Showing posts with label Dirty Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirty Politics. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Berani Kerana Benar" Adakah Melayu Ini Penakut ?

Hantu Laut

I am no fan of the AG and I don't know him personally, but I sit on the premise that no one should do a "statutory declaration" unless one has solid evidence in one own's person. 

Slandering someone based on third party provision (hearsay) is dangerous to the complainant.

Police report lodged against the AG, not by the accuser but by 5 opposition MPs who will also get their balls squeeze when the whole episode of this nasty bad blood come to light. 

"Berani kerana benar" kata pepatah Melayu, adakah Melayu ini penakut ?.....

Why did Mat Zain himself not lodge the police report, does he think he'll get away if he does not do it himself ?....... as the English say "give him enough rope he will hang himself". Has he gone beyond sense and sensibility and put his reputation on the line in making the SD?

Making false declaration, or making one on hearsay slandering someone is a serious matter. 

I salute Mat Zain if he is doing it for the sake of the country and not a personal vandetta. 

I'll give the AG the benefit of the doubt, he has two of the better genes......don't play play.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Malaysia’s Mahathir Attacks Another Successor

Former Premier accuses Najib’s allies of buying votes in October intraparty polls
Former Malaysian Premier Mahathir Mohamad today appears to have fired the first volley of a widely anticipated attack on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, saying the premier’s allies in recent United Malays National Organization intraparty polls preserved their positions in the UMNO hierarchy by buying votes.
"We are told that they've eliminated corruption during the recent UMNO election, I am not convinced,” Mahathir told a conference at the country’s administrative capital of Putra Jaya. Although he didn’t mention Najib by name, he said: "I think there was a lot of money involved, going into the millions, and loads of people who should not be getting votes were getting votes because of the money they spent."
It’s uncertain how much clout the 88-year-old former prime minister still has within the party. He ruled as prime minister for 22 years until handing the position on to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as his anointed successor in 2003. However, the implications are that the party, Malaysia’s biggest, may face a period of instability as the factions slug it out.
The next showdown, if there is one, could occur when UMNO holds its annual general assembly on Dec. 2-7 although a source in the Mahathir wing of the party said: “It could be, but there isn’t going to be a big bang. Gradual fireworks.”
A recent poll named Mahathir the most popular figure in UMNO, with a 75 percent approval rating, although that didn’t translate into votes for his allies in the UMNO intraparty elections.
Najib emerged from the May 5 national elections appearing badly weakened after the Barisan Nasional lost the popular vote for the first time since 1969 although it preserved a diminished parliamentary majority thanks to gerrymandering. Mahathir and Daim Zainuddin, the former finance minister, blamed Najib for reaching out too much to the country’s Chinese and Indian minorities at the cost of votes from UMNO’s ethnic Malay base.
After the election, Mahathir damned Najib with faint praise in a speech in Tokyo, saying the prime minister would stay in office because there wasn’t anybody at the time to replace him. Bloggers aligned with Mahathir have been staging attacks on the prime minister since the May polls, with one describing him as a “bug on the windshield.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Hot Spring Turkish Bath.

Hantu Laut

This could happen to Malaysia.

The rampage was over piffling matter of saving a city park from redevelopment into a shopping mall. The people are not happy, they don't want the mall, they want to keep the park. With the oppositions adding fuel to the fire, the flame of passion transformed and engulfed an inferno of destruction that required heavy-handed police action.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan blamed the main opposition and social media for the trouble, accusing the main opposition party of calling for resistance and provoking the protests. He says "Social media is the worst menace to society" 

I agree !

Place the guns in the wrong hands, they'll shoot blindly. Most can't differentiate between criticism, constructive or otherwise, and libel.

Erdogan has bigger agenda for himself. He wants to change the country's constitution to make him the first directly elected president with formidable executive powers.

Did you hear right, sound familiar and one that rings a bell close to home.

Yes, hypocrisy of the highest order, the man that Anwar Ibrahim worshipped and wanted to emulate is a wolf in sheep's clothing, determined to turn Turkey into an authoritarian state and him as the new king of Turkey.

This is just the beginning of Erdogan's trouble, but it is no "Arab Spring", just a summer of disquiet that Erdogan need not worry too much for the moment.

Link to video: Turkey: police clash with protesters
Thousands of protesters have controlled Istanbul's main square once more after two days of violent clashes with rampaging riot police, asTurkey's prime minister vowed to press on with the controversial redevelopment that provoked the clashes.
Calling the protesters an "extremist fringe", Recep Tayyip Erdoganblamed the opposition Republican People's party for provoking the protests.
"We think that the main opposition party, which is making resistance calls on every street, is provoking these protests," Erdogan said on Turkish television, as an estimated 10,000 demonstrators streamed into the area waving flags and calling on the government to resign.
"There is now a menace which is called Twitter," Erdogan said. "The best examples of lies can be found there. To me, social media is the worst menace to society." Read more.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Insulting The King's Speech

Hantu Laut

Anwar dismissed the King's speech. Said the text was prepared by the government desperate to solicit support from all areas including the King. Story here.

Does it matter who wrote the speech? The King must have had his trusted aide to go over the speech before he accepts it. I am sure the King is capable of making his own judgement whether to accept the prepared speech or not. 
Most countries, including his best friend's country "Down Under" have given recognisance to Najib's new government.Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr described Malaysian elections credible here. 

