Showing posts with label Demo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demo. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's "Bandh" Day,Happy In The East

Hantu Laut

Here I am, completely immobilised, eating dust instead of breathing fresh mountain air.

Kathmandu is highly polluted with dust particles due to many of its unpaved roads.

It's an old civilisation that had grown backward.

Today is bandh day in Kathmandu. There is bandh every other day in this city, but today is a big one that virtually lock down the city. 

Most schools, shops and offices are closed and many major roads in the city are closed to traffics and almost all public transports will came to a grinding halt, I was told.

Yesterday, the government raised fuel prices and angry student unions affiliated to various political parties have said that they would close down all petrol kiosks across the country for three days from Sept 14 to protest the price hike. 

'Lo and behold' I wonder how they are going to do that, but in Nepal, I was told, by hook or by crook, it will happen.

I am not very clear what today's big protest really about, nothing much in the newspaper to tell the true story. 

Of little that I know, being told, it is about protest against elections to the Constituent Assembly, which comprises many political parties including a communist led 33-agitating party alliance led by the CPN-Maoist party. 

Hahaha! These communists are serious about democracy and the right to demonstrate freely on the streets.

This is a wonderful country for people who like to protest, demonstrate, or just go walkabout. 

However, nothing have ever changed in spite of the frequent demos, protests, rallies, marches and whatever name you wish to give it.It's the only growth industry here.

Most protests are peaceful and accompanied by the police, but once a while, some ended up in bloody clashes with the police.

Well, if you are bored we can always go to Freak Street where its squalor and beauty are no more irresistible of days bygone the Flower Power. 

The freakish madness of the time had passed into the dustbin of history.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Anak Melayu Suka Berpesta Dan Berdemonstrasi Di Negara Dystopia.

Hantu Laut

The Black 505 held at Padang Merbok on Saturday 22 June was an anticlimax and incipient boredom for many attendees. Some left before the main event started, stating boring speeches and the haze as the killjoy.

Most attendees were Malays, who are hooked on to this carnival type protests, a wasteful social habit courtesy of Anwar Ibrahim.

Today, some youths mostly Malays tried to break into Parliament to demand EC members to step down.

Anwar have said Pakatan will not have anymore rallies, but he is not sure about the NGOs.

Your guess as good as mine who will be behind the NGOs demonstrations and who likely to be in the front.

The Chinese have delivered their message and have gone back to work to earn their rice bowls .

The Malays still think they live in dystopia.

In the meantime enjoy the lyrics of the song by OneRepublic.

Yeah! that's where you are heading for.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mother Of All Rallies Today: Did The Chinese Smell Something Fishy?

Hantu Laut

Everything we do, good or bad, must have a reason, or an objective. We eat to live, we work to sustain that existence. We shower once or twice a day for hygiene, to keep the bugs away from making us sick. We have sex for pleasure or procreate to sustain the human race.

Unless, you are completely insane, everything you do must have reasons.

Pakatan Rakyat lost the elections and blamed electoral frauds as the cause of their misery. They know why they lost but they don't want the people to know the truth, they want the people to think that they have really been cheated, they want to anger the people to justify an uprising.

They say they have no intention of bringing down the government. If so, why hold so many rallies?

Later they say they want all Election Commission's members to resign for the electoral frauds.

Doctor apa ini, doctor ubat, doctor gigi atau doctor baru belajar (intern)

There are many lawyers in Pakatan Rakyat, don't tell me they don't know the law, who can appoint and who can remove members of the EC? Have the shit got into their heads that they can't remember the law.

Their propaganda of electoral frauds started long before the general elections as contingency plan in the event they lose the elections. As I have expected, they lost and are using that contingency plan now to take over the government, by hook or by crook.

The biggest honour should be given to Ambiga for the biggest political fraud of the century, openly colluding with Pakatan Rakyat to destabilise the government under the pretext of fighting for free and fair elections. This lady has a swollen head because of that award given by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, which is a real boo-boo. The same kind of ill-judged Nobel Peace Prize given to Obama, a joke I still could not comprehend till today. Alfred Nobel must be turning in his grave, though, he himself invented one of the most destructive invention, the dynamite being his most famous one.

This is Anwar Ibrahim's last stand, by hook or by crook, he must be prime minister, but as I have predicted time and again, he'll never be, man proposes, God disposes. Someone up there writes his destiny, and for that matter, for all of us.

Another propagandist, but not as smooth as Rafizi the Goebbels.

Shakespeare had also gotten into the act that one's destiny is in God's hand, in his works of Hamlet "There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will". It means no matter how hard you try to shape your life in the end it is God, who decides your destiny.

In Islam we called it takdir.

Fate must have it that God is not ready to make Anwar the prime minister of this country yet.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and as the democratic process had failed him, he needs to change the course of action and the only option opened is an uprising similar to the "Arab Spring"

No political party in a democratic system in any part of the world organises weekly rally as the one seen in Malaysia. What is the purpose?

It is undeniable that the whole idea of the weekly rally is to culminate into a huge one to bring down the government.

