Showing posts with label Homesexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homesexuality. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Masallah: An Indian Savoury Dish

Hantu Laut

This is Malaysia, not India, not Britain, not Australia, not any Western countries that tolerate homoeroticism among elected members.

They have they culture and we have ours. Why should we be like them or ape what they perceived as acceptable norm and righteous behaviour.

Many states in the U.S.A still have laws that make sodomy a criminal offence. Maybe, the Americans are more puritanical than Malaysian Indians. Not that I am homophobic but what politically correct in the West may not be politically correct here.

Interestingly, several Indian NGOs have voiced their supports for Anwar Ibrahim saying they don't care whether he is homosexual or not and what he does behind closed doors is his own business.

"We don't care if he is gay or otherwise" said one of them.

If Anwar is gay so what! At least he is gay, not a murderer like few other politicians" said another one.

"Basically, Indians are very sensitive to gutter politics" lamented another one.

Do these few Indians speak for all Indians in Malaysia or they are just another N.Surendran, the sycophantic lawyer, doing his masters's bidding? 

God forbids! 

It's as clear as day that everyone want to have their say to make known their obscured existence and now is the opportune moment to ply their wares.Out of the wood work they came with bouquets for Anwar.

Forgive my divergent with my Indian brothers who want to show political correctness and sow the seed of hatred against the current government and conveniently forget dharma, the principle of cosmic order that upholds, supports and maintains the regulatory order of the universe, the core belief of Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Henceforth, if you are ordinary citizen of this country, your private life is yours and nobody's business, but if your are a public figure, or one that running for the highest office, your have lost your private life, it becomes the people's business and what you do behind closed doors or in public is everybody's business.

It is idiotic to think Malaysians have generally come of age and would tolerate homosexual or bisexual to be prime minister of this country.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do Gay People Need To Be Married ?

Hantu Laut

Do gay people need to get married? 

Since time immemorial the marriage institution has always been a sacred union between men and women and with a God-driven purpose........other than sexual pleasure, copulation to procreate the human race. The same goes in the animal kingdom, probably, minus the pleasure, as animals do not possess intelligence, they have fucking small and undeveloped brains, so sex has become Mother Nature's multiplier.

Although, I appreciate that homosexuality is a normal variation in human sexuality and not in itself unnatural and dysfunctional but the question is what is the purpose of gay marriage? Do they fuck each other to bear children? The obvious answer is not. Than why the need to get married? 

Why don't they just live together in sin.

Has Obama become a man of impulse, the blind follow the blind. Just because his deputy, Vice President Biden Jr supported gay marriage, he must do the same.

Read Obama's 360 degrees round turn on his sudden impulse to support gay marriage.

Good luck Mr President.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is Malaysia Sinking To The Depth Of Ridiculousness

Hantu Laut

When I first read this article I could not make out what LGBT stands for.Only towards the middle, after the writer defined the acronym, did I understand what it stands for.

I am getting used to the crapping of our "too smart for their own good" Malaysians.The smart alec, you can swim or sink with them to their depth of ridiculousness, or call a spade a spade...stupid!

What is wrong with these hypocrites, why can't they just leave these LGBT alone.Leave them in their own world.It's not our business to judge them.If you believe in religion than you should also believe that only God can decide what your genetic blueprint would be.Of course, the hypocrites and the pretenders would not agree and associate it as a sickness, a perversion.

Being gay does not make one a criminal and it is within their democratic rights to stand for public office as afforded to every citizen of this country under our constitution.

Who is this holier than thou Azwanddin Hamzah to decide that they are licentious lot practising free sex and must not be allowed to become elected members. .Where did he gets his statistics from, or he is just another one of those typical misinformed Malaysians who plucked figures from the air, a figment of his overheated imagination, no different from that nit witted UMNO MP Baharom Mohammad who says 30% of Malaysian men are gay and like all Muslim "murtad" they need to be rehabilitated.

There are probably more straight dudes involved in free sex than these minority lots.

How do you rehabilitate one's sexual orientation.Would there be a period of counselling and therapy where the gay men are supplied with women as sex partners to cure their biological disorder, or to make it less costly why not just castrate them, thus making Malaysia a gay free nation.

