How is it that so many Christians who teach that God is Love spend so much of their time hating? You’d think it would be enough of a challenge—and a reward—to read the Gospel, contemplate its message, and live by its principles. But no. There have always been hard-core Bible bangers who try to make their reputations by denigrating, desecrating, even conflagrating others. The self-promoting preacher down in Florida who is getting global attention at the moment for his plan to stage “Burn a Koran Day” on September 11 is just the latest example. (Let’s not satisfy his boundless vanity by naming him in print.)
Monday, February 16, 2015
Free Quran:Muslims Have Evil Intention ?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Hantu Laut
Iraqi Christians are raped, murdered and driven from their homes – and the West is silent.......the Telegraph.
Who are the devils that created these monsters?
ISIS was created by the US, Israel and Britain to destabilise Syria and the whole of the Middle East region using Islam as the bogeyman to sway world's opinion against Islam and Muslims. The Zionist agenda include the extermination of small pockets of Christians to strengthen the doctrine that Islam is an evil religion. Many top brass in ISIS were trained by CIA and Mossad coaxing the use of unspeakable violence against its enemies to instil fear in the population. Killing Christians would give added value to the monstrosity of Islam.
Like everything else the Western powers had created in the past, the monsters they created went out of control and came back to bite them in the asses.
ISiS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was recruited by the CIA after the American released him from Camp Bucca during the Iraqi War and was later trained by the CIA and Mossad to fit their long term plan for the Middle East region.
One should ask why not have the US and its Western allies executed military intervention in Iraq to stop the ISIS advancement?
Even more perplexing, the Iraqi soldiers numbering almost 1.0 million strong trained by the US military have bolted,or were asked not to resist the ISIS advancement in Iraq.
What happened in Iraq is not Muslims killing Christians, it's Christians sponsored atrocities against Christians, who had become dispensable commodity in furtherance of Israel and Western powers imperialistic agenda for the region.
That's why the West is silent.
Islam is not evil, every level-headed Muslim knows that and it's plain to see there are many stupid Muslims around the world, who are easily cheated and tempted by money and power at the expense of their own religion.
To me they are not Muslims, they are heretics, or murtad.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
When The Carpetbagger Came-A-Begging, The Church Played Politics.
House of God. Every religion has this inviolable place where worshippers of the faith visit and pray to their God every now and then, a sacred place where one communicates with the Almighty.
Anwar has done what many others would have shied away from.
Was it desperation on the use of the name Allah that brought the church to its knees to one man whom they see as a saviour, allowing him to desecrate the sacred ground to hold his political campaign?
One should not trust someone proven unworthy of trust. True to his chameleonic character his response to the Allah issue is at best lukewarm.
This man of many faces, sly and manipulative as usual, when asked by a churchgoer about his opinion on the Allah issue told the congregation that even international Muslim scholars thought it was a subject unworthy of debate.
Anyone with enough intelligence can see through that thin sheet and know that was no positive response, giving not his own but third party opinion. What surprises me is the report by Malaysian Insider here that the congregation was impressed and happy with his ambiguity and ambivalence.
He, like most UMNO politicians is still afraid of losing the Muslims support.
Churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and any other holy places are not appropriate places for politics and Anwar had shown great disrespect to the Christian community for abusing his welcome. It goes to show his greed for power has no bound. He should have just visited the church without giving any political talk.
He has tried many times to hold his ceramas in mosques but was not allowed to do so. Sadly, there are Malaysians who think he should be allowed to soil holy places to deliver his political platitudes. Father George Harrison is one. Christians should take Father George Harrison to task for his "angkat kaki" attitude.
It would also be interesting to watch whether DAP and PAS would sacrifice Khalid for Anwar? They rejected Azmin Ali and reappoint ed Khalid as MB.
