Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tribute:Steve Jobs An Icon And Genius Of The Digital World

Hantu Laut


The icon and genius of the computing world.The man who brought immeasurable changes and affordability to the digital and computing world.He only finished high school, dropped out of college after only one seamester and entered the business world at very young age.

Apple's first commercial.

This is the man who wanted to be a Buddhist monk and ended up being the world's most innovative and respected man in the digital and mass computing world.Came from a lower middle class family of his adoptive parents, Paul and Clara Jobs.Little is known of his biological parents, Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali, a political sciences professor from Syria.

His road to success has not been plain sailing.He founded Apple together with co-founder Steve Wozniak.His ingenuity took off with the launching of Apple II and later the Mackintosh.Kicked out of Apple when John Scully took over as CEO.

After being kicked out of Apple, determination and business acumen made him to start NEXT Computers and started Pixer together with Walt Disney that made him very rich.He returned to Apple when Apple bought over NEXT computer.The rest,as they say, is history.

His gadgets now have a cult following, particularly, the iPhone and iPad.

Apple has replaced its web page with full spread of Steve Job's photo.Apple unspoken tribute and obituary of Steve Job here.

Peace be upon him.

If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences,

please email

Apple's Steve Job Has Died

The man who brought to the world one of the most successful technoloical products has died. He left behind his legacy of the Apple II,Mackintosh,iMac,iPod,iPhone and iPad.His passion,energy and innovation for technology to improve our lives is immeasurable.

Deeply saddened by the passing of one of the greatest minds of this century.

May his soul rest in peace........Hantu Laut


Apple CEO Steve Jobs has died. Apple's homepage at currently shows a solitary photo of Jobs (see above) and simply says, "Steve Jobs 1955-2011."

Apple's board of directors has issued the following statement:

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.

Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."

Jobs has been instrumental in many of Apple's hit products, stretching back to 1976 with the Apple I and all the way to the modern-day iPhone and iPad. He revealed to Apple employees in 2004 that he'd been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent at least one liver transplant in 2009.

Apple has reportedly released a statement saying that Jobs has died of pancreatic cancer.

(PHOTOS: Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career)

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Appallingly 'Apple': Chinese Quality At American Price

Hantu Laut

Top brand, most innovative company, excellent marketing strategy ???

The whole world have gone technophiles with Apple products and yours truly included. I must congratulate Steve Job for doing such fine job of conning his customers with his high-end, high-tech but shitty quality products.

Why do you think apple (sorry for the lowercase) has insurance plan that can buy extended warranty beyond the normal one-year guarantee? Because they knew their products wouldn't last and with almost all components made in China you are guaranteed to get Chinese quality at American price.

Since about three years ago, I have gone completely gaga with Apple, iMac, MacBook Pro, iPad and iPod, almost the whole spectrum of Apple products, except iPhone, which I really don't need and refused to buy because I don't talk much on the phone.

The iPhone is not a work machine, other than talking,browsing and doing your email it's just a pretty show-off gadget.

I still believe it is technologically more advanced than most products of its kind but the people at Apple should seriously look into the quality and durability of their products.

It is most appalling that you woke up one fine morning, switch on your pricey computer and found out that some aliens inside the computer are doing nasty things to your machine.

Thinking, it was a temporary phenomenon I switch off the computer thinking like most computers I had before it would reboot or repair itself. To my utter shock it didn't. You can see the three coloured vertical lines on the screen.

My next big shock came when I sent my computer to an Apple's dealer to repair the machine.They call me the next day and quoted RM2300 for the repair.The machine is less than 3 years old and and it is certainly a factory defect which Apple should make good without charging its customers.

Other than the annoying colour bands all other components are functioning properly.So, I have taken back the machine and use it till I resolved the problem with Apple headquarters.

It is very disconcerting that Apple in spite of its high technological achievements couldn't be bothered with the quality of its products.It has many contract manufacturers scattered all over the world but most of its products are assembled in China.

Other than defective computers some of it's Ipod series of music players are equally bad with sound quality sounded more like cheap Chinese stereo box.

How in the world can such a famous company who claimed to be producing high-end technological products can deliver such appallingly defective and pricey products to its costumers is beyond me.

I have an 80GB iPod that sounds like a cheap AM/FM radio which I have since stopped using. I now only use my Korean made thumb size Cowon iAudio player than sounds like you are sitting in a live concert hall.

Chinese quality at American price?

That's what you get of some of Apple's products.The vertical lines phenomenon is not only peculiar to iMac but also exists in its other products.A friend had the same problem with his MacBook about a year after the purchase but he was lucky as it is still within the warranty period.

Obviously, I am not the only unhappy customers, there are thousands of them all over the Internet with varied quality problems.

I am in the midst of writing to Apple and see what they have to say about their overpriced junks.

That's America for you.

They already lost two space shuttles because of complacency and quality problem but the Russians, supposedly, with inferior technology hasn't yet lost any of its spacecraft.

So, the next time you fell in love with anything American think of the poor factory workers in China and child labour elsewhere in the world.

The American used them.Apple is or was one of them.