Showing posts with label PKR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PKR. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Anwar: Blow by Blow

By Gopal Raj Kumar

  1. Anwar Ibrahim did nothing to reform the system when he was an insider. And mind you, he was sitting at its apex and even acting as prime minister between May and July 1997.He did nothing towards a repeal of the ISA, OSA, Emergency Ordinance or Sedition Act. Nor did he roll back the restrictions imposed by the Societies Act and the UUCA.
  2. In the 16 years that Anwar was rising up the Umno ranks until he was a heartbeat away from the very pinnacle, he made no changes for the better from the inside. On the contrary, it was he who poisoned Umno’s well through expanding and entrenching the culture of patronage and money politics.
  3. He is no democrat. In 1995, the Umno general assembly decided that the top two posts should not and would not be contested in its 1996 party election.
The assembly instructed that only Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar could be nominated for president and deputy president respectively. Anwar was deep in the bowels of the BN system that has been dubbed a “guided democracy”.
Neither is Pakatan democratic. In the DAP, the first families of Lim and Karpal rule like as if the party is their personal fiefdom.
Guan Eng’s younger sister Hooi Ying is Penang DAP secretary. Three of Karpal’s children – Jagdeep, Gobind and Ramkarpal – are YBs. Ramkarpal was gifted an inheritance of his father’s Bukit Gelugor Parliament seat.
As for the PKR first family, Daddy is Anugerah Tuhan aka ketum parti, Mommy is president and Oldest Girl is vice president. There’s even talk of Younger Girl being given the chance to contest Permatang Pauh, previously rotated between her parents.
What democracy are Pakatan people talking about?!
  1. Anwar was so Machiavellian in the ruthless way he toppled Ghafar Baba. Anwar was confirmed twice as Umno deputy president – in the 1993 and 1996 general assemblies.
He planted cells everywhere, appointing his coterie to vital and pivotal positions in the superstructure of the state. He was like a giant octopus with tentacles spread over the Umno machinery and the entire government bureaucracy. In short, he was a control freak.
Side note:
Man-in-a-hurry Anwar only served as Dr M’s deputy in Umno for five years (1993-1998) before trying to oust his boss. Unlike the treacherous Anwar, Tun Razak was a loyal deputy to Tunku Abdul Rahman. Tun Razak was Umno deputy president for 20 years (1951-1971) until Tunku resigned his party presidency in June 1971.
  1. True, Anwar was infamously given a black eye by the IGP but he was certainly not “beaten to within an inch of his life” as his declared by his lawyer. Reminder:A member of the Bar is not an aspiring novelist (or is he?). Hence he should always endeavour to be more factually precise in his expression and refrain from engaging in hyberbole.
Anwar, on the other hand, is an acknowledged drama queen. If you’ll recall, he had also alleged that he was being poisoned with arsenic. Oh, and the stage props – that ubiquitous neck brace and the wheelchair

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Malaysian Charlie Hebdo?


If they are not careful, unknowingly, it would be the non-Muslims that will turn this country into a truly Islamic state, if they don't stop interfering with Islam.

A lawyer, but an idiot, the lady lawyer a Muslim, also an idiot. What is a non-Muslim doing interfering with what happened inside a mosque with the KUTBAH on Friday prayers?

What happened inside the mosque is none of your business and that Muslim lady lawyer defending you should have known better.

Trying to make political mileage out of bashing Jakim and Islam?

Sorry mate! No sympathy for stupidity. 

You are lucky this is Malaysia, Muslims here are basically still more civilised than in many other parts of the world.

One must know where and where not to poo!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bro,You Are Only De Facto Leader Lah!

Hantu Laut

Probe into Khalid’s deals for sake of transparency, says Anwar

Poking his nose where he shouldn't. Anwar still want to control everything. 

You are only de facto leader lah, brother! 

You have no legal right or power to order or direct what the MB should or shouldn't do. The MB and his Exco are responsible to run the state without referring to you, or interference from you and the party. 

That's why Khalid was fed up with you and asked you to fly kite of your interference with state matters, which are none of your business. Unhappy with Khalid's treatment, you found it expedient to muckraking him to remove him from office.

You are not PM yet, or de facto PM, even if you were one, you can't interfere if it was opposition state, like what BN doing now, respecting the democratic process by not interfering in the state administration of opposition states.

I am surprise none of the sycophantic lawyers that surround you tell you this, or are they just as clueless as you are?

You are de facto (unelected) leader of the party only, you are a non-entity as far as the state administration is concerned, therefore, know your place, stop interfering in state matters.

All along we know why you wanted your wife to be MB. 

Unfortunately, the Almighty was not ready to grant your wish and desire to control the state of Selangor yet.

For goodness sake, please refrain from asking Azmin to reappoint you as financial adviser to the state because you will again become a pest.

A time will come when Azmin will also tell you to FO!