A loophole in the state constitution can allow the Sultan of Selangor to nominate his own choice as MB, as what happened in Trengganu during Pak Lah's time. Khalid seems to have the sultan as his ally. It won't be smooth sailing for Anwar, a crisis is in the offing.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Pope's Biggest Gay Sex Scandals
Foreign Policy
If a report on Thursday, Feb. 21, in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica is to be believed, Pope Benedict XVI's recent decision to resign just got a whole lot more interesting. The paper claims that around the time that Pope Benedict decided to step down, the pontiff learned of a faction of gay prelates in the Vatican who may have been exposed to blackmail by a group of male prostitutes in Rome. The revelations allegedly appeared in a 300-page report by three cardinals that the pope commissioned to investigate the release of internal documents by his butler, the so-called"Vatileaks" scandal. (A Vatican spokesman has refused to confirm or deny La Repubblica's claims, and the internal Vatican report is reportedly stowed away in a papal safe for Pope Benedict's successor to peruse.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
What The Difference Between Patrick Teoh And Ibrahim Ali ?
Many of you who know me may find it strange that I indulge in writing about religious matter when I am not in any way religious. That's beside the point.The point is, this country may be heading for possible sectarian violence if we don't put a stop to the Allah issue.
As I have always say religion is the mother of all troubles.
Do you see any difference between Patrick Theo and Ibrahim Ali? If one is to see things in the right perspective, Patrick Theo had uttered worst things against Islam than Ibrahim Ali had against Christianity.
Ibrahim Ali's rhetoric was political grandstanding while Patrick Teoh's was pure and unadulterated insult on Islam, derived out of arrogance and chauvinism.
Well, Patrick Theo the motherfucker (a word he is fond of using), here what he said "Encouraged to sing motivational songs. What kind of fucking motivation they want? Give up individuality and be sheep? Pray 5 times a day? Cover up all women? What???"
"And while they are at it, please tell me what the fuck extreme singing and dancing is?"
"Quran thumping motherfuckers!!!"
"Pray 5 times a day" and "Quran Thumping motherfuckers"
That, to many Muslims is an insult.
Did you hear big cry out from opposition's leaders asking the police to arrest him or the AG to charge him?
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Ibrahim Ali Political Grandstanding
Malaysia will soon be split right down the middle between Muslims and non-Muslims if this man is allowed to have his way and, likewise, irresponsible politicians who continue raising sensitive issues, every now and then, to bolster their waning popularity.
Lim Guan Eng resurrection of the Allah issue from the Pandora's Box over the New Year was much of a muchness.
Malaysians are smart enough not to heed calls from these political eunuchs.
Ibrahim Ali is not insane or suffering from some kind of malady, he intellect is very intact, his call for Muslims to burn the Christian Al-Kitab (Bible) was pure political grandstanding.
He is not Terry Jones who is ignorant, thick in the head and a religious deviant.
Ibrahim Ali knows exactly what he was doing and that his grandstanding was to attract attention of his waning popularity among level-headed Muslims, who think he is a wacko, the only assumption one can make of his strange behaviour.
It is best to ignore this man and don't give him the light of day.
Click on message board.
Have you seen him?
Monday, January 14, 2013
Allah Issue:PAS Dropped A Bombshell.... Finally!
Is this the kind of government you want?
Cannot make up their minds. Vacillating back and forth!.....on issue of immense national importance,
confusing both Muslims and Christians with their now you can, now you cannot fatwa...... not based on religious tenancy but on political expediency.
Nik Aziz is the biggest chicken and should be stripped of his ulamak status for misleading Christians and Muslims in the country and giving in to demand of political expediency......just because PAS found out, of late, that the Malays may dump them in the 13th GE because of the Allah controversy.
PAS is getting greater support from non-Muslims, particularly Chinese DAP supporters than Malay Muslims because of their stand that Christians can use the word Allah in the Bible. With the new development things may change.
