Showing posts with label Selangor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selangor. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bro,You Are Only De Facto Leader Lah!

Hantu Laut

Probe into Khalid’s deals for sake of transparency, says Anwar

Poking his nose where he shouldn't. Anwar still want to control everything. 

You are only de facto leader lah, brother! 

You have no legal right or power to order or direct what the MB should or shouldn't do. The MB and his Exco are responsible to run the state without referring to you, or interference from you and the party. 

That's why Khalid was fed up with you and asked you to fly kite of your interference with state matters, which are none of your business. Unhappy with Khalid's treatment, you found it expedient to muckraking him to remove him from office.

You are not PM yet, or de facto PM, even if you were one, you can't interfere if it was opposition state, like what BN doing now, respecting the democratic process by not interfering in the state administration of opposition states.

I am surprise none of the sycophantic lawyers that surround you tell you this, or are they just as clueless as you are?

You are de facto (unelected) leader of the party only, you are a non-entity as far as the state administration is concerned, therefore, know your place, stop interfering in state matters.

All along we know why you wanted your wife to be MB. 

Unfortunately, the Almighty was not ready to grant your wish and desire to control the state of Selangor yet.

For goodness sake, please refrain from asking Azmin to reappoint you as financial adviser to the state because you will again become a pest.

A time will come when Azmin will also tell you to FO!

You are an amazing man, no matter how wrong you are, most Malaysians think you are right, which is how dictators are born.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Belittling, Demotion And Punishment Of PAS: A Fool On The Hill!

Hantu Laut

The denigration, belittling and demotion of PAS by its partners in Pakatan Rakyat has started, which without any doubt a punishment.

Is the new Selangor MB Azmin Ali a democrat extraordinaire, or a fool on a hill?

PKR has 13 ADUN seats but gets 5 Exco seats, while PAS and DAP has 15 seats each but get 3 Exco seats each.

This is called tyranny of the minority. Very common in the Middle East. It happened in Iraq, Bahrain and Syria, where minority ruled over the majority.

PAS, should by now reconsider its position in Pakatan.

If what Azmin did was with the knowledge and blessing of Anwar Ibrahim, I feel sorry for him, he fell into Anwar's trap. 

Anwar has the perfect shot to kill of no confidence with the help of his disgruntled allies, PAS and DAP.

Some people just too smart for their own good.

Whether Anwar will succeed or not is another matter, but Azmin has left himself an open target.

Story here.

If you like the Beatles the song here.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Will There Be D-Day For Selangor And Pakatan?

Hantu Laut

 As I have said in my recent post "Khalid Samad Outrage, Is the Royal Institution Under Threat?" there  seemed to be immense fear among Pakatan leaders that the Sultan may agree to a dissolution of the state assembly to resolve the Selangor impasse.

The regularly-cited constitutional expert Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari is a partisan pro-Pakatan supporter. Almost all of his prognoses in the past had been approbation of Pakatan Rakyat and antagonism of the ruling party.  Story here.

A question I would like to ask our learned professor how he arrived at his own logic that Khalid is a caretaker menteri besar? As far as the constitution is concerned a government only become a caretaker  after dissolution of the assembly and until such time the same or new government is installed, in most cases after completion of polling and the winner with a clear majority is established. In Khalid's case his government is still a going concern as there was no dissolution of the assembly yet.

For all intents and purposes Khalid Ibrahim is still the legitimate menteri besar accorded him under the Selangor constitution until such time a vote of no confidence is brought against him in the legislative assembly, or substantive evidence is presented to the Sultan that Khalid had lost majority support of members of the assembly. Until then Khalid is not a caretaker menteri besar. 

If he so wish, the Sultan can demand all 56 of the assemblymen to be present in front of him for him to determine the lost of confidence in Khalid Ibrahim, or the Sultan can ignore all that and allow dissolution of the assembly.

These Pakatan folks are one of a kind, they can without a flicker of guilt, right what is wrong and wrong what is right.

Remember the Perak debacle? How they wanted a snap poll after they lost the government to BN. How they ridiculed and harassed the Sultan of Perak and brought him into public odium and contempt.

The whole episode started when Pakatan inticed BN Nasaruddin Hashim to crossover to Pakatan. Even though they had formed the government in Perak, they were foolish enough to go on a wild hunt to steal BN assemblyman. 

Anwar, as always, the lousy chess player was outwitted by the wily foxes in BN, who not only succeeded in getting Nasaruddin back to BN, but brought along with him three Pakatan assemblymen. The departure of the three caused the collapse of the Pakatan government in Perak. 

Obviously, the Perak's mess had not taught Anwar a lesson. 