You are an amazing man, no matter how wrong you are, most Malaysians think you are right, which is how dictators are born.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Khalid Samad Outrage, Is the Royal Institution Under Threat?

Hantu Laut

I am surprise that Khalid Samad had taken the bull by its horn to ridicule the constitutional power of the Sultan of Selangor by using netizen's comments as a barometer to gauge the people's hostility toward the Sultan's absolute power,  a lie concocted to confuse the people, the Sultan has no absolute (mutlak) power. Story here.

As a lawmaker Khalid Samad should know better that the Sultan of Selangor and for that matter all the sultans in this country do not have absolute power. They only have constitutional power accorded to them under the constitution of their respective state.

I produce below the relevant section of the Selangor state constitution of the Sultan's power in the appointment of menteri besar:

I suppose the whole of the Pakatan gang is now worried that they may have to face the truth that the Sultan has the power given under Article 53 (2) a to ask for dissolution of the Assembly if it's in his judgement that Wan Azizah is not likely to enjoy majority support of the house. 

You can produce 40 signatures to show majority support for Wan Azizah, but it would still be up to the Sultan to accept or not to accept the majority resolution if he has any reasonable doubt.

This is the first time a Malay lawmaker had openly ridiculed the power of the sultan and used a rather stupid measure of netizen comments as opinion poll to justify his reproach of the Sultan even before the Sultan had acted on the matter.

For Khalid Samad information all comments that appeared in pro-Pakatan news portal such as Malaysian Insider, Malaysian Chronicle, Free Malaysia Today and so forth are filtered to allow only pro-Pakatan voices to get through and any adverse or anti-Pakatan comments are deleted on the spot.How he used it as a kind of opinion poll is difficult to understand.

Looking at the chain of events in Selangor and the angst against the Sultan will the monarchy system be under threat should Pakatan Rakyat come to power at the Federal level?

Unlikely, but with the rumbles of discontent one wouldn't know what the future beholds.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Would DAP And PKR Dare To Kick PAS Out of Pakatan Rakyat?

Hantu Laut

I frankly think PAS should part ways with DAP and PKR as they have no common ground, it was a marriage made in hell, of irreconcilable differences and of one feeling loftier than the other. 

Both DAP and PKR consider PAS a kampong party run by country bumpkins and dependent on DAP and PKR for its enhanced political performance. Otherwise, parochial PAS would be confined to Kelantan.

An insult PAS had swallowed all this while and taking it in its stride so far.

It's puzzling that with the constant bickering, mistrust and distrust among the partners the  politicians in DAP and PKR still want to stay together with the hudud wielding PAS.

The Khalid Ibrahim debacle may be the straw that will break the camel back and it looks like DAP and PKR are more afraid of losing PAS than the other way round.

Desperation has turned to more insults being thrown at PAS to decide quickly its stand on the issue

I am against hudud law and strongly feel that PAS mixing religion with running of a nation is not healthy for this multiracial and multi religious country.

PKR and DAP should stay in PR and work harder to challenge the BN in the next GE (General Election) and leave PAS to its own device.

A pick from a news portal on the Selangor impasse.

It almost seemed as if Hadi had forgotten that his party had shared the trenches with DAP and PKR in two wars – GE12 and GE13 – and had won significant battles along the way.
Also, for someone whose party under-delivered in GE13, whose refusal to change the menteri besar in Kedah caused the fall of the state to BN and who needed a chunk of non-Malay votes to win a chunk of parliamentary seats in the peninsula and state seats in Selangor, he was cocky and dismissive of the importance of PR to PAS.
Read more here

Monday, August 11, 2014

Anwar Screw-Up Big Time, Is Fresh Elections In The Offing?

Hantu Laut

Is fresh election in the offing for Selangor?

Anwar Ibrahim has cut his nose to spite his face and had thrown Selangor into political turmoil that may see PR (Pakatan Rakyat) road to Putrajaya going up in smoke.

This man whom I have rejected as a leader since his days in UMNO has shown vacuousness of his highly questionable power grab that backfiring not only on himself but on the whole Pakatan Rakyat, which may see the demise of the three-party coalition.

Every step taken by Anwar and PKR against Khalid Ibrahim has been in the wrong direction. 

Anwar demanded that Khalid resigned to pave way for his wife to take over the MB position as Khalid was appointed by Pakatan Rakyat. For those with moral principle, this is nepotism of the highest order. Are there not enough qualified candidates in the PKR elected representatives line-up to become MB? 

Why his wife? 

Why not the wolfish Azmin Ali, who had been played out twice of the MB post by him.A promise he made to Azmin, but couldn't deliver because the other two partners PAS and DAP were not comfortable with Azmin.

We can rule out Azmin due to his unacceptability, which leaves PKR with 12 more choices. Are the Muslims among the 12 all dumb? If it's true no one in PKR is capable other than his wife why not pick someone from PAS to replace Khalid, as the MB post rightfully belong to PAS, which they sacrificed to PKR for peace sake.

