Showing posts with label Indians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indians. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Masallah: An Indian Savoury Dish

Hantu Laut

This is Malaysia, not India, not Britain, not Australia, not any Western countries that tolerate homoeroticism among elected members.

They have they culture and we have ours. Why should we be like them or ape what they perceived as acceptable norm and righteous behaviour.

Many states in the U.S.A still have laws that make sodomy a criminal offence. Maybe, the Americans are more puritanical than Malaysian Indians. Not that I am homophobic but what politically correct in the West may not be politically correct here.

Interestingly, several Indian NGOs have voiced their supports for Anwar Ibrahim saying they don't care whether he is homosexual or not and what he does behind closed doors is his own business.

"We don't care if he is gay or otherwise" said one of them.

If Anwar is gay so what! At least he is gay, not a murderer like few other politicians" said another one.

"Basically, Indians are very sensitive to gutter politics" lamented another one.

Do these few Indians speak for all Indians in Malaysia or they are just another N.Surendran, the sycophantic lawyer, doing his masters's bidding? 

God forbids! 

It's as clear as day that everyone want to have their say to make known their obscured existence and now is the opportune moment to ply their wares.Out of the wood work they came with bouquets for Anwar.

Forgive my divergent with my Indian brothers who want to show political correctness and sow the seed of hatred against the current government and conveniently forget dharma, the principle of cosmic order that upholds, supports and maintains the regulatory order of the universe, the core belief of Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Henceforth, if you are ordinary citizen of this country, your private life is yours and nobody's business, but if your are a public figure, or one that running for the highest office, your have lost your private life, it becomes the people's business and what you do behind closed doors or in public is everybody's business.

It is idiotic to think Malaysians have generally come of age and would tolerate homosexual or bisexual to be prime minister of this country.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dirty Polls: Ambiga's Lost Crusade

Hantu  Laut

Ambiga Sreenevasan  went to Australia to seek help from Australian parliamentarians and politicians to save this country from going to the dogs. My earlier posting on the same subject here.

Her febrile imagination of highly embellished unfair election practices and vote rigging by the government had taken her to Down Under hoping that the miserable snooping and intrusive Anwar's close friend Australian MP Nick Xenophon would help her secure Canberra's agreement to send elections watchdogs to Malaysia's next general elections . 

Your guess as good as mine who sent her ?

What did she gets ?

The Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr has given an answer in the Australian Parliament why Australia should not get involved in matters that are of doubtful nature. He went on on say that the Malaysian government lost its two-thirds majority in parliament in the March 2008 General Elections. However, he probably was not aware or forgot to also mention that the wicked government perceived by Ambiga also lost control of 5 state governments to the opposition and the opposition won 8 subsequent by-elections thereafter.

Anyone, NOT in a state of insanity, which I presumed Ambiga is not, would have asked her if the elections had been so badly rigged how come the long suffering Malaysian oppositions gained so much ground, almost a hair's breadth of toppling the ruling party in the 12th General Elections ?  

Here what she wrote  "Those in the international community may be forgiven for saying, “Is there a problem with the democratic process in Malaysia?” 

Read her growling and grovelling piece here

Obviously, her mission failed.

Let me quote what Lee Kuan Yew said soon after the Singapore 1996 General Elections. He said "Please do not assume that you can change governments.Young people do not understand this" 

Pakatan Rakyat and its agent Ambiga is exploiting the naivety of young voters with their snake-oil concoction to mislead them into voting for Pakatan Rakyat with stories of illegal immigrants  being given citizenship and voting rights to keep the corrupt BN in power.

This scary tale from the quagmire would certainly scare the shit out of young unsuspecting Malaysians.

Maybe, she should try her luck in UK and the US, where Anwar has many sympathetic and dedicated friends and she, a freedom fighter of human rights, decorated by the US government, given "International Women of Courage Award" by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in 2009.

One thing I can say, this lady has one very swollen head. 

Phnom Penh

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Beginning Of The End Of Pakatan Rakyat:Malays Versus Chinese

Hantu Laut

When you have scolded and scorned a man of age, wisdom and a model of rectitude to the point of injuring his pride and principle, what's the point of asking him to reconsider his decision, and, worst, insulting him by dangling RM50,000.00 carrot to try make him stay. 

So much for a party who wanted to rid this country of corruptions.

Do I feel sorry for Tunku Aziz? No! I feel sorry for Guan Eng for his obstinate foolhardiness and arrogance.

Aren't they all the same, this pot that called the kettle black, think just like the devil they wanted to replace, that money can buy everything and everyone, including your conscience and principle. This time they got the wrong man, a man who does not live by muck and brass.

DAP leader Lim Guan Eng has got so carried away by success, so much so, he has become big-headed and arrogant, showing no respect for other's opinion and similarly no respect for the elders. He thinks he is the king of beasts that scare people when he roars, when he is nothing but a political upstart who behaves arrogantly. 

