Showing posts with label Hindraf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindraf. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2008

Marginalised Indians, Poor Malays And Poorer Bumiputras

Hantu Laut

Most English educated would know the popular saying 'Children are to be seen not heard'.In another word children with proper upbringing are expected to know how to behave in the presence of adults.Not least to say they should be in bed in the early evening like all children should and not go on political jaunts with their parents.

In November I wrote here about the danger of parents allowing their children to be involved in their political activities.Taking children as young as 4-5 years old to their so called candlelight vigil against the ISA is preposterous.Are these people really serious about their political activism or they have turned such occasions into some kind of festivities for their own enjoyment?

The parents should be ashamed that they are prepared to endanger the safety of their children so they can go out and enjoy themselves under the pretext of championing democracy in this country.If they are really serious about their political ideology they should join political party of their choice whom they think can bring political changes they wanted and help to achieve such change at the ballot boxes.Hindraf, the so called marginalised Indians employed the same tactics, using children in furtherance of their political agenda.

Lately, this bunch of political desperadoes had become even more inventive by using young human devices to spread their 'Save Malaysia' campaign.They sent juveniles to cycle around the country bringing their message of hate.You can hate the government or try to topple it,that's your business but don't be a coward and used young gullible proxies to do your dirty job.

One Arutchelvan of PSM who looked most suited to play a bad part in a Tamil movie rather than a political spokesman has the cheek to say "The police stooped low today when they claimed that the children were exploited", and went on to say "This is utter rubbish coming from the police force, which has long lost its credibility," He said the young cyclists had obtained parental consent.

Wasn't those children exploited? At their young tender age what the f... they know about politics? If that's not exploitation, what is? Who stooped low - he and the parents of those young cyclists or the police ? This is the kind of political activist we have in this country, f..... in the head.This is the kind that sees a molehill to be a mountain.

Although, I do not deny there are some discrimination in some of the government policies but they have not reached such epidemic proportions where a minority race is completely downtrodden and destined to live in the ghettos, like the Jews were forced to in medieval Europe.

These are people who believe whatever the West do is good and we should copy them.Just because most Western countries allowed protests and demonstrations they think Malaysia must apply the same rules without considering the potential danger of civil unrest.What happened in Greece the past weeks, the widespread looting,rampage and destruction of properties all over the country caused just by one accidental death of a student wrongly shot by the police is a lesson that those Malaysians who love to pour their grievances on the street should be looking at.

Human feelings are hard to control and herd instinct can be the order of the day in a multitudinous demonstration where one ethnic group is pitted against another.

There are many successful Indians as lawyers,doctors,accountants and in other professions.I would say as a ratio to population the Indians would have the highest number of doctors in the country.Do they feel marginalised.One of the riches man in this country is Indian or Sri Lankan if there is such race as one of my good Jaffnese Indian friend once told me, he refused to be called Indian, he prefers Sri Lankan, which I think is a nationality rather than a race.

Jaffna, used to be the second largest city in Sri Lanka before the conflicts and is where the marginalised Indians of Sri Lanka lives, home of the LTTE or popularly known as the Tamil Tigers.

If the Tamil Tigers think they are marginalised and wanted an independent state of their own, their ruthlessness and cruelty are even worse than the Sinhalese majority, they have completely driven out the Sri Lankan Moors(Muslims) out of the area.Jaffna now belong exclusively to the Tamils.
All Muslims had left the area in the 1990s.That's is not marginalisation, worst !, that's ethnic cleansing.

There are probably more poor Malays and bumiputras in East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak than marginalised Indians.

Call us stupid if you may but we still believe in the ballot box and respect for democracy and if change we must have the box would be our friend.

Are the Indians really marginalised or they are just apathetic ?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mahathir's Most Profound

Hantu Laut

"For 50 years political stability was what attracted investors. Now a weak government has tried to regain popularity by pandering to the demands of extremists. The floodgates are open and all kinds of sensitive issues are being debated. The result is the resurgence of racism on the part of all ethnic groups, " he said.

Probably the most profound statement made by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad since he left office.He thinks Malaysia is unlikely to achieve Vision 2020 as envisioned by him when he was Prime Minister.

I share his views that the present government is weak and was trying to appease the different racial groups in the country but have achieved the opposite, there are more racial and religious tensions now than ever before.Not only there is a tendency to move toward Islamism, even minority groups are pushing their own extreme agenda of their own version of their religions.One such group is Hindraf.

