Showing posts with label Jewa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewa. Show all posts

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mahathir's Clarion Call:Boycott America ?

Hantu Laut

Hahahaha......Boycott US products? What a laughable matter.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad called for a boycott of American's products. Can we ?

Some bloggers have jumped on the band wagon and very excitedly bandied the former premier clarion call to stop buying US made goods.Easier said than done.

One over-zealous blogger have assembled a list of popular American brands we should boycott as shown in the box below.

For every Malaysians, our lives are very much immerse in two foreign brands which are almost impossible to avoid, Japanese and American.These two have made us unbearably dependent on their products.Just look around us if we can actually proudly say anything in our households are truly authentic Malaysian made goods, they are either Japanese, American or European.They may be made in Malaysia but they are not Malaysian products.Others, like the Korean and Chinese still comprises small segment of the all the products we used.

Those bloggers who supported Dr Mahathir's call probably forgot they are blogging on American products.If you boycott America than you have to stop using computers, computer's software and all the American made blogs and not forgetting the Internet.Can you? Our former premier probably didn't realise that he himself is a blogger and very deeply involved in using American products.

Even the list of products and companies prepared by the over-zealous blogger, whoever he is, is a pool of errors.Take for example the company L'Oreal.It is not an American company, it is a French/Swiss conglomerate.The major shares are held by the Bettencourt family of France and Nestle of Switzerland. Mark & Spencer is a British retailer with headquarters in London.It is not an American company.Carrefour is a French international hypermarket, it is not American. There are many more that I need not list here that are not American.Are we supposed to boycott the rest of the Western world too? Than you may have to stop driving your Mercedes,BMWs,Porsche and other European made cars.I understand one of Mahathir's sons hold the agency for Porsche, maybe, he can give up the agency too.

Maybe, we should try sanctions. Don't sell any of our products to them and see how long we can stand on our own two feet.

Don't get me wrong, I would have supported Mahathir if I find it practical.Likewise, I am very much against what happened in Gaza and have written two articles condeming America just few days ago.Going by the response the average Malaysians are not interested in Gaza or cares about the Palestinians, they are more interested in what going to happen in Kuala Trengganu on 17 January.

My guess is, it could go either way.