Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Are The Chinese Overly Sensitive, Or Politicking ?

Hantu Laut

Malays are seldom racists, misguided maybe, but there is no inherent racism in them. Ibrahim Ali and those of his ilk is a different kettle of fish.Even they are not racists, they are just very angry Malays.

Ismail Sabri's choice of word may not be pleasing to some people's ears, but he made a very specific and profound statement...."boycott the Chinese traders who refused to lower prices" , the emphasis was on "those who refused to lower prices"

If people have not read between the lines there would not be a problem, or allegation of racism. He did not say boycott all Chinese traders, just those who refused to lower prices.

Can you blame him?

Let's get our perspective right, the reality, almost 90% of retail businesses in this country are in the hands of the Chinese in urban and semi-urban areas and the majority of consumers are Malays/Bumiputras with limited spending power. 

The non-Chinese outlets are minute, insignificant and immaterial to mention.

Sometimes, when push comes to shove, bluntness get noticed.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

BN Will Lose The Next Elections ?

Hantu Laut

Anwar say he is firm in opposing electoral fraud, corruption and racism.

It's about time someone tell him, in no uncertain term, to stop  his charade and call a mea culpa, smoke a peace pipe, or be a gentleman and accept defeat graciously.

Everything of what he said is true, there were corruptions, there were racism and there were some cheating in the elections, but not the way he portrays them. 

Corruption is nothing new, been rampant since his time in UMNO and electoral fraud twiddling with the electoral boundaries, which he never complained before when he was riding high in UMNO everything was hunky-dory then and not forgetting he was also charged and found guilty of corruption. The court only overturned his sodomy sentence. 

Gerrymandering is not an election offence. The electoral boundaries need to be redrawn every eight years and Malaysia's population in rural areas are sparsely distributed making equitable distribution of voters per constituency the same as urban areas, impractical and a logistical nightmare.

Racism ? Yeah, it is more DAP's piece de resistance!

Why I say racism is DAP's forte?

There are lots of Chinese chauvinism in DAP. 

The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Gelang Patah are showcases of Chinese chauvinism. Former Johor MB Ghani Othman would have won if just 15% of Chinese voters had voted for him.

DAP had grown from a 'mosquito party' into the second largest political party in this country on the ground of solid Chinese supports. A Chinese tsunami is not a overstatement, without which it will never have achieved its present status. 

DAP leaders are more sophisticated, clever and subtle with their political campaign to woo the Chinese, unlike the crudely fashioned 'rough and tumble' ways of UMNO leaders, uncouth, unpolished and very unMalay.

Homogeneity, is in the Chinese blood when their common interests at stake, they cohere.

Ha! The Malays, will they ever learn? They are split three ways, the educated urban Malays (the self-indulging highbrow), the rabble rural Malays (the simple kampong folks) and the Islamist Malays ( who want to be more Arabs than Malays)

UMNO, has certainly failed, otherwise, the Malays won't be so divided. The Malays who can think independently feel they have been played out by their own kind.

If  Najib does not carry out drastic changes in his party and government, stop all nonsense of rewarding UMNO warlords with government largesse (the people's money), reduce corruption and appoint capable people to key positions based on merit rather than cronyism and nepotism and if there are no radical changes made between now and the next general elections, BN will lose the next election..GE14.

BN have lost the popular votes, which is a clear indication that worse is to come.

Changes that the people wanted, not what UMNO wanted.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

Chinese Tsunami Killed Anwar And PR Chance Of Winning Putrajaya.

Hantu Laut

It was a suspenseful night, a cliffhanger of sort watching the results of the 13th GE trickles in as the world watches Malaysia's most tightly fought general elections ever and the dirtiest campaign by the oppositions ever in the history of this country.

The political pundits have never been so wrong. 

I saw it coming for a while now and have written in this blog a number of times that over zealous Chinese supports for DAP will kill PR chance of taking Putrajaya, but nobody seem to want to take notice that communal politics is still alive and kicking in this country. This,  dirtiest campaigning by PR and mistrust of Anwar Ibrahim was the game changer that killed Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat's chance of winning Putrajaya.

Pakatan leaders and supporters can say otherwise, which was expected of them, but the reality is there, on the ground. 

The straw that broke the camel back was Skudai, Johor  when almost 70,000 Chinese descended on the town to fete Lim Kit Siang's entry into Johor. This Chinese tsunami frightened the Malays in the Peninsula that drove them back to UMNO, except for the small section of so-called intellectuals, the mass shift was among the rural and semi-urban Malays. 

Sabah and Sarawak, with the exception of some Chinese dominated areas, have always been expected to deliver the seats to BN, only romantic dreamers think otherwise.

Sabah and Sarawak again saved BN from being trounced. Najib did worse than March 2008, but a win is still a win and I hope he will administer this country well.

People can say its cheating and money politics, putting that asides, I say it's communal and sectarian politics that changed the whole scenario.

More detailed analysis to come. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Walang Pilipinos: Hong Kong and Blatant Racism

Asia Sentinel

Appellate court denies permanent residency to domestic workers
The judges of Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal have surrendered to their own self interest in refusing the rights of foreign domestic workers to apply for permanent residence. 

The five judges ruled unanimously Monday against Philippines appellants Evangeline Banao Vallejos and Daniel Domingo, who argued that foreign domestic workers should have the same right to permanent Hong Kong residency as white-collar expatriates after working in the territory for seven years.