The one that have taken the extremity of racial and religious issues are the Indians under Hindraf, conveying an over-exaggeration of mistreatment of Indians in this country.Most Malaysian Indians are now ardent supporter of Anwar Ibrahim's PKR as one can see from the turnout at his ceramah.Although many Malaysians might not agree with me I believe Hindraf is a religious extremists organisation and highly motivated by politics and Hindu extremism.

PPP, an insignificant Indian led party and a member of BN have jumped on the bandwagon of anti-ISA and threatened the government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that it would leave the BN
if the ISA is not abolish.

Most small components of the BN were scaredy cats when the BN was almighty and wouldn't dare squeak a word of dissent or disagreement on anything including the ISA.Their leaders were very happy with UMNO and the BN leadership then.

Political opportunism is a good as 'Necessity is the mother of invention'

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Candle Light Vigils With A Flaw

Hantu Laut

The group against the ISA organise regular show of their anti ISA stand by having what they called candle light vigil in various locations in Peninsula Malaysia.

What they intend to achieve by this regular maniacal show of solidarity against the ISA is hard to tell.It's almost like banging your head against a brick wall trying to push an issue against a government that only aren't listening but reacted with negative responses.

I am not against the anti ISA vigils.That's not really the issue I am concerned with.It's fine if they confine the vigils only to adults.It's the children. I can see in many of those vigils the presence of children as young as 3-4 years old.Both organisers and parents should be taken to task for exposing their children to this kind of dangerous culture. They knew fully well they are breaking the law and knowing our police force who do not take kindly to illegal assembly those children could get hurt or got lost in a melee.

If those parents brought their children to use them as instruments of compassion so the police wouldn't arrest them because of the children than there is something seriously wrong with them.Those children should be at home in bed not out in the streets late at night to participate in political activities of their parents.

Those in Hindraf had also shown similar irresponsible behaviour by using children to write letters,messages and sent flowers to meet the Prime Minister to appeal for the release of the Hindraf detainees.Aren't those children too young to be used in a political struggle.

Those who organised the candle light vigils and those parents actively involved should open their conscience and think hard whether those children should be there in the first place and whether they should ignore the potential dangers they are putting those children into.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Samy: Shut Up And Go To Hell

Hantu Laut

Kascha Khan
If you see a cobra and Samy Vellu which one would you put in the cage first ? I think I would rather take my chance with the cobra and deal with Samy Vellu first. If you are bitten by the cobra at least there are serums available that can save your life. Unfortunately, there is no antidote for Samy's bite.

Samy Vellu hasn't stopped talking since his party suffered massive losses at the polls.He has everyone to blame except himself. He is now pointing fingers at the very same people he has had intercourse with for the past thirty years.The very same people he was comfortable with in bed for over three decades and everything was hunky dory for the Indian community.

He denied being subservient to UMNO but accused them of not treating him as equal. Short of calling them by names he is now accusing UMNO and the Malay civil servants of discrimination against the Indian community.

He says the Malay civil servants are racists and do not consider non-Malays as Malaysians. Everyone knows the Malay civil servants are a bunch of racist katak dibawah tempurong and are there merely because of the ketuanan Melayu policy.You know this but yet you love and worship them before. You ever said it was UMNO that gives you your jiwa, not MIC. Why suddenly you see wrongs in them and none in yourself.

Since you feel the Indian community was so badly treated why didn't you leave the BN then and fight them as an opposition fighting for the rights of the Indians in this country. You and your MIC would have been the champions today and not Hindraf if you had taken the bold steps to save the Indians from their miseries.

When Hindu temples were demolished, where were you, did you do anything to help them to rehabilitate the temples ?

You didn't, because you were more concerned with saving your own skin and the wealth you have amassed under that regime. You didn't, because you wouldn't want to upset your Malay masters.

You say you saw it coming six months before the election, the Indians will abandon MIC due to poor treatment they get from the government. Why you stood as a candidate if you knew you are going to lose ? Didn't you assure the PM that the Indians are doing well, happy and fully support the BN government ?

Now that the BN government has cancelled the licence of the Tamil daily, Makkal Osai, what are you going to do to show proof that you really love the Indian community and the action taken by the government was wrong ?

Samy, you are disgusting, are you going to do the right thing ? Shut up, resign or self-immolate.

Related article:
Najib wants Samy to explain outburst

Friday, April 4, 2008

Look ! Who Is Talking Now

Hantu Laut

Samy has changed and is a reformed man. He wears the BN badge but speaks like an opposition.