What the Sultan and majority of Malaysians know of Khalid's ouster and lost of confidence had been through the media, pro-Pakatan news portals blogs and directly from the Pakatan secretariat. The Sultan have not had an audience with Pakatan leaders yet to determine Khalid's fate.

Some Pakatan leaders and pro-Pakatan news portal/blogs are already having a field day pouring scorn on the Sultan even before he decides on the issue.

Initially,  PAS sided with Khalid and refused to accept Wan Azizah as replacement for Khalid, but after being lampooned by PKR and DAP,  bowed to the wishes of Anwar, PKR and DAP to put only Anwar's wife as  sole candidate for menteri besar, hoping to corner the Sultan into submission, leaving him no choice but to accept Wan Azizah. 

Article 53 (2) a..... gives the Sultan absolute and unfettered power to decide according to his judgement.The Sultan may or may not accept Wan Azizah.
Would Anwar accept if the Sultan rejected his wife and asked for new names to be submitted to him, or would he organise a street's party to seek justice?

Will there be dissolution day for Selangor and Pakatan?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Khalid Samad Outrage, Is the Royal Institution Under Threat?

Hantu Laut

I am surprise that Khalid Samad had taken the bull by its horn to ridicule the constitutional power of the Sultan of Selangor by using netizen's comments as a barometer to gauge the people's hostility toward the Sultan's absolute power,  a lie concocted to confuse the people, the Sultan has no absolute (mutlak) power. Story here.

As a lawmaker Khalid Samad should know better that the Sultan of Selangor and for that matter all the sultans in this country do not have absolute power. They only have constitutional power accorded to them under the constitution of their respective state.

I produce below the relevant section of the Selangor state constitution of the Sultan's power in the appointment of menteri besar:

I suppose the whole of the Pakatan gang is now worried that they may have to face the truth that the Sultan has the power given under Article 53 (2) a to ask for dissolution of the Assembly if it's in his judgement that Wan Azizah is not likely to enjoy majority support of the house. 

You can produce 40 signatures to show majority support for Wan Azizah, but it would still be up to the Sultan to accept or not to accept the majority resolution if he has any reasonable doubt.

This is the first time a Malay lawmaker had openly ridiculed the power of the sultan and used a rather stupid measure of netizen comments as opinion poll to justify his reproach of the Sultan even before the Sultan had acted on the matter.

For Khalid Samad information all comments that appeared in pro-Pakatan news portal such as Malaysian Insider, Malaysian Chronicle, Free Malaysia Today and so forth are filtered to allow only pro-Pakatan voices to get through and any adverse or anti-Pakatan comments are deleted on the spot.How he used it as a kind of opinion poll is difficult to understand.

Looking at the chain of events in Selangor and the angst against the Sultan will the monarchy system be under threat should Pakatan Rakyat come to power at the Federal level?

Unlikely, but with the rumbles of discontent one wouldn't know what the future beholds.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Shameful! Hadi Awang Should Resign Or Take PAS Out Of Pakatan!

Hantu Laut

Panas-panas tahi ayam! is a Malay idiom, which literally means as hot as the chicken shit that fizzles out very fast.

PAS President Hadi Awang has lost his mojo, the party decision sabotaged and reversed!

Read more below:

I really don't care whatever happened to Khalid, it's water under the bridge, that's no more the issue.

The pertinent question now is, can PAS be trusted ?

A man is only good as his word. PAS is now the biggest laughing stock for the entire world to see.

If Hadi Awang had any more self-respect left in him, he should resign as president, or take PAS out of Pakatan.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tony Pua: Khalid Ibrahim Extremely Honest And Hardworking Menteri Besar

Hantu Laut

The speech was made by Tony Pua on 5 Feb 2014 praising MB Khalid Ibrahim as being an honest and hardworking menteri besar.

Within a matter of months Khalid Ibrahim has turned from honest-to-goodness Mr Clean to a devious double-dealing Mr Crooked.

Mr Pua, what happened to your outstanding ovation for Khalid Ibrahim?

Poor guy, someone must have squeezed his balls to toe the party line .

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Would DAP And PKR Dare To Kick PAS Out of Pakatan Rakyat?

Hantu Laut

I frankly think PAS should part ways with DAP and PKR as they have no common ground, it was a marriage made in hell, of irreconcilable differences and of one feeling loftier than the other. 

Both DAP and PKR consider PAS a kampong party run by country bumpkins and dependent on DAP and PKR for its enhanced political performance. Otherwise, parochial PAS would be confined to Kelantan.

An insult PAS had swallowed all this while and taking it in its stride so far.

It's puzzling that with the constant bickering, mistrust and distrust among the partners the  politicians in DAP and PKR still want to stay together with the hudud wielding PAS.