This is where stupidity reigned over sensibility, Anwar caught with his pants down as exposed by his little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli that PAS was never consulted on the "Kajang Move" as PAS is not likely to agree. What's the point of a coalition if you don't trust your partner and do things on the sly?

Like morning dreams come true, PAS dissented saying Khalid has not done anything wrong to justify his removal. 

Anwar claimed that Khalid was appointed by PR, therefore, must abide by the decision, again this conniving otter made another big mistake.

Was there unanimous decision? 

It is now clear there wasn't any consensus at all. The God-fearing leaders in PAS have no time for Anwar's greed and connivance. PAS has also identified who are the moles in PAS, planted by Anwar to help further his ambition to become PM (Prime Minister) of this country, by hook or by crook.

By what transpired lately, PAS appears to have gotten fed up with the constant bullying by PKR and DAP and is prepared to leave the coalition if Anwar proceeded with the removal of Khalid and replaced with his wife.

PAS has no objection to other names, but Anwar appears not keen and insistent in putting his wife.

PKR has stripped Khalid of his membership making him an MB without a party and PAS showing its displeasure with Anwar by inviting Khalid to join PAS.

PAS has thrown a spanner in the works and not likely to change its stance.

With Khalid out, PKR is now left with 13 ADUNs and if Khalid join PAS the likelihood of PAS demanding the MB to come from PAS is highly probable.

Khalid may go for broke. A dissolution of the assembly and fresh elections is even of higher probability.

I have said many times before that this coalition of strange bedfellows will one day disintegrate because they have nothing in common other than dreaming of taking over Putrajaya, which will also end up in chaos as PAS is not comfortable with Anwar as PM as revealed by little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli, the so-called architect of the "Kajang Move". 

As they say "never send a boy to do a man's job"  

Anwar has stripped himself naked of his true colours. This is his biggest blunder. I expect many of his faithful supporters would have seen through the smoke screen and will shy away from him.

Anwar will soon be a liability to Pakatan Rakyat.

Khalid Ibrahim will eventually have to go, but not before he inflicts more serious damage on Anwar's reputation. 

There is a Chinese idioms that says "greed over small gains brings big losses"

Anwar screw-up big time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Anwar Ibrahim A Bad Chess Player, Checkmated By Khalid.

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is a poor chess player compared to Khalid Ibrahim, who checkmated him of his insatiable desire to kick out Khalid and make his wife Wan Azizah as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. 

Strange as it may sound, PKR had also issued Khalid with a show cause letter, which stated among other things the following.

The letter dated 5 August 2014 sates that Khalid had, by way of a press statement on 22 July 2014, defied the decision of the Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (Central Leadership Committee) to put forward Dr Wan Azizah as the MB (Menteri Besar) of Selangor.

What's the point of a show cause letter from the party when the MB position comes under the purview of the state legislative assembly and only members of the the house with consent of the Sultan can remove Khalid as MB.

Even if PKR sack Khalid from the party, but he still enjoys majority support of the house, he can still legally continue as MB.

A simple majority can oust Khalid. The house has 56 seats, Pakatan needs minimum of 28 ayes have it, to remove Khalid. PAS with 15 seats in the assembly refused to give assent to the removal of Khalid to be replaced by Anwar's wife Wan Azizah. PAS leaders are convinced Khalid has done nothing wrong and see Anwar's desire to put his wife as the MB an immoral act.

It is obvious Anwar can't get enough lawmakers to support him in a vote of no confidence against Khalid and is now resorting to dirty Nazi type tactic of hounding Khalid by disseminating false propaganda and spurious character assassination about Khalid's wrongdoings to mislead the Selangor people.

Looks like little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli's "Kajang Move" has turned sour and has turned docile Khalid into a badass. Little boy wonder thinks Khalid can be bullied into submission. How wrong can he and Anwar be!

Khalid stood firm because he has enough lawmakers behind him in the event of a showdown and also hold the trump card in the event of anticipated foul-up in the house, last resort...... a dissolution.

I hope PAS stood steadfastly against the onslaught of bullying from PKR and DAP and stood by their principle.

Khalid has made a good menteri besar and no reason to replace him.

Anwar is a dangerous man and should never be allowed to always have his ways.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pas Kena Buli, Adakah PAS Anak Jantan Melayu Sebenarnya?

Hantu Laut

PAS kena buli. Ada kah PAS betu-betul anak jantan yang akan tegas dengan pendiriannya atau pun anak jantan pengecut!

Hahaha! As I have always said that little green monster is too smart for his own good. Rafizi the Goebbels "Kajang Move" has gone awry. 

This is typical Anwar's style, no consultation, no consensus, always consider others as subordinates, not as equals.

His arrogance has always been his downfall.

He forgets the MB post was a gift to PKR. He forgets PAS was the benevolent partner, gave way to his avaricious demand for the MB post, not once, twice!