Samy has found his voice again.He is now singing the same chorus as the oppositions, though a little too late

According to Samy the government failure to act on issues affecting the Indian community has turned the Indians against MIC and the BN and warned Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi that if the situation is not rectified it could lead to greater losses for BN.

Now Samy wanted the government to release the 5 Hindraf's detainees and warned PM Abdullah that refusing to do so would be at the government own peril.The Attorney General has said that the government should not release the 5 as they are threats to national security.

For 28 years at the helm of MIC, exactly the same period Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe, both of them have done the same thing, one destroy a political party out of self-glorification and greed and the other had destroyed a nation out of personal glory and greed.

Although Samy's sins are comparably smaller than that of Mugabe, it has nevertheless hemmed in the Indian community into a valley of despair. Hindraf and eventually Makkal Sakthi at the polls that nearly wipe out MIC, was the result of the state of despair of the Indian community in this country, neglected and looked down upon by the leaders in MIC and the government.

For 28 years Samy who claimed to represent the Indians in this country didn't know that they have been marginalised because Samy lives in the comfort zone, in a palatial home away from the dirt and filth of poverty. He didn't know that Indian temples have been demolished because he is more concerned with preserving himself by constantly sucking up to his masters in UMNO.Some years ago he said "UMNO kasi saya jiwa" when he was trying to curry favour with the than Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad.

What the point of shouting his head off now when he had all the chances to speak and do something for the Indians when he was holding ministerial position.Why didn't he force through his demand on Abdullah to release the 5 detainees before the elections. He could have issued an ultimatum to the PM to take MIC out of BN if the demand is not met, if he really cares about the Indian community. It would have saved MIC from the massive desertion by the Indians.

Samy, it's too late now, the Indian community know you are fooling them again.You only dare to speak now because you think Abdullah's government is weak and there are no more benefits you can get from him.

The best for you, MIC and the Indians in this country is for you to hand over the helm to another person and disappear from the scene.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Hantu Laut

I am not in agreement with what the government has done to stop peaceful demonstrations. On the same note I wouldn't have any sympathy for the Hindraf's organisers who used children to go on the streets to further their dangerous political agenda.

Such selfish action taken by them involving children is appalling and should not be tolerated. They try to use psychological blackmail by using innocent and clueless children to plead to the PM to accede to their demands.Even more disgusting are those parents who lent their children without any consideration for their safety. What are they trying to teach those children at such tender ago ? Learn how to protest and how to defy authority ?

The children are brought along so the police will not use tear gas and water cannon on them due to the presence of those children. They are using them as human shield and would blame the government should any harm befall the children.They underestimated the niceties of the Malaysian police.

What happened today was a clear indication that those in Hindraf are desperate and would use whatever method to get what they wanted.

Hindraf, please leave the children alone.

Friday, December 14, 2007



Do they deserved it? Yes. I still think they should be charged for treason instead of ISA.I am not a great fan of the ISA, but they have been given ample warning, they pushed their luck, lied in their teeth and expect the government to maintain equanimity.The five Hindraf's masterminds deserved what they get.If others want to worship the Western form of democracy, its their business, if America think they have the best system of government, its their business, our business is to keep the peace in this country.What's the point of freedom if the country is in turmoil, if blood had to be shed for the price of freedom.

Some say they have the right to demonstrate as it is part of the democratic system. Malaysians are matured and responsible, but recent events had shown otherwise.It shows the true psyche of some Malaysians, who are prepared to use violence, to send their message home.Given free reins, they would want to demonstrate every week.

Many foreigners believed in the Hindraf's propaganda.One so called celebrated Indian poet, who claimed to have stayed in Malaysia for seventeen years, wrote in her blog that the Malaysian government practised apartheid, that's why she fled back to India. Below are part of the derisive article she wrote;

"Last week, the simmering resentments of a nation under a formal apartheid exploded. The constitution of Malaysia explicitly privileges the Malay Muslim majority’s access to opportunity, and indeed claim to the nation itself, and the inherent racism of this sentiment is one that trickles down through all sectors of society. The superficial image of multicultural harmony that it had somehow managed to convince the world of has begun to fray in no uncertain terms"

In an interview with an Indian newspaper, DNA, the celebrated poet, Sharanya Manivanna said;

In April 2006, while still a student in Kuala Lumpur, I wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on my blog (, calling upon the Indian government to speak out on this issue of clear religious and ethnic discrimination in the same way that it had responded to the Danish cartoons parodying Prophet Mohammed.