We would by then have 30% eunuch population.Those holier than thou politicians can then have the eunuchs to guard their harems.

Maybe, we should also research and implement a method of identifying homosexual in newly born babies and cull those found to be gay at birth.

Malaysia would definitely be free of gay people and the government would save a lot of money from building rehabilitation centres to house, feed and convert 30% of her gay population to becoming straight fuckers.

Malaysia is more in dire need of straight arrows than straight fuckers.We have become a nation of ignoramuses and bullshit artists.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

No Surprise for Bisexual Men: Report Indicates They Exist


While the battle rages in our "Hall Of Justice" on a sodomy case, many Malaysians are still not convinced that a man can enjoy sex with both man and woman.

Some are just very good at hiding it, some throw caution to the wind, couldn't care less and quite open about it.Certainly, better than those gender dysphorias that hide in the closet and live in a state of denial and fool the genders.

So, the finding is that their arousal pattern are not typical of homosexual men, they get best of both worlds.

Northwestern University have found evidence that at least some men who identify themselves as bisexual are, in fact, sexually aroused by both women and men.

The finding is not likely to surprise bisexuals, who have long asserted that attraction often is not limited to one sex. But for many years the question of bisexuality has bedeviled scientists. A widely publicized study published in 2005, also by researchers at Northwestern, reported that “with respect to sexual arousal and attraction, it remains to be shown that male bisexuality exists.”

That conclusion outraged bisexual men and women, who said it appeared to support a stereotype of bisexual men as closeted homosexuals.

In the new study, published online in the journal Biological Psychology, the researchers relied on more stringent criteria for selecting participants. To improve their chances of finding men aroused by women as well as men, the researchers recruited subjects from online venues specifically catering to bisexuals.

They also required participants to have had sexual experiences with at least two people of each sex and a romantic relationship of at least three months with at least one person of each sex.

Men in the 2005 study, on the other hand, were recruited through advertisements in gay-oriented and alternative publications and were identified as heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual based on responses to a standard questionnaire.

In both studies, men watched videos of male and female same-sex intimacy while genital sensors monitored their erectile responses. While the first study reported that the bisexuals generally resembled homosexuals in their responses, the new one finds that bisexual men responded to both the male and female videos, while gay and straight men in the study did not.

Both studies also found that bisexuals reported subjective arousal to both sexes, notwithstanding their genital responses. “Someone who is bisexual might say, ‘Well, duh!’” said Allen Rosenthal, the lead author of the new Northwestern study and a doctoral student in psychology at the university. “But this will be validating to a lot of bisexual men who had heard about the earlier work and felt that scientists weren’t getting them.”

The Northwestern study is the second one published this year to report a distinctive pattern of sexual arousal among bisexual men.

In March, a study in Archives of Sexual Behavior reported the results of a different approach to the question. As in the Northwestern study, the researchers showed participants erotic videos of two men and two women and monitored genital as well as subjective arousal. But they also included scenes of a man having sex with both a woman and another man, on the theory that these might appeal to bisexual men.

The researchers — Jerome Cerny, a retired psychology professor at Indiana State University, and Erick Janssen, a senior scientist at the Kinsey Institute — found that bisexual men were more likely than heterosexuals or gay men to experience both genital and subjective arousal while watching these videos.

Dr. Lisa Diamond, a psychology professor at the University of Utah and an expert on sexual orientation, said that the two new studies, taken together, represented a significant step toward demonstrating that bisexual men do have specific arousal patterns.Read more.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gay Australian MP "I Want To Get Married"

Aust politician Ian Hunter with partner Leith Semmens in 2006.

A SOUTH Australian Labor MP has made an impassioned plea to marry the man he loves, accusing the Rudd Government of standing in his way.

Labor MLC Ian Hunter today told parliament it was wrong for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to continue to impose his personal beliefs on the rest of the community and disallow gay marriage.

Mr Hunter has been openly gay since he was elected to parliament and been in a relationship with his partner Leith for almost 20 years.

Gay marriage is not allowed in Australia but permitted in countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden and Spain.