Why is he still grinding his axe and refused to accept defeat befitting a gentleman?

Anwar questioning the King's speech has also attracted malicious posting on social media belittling the King here.

Despite the King's appeal for all Malaysians to respect and not to destroy the constitutional monarchy and the process of parliamentary democracy, Anwar is adamant in pushing his "Malaysian Spring" rally forward, regardless. 

He will hold another one on 15th June, 2013.

Do you find remarks by Anwar Ibrahim of the King's speech insulting or not?

Have your say!

Deaths In Police Custody: Here Are Some Answers, Bozo!

Hantu Laut

Death in police custody not only happened in Malaysia, it happenned all over the world, but in Malaysia opposition politicians made political mileage out of it. 

The oppositions have no real concern for rights of citizens but used  the unfortunate incidents as political tool to rile up unsuspecting Malaysians to hate the police and ultimately put the blame on the government.

There are many reasons detainees died in custody.Some detainees are excessively violent and needed strong arm tactic to be subdued and things can get out of hand giving the police no choice but to use excessive force. Some may have died due to overzealous policemen who went over the limit of proper police conduct. Suicide, is another cause of death in police custody. The U.S. and U.K findings on death in custody are almost similar.

In the U.K,  considering the police force was less gung-ho than in the U.S,  there were 5998 deaths recorded between 2000 and 2010 that give an average of 545 deaths per year.

In Malaysia, the latest death in police custody was that of a former engineer P Karuna Nithi of unknown causes, which raised the ire of some opposition Pakatan Rakyat's elected members. They waste no time to harangue the government including Prime Minister Najib.

The Malaysian public are being cheated by opposition politicians into thinking that death in police custody only happened in Malaysia and nowhere else.

Malaysians are easily fooled because they are the proverbial "katak dibawa tempurong", they either don't read at all, or read only juicy stuffs.

Below are some answers to deaths in police custody in the U.S.

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 2,000 criminal suspects died in police custody over a three-year period, half of them killed by officers as they scuffled or attempted to flee, the government said Thursday.
The study by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics is the first nationwide compilation of the reasons behind arrest-related deaths in the wake of high-profile police assaults or killings involving Abner Louima and Amadou Diallo in New York in the late 1990s.
The review found 55% of the 2,002 arrest-related deaths from 2003 through 2005 were due to homicide by state and local law enforcement officers. Alcohol and drug intoxication caused 13% of the deaths, followed by suicides at 12%, accidental injury at 7% and illness or natural causes, 6%. The causes for the deaths of the remaining 7% were unknown.
The highly populated states of California, Texas and Florida led the pack for both police killings and overall arrest-related deaths. Georgia, Maryland and Montana were not included in the study because they did not submit data.
Most of those who died in custody were men (96%) between the ages of 18 and 44 (77%). Approximately 44% were white; 32% black; 20% Hispanic; and 4% were of other or multiple races.
"Keep in mind we have 2,000 deaths out of almost 40 million arrests over three years, so that tells you by their nature they are very unusual cases," said Christopher J. Mumola, who wrote the study.
"Still, they do need to be looked at to determine whether police training can be better or practices can be better," he said.
State laws and police department policy typically let officers use deadly force to defend themselves or others from the threat of death or serious injury. Deadly force also is allowed to prevent the escape of a suspect in a violent felony who poses an immediate threat to others.
The Justice Department study released Thursday suggests that most of the police killings would be considered justified, although it does not make that final determination. About 80% of the cases involved criminal suspects who reportedly brandished a weapon "to threaten or assault" the arresting officers.
Another 17% involved suspects who allegedly grabbed, hit or fought with police. More than one-third of the police killings, or about 36%, involved a suspect who tried to flee or otherwise escape arrest.
The report was compiled at the request of Congress in 2000 after the 1997 struggle between New York police and Louima, a black security guard who left the precinct house bleeding after officers jammed a broken broomstick into his mouth and rectum. A few years later, two police shootings of unarmed black men followed, including Diallo, who was shot 41 times after he reached into his pocket for a wallet.
Since then, following police sensitivity training, New York has seen a few killings involving suspects and officers, including last year's shooting of Sean Bell, an unarmed black bridegroom-to-be whom police say they believed was reaching for a gun.
New York now ranks sixth nationwide in the number of police killings, behind Arizona and Illinois, according to Thursday's report.
Other findings:
• Among law enforcement, 380 officers were killed in the line of duty over the three-year period and 174,760 were reportedly assaulted, according to FBI data. Most of the deaths were accidental (221), while 159 were homicides.
• Blacks were disproportionately represented in arrest-related deaths due to alcohol or drug intoxication (41% vs. 33% for whites); accidental injury (42% vs. 37% for whites); and unknown causes (46% vs. 39% for whites).

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Shittiest Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Hantu Laut

What national reconciliation if Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) continue to organise big rallies to try topple the government?

I can understand Anwar going to the streets because he is a very frustrated man, he came from the streets and that's where he goes back to when he is unhappy, but why are DAP and PAS leaders, whom I consider more rational colluded with him to destabilise the country?

Seriously, all the leaders in PR should have their heads examined if they think the government was wrong in arresting the troublemakers. These are people who want to create chaos to bring down the government and PR leaders are equally guilty of the same for organising the rallies.