“I wrote that letter because what is happening in Malaysia is nothing less than formal apartheid. The fact that its Tourism Board promotes a picture postcard image of multi-culturalism is rather audacious. You have to understand that I say all this as a person who loves Malaysia, but who was forced to leave.

“Last year, my grandfather, a former High Commissioner, had a passport thrown at his face and was shouted at by a Malay officer at the Malaysian Consulate in Chennai! I myself have been harassed at Malaysian immigration checkpoints on countless occasions, while always travelling legally. And after one particularly bad interrogation at immigration, I knew that if I did not make the choice to leave, I would probably be deported. I think I was right, considering the events of the past few days.”

I posted a comment on her blog, which she didn't allow for reasons only known to her.Anyway, it's her prerogative.Below are my comment;

Comment I posted on Sharanya's blog.

Dear Sharanya,

"You painted a wrong picture of a country which is more tolerant toward other minority races compared to many other countries including India.

The Malays shared political power with the Chinese and Indians, which they don't have to.With the Chinese it makes more sense because they are big minority, with the Indians they really don't have to, if they want to be nasty and unfair.

The few instigators, including the shithead called Utayakumar, are doing great injustice to the peaceful Indian community by instigating them to break the law and go against the government.He is suffering from serious inferiority and persecution complex and a danger to his own community and the nation.

He should be locked up.

If you think Malaysia was so bad,why did you stay for seventeen years? Do you have to wait that long to find out?"

December 5, 2007 9:44 PM


The following was her reasons for not posting the many comments that she thinks too derisory to deserve her attention;

"My blog is my space, not a forum. It is my prerogative to moderate comments through, or not. I have switched off anonymous comments because here’s the difference between you (you know who you are) and me: I put myself out there, and you hide behind namelessness and shifting IP addresses. If you can’t be bothered to read a post properly before leaving a comment which accuses me of the exact opposite of a statement I’ve made, are hateful or make inappropriate personal attacks I may choose to not spend my energy on responding to your comment. Oh, and just because you read my blog doesn’t mean you know me. Just because you went to college or kindergarten with me doesn’t mean you know me. Just because I’m friends with your ex doesn’t mean you know me. Just because you’ve sat next to me on a plane or a train doesn’t mean you know me. Just because you’re related to me doesn’t mean you know me."

But she found it appropriate to post the following;

posted by Sharanya Manivannan @ 10:31 AM


Blogger Sharanya Manivannan said...

Eek! The fonts, the fonts! :-S

10:35 AM
Anonymous Vaijanthi said...

Well said, Sharanya!

12:00 PM
Blogger Obiter Dictum said...

Brilliant, well done.

Do Niemoller's words come to mind:

"First they came for communists and I did not speak because I wasn't a communist....."

12:32 PM
Anonymous Mohan Nair said...

Awesome work. During my recent visit to Malaysia, I had chance to talk to many Indians and all said how they were being marginalized by the Malays. I also talked to some Chinese businessmen who privately admitted the same.

The US-Malaysia free trade pact is in limbo because of NEP. I suggest you mobilize folks to write to the Senators at the US foreign affairs committee and see if you an organize a hearing. This will give pressurize the US government to act. But also give wider coverage to the issue in the US. My 2 cents.

6:35 AM
Blogger DRAVIDA PERAVAI said...

A journalist Bala from Junior Vikatan told about your blog. I read your comments. I felt deeply impressed. I had posted it in various forums, including
where I write often.Yours is the only brave voice about Malaysian Tamils plght. N.Nandhivarman
General Secretary Dravida Peravai

3:35 PM
Blogger Antares said...

Dynamite interview, Sharanya, bravo! Malaysia's Imigresen officers have been trained to sniff out dangerous DNA. If they let you in on a long-term basis you might REPRODUCE and overwhelm this poor benighted country with beautiful, intelligent, and brave progeny - and none but the enlightened can appreciate those qualities! :-)

12:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to you, dear lady.

8:04 PM

That's probably the crappiest excuse I have came across for a long long time.Goddammit, you have no more right to privacy the moment you attack or criticise another person, country or even animal.The privilege is not yours alone, others have the right to do the same. They have the right to defend themselves. The legality of your claim sucks.

As Malaysians we have the right to defend our country.If your blog is not a forum,why post such hard hitting article. Sorry! girl, you have lost your rights to privacy.You are standing on weak ground.You should stand by what you say and prove it to the world that you are right in your presumptions and allegations of apartheid in Malaysia.

Closing your door is an admission of guilt.