Showing posts with label Double Six. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Double Six. Show all posts

Friday, July 23, 2010

Harris sued Yong Teck Lee for RM50 million: Federal Leaders Should Emulate Harris Salleh

Hantu Laut

Former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh is known for his no nonsense approach toward those who slander him. He had used the court process in the past to clear his name.

In 1983, while still chief minister of Sabah he sued one Abdul Jalil Ahmad and the printer of the book "Tumbangnya Harris Salleh".Harris won the case and was awarded RM100,000 in damages. The court's verdict here.

He has since sued the Labuan Development Authority for closure of his hotel in Labuan. An out of court settlement for undisclosed sum was offered by the defendant.He has also sued IRB for imposing travel ban on him for unpaid property gain tax.Harris claimed IRB had written to him confirming the transaction was non-taxable.The case is still pending.

Yesterday, Harris filed a defamation suit seeking RM50 million damages from another former chief minister, Yong Teck Lee as 1st defendant and SAPP as 2nd defendant for insinuating that he was involved in causing the "Double Six" tragedy that killed Tun Fuad Stephens and all those on the aircraft.

Harris said that Yong suggested that he conspired with others to assassinate Tun Fuad and several cabinet ministers.Some bloggers have joined the fray. More forthright, libelous and without constraint is an article here that openly implicate Harris in the plot.

Federal leaders should emulate Harris.Sue those who defamed them, not use arbitrary powers.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Razaleigh's Can Of Worms

Hantu Laut

Tengku Razaleigh has, unintentionally, opened a can of worms during his visit to Sabah.Politicians and bloggers bankrupted of more important issues took the opportunity to wake up the deaths.

Families of the deceased persons were not happy and have expressed their wishes to be left alone and asked that the case be put to rest and not raised again.

There are some people who think otherwise, for their own political agenda.

Relating his story on the oil issue and events leading to the 'Double Six' tragedy has invited subsequent unwanted dig from the past.The politicising of the air-crash tragedy on 6 June 1976 in Sabah by irresponsible politicians and bloggers out to make an issue out of something they haven't got a clue about.

New names that implicates past leaders and new eye witness account (reliable according to the writer) that have not been heard of before have been mentioned in a blog that carry a story of conspiracy and assassination.

Former Chief Minister Harris Salleh relationship with a man named Lee Kang Yu whom the writer inferred as the likely culprit that caused the tragedy was also mentioned by the writer.

How Harris and the family of the late Lee Kang Yu are going to take this new revelation I am not sure.

Harris has been known to take no nonsense against anyone slandering him.

The full story here.