Anwar has planned this long before the general election as his insurance in the event he loses the elections and unable to claim Putrajaya through the democratic process. Allegation of frauds had been made by him, PR and Bersih long before the general elections. He lost and frauds became the battle cry to bring down the government. Taking over the government by force of people's power would be the only option he has left.

Birds of a feather flock together, not at all surprising the restive and troublesome Anwar's ally Ambiga Sreenavasan came to the rescue, came out to defend the criminals.

She said of Najib's government " What national reconciliation ? To me, they only know how to use words that they do not even understand" Read here.

Of course, even the most stupid lawyer and there are many of them around who think they are the smartest people on earth would say the same, because she is a bullshit artist, as always, trying to bullshit the people. 

How do you expect the government to start reconciliation when the oppositions led by the sore-loser Anwar Ibrahim, who had no intention of respecting the results of the elections and determined to create mischief by holding big rallies around the country to try topple the government.

Where is the smooth transition he talked about before the elections?

Najib should not fall for his treachery and trickery. A week ago he said he will be arrested and he is anxiously waiting to be arrested, which he anticipates will trigger the people's revolt against the government.

Let him be, let him continue with his big rallies, which will eventually fizzle out as people grew tired of its senselessness.

There are now ample Anwar's wannabes. Some even tried to emulate the way he talks, the way he walks and the way he straddles the horse.

Adam Adli, the raucous student arrested and charged for sedition is one of Anwar's great imitator. As they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" Anwar should be proud of him.

Below are words deemed seditious uttered by Adam Adli.

"Ambil butiran saya, buat laporan polis, kerana hari ini, saya nak ajak semua yang ada di sini, kita harus susun dan kita akan turun ke jalan raya untuk rampas kembali kuasa kita! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Kita tak banyak masa lagi, semua siap sedia, beli kasut, beli tracksuit, beli seluar jeans, sedia kita akan turun ke jalan raya sebab akhirnya dalam dunia ketiga macam negara Malaysia, pilihan raya takkan tumbangkan kerajaan kita.

"Yang boleh tumbangkan kerajaan hanyalah kuasa rakyat. Sedara, ingat, ini sahaja peluang yang kita ada ..." 

Read more at Freedom Come Freedom Go

Should the government just sit down and do nothing and allow this bunch of sore-losers to destabilise the nation, create political upheaval and allow the economy to suffer, which will eventually make us a pariah nation.

This country has rules of law and Ambiga as a lawyer knew it better than anyone else, but she like all the other lawless leaders in PR, decide, instead of going to the court to seek justice, they go to the streets to vent their anger. As a lawyer, she should know toppling a duly elected government is a treacherous act and a serious crime.

Go tell Anwar Ibrahim to stop his nonsense before you condemn Najib's promise of reconciliation. 

It is absurd that you don't keep your end of the bargain and expect others to keep theirs. 

The government should come down hard on these recusants and keep them away where they can do no harm to society and the nation.

The people have given their verdict and all parties should respect the results no matter how bitter the pill to swallow.

Here, Nurul Izzah Anwar said Najib's reforms a lie. The liar is actually her father. 

"Will Najib agree to a smooth transition of power" her father asked before the elections and Najib promised he would do so here.

So, Nurul Izzah, who broke the solemn promise of smooth and peaceful transition of power. Your father, or Najib?

All those in the oppositions seem to have immunity against prosecution, because they have been blessed with God's given right to break the law, if one has to go by Ambiga's version of the law. 

Amiga Sreenavasan, you may be a hero to some, but to me, you are full of shit.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BN Is Dead, UMNO Strong As Ever

Hantu Laut

What I have said all along, you want to win the general elections in this country take care of the kampongs. Our "first past the post" system only recognises majority of seats, not majority of popular votes.

Don't let Anwar Ibrahim fool you that they have won.Any intelligent person knew Pakatan Rakyat did not win this elections. Having more popular votes does not guarantee a win, it is a fallacy and a lie perpetuated by Anwar to grab power illegitimately.

Anwar knew Malaysians are easily coaxed as most do not understand the parliamentary system in this country. 

The results of the 13th GE decimated BN, but UMNO had stayed popular with rural Malays, collecting more seats this time around. UMNO won 88 MP seats compared to 80 in 2008.

The Singapore Straits Time published an insightful and profound analysis of the results of the elections on the same note that I have said all along. 

Read on:

Today after 56 years of independence, Umno still controls the rural Malay mind. Yes, it is true Umno has lost control over large sections of the Malay community in urban areas. Under Malaysia's electoral system, it is the rural seats that decide the federal government, not urban seats. Urban seats account for less than a quarter of Malaysia's 222 parliamentary seats while about 150 seats are Malay/bumiputera majority seats.
Umno is unlikely to reform in time for the 14th GE, and does not need to. As long as the first- past-the-post system continues to allot disproportionate weight to rural voters, all Umno has to do is to keep the fire of Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuanan Islam burning brightly in rural Malaysia. 
Read more here

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is Haris Ibrahim Ready For Jihad Or Gone Bonkers ?

Hantu Laut

This is it, my biggest fear of CIVIL UNREST. 

Read here how a group of people contemplating to overthrow the government by force.

Waiting for five years is too long they say, they want immediate turmoil to remove the government. 