In a case which set natural justice and the simple, direct language of Hong Kong's Basic Law or mini-constitution, against political pressures, the judges could well also be accused of rank racism.

The government was threatening to take the case to Beijing's National People's Congress for an interpretation of the Basic Law should the judges rule against the government's insistence that the foreign domestic workers had no right even to apply for permanent residence, let alone to be granted it. So the bench, in unison, and in order to prevent the government undermining its authority, opted instead to undermine basic principle of justice.

They resorted to the typical lawyer trick of pretending that plain words did not actually mean what they said but something entirely different and supposedly in the minds of those who drafted the Basic Law two decades ago.

The law very simply states that anyone who has been ordinarily resident in Hong Kong for more than seven years has the right to apply for permanent residence. Whether they get it or not then depends on the degree of commitment to Hong Kong they can show. These tests have been very lenient and almost anyone with the seven year qualification could receive it. Indeed that remains the case with the assorted foreign bankers, chefs, forex traders and Pilates instructors etc who receive that right and thus can only be expelled for some heinous offense.

However, the word-twisting judges have deemed that somehow foreign domestic workers cannot be deemed "ordinarily resident" in Hong Kong, however long they live there, despite the fact that they are in regular employment and are only entitled to have holidays outside the territory for two weeks every two years. Anyone else can be outside Hong Kong for two months a year and still qualify.

The difference between the two categories of workers, domestic and all others, is not actually one of income or ability. It is primarily one of race. Thus the judges, all Chinese or Caucasians, deem all the domestic workers to be of a lower species of humanity. All of them are brown skinned people from other parts of Asia, mainly from Indonesia and Philippines plus a few from Sri Lanka, Thailand and India. Mainland Chinese are not allowed to become such workers because it would condemn them to this lower status and so would be unthinkable to the authorities.Read more.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I Just Met A Very Racist Chinese !

Yesterday, I arrived KLIA from KK and my wife from Phnom Penh, after visiting our daughter and grandchildren there.My wife's plane arrived 20 minutes earlier 
but she said she would wait for me so we can take the same taxi to our hotel.
Read more.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Beginning Of The End Of Pakatan Rakyat:Malays Versus Chinese

Hantu Laut

When you have scolded and scorned a man of age, wisdom and a model of rectitude to the point of injuring his pride and principle, what's the point of asking him to reconsider his decision, and, worst, insulting him by dangling RM50,000.00 carrot to try make him stay. 

So much for a party who wanted to rid this country of corruptions.

Do I feel sorry for Tunku Aziz? No! I feel sorry for Guan Eng for his obstinate foolhardiness and arrogance.

Aren't they all the same, this pot that called the kettle black, think just like the devil they wanted to replace, that money can buy everything and everyone, including your conscience and principle. This time they got the wrong man, a man who does not live by muck and brass.

DAP leader Lim Guan Eng has got so carried away by success, so much so, he has become big-headed and arrogant, showing no respect for other's opinion and similarly no respect for the elders. He thinks he is the king of beasts that scare people when he roars, when he is nothing but a political upstart who behaves arrogantly. 

Democracy and freedom? He can now put the money where his mouth is. 

Little did Lim realise that his punitive action against Tunku Aziz has turned the tide and start the beginning of the Malay exodus from Pakatan Rakyat. By the stroke of his foolhardiness he also confirmed the enduring perception by most Malays that DAP is a chauvinistic Chinese party.This perception, not so much the Aziz factor, may turn away the Malays from supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

The Malays versus Chinese, which I used to brush aside and think is not likely to happen seems to loom larger on the horizon as we get nearer the general elections.The widening rift are caused by irresponsible politicians from both sides of the political divide. 

Some Malay politicians, equally arrogant,  are less subtle than people like Guan Eng.

Raucous politician like Ibrahim Ali, the doyen of Malay chauvinism, is crude,  more open and easier to read than people like Guan Eng who hides under the cloak of equity, equality, freedom and democracy.

Will Tunku Aziz, whose outlook is more Anglophile, be the rallying point for Malay unity?

As they say 'nothing is impossible, it's miracle that takes time'

The tide is turning, the Malays votes may be making a U turn. PAS is now in troubled waters.

The din of racialism is louder now than ever before. The 13th General Elections would see a strong en-bloc Chinese votes for DAP and a stronger en-bloc Malay votes for UMNO.The Indians are not even in the equation as significant voters. In all likelihood they would be with UMNO.

It's a dangerous path that we are taking and who's to blame? 

Certainly, not the ordinary people, it's the greedy politicians who cared for nothing else but their insatiable greed for political power and, by extension, helped line their pockets.

Am I being stupid for saying this after what we saw in Bersih 3, the very mixed crowd that thronged the streets of Kuala Lumpur. 

If you believe in the existence of the devil as much as in God than you must also believe that not all roads lead to Kuala Lumpur.

Don't get me wrong, I may have many Malay friends but I have more close Chinese friends.Friends that I spend more time with and get better understanding of their mindset.

For the moment this suffice, I'll be writing more of this as we get nearer the 13th General Elections, which almost everyone predicted in June.

I have said earlier in this blog that the 13th GE would be after Ramadan and before the year end.

Let's wait and see who got it right.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Chinese Will Unite The Malays In 13th General Elections

Hantu Laut

At last, some sensibility coming out of UMNO.

Here, Prime Minister Najib openly admitted the BN had lost its Chinese support.