The Khalid Ibrahim debacle may be the straw that will break the camel back and it looks like DAP and PKR are more afraid of losing PAS than the other way round.

Desperation has turned to more insults being thrown at PAS to decide quickly its stand on the issue

I am against hudud law and strongly feel that PAS mixing religion with running of a nation is not healthy for this multiracial and multi religious country.

PKR and DAP should stay in PR and work harder to challenge the BN in the next GE (General Election) and leave PAS to its own device.

A pick from a news portal on the Selangor impasse.

It almost seemed as if Hadi had forgotten that his party had shared the trenches with DAP and PKR in two wars – GE12 and GE13 – and had won significant battles along the way.
Also, for someone whose party under-delivered in GE13, whose refusal to change the menteri besar in Kedah caused the fall of the state to BN and who needed a chunk of non-Malay votes to win a chunk of parliamentary seats in the peninsula and state seats in Selangor, he was cocky and dismissive of the importance of PR to PAS.
Read more here

Monday, August 11, 2014

Anwar Screw-Up Big Time, Is Fresh Elections In The Offing?

Hantu Laut

Is fresh election in the offing for Selangor?

Anwar Ibrahim has cut his nose to spite his face and had thrown Selangor into political turmoil that may see PR (Pakatan Rakyat) road to Putrajaya going up in smoke.

This man whom I have rejected as a leader since his days in UMNO has shown vacuousness of his highly questionable power grab that backfiring not only on himself but on the whole Pakatan Rakyat, which may see the demise of the three-party coalition.

Every step taken by Anwar and PKR against Khalid Ibrahim has been in the wrong direction. 

Anwar demanded that Khalid resigned to pave way for his wife to take over the MB position as Khalid was appointed by Pakatan Rakyat. For those with moral principle, this is nepotism of the highest order. Are there not enough qualified candidates in the PKR elected representatives line-up to become MB? 

Why his wife? 

Why not the wolfish Azmin Ali, who had been played out twice of the MB post by him.A promise he made to Azmin, but couldn't deliver because the other two partners PAS and DAP were not comfortable with Azmin.

We can rule out Azmin due to his unacceptability, which leaves PKR with 12 more choices. Are the Muslims among the 12 all dumb? If it's true no one in PKR is capable other than his wife why not pick someone from PAS to replace Khalid, as the MB post rightfully belong to PAS, which they sacrificed to PKR for peace sake.

This is where stupidity reigned over sensibility, Anwar caught with his pants down as exposed by his little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli that PAS was never consulted on the "Kajang Move" as PAS is not likely to agree. What's the point of a coalition if you don't trust your partner and do things on the sly?

Like morning dreams come true, PAS dissented saying Khalid has not done anything wrong to justify his removal. 

Anwar claimed that Khalid was appointed by PR, therefore, must abide by the decision, again this conniving otter made another big mistake.

Was there unanimous decision? 

It is now clear there wasn't any consensus at all. The God-fearing leaders in PAS have no time for Anwar's greed and connivance. PAS has also identified who are the moles in PAS, planted by Anwar to help further his ambition to become PM (Prime Minister) of this country, by hook or by crook.

By what transpired lately, PAS appears to have gotten fed up with the constant bullying by PKR and DAP and is prepared to leave the coalition if Anwar proceeded with the removal of Khalid and replaced with his wife.

PAS has no objection to other names, but Anwar appears not keen and insistent in putting his wife.

PKR has stripped Khalid of his membership making him an MB without a party and PAS showing its displeasure with Anwar by inviting Khalid to join PAS.

PAS has thrown a spanner in the works and not likely to change its stance.

With Khalid out, PKR is now left with 13 ADUNs and if Khalid join PAS the likelihood of PAS demanding the MB to come from PAS is highly probable.

Khalid may go for broke. A dissolution of the assembly and fresh elections is even of higher probability.

I have said many times before that this coalition of strange bedfellows will one day disintegrate because they have nothing in common other than dreaming of taking over Putrajaya, which will also end up in chaos as PAS is not comfortable with Anwar as PM as revealed by little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli, the so-called architect of the "Kajang Move". 

As they say "never send a boy to do a man's job"  

Anwar has stripped himself naked of his true colours. This is his biggest blunder. I expect many of his faithful supporters would have seen through the smoke screen and will shy away from him.

Anwar will soon be a liability to Pakatan Rakyat.

Khalid Ibrahim will eventually have to go, but not before he inflicts more serious damage on Anwar's reputation. 

There is a Chinese idioms that says "greed over small gains brings big losses"

Anwar screw-up big time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Anwar Ibrahim A Bad Chess Player, Checkmated By Khalid.

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is a poor chess player compared to Khalid Ibrahim, who checkmated him of his insatiable desire to kick out Khalid and make his wife Wan Azizah as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. 