Leader of the pact is the disenchanted and disheveled Haris Ibrahim, who had earlier announced his "willing to die" squad to uphold the voting system in the country. Sounds like he has scores of suicide bombers ready for "jihad"

I wrote this piece "Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble" a day before polling day, not a figment of my imagination as the idealists would want to believe and have accused me of spreading fear to scare friends, foes, all and sundry, but it is reality that could turn into nightmare.

Well, enemies, I have none, unless some who knows me consider me as one. Friends I have plenty, but close friends I keep in a small circle and close to my heart. 

A dear friend of mine was pretty annoyed when I posted  on her timeline on Facebook of what I see as impending trouble if Anwar doesn't stop his calls for big rally to protest against the government  and that there would be blood on the streets if he is not stopped now. Of good heart herself, she truly believe Malaysians are incapable of violence. Well, Haris Ibrahim had proven her wrong. 

Haris Ibrahim praises to the skies demonstrations and civil unrest as the only way to bring down the government. 

My balls rattling so nervously listening to what he had said " We will take to the streets to take over Putrajaya. If we rally want to overthrow them, there is no other way.Democracy doesn't work"

Yes, democracy doesn't work for people who refused to accept it.

Why would Anwar want to continue holding big rallies when he knew fully well it'll be an effort in futility. He knew fully well he can't change the government by holding peaceful rallies all over the country. 

As I have said before, huge rallies can't remain peaceful forever, it only take a single spark to ignite the whole minefield of discontent. 

Haris Ibrahim extolled going to the streets as the only way to remove the government. His ABU movement has elements of right wing fascism and ready to wreak havoc in the country. 

This delusional man, if left to his own devices, will light the tinder box. 

Boom! Malaysia goes up in flame.

Now you know why Raja Petra (RPK) parted company with him.

I am not going to tell the police what to do, they knew better what to do when someone had gone overboard.

This A Good One........! The Pakatan's Craps !

Hantu Laut

This a good one......narrative of the Pakatan's craps!

In the midst of a busy day in Kuala Lumpur, a few years back, a jam-packed traffic cruising slowly and patiently on a busy metropolitan road was startled by the cacophonous din of a hospital ambulance siren coming from behind them. The emergency lights were flashing, and all cars were inching slowly to give way to the hospital-emergency vehicle to move. All except one, that is. One lone Chinese driver was suspicious of the ambulance’s “motives” and surmised that this is nothing more than the camaraderie of a (mostly-Malay) ambulance operator who was in a hurry to get back home or whose bladder was in a pressing situation, and was merely using (or abusing) his position to beat the traffic.
Read more here.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pakatan Rakyat Has Only 36 Malay/Muslim MPs

Hantu Laut

We can argue till kingdom come, no amount of rabble rousing will ever change the truth. Anwar can carry on with his political rally everyday if he wishes to, but the fact remained he has lost the real Malay supports. 

Pakatan Rakayat would be in real dilemma if they had won the elections. It would be a minority government even if Anwar was made prime minister.

I am talking about Pakatan as a whole, not the component party individually. 

Of the 89 parliamentary seats they won only 36 can be attributed to Malay/Muslims supports........... 53 are non-Malay/Muslim seats

PKR won 30 seats, but 15 of these seats are won by non-Malay/Muslim candidates. Therefore, PKR 15 + PAS 21 = 36 seats............. and DAP 38 + PKR 15 = 53 seats. The non-Malay/Muslim has much bigger representation. The figure did not include 2 Muslim seats in DAP.

How some political analysts regarded it as Malaysian tsunami is beyond comprehension. There are two pendulums here, the Chinese pendulum swung to the left and the Malay pendulum swung to the right, along the political spectrum.

Only urban Malays voted PKR and majority of votes came from non-Malay voters to ensure PR victory, but unfortunately majority of Malay voters got cold feet when they realised the massive non-Malay swing toward PR, particularly to DAP.

Anwar Ibrahim can screamed fraud all he wants, nothing will change the fact that he lost the elections of his own gross misjudgement. He took for granted that the Malays will vote for him en masse.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

If BN Cheated Why Don't Give Themselves Two-Thirds

Hantu Laut

How do you talk to the incorrigibly dumb, or those who think they are smart, but aren't there yet, or those who made a boner and picked a loser..........and cried FOUL and FRAUD! 

What about those who believe in everything they see on social media, blogs and so-called news portal spewing terrible halitosis that stinks to high heaven. 

BN won, not by you folks in the cities, but by the folks in the kampongs. 

Please, for the sake of this nation's peace and stability, stop showing off your huge rally in the city to fool yourself that you have the numbers. 

No, you don't have! 

The numbers are in the kampongs and they are called "CONSTITUENCIES" not "POPULAR VOTES" as your sore loser leaders have told you.

So what, if you have 120,000 strong in a stadium in Kuala Lumpur, are they representing the whole country or are victims of one man greed for power. 