I have not been wrong all along, in many of my past posts, in my conclusion that the BN has completely lost the Chinese support.MCA and Gerakan would soon be joining our prehistoric dinosaurs.

There is little comfort left for the Chinese leaders in BN knowing that their days are numbered. The results of the March 2008 General Elections has altered the political philosophy of the Chinese, which have been simmering under the lid for many decades.

The Malays, empirical students of the British are getting a dose of their own medicine and no matter how bitter the pill is, they would have to swallow it.

Never have they been more divided and the Chinese more united.

Today, the Chinese are cohesive force under the DAP umbrella.As I have always said, DAP would have almost clean sweep of the Chinese MP seats.DAP are more interested in MP seats rather than state seats that would give them greater voice in parliament.

UMNO's divide and rule policy of dividing the other races into splintered groups ended in March 2008.

Unbeknown to UMNO and least expected, it is the Malays that is now in serious trouble and seriously divided that could spell the end of "ketuanan Melayu" and the rise of Malay liberalism among the Malays younger generation.

UMNO old guards are still living in past glory, where intimidation, coercion, threat and fear are the order of the day.The simmering resentment of five decades yonder among non-Malays have blown the lid off the pressure cooker.The Malay leaders in UMNO are now scampering to re-assemble the broken pieces.Will they succeed?

Something strange is going to happen which has nothing to do with UMNO's efforts to unite the Malays.It would be the Chinese that eventually unite the Malays or rather the Chinese threat.

The Chinese threat that may or can dilute and weaken Malays political power would provide the impetus for Malay unity and the end of "ketuanan Melayu".The question is under which Malay umbrella would it be? UMNO or PAS?

PKR is out. The Malay masses do not consider PKR as a Malay party and it would be the weakest runner among the lot.The contender would be between PAS and UMNO.PAS has one disadvantage , its association with DAP, regarded by staunched Muslims as associating with the devil, the infidel, a name given by PAS to UMNO for associating with MCA and Gerakan before its own alliance with DAP.

UMNO has the edge over PAS as a vehicle for Malay unity but will UMNO leaders screw it up?

While PAS has diverted from its original Islamic brand, UMNO is still signing the same old song of Malay unity and "ketuanan Melayu", overtaking PAS in its quest for greater Malay and Muslims supports.Bowing to the Islamists with regard to foreign artists performing in Malaysia and proselytising of Muslims by Christians are the nutrients and part and parcel of UMNO strategy for Malay and Muslim unity.

The ultimate bogeymen...........Chinese threat and Christians proselytising Muslims.

UMNO may have to repossess all Malay dominated constituencies given to other BN parties in the past or risk bigger losses and loss of the government.

DAP, trying to appease the Malays, would field Malay candidates in the 13th GE in Malay dominated areas.

Not trying to stifle the enthusiasm of these Malay candidates, they all would lose miserably, with majority of them losing their deposits.They can only win if DAP put them in Chinese dominated areas but would DAP dare take the risk, the ire of its Chinese members.

We should not kid ourselves that this country is ready for multiracial and multicultural integration.We can be friends but when it comes to the crunch, blood is thicker than water.

Communal politics would still be alive and kicking in Malaysia. Even Kit Siang has openly called for Chinese to unite under DAP for greater say in the politics of this country.Those who think of "Satu Bangsa Malaysia" are dreamers, it would never happen in our lifetime.

It took America over 200 years to reach the halfway, the man they chose to be their president was only half-black, not the real "gagak"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Re-Posted: Are Chinese Most Racist? Is DAP Killing the Malay Votes for Pakatan.

Hantu Laut

When Kit Siang called for the Chinese to unite under DAP and vote against the BN, it's not racism.When UMNO called the Malays to unite under UMNO, that's racism ....according to some Chinese racist politicians.

I always thought the Malays are the least racist among the three major races in this country.At least they don't call other races "kui" or hantu.

My late paternal grandfather, a Pathan who hailed from the North West Frontier was also a racist as I remember him when I was a young man.The irony is he married my grandmother, a native woman completely of different cultural background, successfully subdued and converted her to his cultural demands.A strict disciplinarian, he would not accommodate anything that may change his cultural hangovers.

Those are things we don't understand when we were kids, ignorant, impressionable, nurtured within our own cocoon and we could not accept when we were told not to mix with certain group people, our friends.

Children, would never be racist, they are colour blind, it is the adults that teach them to be racist.

Now, DAP instigated Chinese educationists to pressure the government to remove all non-Mandarin speaking teachers from all Chinese schools.

Read eddy of "Just My Thoughts" on the subject here

More here.

If this isn't racism, tell me, what is?

When I was in school during the colonial days my English teacher was an Indian, my maths teacher was an Indian, my history teacher was a Chinese, my geography teacher was a Chinese, my physic and chemistry teachers were Indians and my principal was a white man and a homosexual.

I, sometimes, joked with my close Chinese friends that the Chinese are probably the most racist people on earth because every other race they called "kui" which means devil........Malaikui, Kelingkui, Bengalikui and so forth.

If you are an English man in Hong Kong you would be called a "Gweilo", another form of devil. The Chinese have many racially deprecatory words for foreigners.

Thank goodness, my close Chinese friends are not racists, at least they don't seem to show it in front of me.

The only one not "kui" are the Chinese

How nice to be Chinese!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice/Racism

There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.

"Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said.