Democracy and freedom? He can now put the money where his mouth is. 

Little did Lim realise that his punitive action against Tunku Aziz has turned the tide and start the beginning of the Malay exodus from Pakatan Rakyat. By the stroke of his foolhardiness he also confirmed the enduring perception by most Malays that DAP is a chauvinistic Chinese party.This perception, not so much the Aziz factor, may turn away the Malays from supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

The Malays versus Chinese, which I used to brush aside and think is not likely to happen seems to loom larger on the horizon as we get nearer the general elections.The widening rift are caused by irresponsible politicians from both sides of the political divide. 

Some Malay politicians, equally arrogant,  are less subtle than people like Guan Eng.

Raucous politician like Ibrahim Ali, the doyen of Malay chauvinism, is crude,  more open and easier to read than people like Guan Eng who hides under the cloak of equity, equality, freedom and democracy.

Will Tunku Aziz, whose outlook is more Anglophile, be the rallying point for Malay unity?

As they say 'nothing is impossible, it's miracle that takes time'

The tide is turning, the Malays votes may be making a U turn. PAS is now in troubled waters.

The din of racialism is louder now than ever before. The 13th General Elections would see a strong en-bloc Chinese votes for DAP and a stronger en-bloc Malay votes for UMNO.The Indians are not even in the equation as significant voters. In all likelihood they would be with UMNO.

It's a dangerous path that we are taking and who's to blame? 

Certainly, not the ordinary people, it's the greedy politicians who cared for nothing else but their insatiable greed for political power and, by extension, helped line their pockets.

Am I being stupid for saying this after what we saw in Bersih 3, the very mixed crowd that thronged the streets of Kuala Lumpur. 

If you believe in the existence of the devil as much as in God than you must also believe that not all roads lead to Kuala Lumpur.

Don't get me wrong, I may have many Malay friends but I have more close Chinese friends.Friends that I spend more time with and get better understanding of their mindset.

For the moment this suffice, I'll be writing more of this as we get nearer the 13th General Elections, which almost everyone predicted in June.

I have said earlier in this blog that the 13th GE would be after Ramadan and before the year end.

Let's wait and see who got it right.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Most Serious And Dangerous Accusation Against The BN Government So Far

Hantu Laut

When Hishamuddin Onn said the rise in crime was due to demonisation of the police force, like most of those who were quick to jump the gun, my immediate reaction was the same, either he has gone bonkers or was making lame excuses to cover his weaknesses.

It's been a week since he uttered that statement in Parliament that got the oppositions up in arms gunning him down mercilessly for what they considered outrageously stupid and unacceptable statement about the state of our police force.

DAP's Lim Kit Siang lashed out at him for the police failure to provide security to the public.Whacking the police is Lim's favourite past time.

I did not blog about my disagreement with Hisham's statement.I am glad I didn't.I can now see his statement in a new light.

After reading numerous news report and articles in certain blogs it dawns on me that what he said could be true to certain extent.

Read this and this and this and this and this and many more said over the years demonising the police.

When the police shot dead armed Indian criminals after being shot at first some opposition politicians were quick to turn it into a racial issue.Read it here. It is OK to shoot Malay or Chinese criminals dead but not Indians.

It is wrong to shoot Indian criminals even if they are armed to the teeth.It is OK to shoot a dog in the streets but the police must not shoot Indian criminal even if he starts shooting at the police first.

The Indians may want to ask themselves how come being the smallest minority group in this country yet they produced the biggest number of criminals?

Yes! I already know the answer, they are marginalised, discriminated and living in a state of apartheid, so it is OK to make a living out of crime.

What about the Indian professionals, the doctors, lawyers,engineers,accountants are they also marginalised,discriminated and not allowed to practise in their professions because there is apartheid in Malaysia as claimed by some Indians.

Are there segregation of the races in this country that made the Indians feel marginalised, discriminated and unwanted.Every time an Indian criminal is shot dead or died in police custody it becomes a throny racial issue and blown out of proportion by the oppositions to gain political mileage.

Does it matter whether he is Indian, Malay or Chinese if he is a criminal, he is a criminal. Those who live by the gun, die by the gun.

It certainly not fair to say the police only shoot Indian criminals and will not shoot Malay or Chinese criminals even if they are armed. The reason for the high rate of Indians being shot dead by police is because there are more hardcore and dangerous Indian criminals than Malay or Chinese.

If one were to look back at the history of crimes in this country, going back to the pre Botak Chin era, who were the criminals then, weren't they mostly Chinese?

Those days, the Chinese community accepted that one Chinese criminal shot dead by the police was one less trouble for them.Those who got robbed, extorted and kidnapped were mostly Chinese so they were quite happy with the police trying to wipe out the menace.

It makes absolutely no sense, on one hand they want less crime and on the other hand when police shot criminals dead they turned it into racial issues.I don't understand the logic of it all.

