Showing posts with label Tg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tg. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's The New Mayor, Stupid!

Hantu Laut

Sunset at Tg.Aru Beach

I am not a friend of the former mayor nor the new mayor.What I am putting here is honest-to-goodness talk about the worsening state of affairs at Tg.Aru Beach, Kota Kinabalu.

I fully agree with the article here on the state of neglect of the beach by DBKK.

It has become worse with the present south westerly wind that brought and deposited debris from the water on to the beach.It has also become worse since the new mayor took over.This beach is only about 3 kilometres long yet the Mayor found it difficult to clean up.

Eyes behold the amount of garbage strewn the full stretch of the beach making it looking more like a rubbish dump rather than a beach.

In the past DBKK used to send workers to clean up the beach quite regularly.Below are photos I took about two years ago of DBKK workers cleaning up the beach.

They even dug into the sand to remove shallowly buried plastic bags.It is now history.It is now left to nature to take its own course.

There have been cases of mugging and every Sundays hordes of "Mat Rempit" would be on their "Cap chai" terrorising beach goers and endangering children playing on the beach.They came in a big group so no one dare to stop them from doing their dangerous stunts on the beach.

It's about time DBKK wakes up and the police step in and nap these monkeys.