Controversy ahead

The findings combine three hot-button topics.

"They've pulled off the trifecta of controversial topics," said Brian Nosek, a social and cognitive psychologist at the University of Virginia who was not involved in the study. "When one selects intelligence, political ideology and racism and looks at any of the relationships between those three variables, it's bound to upset somebody."

Polling data and social and political science research do show that prejudice is more common in those who hold right-wing ideals that those of other political persuasions, Nosek told LiveScience. [7 Thoughts That Are Bad For You]

"The unique contribution here is trying to make some progress on the most challenging aspect of this," Nosek said, referring to the new study. "It's not that a relationship like that exists, but why it exists."

Brains and bias

Earlier studies have found links between low levels of education and higher levels of prejudice, Hodson said, so studying intelligence seemed a logical next step. The researchers turned to two studies of citizens in the United Kingdom, one that has followed babies since their births in March 1958, and another that did the same for babies born in April 1970. The children in the studies had their intelligence assessed at age 10 or 11; as adults ages 30 or 33, their levels of social conservatism and racism were measured. [Life's Extremes: Democrat vs. Republican]

In the first study, verbal and nonverbal intelligence was measured using tests that asked people to find similarities and differences between words, shapes and symbols. The second study measured cognitive abilities in four ways, including number recall, shape-drawing tasks, defining words and identifying patterns and similarities among words. Average IQ is set at 100.

Social conservatives were defined as people who agreed with a laundry list of statements such as "Family life suffers if mum is working full-time," and "Schools should teach children to obey authority." Attitudes toward other races were captured by measuring agreement with statements such as "I wouldn't mind working with people from other races." (These questions measured overt prejudiced attitudes, but most people, no matter how egalitarian, do hold unconscious racial biases; Hodson's work can't speak to this "underground" racism.)

As suspected, low intelligence in childhood corresponded with racism in adulthood. But the factor that explained the relationship between these two variables was political: When researchers included social conservatism in the analysis, those ideologies accounted for much of the link between brains and bias.

People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races.Read more.

Do you believe in the finding.Let's hear from you.

Friday, August 19, 2011

London Riots' Racial Blame Game

A former member of parliament, now, running for mayor of Birmingham, writes an anguished account of the riots that have ravaged Britain.

Few British mosques are places of mosaic or minaret. They are not fine buildings from which muezzins call. They are the adapted back rooms or upstairs quarters of working-class Muslims. The carpet I sat on in the Handsworth district of Birmingham on Aug. 10 was woven through with a religious motif, but was threadbare.

I was part of a circle of 20 barefoot men, their palms turned upward in front of their chests, making their dua for two brothers killed in “riots” the night before. The prayers were now led by the murdered men’s uncle, replacing their father, who was ushered away in distress.

Between prayers, the men took sober phone calls, talked mutedly, and sent text messages. A surviving brother, sobbing, wandered in and out. Outside, a crowd of young Kashmiri men milled. Some were in traditional dress, some in suits, most in the universal uniform of American hip-hop.

Fourteen hours earlier, at 1 a.m., the two brothers, along with a third man, had been “protecting their community” on the streets of Birmingham’s multiethnic Winson Green district. The night before had seen attacks on shops and looting in the city center and nearby Soho Road. As trouble seemed, on the second night, to be moving in their direction, Sajad, Haroon, and Abdul were part of a large group “defending” their area. In the chaos, a suspected looter drove his car directly at them. All three were killed. A 32-year-old man was almost immediately arrested on suspicion of murder.

This is my city. I grew up here. I love the place. I sat for nine years in the House of Commons as member of Parliament for the Erdington district of Birmingham. Last year I stood down in order to campaign for, and ultimately to campaign to be, our first directly elected mayor.

As a practicing politician in a city gripped by disorder, I find this article difficult to write. I have privileged access to private situations, afforded to me on the basis that I might help, not so that I can write it up in NEWSWEEK. But telling the story so widely is another unusual privilege. So I take the risk.

From the family of the dead brothers I went to a small, closed meeting of Afro-Caribbean community leaders called by one of the city’s two Muslim M.P.s, Khalid Mahmood. They are frightened. The man arrested on suspicion of the murders was black. Facebook is heavy with young Kashmiris venting fury and threatening reprisals. “We will take three blacks for the three that was took from us” is one message reported by a veteran community activist. She says it is the most scared she has been for 30 years.

Overlaid onto the fear of reprisals is the worry that such threats by themselves will provoke a response from gang-influenced Afro-Caribbean men.


"The rioters are not furious or alienated. They are bored.", Kerim Okten / EPA-Corbis

That would be a massive escalation because, hitherto, this nationwide civil unrest has been largely the work of children. The marauding bands that set London alight and shut down town centers across Britain were made up, unprecedentedly, of often very young teenagers. This has not been an uprising of the dispossessed, the unemployed, or particular ethnic groups, but a violent convulsion of kids on holiday from high school. According to the Metropolitan Police, just under two thirds of those arrested on the second day of the London disturbances were teenagers. Many were 13, 14, 15 years of age. Everyone who saw them was shocked.

“They were just kids, not more than 15,” the owner of a wrecked mobile-phone shop in Birmingham told me while waiting for the police to arrive in the cold light of that Tuesday morning. “The scarf covering his face fell down and I couldn’t believe it—he was so young,” said Miles Weaver, a young academic watching from the window of his city-center apartment as a gang looted a shop in the small hours of Tuesday night.Read more.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lim Guan Eng Sees Red Over Hitler's Doppleganger.