Strange as it may sound, PKR had also issued Khalid with a show cause letter, which stated among other things the following.

The letter dated 5 August 2014 sates that Khalid had, by way of a press statement on 22 July 2014, defied the decision of the Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (Central Leadership Committee) to put forward Dr Wan Azizah as the MB (Menteri Besar) of Selangor.

What's the point of a show cause letter from the party when the MB position comes under the purview of the state legislative assembly and only members of the the house with consent of the Sultan can remove Khalid as MB.

Even if PKR sack Khalid from the party, but he still enjoys majority support of the house, he can still legally continue as MB.

A simple majority can oust Khalid. The house has 56 seats, Pakatan needs minimum of 28 ayes have it, to remove Khalid. PAS with 15 seats in the assembly refused to give assent to the removal of Khalid to be replaced by Anwar's wife Wan Azizah. PAS leaders are convinced Khalid has done nothing wrong and see Anwar's desire to put his wife as the MB an immoral act.

It is obvious Anwar can't get enough lawmakers to support him in a vote of no confidence against Khalid and is now resorting to dirty Nazi type tactic of hounding Khalid by disseminating false propaganda and spurious character assassination about Khalid's wrongdoings to mislead the Selangor people.

Looks like little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli's "Kajang Move" has turned sour and has turned docile Khalid into a badass. Little boy wonder thinks Khalid can be bullied into submission. How wrong can he and Anwar be!

Khalid stood firm because he has enough lawmakers behind him in the event of a showdown and also hold the trump card in the event of anticipated foul-up in the house, last resort...... a dissolution.

I hope PAS stood steadfastly against the onslaught of bullying from PKR and DAP and stood by their principle.

Khalid has made a good menteri besar and no reason to replace him.

Anwar is a dangerous man and should never be allowed to always have his ways.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When The Carpetbagger Came-A-Begging, The Church Played Politics.

Hantu Laut

House of God. Every religion has this inviolable place where worshippers of the faith visit and pray to their God every now and then, a sacred place where one communicates with the Almighty.

Anwar has done what many others would have shied away from.

Was it desperation on the use of the name Allah that brought the church to its knees to one man whom they see as a saviour, allowing him to desecrate the sacred ground to hold his political campaign?

One should not trust someone proven unworthy of trust. True to his chameleonic character his response to the Allah issue is at best lukewarm.

This man of many faces, sly and manipulative as usual, when asked by a churchgoer about his opinion on the Allah issue told the congregation that even international Muslim scholars thought it was a subject unworthy of debate.

Anyone with enough intelligence can see through that thin sheet and know that was no positive response, giving not his own but third party opinion. What surprises me is the report by Malaysian Insider here that the congregation was impressed and happy with his ambiguity and ambivalence.

He, like most UMNO politicians is still afraid of losing the Muslims support.

Churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and any other holy places are not appropriate places for politics and Anwar had shown great disrespect to the Christian community for abusing his welcome. It goes to show his greed for power has no bound. He should have just visited the church without giving any political talk. 

He has tried many times to hold his ceramas in mosques but was not allowed to do so. Sadly, there are Malaysians who think he should be allowed to soil holy places to deliver his political platitudes. Father George Harrison is one. Christians should take Father George Harrison to task for his "angkat kaki" attitude.

Many Christians have taken to social media to express their disgust and disappointment with Father George and Anwar Ibrahim for tarnishing the sanctity of the church for politics.

His greed for power knows no bound, he is now on a political flight to oust one of his most trusted lieutenants and to take over as menteri besar of Selangor. He is going to play out Khalid as he had done to many of his friends and party officials before because he couldn't handle and control Azmin Ali.I wish Khalid Ibrahim do not give in easily.

It would also be interesting to watch whether DAP and PAS would sacrifice Khalid for Anwar? They rejected Azmin Ali and reappoint ed Khalid as MB. 

A loophole in the state constitution can allow the Sultan of Selangor to nominate his own choice as MB, as what happened in Trengganu during Pak Lah's time. Khalid seems to have the sultan as his ally. It won't be smooth sailing for Anwar, a crisis is in the offing.

Should he become menteri besar of Selangor, would he dare repel the state law that prohibits Christians from using Allah and tell the Sultan of Selangor to fly kite with his fatwa?