Here, he said "voters who make the wrong choice in the general election will have to answer for their decision in the hereafter"
"Rest assured, every part of the body, including the hand that voted, will be witness on Judgement Day," the Kelantan Mentri Besar said in his New Year message.
"Don't make the wrong choice" he warned.
I have not been wrong about the dithering leadership of this bunch of strange bedfellows, some on the verge of nervous breakdown, because they can't make any sense.
What Nik Aziz says is certainly not in the Koran, nor does it apply to non-Muslims, which have different afterlife, or non at all.
Last month, the slightly deranged Lim Guan Eng "wag the dog" in his New Year message asking the government to allow Christians to use "Allah" in the Bible, an issue that have quietened down, which he saw fit to resurrect from the Pandora'a Box for political expediency.
If you want to steal the government get your act together first, not by organising mass rally, but by being consistent with your policies. Read here.
Let's wait and see what DAP has to say about this latest bombshell.
PAS ulamaks say Christians can use it orally but not in written form in the Bible....what a bloody joke! Was not the controversy about using it in the Bible?
I have attended Church many time for friends funeral service and all I can hear is the repetitive use of the word "Lord" in church, never was "Allah" used in its English service.
In spoken language most Malay speaking Christians use "Tuhan kita"
Why is PAS making an about turn on the issue and give the Christians a half-empty cup, which is not what they wanted?
I am waiting for the Council of Churchs to make a statement on this new ruling coming from its ally.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Nicholas Xenophon Accused A Priest Of 50-Year Old Unproven Rape
This man from "Down Under" is a political opportunist using the cover of parliamentary privilege to accuse a priest of a 50-year old rape for which no investigation or charge has been brought against the man.
It's in the word of the accuser against the accused for which this marsupial mole is prepared to destroy a man's character and reputation for his own political expediency.
Well, that's it, so much for the man who supported same sex marriage.
Has he an axe to grind against mainstream religions too?
Read the article below:
In naming a priest accused, Xenophon has gone too far
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Grinch - Stole Malaysian Christmas
It’s farcical, but carol singing is a national security issue in Malaysia from this year.
Prime Minister Najib Razak’s spanking new Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 that was passed last month has bared its teeth and caused astonishment and fright in equal measure.
The law is being put to use to control Christmas carollers and the places they visit during the run-up to Christmas, making them spies and government informers all rolled into one.
According to Christian groups in the country, they have been notified of strict new conditions imposed that they need to satisfy before they are granted a police permit to visit households and sing Christmas carols.
The new rules have alarmed civil and religious rights activists and church carolling groups are in a quandary over how to fulfill the conditions to gain the police permit needed to go carol singing.
Catholic Bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing described the new conditions as turning the country into “very nearly a police state”, local news portal, Malaysiakini reported.
“The Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 is vexing if things have come down to this,” the bishop who is head of the Catholic Church for the Malacca-Johor diocese and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia told the portal this week.
Up to last year, carolling groups visiting Christian homes during the Christmas season were required to apply for a police permit for the visits and approvals were never a problem.
However, under provisions of the recently passed, highly controversial Peaceful Assembly Bill, Christian authorities must furnish the names of the main occupants of homes the carollers intend to visit.
“If parish priests have to furnish the names of the main tenants, then we have become very nearly a police state. This is a bureaucratic requirement that is so vexing,” said Tan.
“We are a church that periodically conducts a census of our members, but we do not go around asking our members details of where exactly they stay and if they own their residences or are merely tenants.
“We generally know where they stay but we don’t keep a ledger of their addresses. We don’t snoop and we respect the privacy of individual members of our congregation. We don’t believe we should be Big Brother or Nanny to them,” he added. Read more.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Raid on Church: No Uproar From Pakatan Rakyat
It's all quiet on the opposition's front.The was no uproar, there was no muck racking, there was no condemnation of religious persecution.
Because the authority that raided the church was from an opposition state.Apparently there was a police report by Jais on proselytising of Malays.
