fanstatica' and is such a clever and consistent pathological liar he managed to fool majority of people in and outside the country of his innocent.
To prove his innocent he should now volunteer to provide his semen for DNA testing or put his money where his mouth is.
What about Musa Hitam and Ku Li, are they not going to write their memoirs ?
What is the actual issue? Why can't we Malaysians just let it be, as The Beatles say in their song. Why must we make such a big issue who Anwar fancies. Shouldn't that be hiws business? Are the rest of the Malaysian politicians sincere? Honest? And wife-loving species? Maybe some politicians would like to answer that. As far aas I am concerned, everyone is a crook as long as they are in politics.........God save us all. Just let it be.
What is the actual issue? Why can't we Malaysians just let it be, as The Beatles say in their song. Why must we make such a big issue who Anwar fancies. Shouldn't that be hiws business? Are the rest of the Malaysian politicians sincere? Honest? And wife-loving species? Maybe some politicians would like to answer that. As far aas I am concerned, everyone is a crook as long as they are in politics.........God save us all. Just let it be.
An Indian believing in the Malay course? You must be joking.
I don't understand why people from the so-called non-racial parties love to harp on Mahathir's racial background. Seems like racism to me. It has been explained many times that the Malay race is not defined through blood, but through cultural and linguistic adoption on the part of the speaker. The Malays have an open interpretation of race. Why begrudge them for that?
Ignoring the arguments on Malay definition of race, harping on the biological definition which nobody but them accept, while saying they don't care about race, yet attacking Mahathir as Indian, not Malay, but at the same time a Malay racist...it's quite confusing.
Or it goes to show that the Opposition is racist as well.
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