Saturday, November 12, 2011

Insulting The Police, I Can Only Blame Anwar And Pakatan Leaders

Hantu Laut

Now Malaysians "sudah naik kepala" can threaten policeman with bodily harm or mock at them when you are caught breaking the law.

Even if he is auxiliary policeman he is the long arm of the law and have the same rights as regular policeman.In most jurisdictions they are empowered to make arrests for crimes that occur in their presence.

Watch the two videos and judge for yourself how rude and insulting Malaysians have become toward our police since Anwar Ibrahim and leaders of Pakatan Rakyat keep demonising the police force and other enforcement agencies of the government.

See how patient our policemen were. If they had been in America or even Britain, they would have been handcuffed, bundled into the police car and dragged to the police station and charge for hampering the police from discharging their duties.

If I were a policeman, I would do exactly that, arrest the girl and take her to the police station and charge her.

For that Hindraf arsehole (sorry if it sounds racist), he is an arsehole of the highest order, the policemen should have arrested him, beat him up if they had to, because he is violent and that's the only way to restrain him, handcuffed him, take him to the police station and charge him for insulting a police officer and attempted assault on a police officer.

The policeman should not have argued with the arsehole, they should just have arrested him.

Now you see why the police have to beat up this kind of thug.


Anonymous said...

I agree 299% with you bro.
Police should not bagi muka to this fuckers...

Anonymous said...

lain kali polis amik gambar diaorg plak, hantar kat youtube... lepas ni minta semua polis di malaysia ni kalu jumpa org2 ni nak kena bunuh ke ke rompak ke, kemalangan biar jer mamposss...mmg spesis mkn babi dengan minum samsu haram ni perangai skrg makin kurang ajar. hrp2 polis ambil tindakan tegas kepada org2 mcm ni. jgn bagi muka dan amaran jer mcm Hisham tu....

Anonymous said...

Why don't you blame Mahathir. It was Mahathir which politically used and abuse the police for his political ends.

People view Umno and Malaysian police in the same light. The police thinks they are paid by Umno and not the rakyat. Police shld work for the people and not waste their time serving the interests of Umno.

The second video shows the police using the work 'pukimak' on the indian guy. How would you react if someone slurred you with the 'pukimak' word.

Of course you Umno acolytes will always blame Anwar and PR. What's new. You have a blinkered eye..lah.

Purple Haze said...

I thought the police exist to serve the people and not the other way around ?

The policeman knew he was being videotaped and that in itself is not an offence, is it ? I would have thought it all the more reason why he should have been doing his job professionally.

If the person should have been booked, then he should be doing so in a professional manner. No need to mock anyone.

If you have done nothing wrong, there is nothing to hide.

Anonymous said...

"FOUR teenagers who went to a police station to lodge a report on being assaulted by a gang of youths were instead locked up and forced to confess to committing various criminal offences." The Star. Nov 12.

Selepas orang mati waktu ditahan, duit Ang Pow, duit Raya, rompak, ibu Melayu yg mengandung mati waktu rompak snatch theft di JB... Rakyat tak tahan lagi bang.. bukan aje pasal DSAI.

Solution: Beli Empat Ekor. Dah kasi numbor. At least ada harapan jadi jutawan. Hahaha atau menangis. The Great Malaysian Tragedy.

Tok Rojak

Anonymous said...

.. prosedur mudah, bila di arah ke balai kerana menghalang anggota pasukkan keselamatan bertugas,.. pastikan ianya di patuhi, kalau dah perangai seperti ini, sepatutnya bukan di beri surat saman sahaja.. polis kan punya kuasa periksa kad pengenalan dan lesen, panggil la kereta polis, gari tangan, simpan di lock-up 48 jam untuk siasatan,mana tau dalam kereta ada dadah.. atau minah tu tengah memandu dalam keadaan mabuk..lepas tu bawa kepada magistrate buat pertuduhan..(kalau pun magistrate lepaskan, sekurang-kurang nya dah tinggal di lock-up ) ini bukan polis bertimbang rasa, dalam hal tertentu polis kena tegas...lepas tu tampal gambar muka dia di notis di setiap balai, sebagai orang yang menggangu ketenteraman awam.. jika tidak ianya..jadi fitnah...bila dah jadi fitnah macam nie.... polis juga yang kena...

Anonymous said...

hello..asyik-asyik nak blame anwar and pakatan leaders..esok bila awak sakit perut pun salahkan anwar and PR leadres. apa punya Turr laa engkau ni. Bangang betui!Be objective and fair okay. God is watching you!!!

Anonymous said...

Komen Video 1: perempuan itu betul!kalau salah saman saja kenapa nak bercerita cerita lagi

Komen Video 2: 4 orang polis bantuan itu pengecut, si india ini saorang saja!

Anonymous said...

As you are a Hantu from Laut so you dont know what is happening in the REAL world.. try going to make a police report and meet a traffic policeman and you write differently next time...

Anonymous said...

The police men were not stern and hesitant in their action probably due to intimidation from the whore. Look like they were only half confident in enforcing the laws.

Anonymous said...

Polis-polis tak cukup 'ilmu' kalau ada baca sikit SOP atau tau sikit undang-undang pasti wanita itu akan ditahan kerana menconteng dokumen rasmi kerajaan dan yang pasti kedua-duanya boleh ditahan kerana menghalang penjawat awam menjalankan tugas rasmi.