Showing posts with label Valentine Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine Day. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine:No Skin Off My Nose

Hantu Laut

Happy Valentine!

Do not join the rank of the ignorant louts.

Yes, Valentine has its root in Christianity but it is no more a Christian celebration, nor does it encourage vices or sexual liaison.

Her knowledge of history, if anything to go by, is pathetic.Her fallacy of composition is reprehensible.

Vices are not just the domain of Christianity, vices have large following in every religion including Islam.

It is fine for her to tell Muslims not to celebrate Valentine Day but to mislead her followers by making up her own version of history is absolutely disgraceful.

She portrayed Christians as being licentious and immoral.

Below, is a video of a sermon by Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah urging Muslims not to celebrate Valentine Day as it is considered haram in Islam.

I will not disagree with her on this but why desecrate another religion to prove a point?

First she mentioned about the Romans worshipping the Goddess of Love and related that to Christianity.The religion was not yet born at that time.

Pre-Christian Rome practised polytheism.Christians are monotheists and worship only one God.Than she went on to say Saint Valentine helped in the invasion and downfall of Cordoba.Wonder which history book she read?

Saint Valentine existed around AD 269 and Islamic Spain or Cordoba was between AD 711-1492.There was a gap of almost 500 years between the two.The last Islamic rule of Cordoba was the Almoravid Era between 1030-1130 and then, thereafter, a period of decline ending in 1492.

Not likely that the dead Saint Valentine rose from his grave and helped the Christians to capture Cordoba.

In spite of her pitiful knowledge of history this lady has huge following on facebook.
She has more followers than Anwar Ibrahim and his wife Wan Azizah put together.
Also read:

Malaysian Muslims warned against Valentine's Day

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine Day:Licentious Christians

Hantu Laut

Some people think they are holier than thou.This is most unnecessary.

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 11 — Both the city Islamic Department (Jawi) and Selangor Islamic Department (Jais) have banned Muslims from celebrating Valentine’s Day, calling it a Christian tradition in a Friday sermon delivered in mosques today.

Valentine’s Day falls on February 14, next Monday, and generates revenue for restaurants, hotels and retail businesses.

“It is celebrated in many ways, starting with greeting cards, flowers and dance parties. In fact some celebrate it with a date which would eventually lead to illicit sex,” said the sermon prepared by the Selangor’s Islamic authority.

“Clearly the celebration is not part of Islamic teaching, it violates the syariah and contradicts the universal code of ethics,” it added.

Citing the Catholic Encyclopaedia, the sermon claimed Valentine’s Day is celebrated to honour a Christian priest who was imprisoned in Rome for his belief and remembered for his love letters addressed to the daughter of prison official.

“Clearly the celebration of Valentine’s Day is related to the incident, so as a Muslim who believes in Allah and accepts Muhammad as the messenger, is it appropriate for us to celebrate Valentine’s Day?” said the sermon.

Jais pointed out that there were 257,411 births out of wedlock between 2000 and 2008, and blamed Valentine’s Day celebration as one of the causes.

“Therefore every Muslim, especially teenagers, must abandon the tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day, which was meant to corrupt the Musim community,” it said.

“Remember that the Jews and Christians would continue to deceive Muslims. They will do everything undermine the Muslims’ belief and personality,” said the sermon.

Jais also called on the media and social networking sites not to promote Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day, an annual commemoration of love and romance, and is celebrated the world over on February 14, but a 2005 religious ruling by the National Fatwa Council said the celebration has Christian elements and the “practice is mixed with immoral acts contradictory and forbidden by Islam.” Read more.

Yes! Kill Valentine Day

Hantu Laut

Though it has its root in Christianity and been around for yonks I don't think Valentine Day has any more religious significant as much as Father's Day, Mother's Day, Secretaries Day and litany of other foolish days of celebration manufactured by the hospitality industry.

I have never celebrated Valentine Day and have no wish to as I find it rather bemusing that one have to pick this particular day to express one's love to the other person.We can express our love and affection to the person whom we love anytime of the year.Valentine Day, like any other, is purely commercialised, the day the hospitality people want to take money out of your pocket.

For those who are ignorant and still symbolises it with Christianity be rest assured it has been removed from the Roman calender of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, though religious observance is still permitted it has lost its Christian analogy.

There was no romantic element present in the early medieval biographies of these Christian martyrs and if you don't already know there were three different St Valentine ambiguously linked to Valentine Day and none of them has a lover.

Apart from the name nothing is known about Saint Valentine except one of them was buried on the
Via Flaminia on February 14.Due to uncertainty of its origin the Roman Catholic Church decided to have it removed from religious observance.

If ignorance is bliss than I don't blame PAS Youth of becoming self appointed morality police and Jakim for wanting to kill Valentine Day.

Muslim couple are prohibited from expressing love and affection as long as they remained unmarried.Even if you are married you can't express them in public places, our love, basically, is relegated to the bedroom, or, if you are unmarried, in some lair away from the probing eyes of the 'morality police'.

Yes, go ahead kill Valentine Day, we would have less unwanted babies ?