That's the hypocrisy of Pakatan Rakyat leaders.It's OK for them to do but when it's BN they would scream their heads off for the whole world to hear.
I am waiting to hear from Pakatan leaders and the good Christian Martin Jalleh what he has to say about this shameful raid on a Christian church by Jais which is under the state of Selangor.
Not that I think it is wrong, but why hold the thanksgiving dinner in a church if you have invited some Muslims to attend.
It would not matter to most if not all Sabahans but the Muslims in Peninsula are sensitive to this kind of thing and maybe the Church should respect those sensitivities.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Please Do Not Politicise Christianity For The Sake Of Politics
I am a Muslim and spent all my lives surrounded by non-Muslim friends of different faiths,........... eat, sleep,walk, party and play with them without a hint that we came from different faiths because religion was never a barrier or a subject we ever broached in our friendship.
Much as I don't agree with the government's action of stopping the Koran in the Malay language and the use of Allah I earnestly hope my Christian brothers do not politicise the issue to aggravate the situation.They must not allow others to take advantage of the situation and used it as an excuse to muddy the waters.
The mass prayer in Sarawak recently was a clear message that the religion have been hijacked by irresponsible politicians whose only concern is to win elections by igniting sensitive communal and religious issues.
I know most Christians are tolerant, apolitical, respectful of other religions, averse to controversy and usually do not pour their grievances on to the streets.Most prayers are done within the confine of churches.
In Sarawak, a Christian groundswell
Christian coalition formed amid Alkitab row
One can see the whole thing have been politicized to coincide with the Sarawak state elections to inflict maximum collateral damage to the ruling party.
Who is Ronnie Klessen? Isn't he the one disdainfully snubbed by Wan Azizah of his self-appointed "Director of Communication PKR Sabah" which Azizah claimed never exists.
His blog which used to mercilessly attack UMNO leaders has turned 360 degrees now attacking PKR leaders.Is he really interested in protecting his religion or playing politics seeking new political platform?
I think the Christian elders should not allow themselves to be used by politicians that can give excuse to other irresponsible elements to take advantage of the situation.
There are other ways to resolve the issues.One, is to use the justice system and the other one, the ballot box.
If you can't change the system than you should try change the government and chose one you think likely to give you what you wanted.
Use your own judgement, don't ever listen to the opposition's claim that the Malaysian general elections are rigged.How in hell they managed to capture 5 states and denied the BN of two-thirds majority in the 2008 General Elections if the elections were rigged?.
Think !
Don't be suckers to lies and half-truths.
The other night while having a drink at our usual watering hole a friend asked me why I always attack Anwar and the oppositions.
First and foremost, this is a political blog, not a Hello magazine, naturally I talked politics.Worse still, I don't believe in the Pakatan Rakyat concept, to me it is a farcical coalition.Voting them in is akin to putting chickens and ducks in government.Other than wanting to be government they have nothing in common, PAS going left, DAP going right and PKR going under.
Look! What happening in Sarawak? They are still fighting over seats allocation and SNAP has decided not to join them.Greed! In the animal kingdom they would be called hyenas.
Do you honestly believe PAS and DAP can work together in the long run?
As for Anwar Ibrahim? Let say I have an intuitive conviction there is something wrong with him. So sorry, never liked him even from his days in UMNO, even before his sacking by Mahathir.
Call it instinct or intuition, if you may, you can dislike a person without hating him.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Is Najib Killing The Goose That Lays The Golden Egg ?
It's clear that there is a concerted move within UMNO that Najib gets a weak government after the 13th General Elections but may turn out otherwise.He may lose the government because of some UMNO leaders.His popularity alone can't save his government.
First and foremost,the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister seemed not in sync with Najib's 1 Malaysia. A polarity clash not seen during Mahathir's time.Even Abdullah did not have that problem then because Najib stayed true as his deputy and did not make any unsettling statements.Demolishing Pak Lah was Tun Mahathir's precipitous intervention.