SHOULD MARRIAGE BE RESTRICTED TO HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES? Have your say in the poll to the right of this page and in the comment box below.

Some states in the U.S. including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and Maine have also allowed the union.

Mr Rudd has previously stated the Federal Government will look at partnership registration.

Mr Hunter however said he was no longer willing to "accept the crumbs from the table" and this view was out of step.

"I want to get married," he said.

"But I can't - I can't marry the person I love, not in my own country."

Mr Hunter said no one had ever been able to provide him with a reason why marriage should be confined to a man and a woman and he would not accept the argument that he may soon be able to register his partnership in future.

"I want to get married ... Next year will be the twentieth anniversary of my not being married to my partner Leith," he said.

"Yes I could travel to Massachusetts or South Africa and get married.

"But I want to share my marriage with my family and my friends - like we all do.

"I want to get married and you, Mr Rudd, are stopping me.


Here's good old luscious Mrs Robinson who loves sex the old-fashioned way and says all gays are mentally sick.

Anti-gay MP stands down from politics
Written by Richard Clarendon
Monday, 04 January 2010 15:21

Iris Robinson, the Northern Ireland MP who called gays an "abomination", has announced she is standing down from politics due to depression.

The UK’s Pink News reported that Robinson, the Democratic Unionist MP for Strangford and wife of Northern Ireland's first minister, Peter Robinson, released a statement yesterday saying she could no longer meet the demands of her job

The 60-year-old was labelled a bigot for a series of outbursts last year in which she made offensive comments about homosexuality.

In 2008, she told the Belfast Telegraph that homosexuality was "comparable" to paedophilia. She also told a radio show that homosexuality was a mental illness and could be "cured". Robinson escaped a police prosecution for the comments.

In the statement, she said: "Over the years, I have undergone a long series of operations and, though I have never talked about it publicly, I have also battled against serious bouts of depression.

"Only those who have faced similar challenges in life will know the ordeal faced by those who are profoundly depressed, and the distress caused to those around them as they grapple with personality-changing illness. One in four of the population struggle with mental illnesses at one level or another, yet few talk about it openly.”

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Read more.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Those Awful Aussies

Hantu Laut

After reading Pasquale's take on the bunch of nosey Aussie lawmakers demanding Malaysia to drop the sodomy case against Anwar Ibrahim, it kind of intrigues me as to the reason for such interference. If the proverbial "birds of a feather flock together" is any true than among the 50 or so Australian lawmakers there must be faggots and homophile who wanted to impose their will on another sovereign nation where such sexual anomaly is a criminal offence.

Homosexuality, sodomy and zoophilia may be accepted in Australia but it is not in Malaysia and is considered a criminal act.

Michael Danby the spokesman of the group said "A lot of people know Anwar Ibrahim, a lot of people have been to Malaysia, and a lot of Australian parliamentarians think it's a shame that this is happening for the second time to the leader of the opposition in what is a developing democracy,"

Wonder whether Mr Danby and his colleagues knew what Anwar does behind closed doors and on what basis they made their own judgement of his innocent?

According to Pasquale here the Australians must first stop the mass murder of Aboriginal people and foreign students before interfering in other people's business.

Are they still killing Aborigines?

I am not sure of that but killing Indian students seem to be a new past time for Australian new bush rangers.A few Indian students have been bludgeoned to death in apparent racist attack.Some Indians could have been mistaken for Abos.

These rich Indian kids came to Australia to study and being rich they also brought with them some bad habits, their affluent lifestyle the Indian way.Expensive clothes,posh cars and extravagance lifestyle which the low-life Aussie couldn't understand and tolerate.

Black people are supposed to be poor and lead the low-life.The low-life Aussies have no clue where those goddam black asses came from (because low-life Aussies have no concept of the outside world), thought those Indians had made it good robbing and stealing from white men.

This reminded me of the early days when Britain exported its convicts to Australia hoping to make it the biggest penal colony on the face of the earth.It didn't turned out that way.The country is just too beautiful to give it to the scums of the earth.Today, Australia is an extension of the British Empire.