He again expects PAS to submit to his nonsense and this time "enough is enough" PAS stood its ground.

.....but don't beat your drum yet, he will find ways to try his luck again to intimidate PAS into submission.

Sustained attack on PAS has started.

Will PAS stood its ground?

If PAS gives in, Abdul Hadi Awang has to resign as president of the party. 

If PAS stood its ground, two things can happen, Anwar accept defeat and let Khalid carry on as MB, or PAS has to leave Pakatan Rakyat.

Anwar and DAP will try their best to make life miserable for Hadi Awang and to split PAS for their own selfish interest.

Khalid is doing a fine job but Anwar wants to be the power behind the throne by ordering Khalid what to do and when Khalid refused to take his orders the scheming to remove him was plotted by Anwar and Rafizi the Goebbels.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Malaysia’s Anwar Takes a New Dare

Ousting a popular chief minister in his own party risks trouble but repositions him nationally
The surprise decision last month by Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to push aside Khalid Ibrahim, the respected chief minister of Selangor, one of the country’s two biggest states, and try to take the post himself is a complex gamble.
Among other things, it is designed to preserve or enhance Anwar’s standing as a national figure, according to political analysts in Kuala Lumpur, by giving him a state to run. Should he lose the March 23 state by-election that would give him the job – considered unlikely – it would consign him to political oblivion and make his Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) appear riven with factionalism.
Former state Assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh raised the curtain on the drama last month by resigning his seat in a Kuala Lumpur suburban district that would allow Anwar to stand for the state seat. That has upset many within the party who view it as an opportunistic move by Anwar and who have applauded Khalid’s stewardship of the state.
One think tank head joked that watching the opposition crack heads also gives Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak a respite from the barrage of personal attacks he has been under from the ruling Barisan Nasional’s right wing.
Helpful moveWhatever issues Anwar’s decision raises, strategically it settles the problem of a nagging internal party dispute, repositions him politically and resolves the issue of a popular but tight-fisted chief minister who has come under fire for refusing to spend money on infrastructure projects.
“Anwar will tackle national issues using a state platform,” said a longtime United Malays National Organization political operative. “I think he is going to give UMNO real trouble. It is a good move for the opposition, but it has put UMNO on the back foot. I think as Selangor chief minister he will give Najib a tougher fight.”
Although the decision was a surprise, it has been percolating since before last May’s general election, when some elements of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition were already pushing to replace Khalid, who has clashed with PKR party chief, Azman Ali, over a number of issues, including state contracting.
Khalid responded to the brewing challenge by leading the opposition coalition to a smashing victory based on his corruption-free stewardship of the state; the Pakatan Rakyat took 77 percent of the vote while the BN got just 23 percent.
Anwar, despite his leadership of the PR coalition, is said to have been frustrated because he lacks a platform to influence national politics and leading the coalition in parliament was not a sufficiently commanding arena. As chief minister, he would attend the Malaysia Conference of Rulers, where he can interact with the country’s nine sultans, who play a role in amending the constitution.
It would also give him a forum at the National Land Council, Finance Ministry and other key meetings with the federal government chaired by the prime minister. In the past, Anwar has shined in such gatherings, in contrast to Najib’s performance in front of key civil servants and ministers.

How do we spell G-O-D?In any case, the decision to push Khalid aside was triggered in early January when religious authorities in Selangor seized hundreds of Malay-language bibles using the word “Allah” in reference to the Christian God. The issue has been boiling for months if not years, and appears to have been manufactured entirely by UMNO strategists, since Christians in the east Malaysia states of Sabah and Sarawak have been using the word to denote God for more than a century, as have Christians across the Middle East and Indonesia.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kajang: A Time To Kill

Hantu Laut

If you think you want to be more popular than Anwar, think again, it could be your political demise.

From Chandra Muzaffar to Zaid Ibrahim, many had vanished into political oblivion for wanting to enhance their popularity in the party, a forbidden territory exclusively the domain of Anwar Ibrahim and his family.

Be subservient, or be killed politically.

Kajang, Naib, Mahathir and UMNO were lame excuses, not the reasons. Wiz-kid Rafizi is becoming a clown.His circus act here.

Khalid Ibrahim was the reason, stood in the way of the treasury door and had become a torn in the flesh............ it's time to end his political carrier, Anwar style, pitting the pit bulls against each other......Azmin Ali vs Khalid Ibrahim.

Most of you would know Nathenial Tan, once upon a time a fervid supporter of Anwar Ibrahim.

Read what he has to say about Anwar.......

For years I defended Anwar Ibrahim. For years I defended PKR. I defended and I defended, until the day came where it became impossible to defend the indefensible. People always like to speculate whether people change their positions due to money. In all honesty, I think that’s a healthy speculation.

For too long now, I think Anwar, PKR and Pakatan have become convinced that they can get away with murder, because they believe those of us who hunger for change simply have no other options.