Hantu Laut

He must have seen Hitler's doppleganger the night before.

Irresponsible and dangerous.This is how DAP garner supports, by sowing the seed of racial discord.

Malaysians, particularly the Chinese community should be ashamed of this man.Simply use subject he has little understanding of and unconcerned with the dangerous fallout of his incendiary rhetoric.

It is most shocking that he could compare Malaysia the same as Nazi Germany.I don't need to elaborate any further on this man and his rabble king father's hidden motive.
It is indeed race baiting.

To drive a wedge between the Malays and Chinese.

Lim is fishing in troubled waters and may have misread the whole thing.It may have a reverse psychological effect, making the Malays more determined to unite to counter the DAP threat.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Who Says Hard For BN To Get Two-Thirds?

Hantu Laut

Read all the past predictions by some of our local professors and see which one of their educated guesses had been accurate.Gazing at the crystal ball most probably!

In the March 2008 General Elections two very learned persons predicted that BN will get two-thirds majority, one was Assoc Prof Dr Mohamed Mustaffa Ishak and the other political analyst Assoc Prof Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff. Both were wrong.

Mustapha Ishak said " the minor political, economic and racial issues raised by the opposition during the campaign in this general election would not be able to deny BN the two-third majority, let alone topple the government"

Another political analyst Assoc Prof Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff echoed the same. He even predicted Penang to remain with BN and Kelantan a tough fight for both PAS and BN. The rest is history.BN got the biggest thrashing of its life.

Here we come again the same professor predicting BN will not get two-thirds majority in PRU 13.
Read them at your own perils.PRU 12 prediction here.

I bet he be wrong again.

BN is likely to get two-thirds majority with a very Malay dominated government.

A similar scenario of what happened in Sarawak recently would be repeated in PRU 13.Taib has shown that he doesn't need Chinese votes to get two-third majority.

Taib Mahmud has shown his political prowess by clean sweep of all PBB seats.The failure was SUPP who had fallen victim to DAP vicious propaganda.

In spite of the vicious diatribe on his person and allegations of massive corruptions Taib survived the onslaught and had been a major factor in the victory.The PM and DPM have played equally big roles in his victory.

MCA disastrous outing in PRU12 is pale compared to what in store for them in PRU13.MCA, Gerakan and all Chinese based parties in Sabah and Sarawak would be near total decimation and almost all Chinese seats would go to DAP.

The small windfall in Sarawak was no indication of its growing popularity.The win was more the candidate than the party.Tenacious Anwar would continue with his political charade. PKR would be on life support

It is also very possible PAS would have left the coalition by then.
The Malays, except for the educated fools and the dreamers who think Malaysia can be America would have consolidated their positions to counter the Chinese cohesion.

UMNO may have no choice but to repossess all marginal seats given to Chinese based parties in Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. The demand for return of these seats back to UMNO would be extremely loud.

Unless Najib can come up with a magic formula,unfortunately, always shot down by DAP, Malaysia is heading for an unprecedented racial polarisation come PRU13.

Also read:

Guan Eng dares Soi Lek to pull MCA out of B

Dr M says ‘1Melayu, 1Bumi’ movement disastrous

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Racism Rears Its Ugly Head

Hantu Laut

We screamed,we shouted, we wrote and we accused each other of racism.The non-Malays accused Perkasa of being racist, perpetuating a racist agenda and Ibrahim Ali as the mother of all racists.

The Malays accused the DAP as a Chinese racist party spearheading a chauvinist Chinese agenda and Lim Kit Siang as the mother of all chauvinists.

We think America, the US , is free of racism. Watch the video below and see what true racism is all about.

"Islamophobia!" says one man.

"A terrible mistake. A mosque, a monument of terrorism" says one lady.

A mosque, a monument of terrorism?

Never heard of that before.

Surely! a little learning is dangerous.

What has building a mosque got to do with 9/11 ?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One Racist Malay Doesn't Make All Malay Racist

Hantu Laut

As usual, the oppositions instead of taking it as one man's foibles made it looked like all Malays in UMNO are racists.

The Safar's sword cuts deep into their wounds.It's baseless,unfounded and derogatory.I don't blame the Chinese and Indians negative reaction.Race and religion are subjects that should be handled with care.For thousand of years history has shown the role of race and religion in world's conflicts.

The racist remark by Nasir Safar should not be taken as consensus of opinion among Malays or Najib's administration.They were quick to lay blame on him for political mileage.

Some Malays in UMNO may be openly racist.The racist Malays in Pakatan kept their mouth shut because they knew the score.With the exception of a few, people like Zulkifli Nordin, Zahrain Mohd Hashim and few others, the rest were patient enough to wait for the big windfall, the capture of Putrajaya.

Don't fool yourself that things are going to be much different with Pakatan at the helm.What happened in the 4 states under their watch is a reflection of what's in store for the rakyat when they get to El Dorado.There are just as many sleazy politicians in Pakatan as there are in the BN, if sleaze is the right word to describe them.

DAP's MP Theresa Kok, another communalist with venomous tongue, wanted Najib to apologise for Safar's outrageous racist remark.

Give me one good reason why Najib should apologise for someone else's uncouth remark? Just because the man work for him? She implied Najib wore the same feather and all UMNO members are the same, racist to the core.