Sabah and Sarawak hold the keys to BN retaining the Federal government but recent events may prove otherwise if Najib continue to drag his feet on the Bible and Allah issues.The threatening statement here by the Mufti of Perak is uncalled for and needling for trouble.
I wonder how many Muslims were actually against it to justify such drastic action.I am sure Malaysian Muslims are peace loving and reasonable people and would not want to turn this country into another Afghanistan or Pakistan over an issue that is more political than religious in nature.
The Malay language is not the Malaysian government monopoly.Over 200 million Indonesians spoke the language, much more than in Malaysia. The Kadazans of Sabah and Dayaks of Sarawak have always had, for yonks, their Bibles in the Indonesian Malay language.
Even the mad and more extremist Pakistanis did not stop the Bible in Urdu and so did the Afghans, allowing it to be written in Pashto and Dari.The Christians are very small minority in these two countries and are persecuted by the larger Muslim population but would still allow the Bibles to be printed in the local language.
For decades this country was free of such dilemma until some jackass in the Home Ministry woke up one fine morning with a bad dream.Even the most hated (untrue,only politicians hate him) Prime Minister Mahathir did not touch on this religiously sensitive subject during his time.We heard of no such trouble then, the devil he may be, but he had everything under control, particularly issues of ethnic and religious sensitivities.
Hishmuddin, the Home Minister should wake up and ponder whether what he has done would help him garner votes or he just could not care less or what he did was with Najib's blessing.
If what he did was with Najib's blessing,which I doubted, than Najib should kill his 1 Malaysia and bury it in the deep blue sea.
Whatever the oppositions say about taking over the two states, BN have very good prospect of retaining Sabah and Sarawak, so don't kill it out of emotional stupidity of some of your ministers.
In Sabah and Sarawak, we have family members who are Christians, Buddhists and other faiths and we have no problem living alongside them.
Please leave Sabah and Sarawak out of this controversy.We have never complained about the Bible being printed in Malay.On the other hand, I am not sure whether Christians really need to use the word 'Allah' when they have other choices.
Why don't you learn to co-exist without imposing the will of each other's religion on the other.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Bible - No thank you
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Malaysian oppositions have refined the art of ingratitude. Read Kit Siang's growl.
Even if the government do the right thing they would still demonise the action.
It's like a spoiled child brought up by equally spoiled parents who have never uttered the word 'thank you' and think the world owe them a living.
"Thank you" an expression of gratitude exists in every human language.Tough absent in the animal kingdom certain animals can still be taught to express gratitude as in "dog is a man best friend" where human kindness is reciprocated by the animal protecting its master.
So what if Najib allow release of the Bible based on political consideration, isn't all, including religions are about politics.
The stoppage by the government which should not have taken place in the first instance is most regrettable.As Minister in the PM's Department Bernard Dompok lamented that no such action was taken during the tenure of former Prime Minister Mahathir in spite of the fact that there was a standing order issued by the cabinet.
Mahathir was in control and his successor the so called "Mr Clean" was not.He was also "Mr Nice" and "Mr Yes" trying to please everyone including giving huge project to the now Sultan of Sulu and in the process screwed himself and his government pretty well.He has given to the world that the Malays have deep-rooted sense of insecurity
The government is insulting the intelligence of the Malays that we can't think for ourselves even in matters such as religion.
Take a notable look at the history of religions where people are willing to die for their beliefs.Wars have been fought in the name of religion.Even today and sadly, all for greed, Muslims killing fellow Muslims.What's happening in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan right now is the obsoletism that religion unites people.
It is obvious nothing the government can do if a Malay, in body and mind, want to convert to another religion, openly or covertly.It only achieve one objective .....making the government looking stupid.
We are no more in the age of camels and horses, we are in the space age where the far reaches of our solar system would soon be within our reach.
Stop the Bible in Malay and ban Christians the use of the word Allah?
