Showing posts with label Xenophobic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xenophobic. Show all posts

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Weaselling Aussie, A Dead Ringer Of Xenophobia

Hantu Laut

Even his name is a dead ringer of xenophobia. A person you would love to hate because he waddles in places he has no business at all. A nosey parker of sort fooled by the obsecration of the crafty and treacherous Anwar Ibrahim that his country electoral process is the dirtiest in the world. 

A power seeking bounder that will do anything, including running down his own country in order to usurp political powers without, due care and consideration, for the security and safety of the people and nation. 

He has organised street protests through proxies to destabilise an elected government. He promised an "Arab Spring" type uprising if his Pakatan Rakyat loses the general elections, which is very likely, if one is to judge by the desperate warp and woof of Pakatan leaders, running out of substance, recycling old garbage to run the last mile to the finishing line.

Walk in a dunce from Down Under who thinks he can help save this country and deliver it to his buddy Anwar Ibrahim. 

A stupid Aussie lawmaker who took Anwar's bait hook, line and sinker without ever contemplating how in hell Anwar and his 'coalition of willing' could have taken away 5 state governments and 82 MP seats from the ruling Barisan Nasional and subsequently won 8 out of 11 by-elections, if the electoral rolls are as dirty as he claimed them to be. 

If, anything, the BN must have cheated themselves to try lose a general elections. There were badly battered in the March 2008 General Elections.

I have written about this man once, but will not put more pen to paper on this weaselling Aussie, who wants to weasel his way into Anwar's arm at the expense of this nation.

No, we wouldn't let him has his ways, as a sovereign nation we have the right to throw him out. 

Good riddance, matey, you asked for it!

Here he is..... fed up with his own Foreign Minister Bob Carr for lack of support of his stupid mission.

On fact finding mission?  Liar! 

He came here to lend partisan support to his buddy.

Here,  is what one of his country men has to say of him. Read more  at Rocky's Bru.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mr Xenophon Giving Malaysians Xenophobia

Hantu Laut

A raging controversy ensued over NST aberrant reporting of Australian Senator Nicholas Xenophon's speech in the Australian parliament in 2009 portraying him as anti-Islam.

 Xenophon is a close friend of Anwar Ibrahim, who invited him to witness Bersih 3 in action, demanding for free and fair elections, a tragic irony, because the oppositions almost unseat the sitting government in march 2008, so how can it be, not free and fair?

His criticism was against the Church of Scientology, not Islam, as mistakenly published by NST, which do not speak well of its editorial prowess.

Mr Xenophon said "Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs". 

The Church of Scientology was created by L.Ron.Hubbard,  teaching that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature.It is recognised as tax-exempt religion in the U.S. and many other countries. Mainstream religions consider it as a cult.You may have to pay exorbitant fees for its spiritual services.

This is Mr Xenophon personal opinion not shared by his other colleagues. Read more below.

Scientology cult is a criminal organisation

In spite of retraction and apology from NST this sullen Aussie is going ahead with legal action against NST quoting that his life is now in danger from Muslim extremists.

Since his arrival in Malaysia, many Malaysians are suffering from Xenophobia, suspecting all foreigners coming to Malaysia are trying to topple the duly elected government. 

Obviously, Anwar Ibrahim is not Xenophobic.He loves the Occident.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Xenophobic Singaporeans

Hantu Laut

Xenophobia is defined as "fear or hatred of foreigners and strangers"

Xenophobia can manifest in many forms, fear of losing one's identity, fear and hatred for other culture, suspicion and aggression are just some of the irrational fears of a xenophobic person.

The working class Singaporeans are suffering from this malady complaining of losing jobs to foreigners.

Singapore has an open door policy for Chinese from mainland China.They are in coffee shops, in shopping malls, in supermarkets, at gas stations, at construction sites and populating or polluting the much-loved open-air food courts called hawker centers.

Their presence are also felt in five-star hotels.A recent encounter found a Mandarin-speaking maid who could not comprehend a word of English. To add to the woes, Singapore's two bus companies have been hiring drivers from China.

My stay at two major hotels in Singapore late last year confirmed the fear bewailed by Singaporeans.Almost all the housekeeping staffs came from China.