In 1788 six shiploads of convicts arrived Port Jackson in Australia.The Abos were not pleased to see the British convicts land on their soil.They thought they are bad news....and they were right!

It's the beginning of terrifying times for the Abos.

In 1802 when the Brits landed in Tasmania there were 20,000 Abos living on the island for almost 12000 years,undisturbed,unperturbed and completely cut off from the mainland.Eighty years later there were none.They were wiped out by the great British past hunting and white man's diseases.

Those hardened criminals dumped on Tasmania took care of the Abos.They see the Abos as wild game and to be hunted down.Tied them to trees and used them for target practice.They shot more Abos than the Tasmanian tigers then.One brutal bush ranger (what they called this wandering criminals those days) said "I shoot an Abos as easily as I shoot a sparrow and I get a lot of fun from this sort of sport"

Another even more brutal bush ranger killed an Abo man, seized the dead man's wife, cut off his head and fastened it round the wife's neck and drove the weeping woman to his farm to be his slave.

Wherever the Brits and other Europeans landed the first thing they do is to enslave the natives, if they resisted, decimate them, it's a good holistic approach.It happened in Africa, America and almost in India but there were too many Indians and the Brits didn't have enough bullets to shoot them all.

Malaysians and Singaporeans were lucky, they didn't have to cut our heads or penises to get compliance, they have begun to be civilised.We were spared the terror that befell the Red Indians,African and the Abos.

The 50 Aussie lawmakers must have forgotten to read the Bible, the impenitent sins of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and divine retribution.

Today, God's mill have come to a grinding halt, we need human laws to take care of such indiscretion and Malaysia is doing exactly that.

Is Anwar Ibrahim innocent?

It is for the Malaysian court to decide not you 50 bumptious Aussie lawmakers.

So, shut up and mind your own business.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Homosexuality:East And West

Hantu Laut

Might is right?

No! Might is not always right but it can impose its rights on you.It can bully,intimidate,coerce or bomb you into submission.

The West have perfected the art of 'might is right' into a new form of colonialism, deploy either by the might of the pen or the barrel of a gun.

In the case of Iraq, Afghanistan now Pakistan and soon Yemen and very soon Iran the gun speaks louder than the pen.Where literacy is low and the pen has no effect the gun would be the
weapon of choice.

The Talibans respect only two things, Islam and Pastunwali, no guns and bombs are going to scare them off.The Brits have seen it,the Russians got their balls fried and the Amercian offering themselves a journey to hell.It's going to be a long and senseless war.

In Afghanistan, keeping young boy as company is not uncommon.Sodomy not only exists in Genesis 19.24 and God's retribution for impenitent sins.Today, divine retributions come still in its familiar forms, the acts of God.

In Malaysia, the axiomatic " pen is mightier than the sword" has proven its might and stabbed Malaysians right in the hearts.

In the hearts and minds, Malaysians are bought.It's no more the court of justice that be the judge of Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case, it's the court of public opinion that have decided his innocent.

Washington Post (in my previous post here.) in its hard hitting editorial warned Malaysia that the Obama administration and other Western governments interested in stability in Asia should make clear that the imprisonment of Mr. Anwar would be a blatant human rights violation -- and not in Malaysia's interest.

A kind of threat?

Isn't Malaysia a sovereign nation and has its own rule of law?

The might of Western powers have made them into believing theirs are the only righteous path and the rest of the world is nescient and, therefore, must be taught a lesson, whatever it might be, from human rights to doesn't matter how contorted morality is in the eyes of the Easterners, the way of the West is superciliously prettier.Submit or be damned.

Homosexuality, as we all know, exists all over the world and in every culture. Most religion, particularly the Abrahamic religions do not look kindly upon it.In the Bible, the story of Lot and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah was about divine anger against sodomy.

In some Middle Eastern countries you are dead meat if you are caught or known to be gay. It's viewed as a sickness and sexual perversion.In Eastern Asia they are mostly tolerated but kept under the lid.In the West they have gained celebrity status, excepted and viewed as the right of an individual and where the burqas and minarets are seen as bigger evil than sodomy.