What about this.Can the government obliterate it, or ban the Internet completely, or ban Muslims from using the Internet? The whole Bible from "Genesis" to "Revelation" in "Bahasa Indonesia Seharihari" is available on the Internet.
I support the government of the day but I don't support stupidity.It's time Najib put his foot down and get rid of all that little napoleans before they get rid of him.
It is absurd to think that the Malays would convert to Christianity en masse because of the "Al Kitab" or would the government also like to ban the use of the word "Al Kitab" because it is in Arabic as some religious bigots would think is synonymous with Islam and has monopoly over it.
There must be something good in Islam that have made one-fifth of mankind walking the face of this planet.Roughly, 1.4 billion of the world population are Muslims and still growing.
I was a child of the colonial era where Christian missionaries abound in Sabah.I went to a government school where religion was not a factor and my girl friend who is my wife now also a Muslim went to a convent school, a Christian mission school where study of the Christian's scripture was compulsory.She got distinction in scripture.
Did she convert? No !
We keep the Bible,the Koran in Arabic and Koran with English translation in our home.
Have we converted. No!
My daughter finished her 'A' level in England with a chapel attached to the school which she attended once in a while.
Did she convert? No! She did even better than me, she and her husband donated many Korans to the poor Champ people of Cambodia and donated a cow as korban every Raya Haji.After studying for many years in England she came back with greater faith in her religion.
I go to church to attend funeral services every time my close Christian friends died.
Have I converted? No!
I still love my religion and fear of Allah.
So, please stop insulting us Muslims.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Eat,Pray,Hate,Don't Let Me Spoil Your Raya
Hantu Laut
This is what Muslims leaders should do ........condemnations when Muslims do wrong to spite other religions.Stand by your values.
Eat, Pray, Hate
The threat to burn Qurans in Florida is a perfect example of the way America’s own Christian Taliban are creating, promoting, and exploiting our national paranoia.
What Rev. Bonfire claims he’s trying to do is respond to the tactics of “Muslims,” as he sees them; and to hear him tell the story they’re all pretty much variations of the Taliban. When Mullah Omar and his friends in Al Qaeda ruled Afghanistan, after all, they were great smashers and burners of “infidel” symbols, from the ancient artworks in the Kabul museum to the towering statues of Buddha at Bamyan. When Al Qaeda’s operational masterminds targeted the World Trade Center in New York, they were after what they saw as symbols of Mammon. But that’s them, and this is about us. The problem with emulating your enemy's tactics is that you risk being infected with his way of thinking, and what we are seeing now from Gainesville to Ground Zero looks very much like the Christian Talibanization of America. A lot of the furor about the proposed holy-book burning has been focused on the risk that it will further inflame Muslim anger and inspire terrorists recruits abroad, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan. President Barack Obama said on ABC this morning that the pastor's "stunt" is a "bonanza for Al Qaeda." In fact, what Rev. Bonfire represents is a kind of fundamentalist rot that threatens American confidence and American values much more than anything being cooked up in Kandahar or Waziristan.
Lawrence Wright, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, makes the point repeatedly that Osama bin Laden and his acolytes have no plan to govern, no real ideology. They distill everything to a simple message of humiliation, fear, and hate. In Wright’s stunningly reasonable and revelatory HBO documentary, My Trip to Al-Qaeda, his concluding argument is that the actions of the United States over the past nine years—the needless wars, the use of torture, the ascendance of bigotry—are following the script that Osama bin Laden and his éminence grise, Ayman al-Zawahiri, have written for us. “The Americans will terrorize themselves,” said bin Laden. “Al-Qaeda can’t destroy America,” says Wright. “Only we can do that to ourselves.”