A police report was lodged against a Filipina for what was construed as insults to Singaporeans on remarks she posted on Facebook in defence of PAP Malaysian MP Penny Low admonished by Singaporeans for looking at her cellphone while the national anthem was being played.

Is it a crime to call someone "incompetent"?

A police report has been made against Ms Rachelle Ann Beguia, who incurred the ire of many netizens with her comments on MP Penny Low’s Facebook wall.

Ms Beguia sparked a massive outcry among netizens by posting a series of derogatory comments belittling Singaporeans in her zeal to defend PAP Malaysian MP Penny Low who was under heavy criticisms herself for looking down at her handphone when the National Anthem was played during the National Day Parade.

The National Heart Centre where Ms Beguia is employed as a clerk also said that they will conduct an official enquiry into the “insensitive” comments made by Ms Beguia.

According to the complainant who lodged the report online, he will be meeting the IO (Investigating Officer) today (Aug 12).

Ms Beguia has since apologised for her comments in a Facebook post yesterday (Aug 11) saying:

“I am very sorry for the insensitive comments I have posted earlier. It was a lack of judgement. For those who have been hurt by those comments. I am very sorry once again.”

The latest saga came barely two weeks after another ‘FT” Wang Peng Fei from China was expelled from his school for making racist remarks against Malay ladies in a self-made video clip as social tensions between Singaporeans and foreigners continue to rise due to the PAP’s unthinking and indiscriminate pro-foreigner and mass-immigration policies.

Mr Wang managed to “breeze” out of Singapore right under the police’s nose.

In the meantime, a group of Singaporeans plan to gather at National Heart Centre on Mon 15 Aug 2011 at 12 – 2 pm (lunch hr) dress in black to protest against Ms Rachelle’s comments and to demand that NHC sack Ms Rachelle immediately.

Below is what trigger off the sensitivities of Singaporeans.

Rachelle Ann Beguia: Singaporeans are INCOMPETENT!

In a sign that Singaporeans are losing their dignity in the eyes of foreigners, a Filipino ‘FT’ Rachelle Ann Beguia openly called Singaporeans ‘incompetent’ on the Facebook of PAP MP Penny Low from Malaysia.

Ms Rachelle was responding to a comment posted by a Singaporean on foreigners snatching jobs and flats from Singaporeans to which she replied callously:

“If foreigners can come and snatch your (Singaporean) jobs and flats it only shows one thing…how incompetent you are.”

Her comment appeared to be endorsed by Ms Low as she did not bother to delete it though she had a busy day yesterday deleting comments posted by Singaporeans lampooning her for not respecting the National Anthem.

Ms Rachelle also admitted readily that she is ‘bootlicking’ Ms Low because it ‘benefits’ her. It is not known what assistance Mrs Low is giving Ms Rachelle, if any. Foreigners usually seek PAP MPs’ help in PR and citizenship application or in obtaining social visit passes to bring their entire families to reside in Singapore.

According to information posted on Ms Rachelle’s Facebook, she graduated with a Bachelor in Community Health Service from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, a University in the Philipines.

She came over to Singapore to study for a diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management at ERC Institute, a private school.

It was revealed online by a netizen that Ms Rachelle is currently working as a clerk at the Medical Record Office of National Heart Centre. Her manager is Ms Angela Ho who can be contacted at 64367648, email:

Ms Rachelle’s remarks should not come as a surprise due to the PAP regime’s groveling of foreigners and constant exhortations to Singaporeans to ‘embrace’ them with an ‘open heart’.

During his recent National Day Rally, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong implored Singaporeans not to turn ‘negative’ on foreigners.

Due to the PAP’s pro-foreigner and ultra-liberal immigration policies, the number of foreigners now make up 43 percent of Singapore’s population, up from 14 percent in 1990. Of the remaining 57 percent who are so-called ‘citizens’, an increasing number are born overseas.

It is not known if Ms Rachelle is a Singapore PR or citizen, but no prizes for guessing who she will vote for in GE 2016 if she becomes a new Singapore citizen by then.

With the repressive PAP regime losing support from native Singaporeans, it is following the cue from Malaysia’s UMNO in mass-importing and fast-converting foreigners into instant ‘grateful citizens’ in exchange for their votes.

Read more here.