Wake up people, if you are so desperate to kick BN/UMNO out, please do so by all means, but don't allow this man to pull a wool over your eyes and lead you down the garden path.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Malaysia’s Anwar Takes a New Dare

Ousting a popular chief minister in his own party risks trouble but repositions him nationally
The surprise decision last month by Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to push aside Khalid Ibrahim, the respected chief minister of Selangor, one of the country’s two biggest states, and try to take the post himself is a complex gamble.
Among other things, it is designed to preserve or enhance Anwar’s standing as a national figure, according to political analysts in Kuala Lumpur, by giving him a state to run. Should he lose the March 23 state by-election that would give him the job – considered unlikely – it would consign him to political oblivion and make his Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) appear riven with factionalism.
Former state Assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh raised the curtain on the drama last month by resigning his seat in a Kuala Lumpur suburban district that would allow Anwar to stand for the state seat. That has upset many within the party who view it as an opportunistic move by Anwar and who have applauded Khalid’s stewardship of the state.
One think tank head joked that watching the opposition crack heads also gives Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak a respite from the barrage of personal attacks he has been under from the ruling Barisan Nasional’s right wing.
Helpful moveWhatever issues Anwar’s decision raises, strategically it settles the problem of a nagging internal party dispute, repositions him politically and resolves the issue of a popular but tight-fisted chief minister who has come under fire for refusing to spend money on infrastructure projects.
“Anwar will tackle national issues using a state platform,” said a longtime United Malays National Organization political operative. “I think he is going to give UMNO real trouble. It is a good move for the opposition, but it has put UMNO on the back foot. I think as Selangor chief minister he will give Najib a tougher fight.”
Although the decision was a surprise, it has been percolating since before last May’s general election, when some elements of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition were already pushing to replace Khalid, who has clashed with PKR party chief, Azman Ali, over a number of issues, including state contracting.
Khalid responded to the brewing challenge by leading the opposition coalition to a smashing victory based on his corruption-free stewardship of the state; the Pakatan Rakyat took 77 percent of the vote while the BN got just 23 percent.
Anwar, despite his leadership of the PR coalition, is said to have been frustrated because he lacks a platform to influence national politics and leading the coalition in parliament was not a sufficiently commanding arena. As chief minister, he would attend the Malaysia Conference of Rulers, where he can interact with the country’s nine sultans, who play a role in amending the constitution.
It would also give him a forum at the National Land Council, Finance Ministry and other key meetings with the federal government chaired by the prime minister. In the past, Anwar has shined in such gatherings, in contrast to Najib’s performance in front of key civil servants and ministers.

How do we spell G-O-D?In any case, the decision to push Khalid aside was triggered in early January when religious authorities in Selangor seized hundreds of Malay-language bibles using the word “Allah” in reference to the Christian God. The issue has been boiling for months if not years, and appears to have been manufactured entirely by UMNO strategists, since Christians in the east Malaysia states of Sabah and Sarawak have been using the word to denote God for more than a century, as have Christians across the Middle East and Indonesia.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Trusting Untrusting Anwar !

Hantu Laut

Why are there people still trusting this man? 

He has played out many of his comrades. The list of slayed friends can stretch as long as the Nile. The last one was Ansari Abdullah who has served him and PKR faithfully for 14 years, traded in for 2 frogmen from BN, who crossed over to him before the 13th GE.

That's Anwar for you.A friend in need, not a friend in deed.

Khalid will eventually face the same brutal treatment.

He said he will not be replacing Khalid as MB, but standing for ADUN just for the fun of it.

Yes, you heard me correctly, just for the fun of it.

The question I would like to ask Anwar Ibrahim is why degrade yourself to that level if you have no intention of ousting Khalid as MB?

Anwar knew fully well his coalition partners would support him when the time come to remove Khalid as they have told him in no uncertain terms that they cannot accept Azmin as MB.

It is obvious that he would rather sacrifice the less influential Khalid than ruffles the feathers of Azmin Ali, who holds him by the balls.

It is foregone conclusion that Anwar will with no sweat at all win the seat comfortably.

BN should boycott the by-election. 

Unfortunately, there are not many smart asses in that outfit to see the futility of such endeavour. Let's hope PM Najib sees it otherwise and not use his kangkongology to decide what best for him and his government.

Will Anwar be MB? 

Now that public opinion is going against him, he would not be taking over the MB position, but would still stand as ADUN.

Khalid would still be asked to leave or face vote of no confidence.

Someone from PAS, that can be easily manipulated, would most likely be given the MB position.

People are beginning to see the true colour of the man who wanted so much to be prime minister of the country, but may end up as menteri besar.

One day, Anwar must be put out to pasture.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Selangor (The Richest) versus Sabah (The Poorest)

Hantu Laut

How do you reconcile this erroneous labelling of Selangor the richest state and Sabah as the poorest state in Malaysia?

I say it's erroneous because of the state budgets, which make no sense at all. The poorest state (Sabah) has a budget two and a half times bigger than the richest state (Selangor).

