Showing posts with label Gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Pope's Biggest Gay Sex Scandals


Foreign Policy

If a report on Thursday, Feb. 21, in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica is to be believed, Pope Benedict XVI's recent decision to resign just got a whole lot more interesting. The paper claims that around the time that Pope Benedict decided to step down, the pontiff learned of a faction of gay prelates in the Vatican who may have been exposed to blackmail by a group of male prostitutes in Rome. The revelations allegedly appeared in a 300-page report by three cardinals that the pope commissioned to investigate the release of internal documents by his butler, the so-called"Vatileaks" scandal. (A Vatican spokesman has refused to confirm or deny La Repubblica's claims, and the internal Vatican report is reportedly stowed away in a papal safe for Pope Benedict's successor to peruse.)

Seen in the context of Pope Benedict's career in the Catholic Church, it is difficult to understand why revelations of yet another sex scandal would push him to resign. For over a decade, he has served as the church's point person for responding to allegations of abuse. From 1985 until his election to the papacy in 2005, Benedict served as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a powerful Vatican body charged with policing church doctrine. In 2001, Pope John Paul II transferred responsibility for dealing with the sex scandals enveloping the institution to then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's office. In that role, Ratzinger received tens of thousands of complaints alleging sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests. Those documents often went into lurid detail, and Ratzinger is said to have been deeply affected by the experience.Read more.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why is Malaysia trying to spot gay schoolchildren?

So the Malaysian government has finally enlightened us all as to how to identify the gay child in your classroom. In an effort to "curb the problem of homosexuality", the Teacher's Foundation of Malaysia is holding seminars where parents are instructed on how to identify gay kids. Homosexual boys "may wear tight, light clothes and carry large handbags". Lesbians are apparently easy to spot, as they like to "hang out and sleep in the company of other girls". So, um, all girls then.
How can the Malaysian authorities be so stupid? All young gays know that large handbags are completely over. At International HQ, new recruits are instructed to be fashion forward. We had the baby Karl Lagerfeld look in the 80s, tiny combats and DM boots in the 90s, and the same decade's indie moment came when the Marilyn Manson look become popular (instead of just Marilyn). Now in 2012 we are going for the butch look. Clearly some baby gays are still into accessories but most gays will be wearing tracksuits and trying to look butch.
Of course, it is easy to scoff at Malaysia's frightening campaign (try looking for the gays like Gareth Thomas, you know, the ones who play rugby) but we in the UK are not in a position to take the moral high ground.
In the UK we seem unable to even countenance the idea that children may have some kind of burgeoning sexual orientation, and even worse, that a small number of them may be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Sssh, don't talk about it; you'll make them all start having sex!
I knew I was different from the other boys (yes, zzz) when I was four or five, and actually realised I was a bona fide homosexual at the age of 10. I wasn't worried about the size of my handbag or about having sex, I was too busy crying myself to sleep, trying to change, wondering if my parents would abandon me and whether I should get married to a woman or just kill myself.
I want to sneer at Malaysia for the mental torture they will be inflicting on kids (and their parents), but we all need to wake up to what therapist Dr Joe Kort calls the "covert cultural child abuse" that is being inflicted on all LGBT kids in every single classroom in every single school in the UK, the US and across the world.Read more.

Homosexuality: Nature Or Nurture?

Hantu Laut

It is the most shocking, unfounded, misinformed and convoluted finding of a bunch of amateurish sociobiologists.

The Education Dept crass guideline on how to identify homosexuals is a complete sham.  

It's sending wrong signals to young and unadulterated minds of children who follow blindly the stupid description that can do more harm than good, stigmatised anyone fitting the description.

The moron who designates such ridiculous prescription should be hung by the balls.

Read the quack's design  here  on how to spot a homosexual!

Are we teaching and promoting hate crime?

Homosexuality, as we all know, is as old as the oldest profession and since ancient time have been contentious issues in society. 

There are two schools of thought on homosexualities. Are they innate or natural, which means existing in some people since birth that make sexual orientation not a choice, or are they unnatural and a matter of conditioning and a matter of choice?

Many still hold the view that homosexuality, like all social habits, is a matter of choice.

Do you hold that view or are you one of those who believe it is nature that plays greater role in the making of a homosexual person? 

Read the article below 

Homosexuality:Nature or Nurture ?

Although the term is new, discussions about sexuality in general, and same-sex attraction in particular, have occasioned philosophical discussion ranging from Plato’s Symposium. However, we still cannot say for sure whether homosexuality, and hence also heterosexuality and bisexuality, is socially constructed or purely driven by biological forces.

 Many homosexuals argue that they have not chosen their condition, but that they were born that way. It is making homosexual behavior natural for them. However, because something was not chosen does not mean it was inborn. Some desires are acquired or strengthened by habituation and conditioning instead of by conscious choice of some person. For example, no one chooses to be an alcoholic, but one can become habituated to alcohol, so just as one can acquire alcoholic desires without consciously choosing them, so one may acquire homosexual desires, by engaging in homosexual fantasies or behavior.Read more.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Jerry Sandusky: You Gullible Malaysians Read This!

Hantu Laut

When Anwar Ibrahim was charged for sodomy many gullible Malaysians refused to believe how it could have happened? How could it be possible for a 67 year old man to overpower and subdue a younger man?

Surbordinate fear of powerful, commanding and dominant superior is real.The thought of losing a job, a partner or husband had made many willing victims of abuse of such monsters.

Sandusky was arrested and charged with 52 counts of sexual abuse of young boys over a 15-year period.

