Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hantu Laut

Many of us men would shrivel at the idea of calling our wives, mothers or sisters "BITCH", but not this Greek Medusa who is very proud and think highly of her father's philandering ways and for calling her mother and other women "BITCH". 

Obviously, a term of endearment in her household.

She wrote:

"Amateur philanderers like Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, Tiger Woods, and Jesse James have reduced themselves, their wives, and their lovers to widespread ridicule. These men might take lessons from my father, who has been obliging eager women since he was old enough to walk, by being unapologetic and open about their fondness for the fairer sex. You can’t blame a man for cheating when he’s never been anything but forthcoming about his manhood".Read more here.

Read more of her racist magazine here and her calling the kettle black, thrashing Paris Hilton here

Taki (his surname is a mouthful), her father, a serial philanderer, whose webzine carry his namesake, is a bottled racist and anti-Semitic, been accused by the Guardian of using ethnic slurs, investigated by Scotland Yard for his racial comment but no charges was brought against him. He spent 3 months in a British jail for possession of cocaine. This racist fascist named his dog after another famous fascist, Benito.....?,  if you are student of history you would know his full name.

(Taki, the playboy with another media goddess 'Greek Pudding' Arianna Huffington (Stassinopoulos) of the famous Huffington Post)

I had the misfortune of crossing path with Mandolyna Theodoracopulos in cyberspace in December 2010 when she threatened to take legal action against me for posting on my blog from her magazine an article on Julian Assange, which I actually linked back to her website, but didn't realised the link was broken. 

Upon receiving her threatening mail I immediately removed the article and tendered my apology. I would have done the same if she had asked me politely.

Would you call your wife a bitch? 

In the Taki's household ? Yes!

Many a true word is spoken in jest!

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