Selangor, mind you, joyously claimed the biggest budget ever at a measly sum of RM1.8 billion, while Sabah, the pauper state has a budget of RM 4.6 billion.

So, who you think is a caring government, the one who dares to spend more for the people, or the one who hoards the people's money ?

How come a state with the highest per capita income in the country has such poor budget.

Now, you know why Azmin Ali covets the MB post, they have a miser running the state.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Khalid Ibrahim,Put The Money Where Your Mouth Is !

Hantu Laut

If you don't dissolve the state assembly after Chap Goh Meh, you might as well dissolve yourself as menteri besar, because you are all lies, all bark and no bite.

Do you think for one moment that Najib is worried about you dissolving your state assembly? I think Najib would be more than welcome for you to do so.

A man with real balls will carry out what he says. I hope you are that man.

So, please dissolve the assembly as promised.

BN would be very happy to deploy its full battalion and flex every ounce of muscle to recapture Selangor as they will only have 'one on one' fight.

The onus is on you to show that you are not an infernal nuisance, but a gentleman of your word and a true leader.

Yes, Khalid Ibrahim put the money where your mouth is.

If you don't, consider yourself a gibbering idiot, a liar and a coward. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Khalid Ibrahim Should Stop Making Excuses, Eat Humble Pie And Apologise To The Sultan.

Hantu Laut

In the first place who gave her the authority to speak out on the issue? As a political secretary what's her locus standi on palace matters?

It's a great embarrassment for the Selangor government, which has given proof that they have no idea how to run a government.

Arrogance have gotten into their head, so much so, they failed to observe protocol.

What is Khalid Ibrahim doing asking his political secretary to make such ludicrous and absurd statement blaming the palace for not asking to be invited. 

Nobody, who has sense of shame, would asked to be invited, even to a friend's party. If you don't get an invite from your friend means you are not liked and the person is not a friend.

It shows Khalid is as dumb, if not dumber, than his political secretary, who has added insult to injury, which may further enrage the Sultan. 

The right person who should clear the air and apologise to the Sultan is the STATE SECRETARY and the MENTERI BESAR himself.

Read what the political secretary said of the Sultan here. 

Khalid stop making excuses, just go eat humble pie and apologise to the Sultan for the oversight and sack your political secretary immediately or if she received instruction from you, sack yourself. 

To err is human, to forgive divine. The Sultan may forgive you for your stupidity.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sultan Redundancy:Malaysia's First Step To A Republic ?

Hantu Laut

What has been said before by certain quarters that Malaysia under Pakatan may see the country moving toward becoming a republic was dismissed by Pakatan leaders as absolute nonsense.

When a state ignored its sultan to grace an important state function, it's a clear sign that the government is showing disrespect to the sultan as head of state. 

Homage, was instead accorded to Anwar Ibrahim who has no high-ranking status in Selangor.

The Menteri Besar of Selangor Khalid Ibrahim should resign his position for showing disrespect and redundancy of the Sultan status as head of state.

The Sultan has expressed his displeasure.

Selangor Sultan questions state invite to Anwar for N-Day celeb

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2 — The Sultan of Selangor has questioned the state’s decision to invite Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to grace an official National Day celebration last week, a Malay daily reported today as controversy grows over the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government’s treatment of the palace. 
“His Royal Highness the Sultan finds it strange that in such a programme, Anwar, who is not part of the state government’s top leadership, was the guest-of-honour. 
“The PKR Opposition Leader also does not hold any official portfolio, except as the appointed State Economic Adviser,” Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani, who is private secretary to Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, was reported by Sinar Harian as saying. 
“The convention is that if His Royal Highness is unable to attend the state government’s official programmes, the Mentri Besar replaces the Sultan to give speeches and so on. But, why was Anwar invited and gave a speech, when this was an official programme, not a political programme?” the palace official told the Malay daily. 
Mohamad was previously reported as saying that the Selangor Sultan was not invited or informed of the state-level celebrations. 
“Maybe the people will wonder why in an official programme, the Sultan did not appear, but Anwar became the guest of honor and came forward to speak,” he was quoted as saying. 
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had yesterday castigated the PR-led Selangor government for shutting out the state Ruler from its official National Day celebrations at Dataran Shah Alam last Thursday, suggesting that it placed greater importance on Anwar(picture)  who was only an economic adviser than the monarch. Read more.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

RPK Reveals 'Dirt' On Two PKR Reps

PETALING JAYA: Controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, who vowed to reveal the dirt on the sand-mining scandal in Selangor, has implicated two Pakatan Rakyat state assemblymen.

In an article published on his Malaysia Today news portal today, the blogger claimed that Mat Suhaimi Shafiei (Sri Muda) and Amirudin Shari (Batu Caves) had colluded with a well-heeled contractor, who forked out cash whenever requested.