Below is what I posted on Facebook in response to some friends' support of Anwar fomenting a "Malaysian Spring"

 I think Najib only speak what transpired on the ground. Ada pepatah Melayu kata "alang-alang mandi biar basah" If the BN cheated why don't they give themselves two-thirds majority instead of almost losing the government by the skin of their teeth, or why don't Najib better the 2008 results under Pak Lah. He can if he really wants to cheat, no?. I think Anwar is doing a great injustice to this country by his disgraceful act of fomenting the people to rise up against the government. He knew why BN won, partly his fault, he ignored the rural areas. This government won not by you people in the cities, it won by the rural constituencies, which many Malaysian don't understand or refused to accept. Our political system is not based on popular votes but on "first past the post", which even so many educated Malaysians either, can't understand, or pretended not to understand. U.K. have had many of this kind of results but people there are more intelligent and civilised, they don't accuse the government of cheating and defeated politicians take the defeat in their stride, unlike Anwar, the sore loser.I will not deny that there may be instances where BN may have provided transports and money to the kampong folks to go to polling centres, which is to be expected as kampong people are poor and do not have the means to travel to far-flung polling stations. Flying in 40,000 Banglas to vote, I think my grandfather (he is not Bangla, he is Pathan) must be kicking in his grave to hear so many Malaysians believe in such abominable lie. I can post a few past elections results in U.K if you guys still believe in Anwar's bullshit.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Phenomenal Chinese Swing: Blame Anwar Or Najib ?

Hantu Laut

You can call it Chinese Tsunami, Chinese Swing, or Urban Swing what the difference, it just a choice of word and they all carry the same meaning

Different people have different analysis of the outcome of the 13th General Elections.

A Kadir Jasin says it's a "Malaysian tsunami" here

Certainly, not a deluge of biblical proportion by any measure of your imagination, but still a Chinese swing that still unable to sink BN's mighty ship. Anwar refused to accept the verdict and played up electoral frauds, accusing Najib of impropriety.

Here, another political buff, one Dr Samsul Amri Baharuddin,  says it was an "urban swing" kind of thing.......closer to home but not exactly close enough.

I would like to call it the "Phenomenal Chinese Swing" if using the word "tsunami" sound politically incorrect to some people. 

I have always thought the Chinese are more open-minded than the Malays and are not easily rattled by such exploitation of word, but it is elections season and exploiting anything and everything has its benefits. 

Why Pakatan Rakyat failed to capture Putrajaya?

Was it the phantom voters, money politics, vote buying and all the allegations of electoral frauds?

NO! Not exactly.

If the people want to change, no amount of cheating can stop them.   

In 1985 when the mighty BERJAYA under Harris Salleh with all its resources and money was challenged by newbie PBS led by Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who was sacked by Harris from BERJAYA, every political pundits predicted huge victory for Harris and the party. I remember Harris even put up a huge scoreboard in the compound of his house showing BERJAYA collecting 47 seats and PBS 1 seat. Only Joseph Pairin will win in Tambunan.

It was a night of misery for Harris and the BERJAYA boys, the final tally was 6 seats for his party and the rest taken by PBS and its ally USNO. Harris lost to an unknown candidate, a giant killer.

There were some tears shed that fateful night as I saw a few of the boys openly crying of the unthinkable loss and one of them had  stood in the recent elections in Sabah, but lost in both the parliamentary and state seats.

NO!..... PR lost not entirely because of electoral frauds.

They lost because of Anwar Ibrahim?

He was the one who caused PR and himself to fail and now he is bloody sore and refuses to accept defeat and is going disturb the peace and harmony of this nation by inciting the people not to respect the results of the general elections.

Why he failed?

Anwar is the biggest exhibitionists this country have ever seen, to him everything must be grand, imposing and must have scale of splendour and that he must outshines everyone. He loves street protests and demonstrations and hates any form of dissension. Cross his path and you are history. Many have swallowed the bitter pills and left him without a fight.

He loves political grandstanding, the very reason he chose the cities and ignored the kampongs. To him it is not about winning for the people, it's all about winning for Anwar, Anwar and Anwar. .

Did I not say the real battles are in the kampongs.

Read my humble prognosis  "If You Want To Win This Election, Take Care Of The Kampongs" and go figure out why Pakatan Rakyat failed to takeover Putrajaya.

You don't have to crack your head to make weighty analysis of why they failed the objective.

We all know Anwar is a very smart man, a scholar of sort, fantastic orator, good communication skill and highly intelligent much to his own detriment. He can smothered his intelligence by falling in love with himself. He has no respect for the less educated and have no time for rusticity preferring to bathe in the limelight of the big cities. 

His sheer arrogance is the cause of his downfall and as I have said before this man will never be prime minister no matter how hard he tries.

Chinese discontent against the BN government has been brewing for a while and heightened by DAP well organised propaganda machinery using the alternative media to reach out to the Chinese community.

DAP had managed to pull the carpet from under PAS and PKRs feet in many of its roadshow in the urban areas, faithfully assisted by gullible PAS and PKR leaders, who want to share the moment of glory with DAP, who can draw record crowd to its rally.

In the just concluded 13th GE,  DAP collected 38 parliamentary  seats compared to 28 seats it garnered in the 12th GE.  PAS and PKR seats reduced to 21 and 30 respectively.In 12th GE PAS obtained 23 and PKR 31 seats.

PR had improved its parliamentary seats from 82 in 2008 to 89 in 2013 and gathered much higher popular votes than BN, gathered 5.489 million votes as opposed to BN 5.220 million.

Popular votes had never been the determining factor to form the government, our system is based on "first past the post" system, which gives the party that collects the first simple majority to form the government, same as the Westminster system in U.K. and other Commonwealth countries.

Popular votes is not the triggering mechanism in our system. 

Anwar refused to accept the verdict and played up electoral frauds, accusing Najib of impropriety to salvage his own embarrassment of shouting victory before the final countdown ends.