They assume we truly, truly will vote for Pakatan (and Anwar) no matter what, as long as no alternative (like another party, or say, Khalid) exists.I had always thought there was a limit as to how far they would go. It would appear not.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Enter...... Rafizi The Moron, Mahathir The Bogeyman

Hantu Laut

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"

A saying either by Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain, or one copied the other, I am not sure who is the originator.

Nevertheless, Pakatan's Minister of Propaganda Rafizi Ramli has admitted responsibility for the debacle and is taking the fall for Anwar Ibrahim, or what he thinks he could get away apology on a rotten red herring ........because he thinks Malaysians are stupid.

He said "In all honesty, as the strongest proponent of the scheme, I bear most responsibility for the decision"

Let me take an excerpt from PKR Geobbels apology, who has now become the biggest moron in the Pakatan's outfit.

It is an open secret that the move to remove Datuk Seri Najib Razak has begun. As a party strategist, I cannot rule out the possibility that Najib is removed and Umno falls to the ultras led by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s faction.
The unscrupulous attack and schemes to take Selangor by hook or by crook will begin the moment a weak Najib is removed.
Even as we speak, Umno’s cards are all too obvious in the latest round of racial and religious controversies stirred up in Selangor in the last few months.
Should Najib fall, expect a full-blown manipulation of racial and religious issues to create mistrust and frustration with the Selangor government. Read more here.

Haha!, now you know why Anwar did what he did. It is because of the soon to be ousted Najib and his tormentor Tun Mahathir, who supposedly is on the war path to remove Najib from his premiership. 

He said "The job is not done and we are about to face another round of onslaught from Umno"

Beware! Mahathir and UMNO, his army of marauders is coming to re-invade Selangor.

Of course, if you are Pakatan supporters you would swallow his lies hook,line and sinker, but for those who still have their brains intact in the right place apology Mr Geobbels Rafizi, you are the biggest bullshitter and if I may say a moron in the making. 

A pathetic lie even a child can see through.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Trusting Untrusting Anwar !

Hantu Laut

Why are there people still trusting this man? 

He has played out many of his comrades. The list of slayed friends can stretch as long as the Nile. The last one was Ansari Abdullah who has served him and PKR faithfully for 14 years, traded in for 2 frogmen from BN, who crossed over to him before the 13th GE.

That's Anwar for you.A friend in need, not a friend in deed.

Khalid will eventually face the same brutal treatment.

He said he will not be replacing Khalid as MB, but standing for ADUN just for the fun of it.

Yes, you heard me correctly, just for the fun of it.

The question I would like to ask Anwar Ibrahim is why degrade yourself to that level if you have no intention of ousting Khalid as MB?

Anwar knew fully well his coalition partners would support him when the time come to remove Khalid as they have told him in no uncertain terms that they cannot accept Azmin as MB.

It is obvious that he would rather sacrifice the less influential Khalid than ruffles the feathers of Azmin Ali, who holds him by the balls.

It is foregone conclusion that Anwar will with no sweat at all win the seat comfortably.

BN should boycott the by-election. 

Unfortunately, there are not many smart asses in that outfit to see the futility of such endeavour. Let's hope PM Najib sees it otherwise and not use his kangkongology to decide what best for him and his government.

Will Anwar be MB? 

Now that public opinion is going against him, he would not be taking over the MB position, but would still stand as ADUN.

Khalid would still be asked to leave or face vote of no confidence.

Someone from PAS, that can be easily manipulated, would most likely be given the MB position.

People are beginning to see the true colour of the man who wanted so much to be prime minister of the country, but may end up as menteri besar.

One day, Anwar must be put out to pasture.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Black 505 Rally A Flop: DAP The Crowd Puller, Not Anwar

Hantu Laut

The distressed politician

As I have said in my earlier post 'will it fizzle out before it started' the expected happened.Anwar blamed the haze for the poor turnout.

It's not the haze, people are tired of listening to the same thing, the repetitious bashing of BN and the EC. An overdose of anything will have dire consequence.Even an overdose of vitamins can make you sick, or die from it.

An attendee when asked why is he leaving so early responded "Many of us were put off by speeches bashing BN and the SPR(Election Commission).Their speeches belong to pre-election ceramahs, not at a rally for the rakyat"

The general feeling among the people is that Anwar is too much"gila kuasa" and has become completely irrational. The content of his speech at the rally was a reflection of his emotional distress.People are beginning to realise that getting more popular votes do not guarantee a win, it's the party that collected the most number seats at simple majority that form the government. Anwar refused to accept the results and started a campaign of destabilising the government.

The Black 505 Rally at Padang Merbok was a big flop, they had less than 10% of the 300,000 people expected to turn up.The lukewarm response by DAP was a major cause of the failure, which should make Anwar realise that DAP is the crowd puller, not him. Lim Kit Siang presence was just a symbolic gesture not to upset Anwar. There were very little attendance of DAP supporters. Most Chinese that attended the rally were PKR members and supporters.