Raja Petra also published the transcripts of alleged taped telephone conversations between Mat Suhaimi and the contractor, whom he referred to as “A”.

During their first conversation, the name “Azmin” had also cropped up but it could not be ascertained if this was in reference to PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

Raja Petra claimed that on May 23, 2009, Mat Suhaimi had allegedly met the contractor at the Sunway Hotel in Seberang Prai, Penang, to discuss the sand-mining issue.

“Mat Suhaimi asked A to submit an application to mine sand to Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd with a copy to him (Mat Suhaimi). Kumpulan Semesta is a Selangor state-owned company involved in the mining and selling of sand in Selangor,” he added.

In a subsequent meeting on July 2 at Mat Suhaimi’s office, the blogger claimed that the state assemblyman had asked A to incorporate a company called Double Dignity (M) Sdn Bhd.

He added that both Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin were among the five directors of the company and their agreed fee was RM5,000 per month.

“On Jan 18, 2010, Double Dignity submitted an application to mine sand in Dengkil, an area of 45 acres. The letter was signed by A and copied to Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin.

“Amirudin supported the application and signed the ‘letter of support’,” he said.

Raja Petra also claimed that Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin were both registered as directors of Double Dignity on that same day, Jan 18.

Requests made for funds

Prior to this, the blogger claimed that Mat Suhaimi had requested for funds from A on numerous occasions and the latter obliged.

On Aug 15, 2009, Raja Petra said, the state assemblyman contacted A and asked him for RM3,000 in cash as election campaign funds and the money was handed over the next day.

“The contractor handed over another RM2,000 in cash to Mat Suhaimi on Aug 25, 2009. The meeting was held at room 1514 of the Pearl View Hotel in Seberang Prai, Penang,” he added.

Following this, the blogger claimed that on Sept 9, 2009, Mat Suhaimi had requested RM35,000 from A for “Ramadhan expenses” and the sum was given in cash when the duo met at a Nasi Kandar restaurant in USJ12.

“It was clearly stated that all this money was payment to assist Double Dignity in getting approval from Kumpulan Semesta on its application to mine sand. Mat Suhaimi told A that they would need to pay off certain people in Kumpulan Semesta,” he said.

Raja Petra claimed that on Sept 16, 2009, Mat Suhaimi informed A that he wanted to organise a “buka puasa” (breaking of fast) function. The assemblyman had asked the contractor to organise the event and foot the bill.

“The function was held on Sept 17 at the coffeehouse of the Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. That same night, A paid Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin their director’s fee of RM5,000 each,” he said.

A few days later, the blogger said, Mat Suhaimi asked A for RM10,000 to hold a Hari Raya bash and the latter handed over the money to the assemblyman at the Jaya Jusco mall in Klang.

On Jan 5, 2010, Raja Petra claimed that the assemblyman had once again requested for RM50,000 from the contractor.Read more.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Raid on Church: No Uproar From Pakatan Rakyat

Hantu Laut

It's all quiet on the opposition's front.The was no uproar, there was no muck racking, there was no condemnation of religious persecution.


Because the authority that raided the church was from an opposition state.Apparently there was a police report by Jais on proselytising of Malays.

That's the hypocrisy of Pakatan Rakyat leaders.It's OK for them to do but when it's BN they would scream their heads off for the whole world to hear.

I am waiting to hear from Pakatan leaders and the good Christian Martin Jalleh what he has to say about this shameful raid on a Christian church by Jais which is under the state of Selangor.

Not that I think it is wrong, but why hold the thanksgiving dinner in a church if you have invited some Muslims to attend.

It would not matter to most if not all Sabahans but the Muslims in Peninsula are sensitive to this kind of thing and maybe the Church should respect those sensitivities.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Puppet On A String ?

Hantu Laut

It's a shame, a menteri besar without a mind of his own, fickle and manipulated by people around him who have little respect for the constitution and the rule of law.

The craze for power have made him a laughing stock of those who understand the law. The Speaker of the Assembly, with due respect to his position, is a joker in the pack, he is completely out of depth with his statement that PR is considering amending the constitution with retrospective effect to break the impasse.

May I ask this gentleman how is he going to achieve the above when Pakatan Rakyat did not have two-thirds majority in the house. Is he expecting some UMNO assemblymen to join in storming the Bastille or they will just try to bulldoze like what they did in Perak and failed miserably.

One can easily guess the pressure coming from the coalition partners forcing Khalid to take such ludicrous action which placed him in an awkward and embarrassing situation. More like a puppet on a string than coming from a man who is a leader. It is without any doubt who the puppet masters are.

DAP has only one less seat than PKR in the state assembly making them just as powerful if not more. PKR has 14, DAP 13.Obviously, they have their power and influence under wraps to be used as and when necessary.

