Saturday, March 29, 2014

Memali Outrageous Lie: Mahathir Was In The Air On The Way To Beijing

Hantu Laut

I was on the same flight with Mahathir on that fateful day and we were still in the air on the way to Beijing when a call came through the captain to inform Mahathir about the Memali incident. I remember it was somewhere in November 1985. 

Whether Mahathir had prior knowledge of the incident I am not sure.

I was a member of the trade delegation that travelled on the same aircraft as Mahathir when the news broke soon after it happened. 

It is strange that after so many decades Musa Hitam's memory was suddenly jolted to remind him that Mahathir was in the country when the incident happened. 

He said Mahathir was still in the country two to three days after the incident. This is certainly outrageous, Mahathir was in Beijing then.

Why did he wait almost 30 years to break his silence? 

I suppose, it's typical of Malay leaders when they have no more position in the party or no more appointee to lucrative position, they hallucinate in make believe stories, or lie through their teeth to save their own skin.

Is Musa telling a lie or has he gone senile? There were over 100 people on that plane who could testify that Mahathir was on the plane and not in the country, many of them were prominent political and corporate figures.

The following are some prominent figures on the flight to Beijing:

Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen........Minister of Foreign Affairs

Khalid the Menteri Besar of Selangor (my sincere apology to Khalid Ibrahim, if he was not there as I couldn't find his name of the list of delegates)

Moehamad Izat President PERDASAMA

Wee Boon Ping (deceased)...........Sarawak businessman 

G.R.Ismail (deceased)..............Sabah businessman

Marina Mahathir.........Tun Mahathir's daughter

The list will be too long to mention everyone's name.

I suggest Musa think hard whether what he claimed is true.


RD. said...

I agree with Hantulaut.
Dr.M was in China when Memali incident took place.

There was another thing that Musa seems to forgot.

Satu hakikat lain yang Musa Hitam tidak beritahu ialah, pada masa kejadian Memali, keteganggan kaum amat meruncing ketika itu. Di Sg.Way, ramai operator kilang sudah mula tidak datang kerja dan production terhenti. KL mulai lenggang kerana orang tak berani keluar rumah. Akhbar Melayu dan Cina asyik kutuk-mengutuk dan mencemuh cadangan atau menyokong kerajaan untuk menempatkan guru-guru Melayu di SRJK.

Akibat serangan Polis di Kg. Memali, keesokan hari, semua akhbar menukar tajuk utama mereka. Keteganggan kaum reda dengan sendirinya. (Pada 1987, terjadi lagi ketegangan kaum atas sebab yang sama, tapi diredakan oleh amukan Prebet Adam).

Pasukan polis yang mengempur Kg.Memali bukan datang dari Balai Polis Baling, tetapi Sg.Petani. Harus diingat, pada 1970~80an, Polis dan tentera asyik bergaduh dan ramai yang mati, terutama di bandar Ipoh. Tentera marah kerana ada yang mempunyai saudara-mara di Memali. Mereka juga marah kerana tidak diberitahu terlebih dahulu. Bila menentang komunis, mereka di minta untuk tolong, tapi dengan orang kampung yang bersenjata senapang tembak tupai dan parang, mereka tidak diberitahu.

Sehari selepas kejadian Memali, Balai Polis Baling telah di kepong oleh tentera-darat yang berkereta perisai V150, lengkap bersenjata dari Kroh (Pengkalan Hulu). Beratus orang askar telah menggoncang pagar dan mengancam untuk serang Balai. Ahli-ahli keluarga di 2 block penghuni, berpelukan, menangis ketakutan. (Saya tahu kerana keluarga saya tinggal disitu)

Musa Hitam bergegas datang dengan helicopter, mendarat di padang Jam (ketika itu Padang masih besar), sebelah Masjid yang dipisahkan dengan Jalan ke Kg. Lubok Pedati/Bawah Gunung, untuk mententeramkan keadaan.

Kalau tak percaya, tolong tanya Musa Hitam, benarkah beliau telah berjaya menyuraikan pertempuran antara polis dengan tentera di Baling, sehari selepas kejadian Memali?
Yang jelas Musa Hitam telah mengambil tindakan kejam terhadap bangsa sendiri untuk meredakan ketegaganggan kaum.

Anonymous said...

As we get older, senility creeps in. But then, why must the long held secret(?) be told in a forum attended by the detractors of TDM?
By the way other than being appointed to lucrative positions in GLCs, has the accuser made any significant, unforgettable contributions to the country and the rakyat of Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

What is happening? The retired should just retire and enjoy whatever that is granted by the All Mighty.....

Anonymous said...

Saya pun hairan dgn Musa Hitam. Things like this can be easily looked up, for instance newspaper archives.
Motif tak puas hati ke? Atau pun MH betul2 dah lupa?

Reader said...

AI looked up the archives of NST around that time shows the following events (I also posted this elsewhere):

Mon 18-Nov-1985 : Dr M holds UMNO supreme council meeting, spoke to press about elections. At night police personnel were stationed around Kg Memali and a roadblock was set up.

Tue 19-Nov-1985 : Police, FRU & PFF moved in at 8.30 am in the morning. The operation lasted until 1.30 pm.

Wed 20-Nov-1985: Dr M arrives in Beijing early afternoon for 9 day visit.