Rev. Bonfire and his buddies, unfortunately, are right on cue. And what’s worse, they are building on a long heritage of hatred and abuse. It’s not like they had to invent the dark side of Judeo-Christian culture that they exploit. The precedents date back to the Inquisition and the Crusades, and they were brought up to date by the totalitarians of the mid-20th century. The scapegoating of Muslims in America today plays on fear, prejudice, ignorance, and pride with techniques honed to near perfection by the Nazis and the communists in the 1930s.
Don’t Be a Sucker, a remarkable little film produced by the U.S. War Department back in 1947 warned Americans about this stuff when memories of what made the Nazis the enemy were still fresh in the minds of the Greatest Generation. The demagogues in Germany were not a majority at first—not even close—but they “used prejudice as a tactical weapon to cripple the nation,” an émigré explains. “Remember when you hear this kind of talk, somebody’s going to get something out if it, and it’s not going to be you.”
Today, cable television, talk radio, and the Internet are full of “news” and “commentary” exploiting the dirty tricks of the propaganda trade. One story on the Christian Broadcasting Network that is making the rounds on and elsewhere would have us believe that Muslims are bent on conquering France. A man is interviewed who says he “secretly” filmed some of them praying in the streets of Paris and blocking the roads (even though the film shows the main street is open). The cameraman’s face is hidden because, the report says, he fears retribution. Read more.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Newt Gingrich: A Christian's "Slough Of Despond" or The Ultimate Hypocrite?
Read the article below and see what you think of the writer's knowledge of Islam and the rest of the world.
As they say a little learning is dangerous, ignorance is bliss and if your are a person of borderline intellectual functioning, don't, I repeat, don't even try attempting something beyond your ability to surmount.Don't broach something you have no understanding of and unable to comprehend.Just come full circle and admit you are a hypocrite and ignoramus.
A frog under the coconut shell can only see within the narrow sphere it is in. The coconut shell had become his realm of narrow-mindedness.Newt Gingrich is such a creature.
I do not have to elaborate, anyone reading his piece of pretended "Slough of Despond" would have come to the same conclusion.
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and removed all doubt" Mark Twain.
"Those Islamists and their apologists who argue for "religious toleration" are arrogantly dishonest. They ignore the fact that more than 100 mosques already exist in New York City. Meanwhile, there are no churches or synagogues in all of Saudi Arabia. In fact no Christian or Jew can even enter Mecca." he wrote.
Since when Saudi Arabia had become the capital of Islam.Just as Jerusalem is to Christianity and Judaism so is Mecca to Islam.
Islam does not have the power and authority over the administration of Mecca.Saudi Arabia has control of Mecca. Likewise, Saudi Arabia has no authority over the Islamic world.Islam is a world's religion not a Saudi's franchise.
Why would one want to build churches and synagogues in Mecca? Gingrich should ask himself are there significant number of Jews and Christians living in Mecca or for that matter in Saudi Arabia to justify such ridiculous reasoning. A shallow argument that bespeaks his faulty intelligentsia.
Are there not significant Muslim population in New York ? Are the planners of the construction of the mosque that stupid and mad enough to build a mosque where there are no Muslims?
What has Islam to do with 9/11? Did Islam attacked the World Trade Centre or a bunch of terrorists who happened to be Muslims and used the religion as a cause to demolish the pride of America.
When the US, Britain and other Western powers invaded Iraq can we say it was Christian armies attacking Islam?
Gingrich's professed affinity for religious freedom is nothing but hypocrisy, it seems his belief does not extend to Muslims practising their religion freely.
"Cordoba" is an insulting term.How that can be?
What about when European powers that colonised many parts of the world and discarded indigenous names and named land, seas, oceans, rivers, mountains, towns and cities that they conquered using their vernacular languages? Weren't that insulting to the people who owned the land or was it that the West has the God-given right to do as they please.Many of the names are still around that bears testimony of the insults to the vanquished, if Gingrich's spoonful of salt is worth anything.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is the man. This man, who led the charge against Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky affair while he himself cheated on his wife, having an illicit affair with another woman and dared say he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity.