Here, the sycophantic pro-Anwar/PR portal Malaysia Chronicle pulled a bluff, putting the crowd at 70,000, when they hardly had more than 30,000.

The measly Chinese presence will not bode well for Anwar, he may be the de facto leader, but DAP the one calling the shots. DAP is definitely the crowd puller with massive Chinese solidarity in urban areas. Anwar's supports are mostly opportunistic, localised and scattered among the different ethnic groups.As I have written in an earlier post, PR elected members are dominated by non-Malays, boosted by swelling Chinese supports.

A good example to quote is Mohd Ariff Sabri also known by his blogging name SakmongkolAK47, who was DAP candidate for P.80 Raub, a mixed constituency of 11501 voters comprising Malay(49%) Chinese(44%) and Indians (7%). Sabri won by a majority of 2814 votes on the back of strong Chinese supports. The vote was not for Ariff Sabri, it was a vote for DAP. He would have lost if he had stood in a Malay majority area in Pahang.

DAP is the mainstay of Pakatan Rakyat supports and the crowd puller. Not PKR, PAS, or Anwar.

DAP have played their cards well, logical and rational, they have no ambition to make a Chinese prime minister. Even with more seats than PKR and PAS, they will accept Anwar as PM, but being the kingmaker, they can control him and shape the policies and future of this nation according to their prescriptions.

Penang is a modality.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mother Of All Rallies Today: Did The Chinese Smell Something Fishy?

Hantu Laut

Everything we do, good or bad, must have a reason, or an objective. We eat to live, we work to sustain that existence. We shower once or twice a day for hygiene, to keep the bugs away from making us sick. We have sex for pleasure or procreate to sustain the human race.

Unless, you are completely insane, everything you do must have reasons.

Pakatan Rakyat lost the elections and blamed electoral frauds as the cause of their misery. They know why they lost but they don't want the people to know the truth, they want the people to think that they have really been cheated, they want to anger the people to justify an uprising.

They say they have no intention of bringing down the government. If so, why hold so many rallies?

Later they say they want all Election Commission's members to resign for the electoral frauds.

Doctor apa ini, doctor ubat, doctor gigi atau doctor baru belajar (intern)

There are many lawyers in Pakatan Rakyat, don't tell me they don't know the law, who can appoint and who can remove members of the EC? Have the shit got into their heads that they can't remember the law.

Their propaganda of electoral frauds started long before the general elections as contingency plan in the event they lose the elections. As I have expected, they lost and are using that contingency plan now to take over the government, by hook or by crook.

The biggest honour should be given to Ambiga for the biggest political fraud of the century, openly colluding with Pakatan Rakyat to destabilise the government under the pretext of fighting for free and fair elections. This lady has a swollen head because of that award given by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, which is a real boo-boo. The same kind of ill-judged Nobel Peace Prize given to Obama, a joke I still could not comprehend till today. Alfred Nobel must be turning in his grave, though, he himself invented one of the most destructive invention, the dynamite being his most famous one.

This is Anwar Ibrahim's last stand, by hook or by crook, he must be prime minister, but as I have predicted time and again, he'll never be, man proposes, God disposes. Someone up there writes his destiny, and for that matter, for all of us.

Another propagandist, but not as smooth as Rafizi the Goebbels.

Shakespeare had also gotten into the act that one's destiny is in God's hand, in his works of Hamlet "There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will". It means no matter how hard you try to shape your life in the end it is God, who decides your destiny.

In Islam we called it takdir.

Fate must have it that God is not ready to make Anwar the prime minister of this country yet.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and as the democratic process had failed him, he needs to change the course of action and the only option opened is an uprising similar to the "Arab Spring"

No political party in a democratic system in any part of the world organises weekly rally as the one seen in Malaysia. What is the purpose?

It is undeniable that the whole idea of the weekly rally is to culminate into a huge one to bring down the government.

It seems DAP wise up to the wrong flavour of the rally as there are no signs of them participating. Did the Chinese smell something fishy, hence, not wanting to get involved?

It looks like an all Malay do, organised by incorrigible PKR and PAS leaders, the sore losers.

Inikali lah! Melayu pukul Melayu!

Today, we'll see how many stupid Malaysians will come out, in spite of the haze, to participate in the mother of all rallies....or will it fizzle out before it started?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Christina Liew Is Sabahan Lah, Stupid!

Hantu Laut

It is a stark revelation that the RCI cannot be used as a yardstick to measure the extent of government involvement in the issuance of Malaysian identity cards to illegal immigrants.

Most identity cards were sold by irresponsible and corrupt West Malaysian officers, who came to Sabah to make fast money with little conscience that their actions have far-reaching consequences, detrimental to the interests and well-being of Sabahans.