Come on! You morons.Make up you mind, what do you want?

I do agree the police may not be up to mark in their fights against crime but isn't what you have been doing all this while adds to the problem, it kills their enthusiasms.

New York, used to be the murder capital of the US and one of the most violent cities in the world.Today, thanks to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his zero-tolerance crime policy and the cooperation of New Yorkers, New York's crime rate has declined drastically.

So! Help your police instead of insulting them every opportunity you get that demoralise them.

I like this guy's creative writing here.Good for the soul.

This is the most dangerous accusation against the government so far.This can be interpreted as ethnic cleansing for those who doesn't know Malaysia well.I suggest the next time the police go in search of hardcore criminals take this man along.Maybe, they can use him as human shield.

The police should seriously look into the case of the lady who gave weed killer to her children and herself over the death of her brother, a criminal shot dead by police, to rule out any foul play.

It's hard to believe that a normal person would take the life of her four children and herself for the death of her criminal brother.

Read part of what he says:

IPOH, Nov 15 – A DAP politician has accused the Barisan Nasional (BN) government of waging a war of revenge against the Indian community by ordering the police to kill suspected criminals.

Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Marginalised Indians, Poor Malays And Poorer Bumiputras

Hantu Laut

Most English educated would know the popular saying 'Children are to be seen not heard'.In another word children with proper upbringing are expected to know how to behave in the presence of adults.Not least to say they should be in bed in the early evening like all children should and not go on political jaunts with their parents.

In November I wrote here about the danger of parents allowing their children to be involved in their political activities.Taking children as young as 4-5 years old to their so called candlelight vigil against the ISA is preposterous.Are these people really serious about their political activism or they have turned such occasions into some kind of festivities for their own enjoyment?

The parents should be ashamed that they are prepared to endanger the safety of their children so they can go out and enjoy themselves under the pretext of championing democracy in this country.If they are really serious about their political ideology they should join political party of their choice whom they think can bring political changes they wanted and help to achieve such change at the ballot boxes.Hindraf, the so called marginalised Indians employed the same tactics, using children in furtherance of their political agenda.

Lately, this bunch of political desperadoes had become even more inventive by using young human devices to spread their 'Save Malaysia' campaign.They sent juveniles to cycle around the country bringing their message of hate.You can hate the government or try to topple it,that's your business but don't be a coward and used young gullible proxies to do your dirty job.

One Arutchelvan of PSM who looked most suited to play a bad part in a Tamil movie rather than a political spokesman has the cheek to say "The police stooped low today when they claimed that the children were exploited", and went on to say "This is utter rubbish coming from the police force, which has long lost its credibility," He said the young cyclists had obtained parental consent.

Wasn't those children exploited? At their young tender age what the f... they know about politics? If that's not exploitation, what is? Who stooped low - he and the parents of those young cyclists or the police ? This is the kind of political activist we have in this country, f..... in the head.This is the kind that sees a molehill to be a mountain.

Although, I do not deny there are some discrimination in some of the government policies but they have not reached such epidemic proportions where a minority race is completely downtrodden and destined to live in the ghettos, like the Jews were forced to in medieval Europe.

These are people who believe whatever the West do is good and we should copy them.Just because most Western countries allowed protests and demonstrations they think Malaysia must apply the same rules without considering the potential danger of civil unrest.What happened in Greece the past weeks, the widespread looting,rampage and destruction of properties all over the country caused just by one accidental death of a student wrongly shot by the police is a lesson that those Malaysians who love to pour their grievances on the street should be looking at.

Human feelings are hard to control and herd instinct can be the order of the day in a multitudinous demonstration where one ethnic group is pitted against another.

There are many successful Indians as lawyers,doctors,accountants and in other professions.I would say as a ratio to population the Indians would have the highest number of doctors in the country.Do they feel marginalised.One of the riches man in this country is Indian or Sri Lankan if there is such race as one of my good Jaffnese Indian friend once told me, he refused to be called Indian, he prefers Sri Lankan, which I think is a nationality rather than a race.

Jaffna, used to be the second largest city in Sri Lanka before the conflicts and is where the marginalised Indians of Sri Lanka lives, home of the LTTE or popularly known as the Tamil Tigers.

If the Tamil Tigers think they are marginalised and wanted an independent state of their own, their ruthlessness and cruelty are even worse than the Sinhalese majority, they have completely driven out the Sri Lankan Moors(Muslims) out of the area.Jaffna now belong exclusively to the Tamils.
All Muslims had left the area in the 1990s.That's is not marginalisation, worst !, that's ethnic cleansing.

There are probably more poor Malays and bumiputras in East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak than marginalised Indians.

Call us stupid if you may but we still believe in the ballot box and respect for democracy and if change we must have the box would be our friend.

Are the Indians really marginalised or they are just apathetic ?