Would Theresa Kok apologise to the world if one of her employees raped a girl, or robbed a bank or worst, murdered somebody?

Except for our children we are no body's keeper and are not responsible for their actions.

That speaks volume of the intelligence of some of our elected representatives, don't know how and when to politicise an issue.The right person to apologise is Safar, not Najib nor anyone else.

Nasir Safar was wrong in what he said.He fell off political correctness.One bad apple should not spoil the whole basket.To err is human. I am sure Nasir regretted what he said.He has paid the price by resigning.

Let me remind Theresa Kok one racist Malay doesn't make all Malay racists.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nazri Darling Of The Oppositions

Hantu Laut

Is Mahathir a bloody racist?

Going by his record as prime minster for 22 years would any of you (except those the likes of Nazri and Pakatan Rakyat) think that Mahathir is a racist?

Didn't the Chinese businesses prosper during his time inspite of the NEP? Did the Indians complained they were marginalised? Sure, the antagonists would say those were under wraps during his time but the fact remains that the non-Malays didn't ditch Mahathir and the BN, which they could have if they wanted to during any general elections.Instead, they voted overwhelmingly for the BN during his time.

So, how can a man accepted by the non-Malays as their leader for 22 years be called a racist?

Nazri can shout till kingdom comes and should put the money where his mouth is.He should be honest and say who was actually rejected by the non-Malays.

Why are the press giving credence to this uncouth Malay man called Nazri calling former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad a 'bloody racist'.What exactly has he done to this country to put himself on the high pedestals?

In June 2005, this grandstanding attention seeking maniac shouted the phrase 'bloody racist" 28 times in Parliament.Here is a line of his antics in Parliament when he asked another minister to sit down. Racist, racist duduk, racist duduk. Hei, duduk, perkauman duduk, bloody racist, duduk.

In July 2006, he caused a big stir in Sabah by saying the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah does not contribute to any social ills or disrupt the lives and economy of the Sabahan people. Sabahans asked him to go to hell and called him a bloody racist.

Has he ever said the right thing? The man shoots his mouth faster than his brain could work. His political grandstanding is a reflection of his insecurity and frustrations.

Suddenly, he becomes a darling of the oppositions.They love him and agree with him that Mahathir is a bloody racist.They say he has paid penance by admitting UMNO is a racist party and the mother of all racists is Mahathir.

Below is a comment from eddy, a regular commentator of this blog.
Blogger eddy said...

Nazri should be sacked from UMNO and sacked from the Najib Cabinet immediately. What is the point of keeping a cabinet Minister whose very words and actions are being used as ammunition by Pakatan to attack the Barisan Nasional Government. Nazri is a liability for UMNO and Barisan Nasional, PM Najib has a duty of care to get rid this dirty thorn in the flesh of BN.The sooner Nazri is thrown out the better is it for UMNO, otherwise Najib will be bogged down in a battle that he would not want and could not win.

Furthermore if Dr Mahathir is branded a racist, then UMNO is racist for defending and promoting Malay rights, then MIC, MCA and Gerakan are also racist parties. Lim Kit Siangs's DAP are also racist for defending and promoting the rights of the Chinese, Hindraf is also racist, hell even the Malay,Chinese and Indian educationist are racist for promoting and defending their race's language interest. With this kind of benchmarking are all of us racist in one form or the other? Nazri is worse than a racist he is an extremist.

December 9, 2009 1:27 PM

I share eddy's sentiments except the sacking.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Will Malaysia Ever Be Color-blind?

In Malaysia, a promise to continue a race-based affirmative action policy will only entrench racism


The Guardian

After South Africa and Rwanda's harrowing experiences, it might be expected that no country would want its citizens governed racially lest it be torn asunder. But Malaysia considers itself an exception. Its leaders just gave race-based policies a renewed stamp of approval.

Last month, prime minister Najib Razak vowed to continue an unpopular affirmative action policy that favours the nation's Malays (who make up for slightly more than half of its population) over the Chinese and Indian minorities, who account for about 26% and 8% respectively.

The New Economic Policy (NEP), as this racialised national programme is known, was introduced nearly four decades back to raise the Malays' share of the nation's wealth from a meagre 1.5% to a more equitable 30% and create a Malay middle class. To this end, the government imposed racial quotas in such spheres as education and business.

The quotas resulted in civil service scholarships being granted to Malays over more deserving minority candidates, and the same could be said of government jobs. Meanwhile, businesses must meet a minimum level of 30% ownership for Malays and other indigenous people.

While Malaysia's Chinese and Indian minorities were at first agreeable, the prolonged implementation of NEP-type policies has today left them feeling like second-class citizens. Many, especially the affluent Chinese, left Malaysia to seek opportunities elsewhere. The largely working-class Indians were not as fortunate.

Ironically, a sizable segment of the Malay population – from the middle and working classes – also began complaining about these policies on the grounds that they benefited only a select group of well-connected Malays.

Such discontent has led to Malaysians registering their protest during last year's general election by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition instead of the ruling coalition that comprises a hotchpotch of race-based parties headed by Najib's United Malays National Organisation (Umno). Although the latter still won the polls, it took a severe hammering – losing its two-thirds parliamentary majority and the control of five states.

Little wonder that Umno which fashions itself as a party championing Malay rights since its inception in 1946 has now decided to tone down its racial policies through a slew of reforms this year. Among others, it launched the "1Malaysia" concept to unite the nation's racially-fractured citizens. Najib also announced that a merit-based scholarship open to all races will be introduced next year.