A number of witnesses called up by the commission had been unreliable. Some were too smart for their own good, some just plain stupid and some gave only half the truth.

The recent claim made by Sabah Suluk Ethnic Clan Association secretary Mohd Zaki Hari Susanto (a Suluk with an Indonesian name) that Api-Api assemblywoman Christina Liew was an Indonesian Chinese before becoming Malaysian was a clear case of ignorance. The man is just plain stupid, doesn't know what he is talking about. Many people knew Christina Liew from childhood and knew she is a Sabahan and a naturalised Malaysian. What was uttered by this man at the RCI was untrue.

Liew has clarified her status here.

Many young Malaysians are ignorant of the history of this country because our history books in schools are so badly written, it imparts very little knowledge of pre-independence history and the position of the migrant races who stepped foot on this shore before independence.Read more.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some People Have The Cheek !

Hantu Laut

Ansari should have known better the cabals, the cheats and the fabulists that is Anwar's brand of politics. A dirty user of the worst kind

Never trust a man with a crooked smile!

Some people have the cheek!

Our target today is Ansari Abdullah.  A friend of his on Facebook sent us the following posting:

Many of you who follow us here and elsewhere must have thought that we are going to criticize Ansari like we did others - yes, we whack everyone!  But not today, in fact, we felt sorry for him :-(

It is extremely painful to be forsaken by people we trust but that should not hinder us from moving on and strengthening our determination to improve ourselves and contribute our part to society.

For Ansari, 35 years of legal experience is definitely not long enough to spot and handle vicious and deceitful politics...! Read more.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Cocksure Cocksucker !

Hantu Laut

He is the most amusing and at the same the most disgusting schemer in the whole PKR outfit that might have put to shame the real Goebbels.

If you don't know who the real Joseph Goebbels is. Here he is!

Rafizi thinks a video showing a Bangla, the correct term is Bengali (there is yonks old confusion in this country of calling Sikhs and Pakistani (West) as Bengalis) holding his inked thumb and saying he is not Malaysian is strong evidence of cheating in the13th GE by BN. Here, the story.

Who is he trying to kid?

Below is another allegation of vote rigging, which sounds as hollow as the 40,000 Bengalis voting in the 13th GE, an incredulous story of logistical nightmare to fly them in all the way from Dhaka to KL. 

Most people know (unless you are bozo like him) with today's technology you can do almost anything with photos and videos. Though, videos are more difficult to doctor but easiest to stage. As they say nothing is impossible, it's miracle that takes time. Every week this court jester will come up with new evidence of frauds by BN.

Rafizi can get one of his Malaysian Indian friends to act as a Bengali and claimed he is from Bangladesh. What so difficult about that. Even my 5 years old grandson can shoot the video for him. All he has to do is get the actor.

Morons will believe him.

Why should the EC investigate such incredulous claims. It is not their job to investigate. If a crime had been committed the right avenue is the police and the court of law.

We have sufficient law to take care of election offences. Go to court to seek justice there, if you think you had been had. The streets, the stadiums and the huge rallies are not going to render justice, it can only be the tinder box, which is what Anwar wanted, I guess!

Someone told me he is a prodigy of some kind, but I think he is a bit screwed in the head. From his body language and his grins you know he is a man ,either, in love with himself or suffering from "siege mentality", the same sickness afflicting Anwar that makes him delusional, a persecution complex that is an acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures.

Let me ask this young and bright Melayu boy about Anwar's  sex video, which Anwar denied it was him and claimed the video was faked, though, the man in the video is a spitting image of him, does he think the video is pukka, the real stuff ?

If Anwar's video is faked, can we not also say Rafizi's video is also faked? 

In every game there should be fair play and level playing field. You can't win all the time. If you claim your video is genuine than Anwar's sex video must be the same.....pukka!

Whatever happened to Anwar's double, who was apparently apprehended by Malaysian Immigration and deported to Thailand. Another lie .There never was his double. That was another pre-election red herring to fool the people.

In spite of the fact that the experts confirmed the sex video is not faked, Anwar and every Pakatan leaders staged a wayang for the court of public opinion and the Malaysian public are sold..... log, stock and barrel.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

If You Want To Win This Election,Take Care Of The Kampongs

Hantu Laut

If you want to take over the government, you have to win the rural seats.

In the kampong, people only care about food and money. They have no time for the luxury of intellectual talks, promises of bed of roses that may never bloom, or promises of cleaning up the country of corruptions, which they do not understand.

Simple kampong folks have simple needs and the least difficult to please, unlike their urban counterparts, where hypocrisy rules the waves.

The party that embrace this georgic doctrine will be the first to past the post and take the chequered flag.

The rural areas are where the real battle should be and where most of the seats are located. Canvassing and campaigning are made much easier due to smaller population of voters in each constituency. However, logistic cost could be much higher due to remoteness of some of the places. 