Najib did worse than Pak Lah. BN scored badly in almost all Chinese majority seats throughout the country, reflecting a massive rejection by the Chinese community and preference for the opposition DAP. If you remove Sabah and Sarawak from the equation, or if Sabah and Sarawak had performed badly, Najib would have lost the government.

DAP made further inroads into Johor, Sarawak and Sabah, winning more seats in these states.

Johor, the BN fortress and birthplace of UMNO came under heavy onslaught in PR first big foray into the state. Lim Kit Siang calculated move to try invade the state was fruitful. Out of 18 seats won by PR, 13 went to DAP, PAS 3 and PKR 1.

If anyone were to argue that it was not the "Phenomenal Chinese Swing" that eroded this BN fortress, the scrolled political pundits should immolate themselves, because they are pretty useless in their predictions before the elections, none have come close, except for the formidable and diminutive former Malaysian Minister Of Finance Daim Zainuddin, who hits the nail on the head. 

Still, don't believe it was the "Phenomenal Chinese Swing" that changed the political landscape. 

In the mother of all battles in Gelang Patah, Johor, where DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang pooled 54,284 votes against Johor strongman and ex-Menteri Besar Ghani Othman 39,522 votes the story was even more telling of Chinese political awakening. 

Gelang Patah has one of the highest turnout of voters topping almost 90%. It's a stark reality from the votes garnered by each individual that almost every Chinese voted for Lim and every Malay for Ghani. Lim garnered 58% of the total votes cast, which was slightly more than the total share of Chinese votes for the constituency.

Still don't believe it was the Chinese swing that almost helped PR entry into Putrajaya, but spoiled by Anwar's failure to recognise the importance of the rural constituencies in Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak.

In my hometown of Kota Kinabalu all my Chinese relatives, close friends, acquaintances and people that I know Chinese all voted for DAP.

In Sabah, PR won 11 state seats. PKR took 7 seats and DAP 4 seats and also won 2 parliamentary seats. Chinese candidates on BN tickets won by the skin of their teeth in Chinese marginal areas and won mainly on bumiputra votes. 

The story was the same throughout the country.

The Chinese was once divided in different political parties that left them without much political clout. Both MCA and Gerakan are seen as lame ducks and manned by leaders who are more interested in self-preservation and corruptions than working for the interests of the community. This perception and a window of opportunity had driven the Chinese to consolidate their political power under one umbrella, just as what the Malays were doing under UMNO.

Though, BN had lost almost all Chinese supports it should stay benevolent and must maintain Chinese representation in the administration and try repair the rift with the Chinese community. 

Najib must not listen to the ultras in his party that may want to make an example of BN without Chinese. 

There are still pockets of Chinese that still support BN. MCA was not completely trounced, they managed to collect 7 MP seats.

Najib, must continue with his transformation programmes and change the mindset of the leaders in UMNO that things are not going to be the same anymore and that there will be no more gravy trains for them to hop a ride on, adopt zero tolerance for corruptions and restructure the economic pie that gives equitable opportunity to all Malaysians, irrespective of their colour and creed. 

Unless, he does it quickly, within the limited time he has, BN or rather UMNO would become irrelevant and would not be around after the 14th GE.

Anwar, should be a gentleman, should accept the people's verdict and live to fight another day, or keep the promise he made before the elections to withdraw from politics gracefully.

Again, Sabah and Sarawak are the kingmakers and Najib should not forget that they now hold the trump cards and he better be kind to these two states or else find himself in a very precarious position.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Chinese Tsunami Killed Anwar And PR Chance Of Winning Putrajaya.

Hantu Laut

It was a suspenseful night, a cliffhanger of sort watching the results of the 13th GE trickles in as the world watches Malaysia's most tightly fought general elections ever and the dirtiest campaign by the oppositions ever in the history of this country.

The political pundits have never been so wrong. 

I saw it coming for a while now and have written in this blog a number of times that over zealous Chinese supports for DAP will kill PR chance of taking Putrajaya, but nobody seem to want to take notice that communal politics is still alive and kicking in this country. This,  dirtiest campaigning by PR and mistrust of Anwar Ibrahim was the game changer that killed Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat's chance of winning Putrajaya.

Pakatan leaders and supporters can say otherwise, which was expected of them, but the reality is there, on the ground. 

The straw that broke the camel back was Skudai, Johor  when almost 70,000 Chinese descended on the town to fete Lim Kit Siang's entry into Johor. This Chinese tsunami frightened the Malays in the Peninsula that drove them back to UMNO, except for the small section of so-called intellectuals, the mass shift was among the rural and semi-urban Malays. 

Sabah and Sarawak, with the exception of some Chinese dominated areas, have always been expected to deliver the seats to BN, only romantic dreamers think otherwise.

Sabah and Sarawak again saved BN from being trounced. Najib did worse than March 2008, but a win is still a win and I hope he will administer this country well.

People can say its cheating and money politics, putting that asides, I say it's communal and sectarian politics that changed the whole scenario.

More detailed analysis to come. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pakatan Pathetic Lie Busted: Mahathir Fled The Country?

Hantu Laut

They say Mahathir has fled the country afraid of Anwar Ibrahim should Pakatan win the elections today.

Another ignominious lie spread by the PR club.

Here he is waiting for his turn to vote in Kedah.


Pakatan's Pathetic Lie Busted:Indelible Ink Is Indelible.

