Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Meritocracy Memang Cina Punya, Melayu Pun Boleh Jika Dididik Sepertinya

Hantu Laut

Every passing day we get all kind of nut cases in this country.

Before I get to the crux of the matter let us stop at Malacca where a huge controversy is ongoing on a faulty decision made by the new Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Idris Haron to close down Jonker Street. 

Why the need to close down something that has been there for 14 years, had become a tourist attraction and a heritage of Malaysian cultures for the world to see? 

Has the Chief Minister caught the Heng Jebat syndrome, or is he in a Malay dilemma for making such inconsiderate and irrational decision? Isn't he chief minister for all?

I always believe in "if it ain't broke don't fix it", if you do, other inextricable problems may come out of it, which is exactly what happened to Idris Haron. 

I have been to Jonker Street many times before, long before upgrading and after its upgrading, hunting for antiques as I like to keep old things. I think it is a wonderful place. 

What plausible explanation had Idris Haron given the people to close down such a beautiful street that embodied the multi-cultural heritage of this beautiful country.

Rightfully so, now the Chinese is saying it is "political vengeance and retaliation" against the Chinese for voting against Barisan National. 

PM Najib, I think you need to keep your boys in check before they do bigger damage to the peace and harmony of this country. One must not cut one's nose to spite one's face.

Now, let get to the crux of the matter.

A recent statement by a Malay educationist, one Ibrahim Abu Shah , a former deputy chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Mara calling on the Ministry of Education to restructure the education system to do away with MERITOCRACY and bring back justice to MALAY students, is, to me, an insult to the Malay race.

Adding salt to the wound implying that Malays are not able to compete on a level playing field, he and a group of Malay educationists asserted that the merit system have created CHINESE SUPREMACY in the country. 

That in itself is an admission that Malays are slow learners. How could the same education system create one race to become more superior than the other?

If this bunch of Malay educationists do not yet know, let me enlighten them that CHINESE SUPREMACY in education have always been there for as long as they have been around. 

Why are Chinese more successful? 

Because Chinese parents care more about education and will spend every penny to educate their children. I have seen Chinese hawkers, fishmongers and petty traders sending their children overseas for further study. They carry out their tasks indefatigably and saved every penny they could to educate the children. They do not waste time seeking government help to send their children for higher education because they know they won't be getting any. 

Ostensibly, not all Chinese are like that, but majority are, giving highest priority to education. Very rich Chinese do not even bother to educate their kids in this country, after primary education the children are sent to Singapore for secondary education and onward to other countries for their tertiary.Unless they have big family business to take over back home,  most of the bright ones never came back to Malaysia.

I always have had reservation about our education system, from primary to tertiary, whether it can prepare our children to compete in the global place. Not being unpatriotic but more being prudent about the children future, all my children were educated in Singapore for their primary/secondary education and in the West for their tertiary education. I am sure, if the occasion arises, they can find a job anywhere in the world.

In ancient China one have to sit for civil service examination before one can enter the civil service. The great Chinese philosopher Confucious asserted that those who govern should do so because of merit, not of inherited status. His notion sets in motion the creation of imperial examinations and bureaucracies open only to those who passed the tests

To help Malays gain greater height in education it is not by lowering the standard but by constantly raising the notches up to make it competitive for the Malays in order to put them at par with the best in the world. 

Unfortunately, our few learned Malays are looking the other way, to reduce Malays to become moronic students.

What's the point of churning out thousands of mediocre graduates that no one would want to employ other than a government that set up itself a middling education system under a gross misconception that it is helping it own race to achieve better educational standard. These Malay professors need to have their heads examine. 

It is common knowledge in this country that local graduates find it hard to get jobs in the private sector, which survive on being competitive and won't take the risk employing laggards. 

There are thousands of unemployed graduates, who are also their own worst enemies, they overrated their second/third rate degrees and won't take a 'stopgap' job while waiting for better prospect.

To the Malay educationists, I suggest "don't bring the mountain to Muhammad, bring Mohammad to the mountain"

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Najib Beware ! Do Not Talk Politics Today

Hantu Laut

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak will be attending the Dong Zong Chinese New Year open house today. 

Dong Zong is a Chinese education pressure group that have been at loggerhead with the government with regard to Chinese education in the country.

Anwar Ibrahim will also be attending the same function and will share the same stage as Najib. 

I hope both men will show civility of the highest order and refrain from giving any political talk that can give mischief-makers the opportunity to hijack the occasion to serve their political agenda. The organiser has the responsibility to ensure  no untoward incident will occur during the visit of both men.

Dong Zong's invitation to Najib is a move in the right direction, which may lead them to better rapport with the government on vernacular  education in the country. Malaysia is one of the very few countries in the world that allow mother tongue education to its minority groups.

Let's hope Dong Zong's invitation to Najib is with good intention. They must ensure that Anwar Ibrahim will not take the opportunity to take centre stage and politicise the auspicious occasion to accentuate his political image. 

Knowing Anwar chameleonic skill and with huge presence of his allies in the crowd, he can turn the table to steal the limelight from Najib.

Najib must not forget he will be in hostile territory and should refrain from talking politics.

It's best to talk about education and how best the government can improve the standard of education in the country and keep the speech short. 

Beware of agent provocateur in the crowd!