While many analysts are quick to proclaim that Umno is now a transformed political entity, evidence that it has moved past racialism is sparse. For one thing, the tenets of "1Malaysia" are still nebulous at this juncture.

Yet the most telling sign could be gleaned from the rhetoric of its up-and-coming politician Khairy Jamaluddin who wants the party to discardits ideology of "Malay dominance" for "Malay leadership". Herein lies the crux of the problem. The pith of the "Malay leadership" ideal is no different from "Malay dominance" – Malays are to reign supreme over other races. In its basest form, "Malay leadership" resonates of the "Hutu Power" ideology in Rwanda and the white supremacist slant of South Africa's apartheid where one race dominates over others.

Instead of eradicating Malaysia's decades-long racialism, its ruling elites look set to entrench it further into the system by making it subtle. However, driving racialism underground has its social costs. To understand this, Malaysia needs to look no further than neighbouring Singapore where racialism is understatedly exercised in the way the city-state maps educational performances and social ills by race.

Doing so has put its minority Malays, largely from the lower income groups, in an unfavourable light. Official statistics show that this group which makes up about 14% of Singapore's largely Chinese population are overly represented in terms of social problems such as teenage pregnancies and divorces. This has the entrenched stereotypes that the Malays are a problematic lot – oversexed and irresponsible.

So much so that some have hinted of racism. One journalist, for instance, likens being a Malay Singaporean to feeling "like the least favourite child in the family". The Singapore example suggests that subtle racialism gives rise to a population trapped in a worldview that hails race as their primary identity marker.

But Malaysia is probably in a worse quagmire. Two years back its capital, Kuala Lumpur, was the scene of a racial protest by lower-class Indians that saw the police clamping down on demonstrators.

If Umno leaders are serious about reforms, then they must seriously consider eradicating racialism in all its manifestations. An alternative proposal mooted by Malaysia's opposition calls for a needs-based affirmative action policy which dishes out aid by income group to replace the government's pro-Malay stance.

Still, the real litmus test of Umno's commitment to inclusivity is a controversial one: disband race-based parties altogether. This would mean outlawing Umno and their partners, supplanting in their place a political entity that is colour-blind. Perhaps only then could Malaysia truly claim itself to be one.

The Guardian

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lim Kit Siang "Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you!"

Hantu Laut

This old scoundrel thinks muck-racking and mud-slinging is his privilege alone, others no can do.Go through the archives of his blog an see for yourself his barrage of hypocritical criticisms, muck-racking, mud-slinging and spinning the untruths, undoubtedly, makes him the biggest political drunk in this country.

Not a single day has been spared by his.... Najib this, Najib that, Najib should take the blame,Najib should apologise, Najib 1 Malaysia a piece of crap.He sounds pathetically like my grandfather's old 78 rpm broken record that always slipping onto the same groove.

Read what this old grumpy pot laments here.

If someone wrote racist books, why should Najib apologise.

Anyway, being a racist is only politically wrong, it is not a crime.If I say I don't like Lim Kit Siang and he is Chinese, have I committed a crime, am I a racist? Well, to be honest, I don't like Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim and Nik Aziz, one Chinese, one Malay and the other one, not only Malay but a pious Muslim, am I a racist?

Racism and racists are best left ignored and if you are not a racist yourself why would you want to read racist books.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Zaid's Racists And Fascists Anomaly

Hantu Laut

A beneficiary of the UMNO legacy who had suddenly found his lost conscience and discover high moral values under a new umbrella.Don't kid yourself that this is true.Wait till they become the government.

Zaid Ibrahim, a lawyer by profession and a politician by design, has called on Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to join PKR saying the Tengku is the only one who is not a racist in UMNO, which according to him has become a fascist organisation.Is PKR in desperate need of new leadership? Has Anwar Ibrahim lost his shine that they need to bring in people like Razaleigh to prop up support.

The outcome of Manik Urai could have been the wake up call that spurs Zaid to appeal to Razaleigh.Both Razaleigh and Mahathir have been critical of the government.Maybe, Zaid should also call Mahathir to join PKR.Better still, add more icing to the cake, get Abdullah Badawi to come along too.

The Oxford Dictionary described fascism as extreme right wing political system or attitude which is in favour of strong central government and which does not allow any opposition.

So! Where does UMNO fits into this factor of fascism.Right wing, yes... strong central government, yes...and does not allow opposition, certainly not true.The opposition is now strongest ever for the past 50 years.It is the main ingredient of fascism, absolutely no opposition.

Let's take a look at what right wing entails.

According to Wikipedia right wing is support for preserving traditional or cultural values and customs and maintaining some form of social hierarchy. In modern times right wing also support capitalism and free markets.

Being right wing, therefore, is not as evil as badly painted by Zaid.A strong central government is the dream of every government without which there cannot be law and order and without which any states in the federation can or will try to break away.

Nations with weak central government come under the definition of 'failed state'.Malaysia is not, by any stretch of out imagination, a failed state yet.

Pakistan can be called a failed state because the central government has no control over its territories in the northern region.The North West Frontier provinces are ruled by war lords with their own sets of law.Somalia, is a failed state, true and pure, it has no central government in the true sense.The country is in a complete state of anarchy.