In most part of Asia including the very modern and squeaky clean Singapore sodomy with same sex partners is a crime.Old Mr Lee wanted the whole sodomy law to be repelled but, somehow, his government was not in favour of such drastic change.As in the words of his son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong "it could send the wrong signal and encourage LGBT activists to ask for more concessions, such as same-sex marriage and parenting."

In 2007, Singapore amended its Sodomy Law and decriminalised sodomy among heterosexual partners but still makes it an offence among same sex partners.Maximum imprisonment for sodomy in Singapore is 2 years.However, no one had been charged in recent times.

In Malaysia sodomy is much more serious offence,if convicted a maximum of 20 years is allowed under the law.

In some Middle Eastern countries you could get killed for being gay, not necessarily by the law but by maniacal homophobic.

With the exception of Anwar Ibrahim there have been no other sodomy case in Malaysia. As long as there was no police report against a person the government have no business charging him.In the case of Anwar, a police report was lodged by an aggrieved party.The right place to decide the case is the Malaysian court of justice,not the Western press,not the court of public opinion and not Anwar's court of courtiers.

In many truly Asian countries, I don't consider the Middle East as truly Asian, most people have no problem with gays, we, somehow tolerated them and ignored whatever their sexual orientation.Some are open about it, most are closet case.

Here are some of gory tales of violence against gays in Muslim countries from Der Spiegel

Wave of Homophobia Sweeps the Muslim World

By Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Daniel Steinvorth

In most Islamic countries, gay men and women are ostracized, persecuted and in some cases even murdered. Repressive regimes are often fanning the flames of hatred in a bid to outdo Islamists when it comes to spreading "moral panic."

Bearded men kidnapped him in the center of Baghdad, threw him into a dark hole, chained him down, urinated on him, and beat him with an iron pipe. But the worst moment for Hisham, 40, came on the fourth day of his ordeal when the kidnappers called his family. He was terrified they would tell his mother that he is gay and that this was the reason they had kidnapped him. If they did he would never be able to see his family again. The shame would be unbearable for them.

"Do what you want to me, but don't tell them," he screamed.

Instead of humiliating him in the eyes of his family, the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $50,000 (€33,000), a huge sum for the average Iraqi family. His parents had to go into debt and sell off all of their son's possessions in order to raise the money required to secure his freedom. Shortly after they received the ransom the kidnappers threw Hisham out of their car somewhere in the northern part of Baghdad. They decided not to shoot him and let him go. But they sent him on his way with a warning: "This is your last chance. If we ever see you again, we'll kill you."

That was four months ago. Hisham has since moved to Lebanon. He told his family that he had decided to flee the violence and terror in Baghdad and that he had found work in Beirut. Needless to say he didn't disclose the fact that he is unable to live in Iraq because of the death squads who are out hunting for "effeminate-looking" men.

In Baghdad a new series of murders began early this year, perpetrated against men suspected of being gay. Often they are raped, their genitals cut off, and their anuses sealed with glue. Their bodies are left at landfills or dumped in the streets. The non-profit organization Human Rights Watch, which has documented many of these crimes, has spoken of a systematic campaign of violence involving hundreds of murders.

Restoring 'Religious Morals'

A video clip showing men dancing with each other at a party in Baghdad in the summer of 2008 is thought to have triggered this string of kidnappings, rapes, and murders. Thousands of people have seen it on the Internet and on their cell phones. Islamic religious leaders began ranting about the growing presence of a "third sex" which American soldiers were said to have brought in with them. The followers of radical Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, in particular, felt the need to take action aimed at restoring "religious morals."

In their stronghold, the part of Baghdad known as Sadr City, black-clad militiamen patrol the streets, on the lookout for anyone whose "unmanly appearance" or behavior would make it possible to identify them as being homosexual. Often enough long hair, tight-fitting t-shirts and trousers, or a certain way of walking were a death sentence for the persons in question. But it's not just the Mahdi army who has been hunting down and killing gay men. Other groups such as Sunni militias close to al-Qaida and the Iraqi security services are also known to be involved.

