Showing posts with label Cyclone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyclone. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's The Singer Not The Song

Hantu Laut

Sabah, the poorest and most backward state in Malaysia seems to have the magic wand when it comes to giving away their money to charity.

Seemingly poor Sabahans are not so poor after all when it's time to give away their money for a good cause.This act of charity and compassion can be seen in many charity concerts/functions held in the state, where almost every function, no matter how crappy the show is, have been well attended.

It's interesting to note that the people of this poor state can be so generous in spite of being called backward and poor. Where the hell their money come from?They probably have stacks of money hidden under their pillows.

The recent cyclone in Burma and earthquake in China have brought tragic and massive deaths and destruction to people and properties.As usual funds were raised by the government and the media by asking the public to donate.

In Sabah, a local newspaper the Daily Express launched a donation drive soon after the disasters.To date it has collected the amount as shown below:

1.China quake disaster RM453,275.80

2.The Myanmar cyclone disaster RM132,484.00

The total collection is almost touching RM600,000. and would be closed on Thursday, 29th May.

Similarly, the Star launched its donation drive about the same time and has collected as follows:

1. China quake disaster RM 33,031.00

2. Myanmar cyclone disaster RM134,500.00

The total amount collected by the newspaper now stands at RM167,531.00

I have no idea whether there are other newspaper in Peninsula besides the Star that are also collecting donations for the two disasters.

Call it stupidity or good nature, Sabahans have been very patience with the Federal government over the issue of illegal immigrants for many decades. Now they have to suffer the consequences of their stupidity. There are more illegal immigrants than locals in the state.Many illegal immigrants have obtained citizenship by dubious means.

Just go to any towns on the east coast, Tawau, Lahad Datu and Sandakan, you probably think you are in Mindanao or Sulawesi.

Sabahans, for their good nature have become strangers in their own land.