Hantu Laut

Pakatan accused EC of conspiracy to cheat by saying indelible ink is not indelible.

Tian Chua of PR also accused the Chairman of EC as one of the conspirators and demanded his resignation here.

This is another one of PR lie to demonise the BN and fool the people. 

After returning from the polling station to see whether the claim by PR is true or not, I was amusingly surprised after  using various methods including heavy scrubbing to wash her finger to remove the ink, it failed miserably.

I rest my case.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Najib's 1MDB And Cayman Islands: The Skunk Cabbage

Hantu Laut

They have implicated he and his wife in the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu, now they say he carted away RM7.0 billion of the people's money and hide it in the Cayman Islands.

The oppositions must be really desperate to spread its hate campaign against Prime Minister Najib. The implausibility is deafening.

Cayman Islands is an off-shore financial centre not a pirate's cove as made out by some opposition's leaders out to demonise the PM for their own political mileage. 

Cayman Islands is a British overseas territory and administered by Britain and is the 5th largest banking centre in the world. It has almost 300 banks, 800 insurers and 10,000 mutual funds and have global financial institutions such as HSBC, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Goldman Sachs and over 80 other administrators stationed there.It is also the world leading off-shore hedge funds jurisdiction.

The opposition is trying to paint a frosty picture of the operations of 1MDB and insinuated that Najib is planning to steal the people's money as per this loathsome article in Malaysiakini by the equally loathsome "Sang Kancil" called Rafizi. 

Cayman Islands is not a money laundering centre where one can park one's ill-gotten gains without questions asked. It is a bona fide international off-shore financial centre used by the world's big mutual and edge funds and serviced by equally reputable banks and financial institutions.

There have been various articles written on 1MDB as regard its investments and business activities that appeared in numerous blogs and news portal across the country.

The articles are targeted at the laymen who had little understanding of global investment and high finance, in another word, the nitty gritty world of international finance and investment. It's a political stinger to sucker the minds of the ignoramuses.

1MDB was set up as a sovereign vehicle wholly owned by the Malaysian government to raise funds and seek high yield investments in the global market. Naturally, there are and there will be many companies incorporated under the mother company as subsidiaries to take care of the various type of investments.

I am not sure how 1MDB obtain its working capital, whether it is direct from the government or from the market, or a mixture of both. From the little that I read, I presumed they obtain their funds from the market by issuance of foreign currency dominated bonds.

An article "Putting RM7.18b in Cayman Islands is beyond 1MDB's mandate" written by one M.Shanmugam, managing editor of the Edge, questioned the rationale of 1MDB depositing the money in the Cayman. The amount in question was the US$2.318 (RM7.18b) redemption of bond issued by PetroSaudi International (PSI). 

Before I get to the point let me ask whether there had been actual physical cash payout by PSI to 1MDB for the bond redemption, or was the bond a PIK bond?  I'll explain what PIK bond or PIK loan later.

The article also mentioned that as of 31 March 2012 the Islamic bond value had ballooned to RM6.8b including profit receivables, or interest payments that are due but not paid to 1MDB by PSI. 

Now, let see, if it is the same bond, how could after accrual of interests or dividend payments the amount is less than the original principal amount?

The same article also mentioned that on 1 June 2012 1MDB took up 49% equity stake in PetroSaudi Oil Services Ltd (PSOSL) at value equivalent to the outstanding amount due to 1MDB and an option (I  guessed) to buy the balance 51% at a token of US$10. 

The 'shares for bond' exchange he says had rendered the Islamic bond redeemed and no further cash transaction was required.

This is where I suspect the bond between PSI and 1MDB was a PIK Bond.

A PIK (Payment In Kind) Bond pays interest not in cash but in additional bonds or shares.It is a deferred coupon bond as there are no interest cash payments during the bond's term. Interest is only paid on maturity of the bond. Due to its high risk this kind of bond pays higher interest and are for sophisticated investors such as hedge funds, is not for the boys, or companies seeking cashflow.

My dissection here is only on the particular transaction with PSI and should not be construed as on the whole operation of 1MDB.  I do not have enough inputs to comment on the whole operation.

I agree, 1MDB should have more transparent disclosure of its dealings as it is wholly owned by the Malaysian government and the Malaysian people. 

I also believe Najib has no intention of cheating the Malaysian people, but if left in the hands of incompetent people disaster could happen. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Dangerous Personality Cult Favor

Hantu Laut

A growing personality cult, as dangerous as in the making of all the world's past fascists and dictators. Not only personality cult, a political dynasty is also in the offing, husband, wife and daughter in the same political party and all three holding the reins of top leadership.

How did Adolf Hitler come to power? Did the German people foresee that he would one day turned out to be the biggest mass murderer the world have ever seen?

They didn't, but somehow supported him.

Let me be as brief as possible on the rise of Hitler to power.

Hitler rose to leadership through his emotional and captivating speeches. A good orator he could go on for hours captivating his audience with his rhetoric.

In 1919 he joined the German Worker's Party. A year later he became its leader, the Fuhrer.

Read more here.

Personality cult is a dangerous thing. Dictatorship is built on such miscarried supports. The only country that still engaged in it is North Korea.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

If You Want To Win This Election,Take Care Of The Kampongs

Hantu Laut

If you want to take over the government, you have to win the rural seats.

In the kampong, people only care about food and money. They have no time for the luxury of intellectual talks, promises of bed of roses that may never bloom, or promises of cleaning up the country of corruptions, which they do not understand.