Homosexuals in Iraq may be faced with an exceptionally dangerous situation but they are ostracized almost everywhere in the Muslim world. Gay rights organizations estimate that more than 100,000 gay men and women are currently being discriminated against and threatened in Muslim countries. Thousands of them commit suicide, end up in prison, or go into hiding.

Egypts Starts to Clamp Down

More than 30 Islamic countries have laws on the books that prohibit homosexuality and make it a criminal offense. In most cases punishment ranges from floggings to life imprisonment. In Mauritania, Bangladesh, Yemen, parts of Nigeria and Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Iran convicted homosexuals can also be sentenced to death.

In those Muslim countries where homosexuality is not against the law gay men and women are nonetheless persecuted, arrested, and in some cases murdered. Although long known for its open gay scene, Egypt has recently started to clamp down hard. The lives of homosexuals are monitored by a kind of vice squad who tap telephones and recruit informants. As soon as the police have accumulated the kind of evidence they need they charge their victims with "debauchery."

In Malaysia homosexuality has been used as a political weapon. In 2000 opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to nine years in prison for allegedly committing "sodomy" with his wife's chauffeur as well as with a former speechwriter. In 2004 the conviction was overturned on appeal and he was acquitted. In the summer of 2008 charges were filed against him in a similar case when a male aide accused him of sodomy. The case is still ongoing.

For a while Anwar was the favorite of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and was being groomed to succeed him in that office until they had a falling out in 1998. Ten years and some prison time later, on August 28, 2008, Anwar managed to be sworn in again as a member of the Malaysian parliament. But that's as far as he has got with his political comeback.

Even in liberal Lebanon homosexuals run the risk of being sentenced to a year in prison. On the other hand, Beirut has the only gay and lesbian organization in the Arab world (Helem, which means 'dream' in Arabic). There are posters on the walls of the Helem office in downtown Beirut providing information on AIDS and tips on how to deal with homophobia. The existence of Helem is being tolerated for the time being but the Interior Ministry has yet to grant it an official permit. "And it's hard to imagine that we ever will be given one," says Georges Azzi, the organization's managing director.

Islamists Are the Dominant Cultural Force

In Istanbul there is a free gay scene, a Christopher Street Day, and even religious Muslims are among the fans of transsexual pop diva Bülent Ersoy and the late gay singer Zeki Müren. But outside the world of show business it is considered both a disgrace and an illness to be a götveren or "queen." In the Turkish army homosexuality is cause for failing a medical test. To identify anyone trying to use homosexuality as an excuse to get out of military service, army doctors ask to see photos or videos showing the recruits engaging in sex with a man. And they have to be in the "passive" role. In Turkey being in the active role is considered manly enough not to be proof of homosexuality.

It looks as if a wave of homophobia has swept over the Islamic world, a place that was once widely known for its openmindedness, where homoerotic literature was written and widely read, where gender roles were not so narrowly defined, and, as in the days of ancient Greece, where men often sought the companionship of youths.

Islamists are now a dominant cultural force in many of these countries. They include figures such as popular Egyptian television preacher Yussuf al-Qaradawi who demonizes gays as perverse. Four years ago Shiite grand ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa saying that gays are to be murdered in the most brutal way possible. These religious opinion leaders base their hatred for gays on the story of Lot in the Koran: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Lot's people suffered the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins. The Prophet Muhammad has a number of dicta in which he condemns these acts by Lot's people and in one of them he even goes as far as to call for punishment by death.

European Prudery Exported to the Colonies

The story of Lot and related verses in the Koran were not interpreted as unambiguous references to homosexual sex until the 20th century, says Everett Rowson, professor of Islamic Studies at New York University. This reinterpretation was the result of Western influences -- its source was the prudery of European colonialists who introduced their conception of sexual morality to the newly conquered countries.

The fact of the matter is that half of the laws across the world that prohibit homosexuality today are derived from a single law that the British enacted in India in 1860. "Many attitudes with regard to sexual morality that are thought to be identical to Islam owe a lot more to Queen Victoria than to the Koran," Rowson says.

More than anything, it is the politicization of Islam that has led to the persecution of gays today. Sexual morals are no longer a private matter. They are regulated and instrumentalized by governments.Read more.