Friday, July 16, 2010

Teoh's Family Unfortunate Victim Of Muck Racking Politics

Hantu Laut

This is the standard of Malaysians politicians and even worse the standard of journalism in this country, falling prey to muck racking politics.

I do not approve of the way MACC conduct its business nor do I subscribe to the idea that they be given the power to prosecute but one must be able to draw a line between what's right and what's wrong.

First, Kit Siang complaining why the press release by MACC was only in Mandarin is pathetic and scrapping the bottom of the barrel.MACC has the right to decide in whatever language it wishes to convey the message.Obviously, it wanted to cover the wider Chinese community where the main grievances are and naturally Mandarin would be the language of choice.

As a matter of curiosity, since when has Kit Siang been championing the Malay language?

Lee Lan continues to struggle for justice for Beng Hock. — Picture by Choo Choy May

It is obvious that Teoh's death has been much politicised and is still fodder for the opposition's propaganda machine.

Beng Hock’s mother (second right) is still unable to accept her son’s death. — file pic
"While she has been inducted into the Teoh family in a traditional Chinese ceremony last year — which accords her the same rights as if she was officially wedded to Beng Hock — finances remain a concern with their working class background." reported the Malaysian Insider.

Finances have always been the problem of million of working class Malaysians.Would the DAP starts trust funds for all of them?

What about those families where the bread winner died out of illness, accident or murdered and the families have no more source of income.Would the DAP set up trust funds for them?

I challenge Kit Siang and the DAP to do so for each and every deserving case from now on, to raise donations for trust funds for families with no means of livelihood.

Malaysians are easily duped and hoodwinked by politicians in furtherance of their own selfish political agenda.

Removing Subsidies, Doing The Right Thing

Hantu Laut

I hope this would be the beginning of the end of spoiling Malaysians with all those subsidies and the beginning of taking the nation to higher level. The Prime Minister is doing the right thing to do away with the subsidies in phases so as not to burden the people.

Removing the subsidies must be replaced by increase in income for the people.Malaysia must move out of the low-cost mindset and into higher productivity and higher per capita earning.

Malaysians still have low productivity compared to places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. These are the countries we should be using as our yardstick to higher productivity and better growth.

The "omong-omong kosong" culture during working hours are some of the reasons for low productivity. Malaysians have the tendency to while away instead of while-you-wait in performing their tasks and the biggest culprits are public servants.

Increase wages but make sure they give back in return better output.The PM should also assure Malaysians that the saving would not be wasted on cronism and corruptions.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Keuntungan Felda Dan Sime Darby Memalukan Bumiputra

Hantu Laut

You don't need to be an accountant or an economist to know there is something very wrong in Felda if what was published here are factual information that can be relied on.A businessman with some good experience can tell by looking at the figures that there is something very wrong not only with Felda but the juggernaut Sime Darby is equally suffering from blossom blight.

Racism Rears Its Ugly Head

Hantu Laut

We screamed,we shouted, we wrote and we accused each other of racism.The non-Malays accused Perkasa of being racist, perpetuating a racist agenda and Ibrahim Ali as the mother of all racists.

The Malays accused the DAP as a Chinese racist party spearheading a chauvinist Chinese agenda and Lim Kit Siang as the mother of all chauvinists.

We think America, the US , is free of racism. Watch the video below and see what true racism is all about.

"Islamophobia!" says one man.

"A terrible mistake. A mosque, a monument of terrorism" says one lady.

A mosque, a monument of terrorism?

Never heard of that before.

Surely! a little learning is dangerous.

What has building a mosque got to do with 9/11 ?