Simple kampong folks have simple needs and the least difficult to please, unlike their urban counterparts, where hypocrisy rules the waves.

The party that embrace this georgic doctrine will be the first to past the post and take the chequered flag.

The rural areas are where the real battle should be and where most of the seats are located. Canvassing and campaigning are made much easier due to smaller population of voters in each constituency. However, logistic cost could be much higher due to remoteness of some of the places. 

While PR leaders are pampered by the urbanites, BN knew the nook and cranny of the back country and knew what the people want.

Based on the result of the 2008 general election where BN won 112 of 139 small constituencies, they only need roughly 19% out of the total number of voters to grab enough seats to form the government. In 2008, the smallest constituency was Putrajaya with just over 6,000 voters and the biggest was Kapar with a staggering 115,000 voters.

The backcountry is BN territory, or rather UMNO territory, where the tentacles of the Internet had not yet reached out and ripped the marbles out of the village folks. After over half a century of running the government, BN knew where the feeds for the bastion of power come from. The rural areas hold the key to Puterjaya.

On the other hand, Pakatan Rakyat, a coalescence of divergent old and new political aspirants appealed to the intellectuals, pseudo-intellectuals, the Internet savvy crowd, who fully depend their source of news and information on the alternative media, but ignored the rustic interior. 

In the urban jungle, many are youths who have had no inured journey to adulthood with leaders of the time, young and impressionable, they are strongly attracted and influenced by PR's promise of fabulist's list of goodies and promise of death blow to corruptions in government should they win the elections. 

Anti-corruption and calls for free and fair election is the paradigm of Anwar Ibrahim's campaign to wheedle the people to support him and Pakatan Rakyat, which worked well in the urban areas but failed to stir the rural population.

BERSIH, an NGO headed by former President of the Bar Council Ambiga Sreenevasan is suspected to be covert operation for Pakatan Rakyat, but she vehemently denied the allegation, albeit, some of her actions betrayed her declaration of BERSIH non-aligned status. Many suspected her of lying. The connection seems obvious. 

One 28 April 2012, Ambiga organised a pre-planned demonstration called BERSIH 3 (she has organised 2 previous ones under same name) that attracted a massive 200,000 people on to the streets of Kuala Lumpur, demanding free and fair elections. Skeptics believe without pre-arrangement of the oppositions help she won't be able to garner more than a thousand let alone tens of thousands of people. Many that came are members and supporters of opposition political  parties and onlookers out for festive mood. Many in UMNO suspected it to be a rehearsal for the real one, the Malaysian Spring, that may come should PR lose in the 13th GE. Anwar is known for his street culture from his heydays as student and social activist. BERSIH is a culmination of his mutinous ways.

Pakatan leaders like to bathe in the limelight of the urban jungle where amassing crowd of tens of thousands is not as arduous as in the rural areas, if you hang the right carrot. They miscalculated that one urban constituency can equal to as many as 5 or more rural constituencies. 

There is nothing illegal in the delineation or gerrymandering of electoral boundaries as made out by Amiga and Pakatan leaders to hoodwink the people. 

Due to better logistic, urban areas with better roads and communication facilities are easier to cover than rural areas and higher population density make for bigger number of voters in the constituency.  

Listen to Ambiga's fuzzy lecture misleading the people:

Most of what she said in the video are half-truths and double-speak. 

In the U.K the same prevails, there are small voices that complained but generally the people accept the system that have been with them for few hundred years. No British political party had ever complained or made a big issue of the seemingly unfair 'first past the post' system. Everyone accept defeat in their stride.

It's a system we inherited from the British colonialists.

Below is the result of the British general election in 1997

UK General Election 1997
PartyStandingElectedGainedUnseatedNet % of total %No.Net %
Labour6394181450+ 14563.443.213,518,167+8.8
Liberal Democrat63946302+ 287.016.85,242,947–1.0
Referendum Party54700002.6811,849N/A
SNP72630+ 30.92.0621,550+0.1
Ulster Unionist161010+11.50.8258,3490.0

The table shows Labour gets 43% of the popular votes but 63% of the seats to form the government on their own and there had been many elections like this in the U.K, yet there was never accusation of cheating or unfair electoral practices.

The Malaysian electoral rolls may be not all that perfect, but I doubt there have been massive cheating by the government to deprive the people of choosing the government of their choice. 

In spite of allegations of cheating the oppositions won 5 states and 82 parliamentary seats and deprived the BN of two-thirds majority in 2008. It was unpremeditated, accidental and unexpected. No one expected the result. Many expected a strong oppositions showing but never expected BN to lose 5 states.

Today, things are different, the new man is not the same as the man who "rest on his laurel" and had perennial fascination of his landslide victory which precipitated in political disaster for him and his party in 2008. 

Najib, in spite of all the odds against him is working hard to change the face of Malaysian politics and bring reforms to the party and country. Given a strong mandate, I believe he can and will do it.

While Najib is romancing the poor and the economically challenged, our much loved opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim prefers the glitz and glittering lights of the city where tens of thousands of his fans can applaud him. He is also fond of transversing the globe to meet other world leaders to prepare himself to be "Lord Of The Flies" (read William Golding's book of the same name, if you don't know what it is) in a soon to be paradisiacal nation?

He must have a huge war chest, but can he wins the elections.