Showing posts with label Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Susilo: There will be no apology for the Apology

Hantu Laut

The unschooled Indonesian media shit-stirring their President for apologising to Singapore and Malaysia, which was the right thing he did, unlike his minister who is equally unschooled in protocol and foreign relation, behaving like orang hutan.

From WSJ:

Indonesia’s president defended his decision to offer a rare mea culpa to Malaysia and Singapore for the haze that long-burning fires are sending into the neighboring countries, a move that sparked a small torrent of criticism in this country of 240 million people where the president’s image isn’t what it once was.
“Due to the fact the haze is from Indonesia, we take responsibility, and saying sorry in that context, to me, is not excessive,” a miffed-looking President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono told reporters Wednesday, a day after apologizing to Jakarta’s closest neighbors over a particularly bad spell of an annual conflict dating back to the 1980s.
Asked whether he had felt pressure to apologize after weeks of media attention and statements from leaders overseas, he said “What I’ve done in the past two to three days…is fully my decision.”
He made a point of saying that he would continue to press both countries on issues close to home: fighting for domestic workers’ rights in Malaysia and pushing for an extradition treaty with Singapore, saying the latter remained the home of many assets moved illegally overseas during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s.
Newspapers Wednesday and Thursday were filled with news of the apology, with many quick to criticize the president for a problem partly caused by the sizable Singaporean and Malaysian plantation companies operating in Indonesia, particularly in the fire-choked province of Riau.
Offering a contrarian voice, however, was the influential daily Kompas, which called the apology “noble.”
But in Dumai — a dusty, outpost town built on palm oil and timber where traffic lights are routinely ignored– the owner of a convenient store downtown offered the more common view across Riau.
“It’s embarrassing. Why does our president have to apologize to Malaysia and Singapore?” Read more

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Susilo: Mark Of A True Statesman

Hantu Laut

That's it, a mark of a true statesman. Thank you Susilo for your apology.

If it has come earlier, there won't be many angry Malaysians and Singaporeans.

That's the way it should be, as responsible neighbour we apologise if the mistake is ours, not insult our innocent neighbours who have to bear the brunt of our mistake.

You need to teach your Minister for People Welfare Agung Laksono tact and diplomacy. He behaved like a village tyrant.

I could not link the article on Susilo's apology, the full text below

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono apologized Monday to Singapore andMalaysia for record-setting pollution caused by forest fires in his country.
"For what is happening, as the president, I apologize to our brothers in Singapore and Malaysia," Yudhoyono said. He asked for their understanding and said Indonesia is working hard to fight the fires, which are often set by farmers to clear fields.
Jakarta dispatched planes and helicopters last week to battle the blazes in peat swamp forests as well as plantations in Riau province on Sumatra island, where the smoke easily drifts across the sea to the two neighboring countries.
Speaking at a news conference after a Cabinet meeting to discuss the issue, Yudhoyono said he has ordered an investigation of the fires.
"There should be a thorough investigation. In my analysis, there are both natural and human factors," he said, adding that the wind direction has caused the smoke to concentrate in Singapore and Malaysia.
Malaysian declared a state of emergency on Sunday in a district where the haze triggered one of the country's worst pollution levels, while Singapore has urged people to remain indoors due to "hazardous" levels of pollution.
Last week, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono slammed critical comments by Singaporean officials about the haze, saying they should have been conveyed through diplomatic channels instead of publicly.
"Singapore should not act like children, making all that noise," he said. 
Also Monday, Minister of Transportation Evert Ernest Mangindaan warned all airlines about dangerous flying conditions in Jambi, Riau and Bengkulu because of the haze.
He said any aircraft flying in the areas must first obtain permission from Air Traffic Control. Yahoo.