Showing posts with label Devil incarnate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devil incarnate. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Devil Incarnate

Hantu Laut

Lies,half-truths and deception are the sauces of his existence.There is a devil in every men, some God forfend not to manifest, some do and some are:

the incarnation of evil, a betrayer has been born
the king of all deceivers, upon the throne of scorn
an enviable position of power, wealth and glory
to keep the key to the ignition of the purgatory
follow me and you'll succeed
my disciples, you're now a part of me

you reap what you sow, then you roll the dice
how could we ever know that it was the devil in disguise?

the pawns that made the way through this narrow path
for how long will they obey once they taste the grapes of wrath?
now, this wheel of fortune - it spins too fast for you
once it gets in motion there is nothing you can do

follow me and you'll succeed
my disciples, you're now a part of me

you reap what you sow, then you roll the dice
how could we ever know that it was the devil in disguise?

such blindness never seen in the history of man
dictators, rulers of their holy lands
scapegoat sacrified, gently led to slaughter
successor to the throne - the devil's own daughter?
Song Lyrics:Nonexist

A tribute to Anwar Ibrahim, the man who wanted to be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia and Condoleeza Rice who poked her proboscis where it shouldn't be.