Sandusky is now 68 years old, not forgetting he is also married with children.

Read the chilling story:

I screamed in vain from the basement... but no one heard me': Boy, 18, moves court to tears as he testifies about sex abuse at Sandusky trial

  • Boy, 18said he spent more than 100 nights at Penn State coach's house
  • Investigator testifies that he recommended charges be filed against Sandusky in 1998 after mother of alleged victim came forward
  • Then-district attorney - who vanished in 2005 - disagreed with his findings
  • 'Victim 3' testified that he was fondled twice by Sandusky but hurt as ex-coach never contacted him after he was sent to a group home.


An 18-year-old testified today that he screamed for help while Jerry Sandusky repeatedly raped him and forced him to perform oral sex in the basement of his home.

The prosecution's case in the former Penn State assistant coach's sex abuse trial neared its conclusion after just four days of testimony, with three more accusers taking the witness stand.
The teenage boy, known as Victim 9, told jurors the abuse began with fondling and forced oral sex and led to rape at the house where he spent more than 100 nights. He said the abuse lasted for four years until he was 16. 
Terrifying allegations: Jerry Sandusky emerges from a car driven by attorney Joe Amendola for the fourth day of his trial at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Terrifying allegations: Jerry Sandusky emerges from a car driven by attorney Joe Amendola for the fourth day of his trial at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
His muffled screams went unanswered by Sandusky's wife, Dottie, who was upstairs. Victim 9 said he figured the basement must have been soundproofed.
'He got real aggressive and just forced me into it,' said the young man, now 18 and a recent high school graduate. 'And I just went with it - there was no fighting against it.'
He said under cross-examination by Sandusky's lawyer Joe Amendola that the attacks sometimes left him bleeding but that he never sought medical attention.
'I just dealt with it,' he said. The courtroom was frequently brought to tears during the young man's testimony. 

Victim 9 said he was helpless when Sandusky allegedly came for him, according to ABC.
He said: 'Sometimes (I'd) scream, sometimes tell him to get off me, but other than that, who was there? We were in the basement, no one could hear you down there. We were always down there.'
Victim 9 said he was 11 or 12 when he first met Sandusky in 2004.  The coach took him to Penn State football games and showered him with money and gifts, including a tennis racket and a running suit.
The teen testified that he ended up staying at Sandusky's home more than 100 times up until 2009, maybe even 150 or so, sleeping in the basement which had a water bed.
Accused: Former Penn State coach Sandusky looked a little worse for wear as he left court on the fourth day of his trial after shocking testimony from victims
Accused: Former Penn State coach Sandusky looked a little worse for wear as he left court on the fourth day of his trial after shocking testimony from victims

Read more:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do Gay People Need To Be Married ?

Hantu Laut

Do gay people need to get married? 

Since time immemorial the marriage institution has always been a sacred union between men and women and with a God-driven purpose........other than sexual pleasure, copulation to procreate the human race. The same goes in the animal kingdom, probably, minus the pleasure, as animals do not possess intelligence, they have fucking small and undeveloped brains, so sex has become Mother Nature's multiplier.

Although, I appreciate that homosexuality is a normal variation in human sexuality and not in itself unnatural and dysfunctional but the question is what is the purpose of gay marriage? Do they fuck each other to bear children? The obvious answer is not. Than why the need to get married? 

Why don't they just live together in sin.

Has Obama become a man of impulse, the blind follow the blind. Just because his deputy, Vice President Biden Jr supported gay marriage, he must do the same.

Read Obama's 360 degrees round turn on his sudden impulse to support gay marriage.

Good luck Mr President.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is Malaysia Sinking To The Depth Of Ridiculousness

Hantu Laut

When I first read this article I could not make out what LGBT stands for.Only towards the middle, after the writer defined the acronym, did I understand what it stands for.

I am getting used to the crapping of our "too smart for their own good" Malaysians.The smart alec, you can swim or sink with them to their depth of ridiculousness, or call a spade a spade...stupid!

What is wrong with these hypocrites, why can't they just leave these LGBT alone.Leave them in their own world.It's not our business to judge them.If you believe in religion than you should also believe that only God can decide what your genetic blueprint would be.Of course, the hypocrites and the pretenders would not agree and associate it as a sickness, a perversion.

Being gay does not make one a criminal and it is within their democratic rights to stand for public office as afforded to every citizen of this country under our constitution.

Who is this holier than thou Azwanddin Hamzah to decide that they are licentious lot practising free sex and must not be allowed to become elected members. .Where did he gets his statistics from, or he is just another one of those typical misinformed Malaysians who plucked figures from the air, a figment of his overheated imagination, no different from that nit witted UMNO MP Baharom Mohammad who says 30% of Malaysian men are gay and like all Muslim "murtad" they need to be rehabilitated.

There are probably more straight dudes involved in free sex than these minority lots.

How do you rehabilitate one's sexual orientation.Would there be a period of counselling and therapy where the gay men are supplied with women as sex partners to cure their biological disorder, or to make it less costly why not just castrate them, thus making Malaysia a gay free nation.

We would by then have 30% eunuch population.Those holier than thou politicians can then have the eunuchs to guard their harems.

Maybe, we should also research and implement a method of identifying homosexual in newly born babies and cull those found to be gay at birth.

Malaysia would definitely be free of gay people and the government would save a lot of money from building rehabilitation centres to house, feed and convert 30% of her gay population to becoming straight fuckers.

Malaysia is more in dire need of straight arrows than straight fuckers.We have become a nation of ignoramuses and bullshit artists.