Showing posts with label PDRM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PDRM. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Excuse Me Mr Home Minister Your Fly Is Down

Hantu Luat

If you don't ask sensible questions you are not likely to get sensible answers.

I wonder who gave the statistics to our Home Minister when he made a dire comparison of our PDRM with that of the NYPD, saying  that the police to population ratio in New York is 1:35 and in Malaysia 1:700, which means in New York 1 policeman serves 35 people.



He says we should not blame the Malaysian police for the rise in crime because there are just not enough police to police the country.Read here.


Not exactly!

Look like another request is coming asking for more money for the police force and the Prime Minister had indicated that he is willing to give whatever the police want.

Home Minister Zaid Hamidi should kick some asses in his office as the figures he quoted were incorrect.

Upon checking the NYPD website, I found out that they have a total force of 34,500 men and New York City according to the 2012 census has a population of 8,336,697, which gives a ratio of 1:242. The NYPD website here.

Checking the PDRM website to find out what is the full strength of our police force came to naught, I could not find any such information. As usual, like most of our government department websites it makes dismal reading.

However, forward regardless, not giving up, I eventually found the information in Wikipedia, which stated there are 102,037 sworn members of the PDRM, which takes to mean that there are that many in the police force and Malaysia has a population of 27,544,000 people, which gives a ratio of 1:269. 

Word of caution, Wikipedia is good but not error-free. So! if the Minister wish to dispute this figure he is most welcome.

I personally think the police is not understaffed, our police to population ratio is respectable, it is the will that is lacking in the police force. Every successive IGP did nothing to clean up the force of dirty cops. They only talk smart after they have left the force.

Not all cops are dirty, but there are enough dirty cops to give the force a bad name and these lowlifes must be weeded out. They have done great injustice to the people and country. Their misdeeds have allowed criminals to go on crime spree because these criminals know they get protection from some dirty cops.

The Home Minister and IGP should stop defending the police, instead, they should start cleaning up the police force of corrupt and dirty officers.

The crime statistic had made the police force indefensible of blame.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

In Need Of Major Overhaul

Hantu Laut

It's about time Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak take a serious look inside the workings of both enforcement agencies, the Malaysian Police and the MACC (Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission).

The MACC over zealousness of probing into the conduct of opposition politicians on the flimsiest of complain and keep their eyes shut on corrupt BN leaders is throwing spanner in the works.Najib good work will eventually come to naught if these selective persecutions are allowed to continue.The MACC must be seen to be fair and carry out their work without fear or favour.

As of now they are seen as secret police of the government which goes entirely against the purpose of its formation.People's perception, real or imagine, can make or destroy a government.

Both agencies seriously need major overhaul in mindset

Below is part of Najib's inauguration speech:

"In the coming weeks, I will be consulting with people around our country, as I begin to reshape the leadership and priorities of the Government. I am mindful that we should build on the successes and lessons of the past. It must be a government with new approaches for new times – a government that places a priority on performance, because the people must come first".

"I am aware that the people expect me to do certain things. Please judge me by my actions. My actions will come in due course."

The Prime Minister is trying his best to reach out to the people and he must not let these two agencies spoil his efforts.