Showing posts with label Landslide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Landslide. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Social Pariahs

Hantu Laut

An uncaring minister, a loose cannon property agent and a pathetically disgraceful local council.Instead of providing words of comfort they showered the victims with discomfiting remarks.

Instead of sounding smart they sound more like they never had any moral education at all and have not learned the finesses of social etiquette, how to deal with people in time of death and tragedy.

Than you have those who are supposed to help rescue victims of the tragedy but have other agenda on their minds.There have been complain of rescuers who told victims to do the rescue themselves and some victim's properties were looted bringing more miseries to them.

The Minister of Information Ahmad Sabery Cheek had the cheek to say that property buyers should be equally blamed for the tragedy.I hope he can explain how and why they should be blamed.Another one, a so-called property expert and a loud-mouth,loose cannon asshole named Previndran Singhe rubbed salt into the wound by saying those properties affected by the landslide are worthless.Even if it is true do you have to say it now when people are still in a state of grieve and in mourning.

It is shocking that people of their positions can make such callous remarks without giving any due care and attention to the feelings the victims.

In time of death and tragedy the least said the better it is