The right thing that Khalid should have done in the early stage was to negotiate not confront the Federal PSC. He has burn that bridge now and face the reality of either accepting the new state secretary and make the best of it or do the needful.......step down from his MB position.

Not only he is easily swayed, he contradicted himself on many occasions.Here, he says the Sultan told him that the Sultan was powerless to accept or reject any appointment since the day Mahathir amended the constitution.

Here, the palace refuted what he told the public about what the Sultan told him and with a new twist to the tale.Now, the Sultan claimed he has executive power to appoint or reject senior civil servant appointments in the state.In another word, the Sultan can hire and fire.This, is certainly unheard of before.

I am not sure whether I read the Malaysian Insider's report here correctly.It seems everyone in Selangor have gone bonkers or was it another case of poor understanding of the English language?

Remember the Utusan Malaysia reporter who thought 'ultra vires' uttered by Karpal Singh was insulting the Sultan.

Reported in Malaysia Insider:

“As the chief executive of the Selangor state government, the Sultan gave his blessings to one of the candidates. The PSD had after that agreed to the Sultan’s choice of candidate through a letter issued by the Public Services Department following Article 52 (1) and (2)a of the state constitution. This is a convention, a normal practice in Selangor,” Mohamad Munir said in a statement today.“As the chief executive of the Selangor state government, the Sultan gave his blessings to one of the candidates.

The sultans have certain powers but certainly not executive in nature.

Are we not of a constitutional monarchy system where the sultans only have ceremonial powers and remained apolitical.They only give assent to legislative bills and once a bill is tendered, with or without their assent, after a period of time the bill would effectively become law.

Maybe, we need more feedback from the palace spokesman Mohamad Munir on this very confusing issue.

Here, DAP do not feel good in restoring power back to the Sultan, if that is the right choice of word to describe the situation.

The sultans have never had lateral power in the administration of the states, it is always upon the advice of the respective menteri besar.So! who these clowns trying to fool. What? They think the Malay masses are all idiots to believe that they are trying to restore past glory back to the sultan that was robbed by Mahathir and UMNO in the past?

The sultans and the Yang Dipertuan Agong have never lost any of their powers.They are still head of the state and head of Islam.The only things of significant that Mahathir introduced was a new formula that automatically passed any parliamentary or legislative bills in the event the sultans or Agong refused to give assent. The other one was the setting up of a special court to try errant royals.

What wrongs has Mahathir done? Weren't they taken in the interests of the rakyat?

Some of you may remember Sandie Shaw.She won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1967 with the song "Puppet On A String"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Khalid Ibrahim:A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted

Hantu Laut

How can Khalid Ibrahim work with a State Secretary appointed by his enemy?

How pitiful when you think you are the big boss and suddenly you are not.He is in a completely confused heap, an imbroglio, to say.

Do you know the English idiom "A fool and his money are soon parted" ?

Khalid Ibrahim, the Menteri Besar of Selangor have done exactly that through his own cockiness and laziness.

This man live in an "ivory tower" and I deeply sympathise with him. Sadly, he also has blurred vision of his own state constitution.

It wouldn't be wrong to say when you first become menteri besar of a state it would be in your interest to familiarise yourself with the state constitution.To make matters worse he now have a retinue of legal advisers and listen to some political analysts and professor from certain university who are even more cock-up in their intrepretation of the state constitution and will complicate the issue further.Some of this half-baked legal experts should be thrown to the hyenas. The law does not deal with moral obligation, it deals with the rule of law.

There is no constitutional crisis, the Selangor State Constitution was very clear on the appointment of its top three office-bearers. The Menteri Besar and the Sultan have no role in the appointments other than the "Oath of Secrecy" to be sworn in front of the MB. The relevant article is Article 52.

Khalid should have anticipated the Federal government move but obviously he didn't and failed to get the right advice from his own state legal resources. Selangor government has no PSC giving it no autonomy in the appointment of its top officers.

Pakatan should have called for his resignation for this great blunder which will further weaken the state government, instead of pointing the accusing finger at the Federal government.

Khalid should read Sun Tze's Art of War on how to deal with a problem when one is standing on weaker ground instead of blindly going to war with the Federal government who is sitting comfortably behind a fortified wall.

His refusal to allow the State Secretary to take an "Oath of Secrecy" should be viewed in contempt.

Will going to court resolve the impasse?

Certainly not! he wil only be cutting his nose to spite his face.

The idea of going to court is not to win the case but to fool the people that our judges are corrupted and controlled by the executive.

Not all the people know the law.

The government may win the case but they will win in the court of public opinion.

Or they can call for a street demo......... 'Pakatan's Way'