While PR leaders are pampered by the urbanites, BN knew the nook and cranny of the back country and knew what the people want.

Based on the result of the 2008 general election where BN won 112 of 139 small constituencies, they only need roughly 19% out of the total number of voters to grab enough seats to form the government. In 2008, the smallest constituency was Putrajaya with just over 6,000 voters and the biggest was Kapar with a staggering 115,000 voters.

The backcountry is BN territory, or rather UMNO territory, where the tentacles of the Internet had not yet reached out and ripped the marbles out of the village folks. After over half a century of running the government, BN knew where the feeds for the bastion of power come from. The rural areas hold the key to Puterjaya.

On the other hand, Pakatan Rakyat, a coalescence of divergent old and new political aspirants appealed to the intellectuals, pseudo-intellectuals, the Internet savvy crowd, who fully depend their source of news and information on the alternative media, but ignored the rustic interior. 

In the urban jungle, many are youths who have had no inured journey to adulthood with leaders of the time, young and impressionable, they are strongly attracted and influenced by PR's promise of fabulist's list of goodies and promise of death blow to corruptions in government should they win the elections. 

Anti-corruption and calls for free and fair election is the paradigm of Anwar Ibrahim's campaign to wheedle the people to support him and Pakatan Rakyat, which worked well in the urban areas but failed to stir the rural population.

BERSIH, an NGO headed by former President of the Bar Council Ambiga Sreenevasan is suspected to be covert operation for Pakatan Rakyat, but she vehemently denied the allegation, albeit, some of her actions betrayed her declaration of BERSIH non-aligned status. Many suspected her of lying. The connection seems obvious. 

One 28 April 2012, Ambiga organised a pre-planned demonstration called BERSIH 3 (she has organised 2 previous ones under same name) that attracted a massive 200,000 people on to the streets of Kuala Lumpur, demanding free and fair elections. Skeptics believe without pre-arrangement of the oppositions help she won't be able to garner more than a thousand let alone tens of thousands of people. Many that came are members and supporters of opposition political  parties and onlookers out for festive mood. Many in UMNO suspected it to be a rehearsal for the real one, the Malaysian Spring, that may come should PR lose in the 13th GE. Anwar is known for his street culture from his heydays as student and social activist. BERSIH is a culmination of his mutinous ways.

Pakatan leaders like to bathe in the limelight of the urban jungle where amassing crowd of tens of thousands is not as arduous as in the rural areas, if you hang the right carrot. They miscalculated that one urban constituency can equal to as many as 5 or more rural constituencies. 

There is nothing illegal in the delineation or gerrymandering of electoral boundaries as made out by Amiga and Pakatan leaders to hoodwink the people. 

Due to better logistic, urban areas with better roads and communication facilities are easier to cover than rural areas and higher population density make for bigger number of voters in the constituency.  

Listen to Ambiga's fuzzy lecture misleading the people:

Most of what she said in the video are half-truths and double-speak. 

In the U.K the same prevails, there are small voices that complained but generally the people accept the system that have been with them for few hundred years. No British political party had ever complained or made a big issue of the seemingly unfair 'first past the post' system. Everyone accept defeat in their stride.

It's a system we inherited from the British colonialists.

Below is the result of the British general election in 1997

UK General Election 1997
PartyStandingElectedGainedUnseatedNet % of total %No.Net %
Labour6394181450+ 14563.443.213,518,167+8.8
Liberal Democrat63946302+ 287.016.85,242,947–1.0
Referendum Party54700002.6811,849N/A
SNP72630+ 30.92.0621,550+0.1
Ulster Unionist161010+11.50.8258,3490.0

The table shows Labour gets 43% of the popular votes but 63% of the seats to form the government on their own and there had been many elections like this in the U.K, yet there was never accusation of cheating or unfair electoral practices.

The Malaysian electoral rolls may be not all that perfect, but I doubt there have been massive cheating by the government to deprive the people of choosing the government of their choice. 

In spite of allegations of cheating the oppositions won 5 states and 82 parliamentary seats and deprived the BN of two-thirds majority in 2008. It was unpremeditated, accidental and unexpected. No one expected the result. Many expected a strong oppositions showing but never expected BN to lose 5 states.

Today, things are different, the new man is not the same as the man who "rest on his laurel" and had perennial fascination of his landslide victory which precipitated in political disaster for him and his party in 2008. 

Najib, in spite of all the odds against him is working hard to change the face of Malaysian politics and bring reforms to the party and country. Given a strong mandate, I believe he can and will do it.

While Najib is romancing the poor and the economically challenged, our much loved opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim prefers the glitz and glittering lights of the city where tens of thousands of his fans can applaud him. He is also fond of transversing the globe to meet other world leaders to prepare himself to be "Lord Of The Flies" (read William Golding's book of the same name, if you don't know what it is) in a soon to be paradisiacal nation?

He must have a huge war chest, but can he wins the elections.