These are countries that started with Western-styled democracy that they have no notion about.They copied their ex-masters blindly but do not have the same commanding attributes to exert influence and control over the people. Just like man cannot live by bread alone government cannot survive on idealism alone and there is nothing wrong with democracy tailored to suit the country's polity.

Singapore, would not have been what it is today if Lee Kuan Yew had listened to the West and adhered to Western type democracy.It is of no doubt that Singapore's success has also been due to Lee Kuan Yew's zero tolerance against corruptions.Not only the streets are clean here, the government, in fact almost the whole system is clinically clean of corruptions.

The opposition is trying to impose an idealistically unrealistic form of democracy and one that I believe they themselves wouldn't be able to put into practice when or if they do form the government.All the sanctimoniousness and portentous remarks are just ploys to inveigle the people. Anwar Ibrahim was part of the so-called fascist regime before and have indulged in same activity.So is the caller Zaid Ibrahim, a recipient of UMNO's benefaction, who had never questioned his conscience before whether his rise to fame and fortune was of his own making.

Razaleigh is in the last leg of his political life and is not likely to sell his soul to the devil and succumb to Zaid's histrionic praises of him.

In praise of Razaleigh, the lawyer turned politician said “He (Razaleigh) will not use the police and or the MACC to bring about the downfall of his political rivals. He will not appoint racists as newspaper editors. His wife will not be offended if her photograph does not appear in the newspapers.”

One would have thought as a lawyer Zaid would have been more careful with choice of words.To lump everyone in UMNO as racists and fascists is a gross overkill.

Mussolini and Hitler must be laughing and kicking in their graves.

Read Tengku Razaleigh's response here.

Breaking News (Unofficial at time of posting)
Cabinet has agreed to Royal Commission on Teoh's case.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Racist-Mania:Who The Fairest Of Them All?

Hantu Laut

The racial spats continues.They have become even more innovative with salvos of nonce and phrasal words like 'borderline racist' and 'rabid racist' being shot from both sides of the political fence.Maybe, I should also start using another new one, what about 'down-to-earth racist'?

Borderline Racist 1960's Jell-O Ad - The best bloopers are here

It is interesting to know that Mahathir is only a 'borderline racist' and Khairy Jamaluddin is a venomous 'rabid racist', according to Lim Kit Siang.Where does Lim Kit Siang stands in this circle of racist.Some have called him 'Chinese chauvinist', Khairy has given him the soft tag of 'borderline racist', maybe he should be considered for 'down-to-earth racist'.

The proposed unity talk between PAS and UMNO has rattled Pakatan. PAS departure would mean collapse of the coalition. PAS knew the Malays would be departing in droves to UMNO in the next general elections hence their broaching of the unity government. The stumbling block to the unity talk was only Nik Aziz and all for personal reason. The proposal is shelved for the moment but would definitely come back to haunt Pakatan. Hadi and Nasharuddin are like latent volcanoes, withdraw just to give respect to the Tok Guru, but would erupt, sooner or later.

Mirrior mirrior on the wall who the fairest of them all? On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give Lim 8, Khairy 7 and Mahathir a low 3.

Mahathir is not a racist, he is just misunderstood.

Story here and here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hitler's Worst Mistake,He Didn't Gas The Jews - A Jew Hater and Holocaust Denier

Hantu Laut

Racism of the worst kind rears its ugly head again and it's in the great nation of America where the worst kind of racists can be found.The unadulterated blood of the Aryan still flows in the veins of the crusaders of the 'ketuanan orang puteh' (white supremacy) that make them the most dangerous and lethal.

There is so much hate in him at age 88 his toxic hatred for the Jews and coloured people finally snapped.A Holocaust denier and so much consumed by hatred he fills his Web site
with vile tirades.

Below is one of his handiworks.


<span class=jew-gas.jpg" src="">
Photo by

Because there is no real photographic evidence of “Nazi Gas Chambers” I had to use a painting of the imagination of some paranoid Schizoid.


Remember, the Federal Reserve Act (1913) gave JEWS control of America’s MONEY. Followed by control of America’s main sources of information .

Early on, during the war-torn 20th Century, the only broadcast networks : ABC, CBS, and NBC — were JEW owned. Today, JEWS control ALL important sources of information (The major networks, Newspapers, Magazines, Book-publishing, Tin-Pan Alley, Music & Recording Industry, Hollywood, Encyclopedia Britannica, Public schools and Universities, the Catholic Church, etc.).

Bit by bit Liberalism ascended. Bit by bit the Constitution was re-interpreted. Bit by bit government institutions and Congressmen fell into JEW hands — then U.S. diplomacy, businesses, resources and manpower came under JEW control.

Whitemen sat on their collective asses and did NOTHING - NOTHING BUT TALK. Never before in World history has a Nation so completely been conquered with absolutely NO physical resistance.

Whites LOVE their Enemies.

Today, on the World stage, Whitemen are LAUGHED AT, their women bred by stronger men.

And America ?

America is a Third-World racial garbage-dump — stupid, ignorant, dead-broke, and terminal.

Prepare to die, Whitey.

James Von Brunn, 88 years old is a white supremacist and a Jew hater.He stormed the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C shot and killed a security guard before being brought down by other securityt guards.

Von Brunn has a long history of racism against Jews and coloured people and question Obama credentials complaining that Obama's birth certificate and other documents have not been made public.

He is also an accomplished artist.Below is one of his paintings.

James W von Brunn
An example of work by James W. von Brunn

A talented racist ?