Unashamedly, he said "I drew a line in my mind that said, 'Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed ... as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept ... perjury in your highest officials."
That's rich.Why not kick yourself in the face.
This man is nothing but a bigot, hypocrite, racist and a liar all rolled into one.
Full text of Gingrich's solipsism below.
No 'megamosque' near Ground Zero
By: Newt Gingrich
There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The time for double standards that allow Islamists to behave aggressively toward us while they demand our weakness and submission is over.
The proposed "Cordoba House" overlooking the World Trade Center site - where a group of jihadists killed over 3000 Americans and destroyed one of our most famous landmarks - is a test of the timidity, passivity and historic ignorance of American elites. For example, most of them don't understand that "Cordoba House" is a deliberately insulting term. It refers to Cordoba, Spain - the capital of Muslim conquerors who symbolized their victory over the Christian Spaniards by transforming a church there into the world's third-largest mosque complex.
Today, some of the Mosque's backers insist this term is being used to "symbolize interfaith cooperation" when, in fact, every Islamist in the world recognizes Cordoba as a symbol of Islamic conquest. It is a sign of their contempt for Americans and their confidence in our historic ignorance that they would deliberately insult us this way.
Those Islamists and their apologists who argue for "religious toleration" are arrogantly dishonest. They ignore the fact that more than 100 mosques already exist in New York City. Meanwhile, there are no churches or synagogues in all of Saudi Arabia. In fact no Christian or Jew can even enter Mecca.
And they lecture us about tolerance.
If the people behind the Cordoba House were serious about religious toleration, they would be imploring the Saudis, as fellow Muslims, to immediately open up Mecca to all and immediately announce their intention to allow non-Muslim houses of worship in the Kingdom. They should be asked by the news media if they would be willing to lead such a campaign.
We have not been able to rebuild the World Trade Center in nine years. Now we are being told a 13 story, $100 million megamosque will be built within a year overlooking the site of the most devastating surprise attack in American history.
Finally where is the money coming from? The people behind the Cordoba House refuse to reveal all their funding sources.
America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization. Sadly, too many of our elites are the willing apologists for those who would destroy them if they could.
No mosque.
No self deception.
No surrender.
The time to take a stand is now - at this site on this issue.
Statement issued July 21, 2010
Source:The Washington PostSaturday, March 6, 2010
Al-Islam Stood Tall
Muslims should laud and be proud of Al-Islam for its humility to apologise to the Catholic Church and Christians who may have been offended by its foolish caper at a Catholic church.The reporters concerned have also apologised for hurting the feelings of Christians in the country.Case closed.
Of course, there will always be shit-stirrer who gets the kicks out of issue like this to stir religious fervour.Those who get the high when there is trouble in the country.
My hat off to Al-Islam.Congratulations.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out
‘Ayah! Ayah!’.
His neighbor got very upset and said to him,
“Can you please tell your children not to call you ‘Ayah’?”
The man asked, “Why?”
The neighbor retorted, “Because my children call me ’Ayah’ too.
They might get confused and mistake you to be their father.”
Then the man told his neighbor, are you not ashamed to say that your
children do not know who is their 'Ayah'. So you are saying by using the
word 'Ayah', your children will call me ayah too without knowing who is
their father?
The neighbor said yes, only my children should use the word 'Ayah'.
Maybe, it's time we wind down the debate on the 'Allah' issue.It's consuming too much energy and brought more ill will than good will.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Don't Let Them Off Lightly
The government must show it meant business.Not only should they be charged under Section 436 of the Penal Code, they should also be charge for attempt to subvert national security of the nation.
Things could have gone worse if they were retaliations.The whole nation could have gone up in flame.Many thanks to our Christian brothers who have their heads screwed in the right place.
If found guilty, make sure these arsonists are in the slammer for a few years.
I don't want to be a judge but I feel strongly against this kind of behaviour.