Only suckers would read and believe this blog with a penchant for prevarication,fabrication and blatant lies.
Only this blog reported Najib was snubbed by the the British PM, no British mainstream media or blogs carry such story. Of course, the pro-opposition blogs and news portal joyfully picked up the fabricated story from Sarawak Report.
The writer whom I presumed is the pesky lady with an axe to grin against Malaysia did not realised that it was the British PM David Cameron that invited Najib to visit Britain.How so can a host of his stature snubbed a state guest invited personally by him? Obviously, the writer, whoever he or she may be, is a pathetic liar.The headline is a slap on the British PM's face not Najib.It reflects the British PM as uncouth and unstatesmanlike.
Najib Snubbed By UK PM?!
The flash crowd that turned up to boo Najib’s event at Mansion House (the official residence of the City of London’s Mayor) was larger than yesterday’s outside Downing Street. They had been joined by Amnesty International, who have spoken out about the treatment of the Bersih demonstrators at the weekend. Amnesty commands considerable respect in the UK. The Malaysian [...] Read more.
Obviously, not only it is a blatant lie, but also bad choice of word.
SNUB = rebuff, ignore, or spurn disdainfully - an act of showing disdain or a lack of cordiality by rebuffing or ignoring someone or something
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (L) greets Malaysia's Prime Minister, Najib Razak, outside 10 Downing Street in central London
With Queen Elizabeth.
With all the evidence above do you see Najib being snubbed? Only the foolhardy Clare Rewcastle Brown and Sarawak Report dare to lie to serve their own political agenda and that of the oppositions.
There was no genocide in Malaysia, no reason for Britain to rebuff Najib.
What Najib did to stop an illegal rally was nothing compared to George Bush and Tony Blair, both have killed more innocent people and are still roaming free.These two war criminals should have been apprehended and tried for crimes against humanity.
Salam HL,
"George Bush and Tony Blair have killed more innocent people and are still roaming free."
Apt ending for blatant lies.
Thank you
Where's the picture with QE2?
That one is also not called snub. It's called Menyindir (Subtle rebuke)
Care to explain another story.
Her majesty is not the head of state for Malaysia so her choice of clothing is just that; she holds no sway to rebuke the pm. Nonetheless it is indeed a subtle kick in da nuts.
Semualah menipu. SR menipu, PM menipu. Mana yang betul, mana yang tidak? Tuhan saja yang tahu.
Bro HL,
No Najib was not snubbed. The British would not do that. They may "discuss" issues that are "sensitive" in private but they would not snub him.
However, I like the colour of Queen E's dress very much!
I wonder if Rosmah was wearing the "nice" ring & bangles that Najib bought for her when they visited with Queen E?
nothing to say much..
hate politics issue
tiuniaseng pukimalu hantu laut
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