It seems DAP wise up to the wrong flavour of the rally as there are no signs of them participating. Did the Chinese smell something fishy, hence, not wanting to get involved?

It looks like an all Malay do, organised by incorrigible PKR and PAS leaders, the sore losers.

Inikali lah! Melayu pukul Melayu!

Today, we'll see how many stupid Malaysians will come out, in spite of the haze, to participate in the mother of all rallies....or will it fizzle out before it started?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Hot Spring Turkish Bath.

Hantu Laut

This could happen to Malaysia.

The rampage was over piffling matter of saving a city park from redevelopment into a shopping mall. The people are not happy, they don't want the mall, they want to keep the park. With the oppositions adding fuel to the fire, the flame of passion transformed and engulfed an inferno of destruction that required heavy-handed police action.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan blamed the main opposition and social media for the trouble, accusing the main opposition party of calling for resistance and provoking the protests. He says "Social media is the worst menace to society" 

I agree !

Place the guns in the wrong hands, they'll shoot blindly. Most can't differentiate between criticism, constructive or otherwise, and libel.

Erdogan has bigger agenda for himself. He wants to change the country's constitution to make him the first directly elected president with formidable executive powers.

Did you hear right, sound familiar and one that rings a bell close to home.

Yes, hypocrisy of the highest order, the man that Anwar Ibrahim worshipped and wanted to emulate is a wolf in sheep's clothing, determined to turn Turkey into an authoritarian state and him as the new king of Turkey.

This is just the beginning of Erdogan's trouble, but it is no "Arab Spring", just a summer of disquiet that Erdogan need not worry too much for the moment.

Link to video: Turkey: police clash with protesters
Thousands of protesters have controlled Istanbul's main square once more after two days of violent clashes with rampaging riot police, asTurkey's prime minister vowed to press on with the controversial redevelopment that provoked the clashes.
Calling the protesters an "extremist fringe", Recep Tayyip Erdoganblamed the opposition Republican People's party for provoking the protests.
"We think that the main opposition party, which is making resistance calls on every street, is provoking these protests," Erdogan said on Turkish television, as an estimated 10,000 demonstrators streamed into the area waving flags and calling on the government to resign.
"There is now a menace which is called Twitter," Erdogan said. "The best examples of lies can be found there. To me, social media is the worst menace to society." Read more.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Shittiest Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Hantu Laut

What national reconciliation if Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) continue to organise big rallies to try topple the government?

I can understand Anwar going to the streets because he is a very frustrated man, he came from the streets and that's where he goes back to when he is unhappy, but why are DAP and PAS leaders, whom I consider more rational colluded with him to destabilise the country?

Seriously, all the leaders in PR should have their heads examined if they think the government was wrong in arresting the troublemakers. These are people who want to create chaos to bring down the government and PR leaders are equally guilty of the same for organising the rallies.

Anwar has planned this long before the general election as his insurance in the event he loses the elections and unable to claim Putrajaya through the democratic process. Allegation of frauds had been made by him, PR and Bersih long before the general elections. He lost and frauds became the battle cry to bring down the government. Taking over the government by force of people's power would be the only option he has left.

Birds of a feather flock together, not at all surprising the restive and troublesome Anwar's ally Ambiga Sreenavasan came to the rescue, came out to defend the criminals.

She said of Najib's government " What national reconciliation ? To me, they only know how to use words that they do not even understand" Read here.

Of course, even the most stupid lawyer and there are many of them around who think they are the smartest people on earth would say the same, because she is a bullshit artist, as always, trying to bullshit the people. 

How do you expect the government to start reconciliation when the oppositions led by the sore-loser Anwar Ibrahim, who had no intention of respecting the results of the elections and determined to create mischief by holding big rallies around the country to try topple the government.

Where is the smooth transition he talked about before the elections?

Najib should not fall for his treachery and trickery. A week ago he said he will be arrested and he is anxiously waiting to be arrested, which he anticipates will trigger the people's revolt against the government.

Let him be, let him continue with his big rallies, which will eventually fizzle out as people grew tired of its senselessness.

There are now ample Anwar's wannabes. Some even tried to emulate the way he talks, the way he walks and the way he straddles the horse.

Adam Adli, the raucous student arrested and charged for sedition is one of Anwar's great imitator. As they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" Anwar should be proud of him.

Below are words deemed seditious uttered by Adam Adli.

"Ambil butiran saya, buat laporan polis, kerana hari ini, saya nak ajak semua yang ada di sini, kita harus susun dan kita akan turun ke jalan raya untuk rampas kembali kuasa kita! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Kita tak banyak masa lagi, semua siap sedia, beli kasut, beli tracksuit, beli seluar jeans, sedia kita akan turun ke jalan raya sebab akhirnya dalam dunia ketiga macam negara Malaysia, pilihan raya takkan tumbangkan kerajaan kita.

"Yang boleh tumbangkan kerajaan hanyalah kuasa rakyat. Sedara, ingat, ini sahaja peluang yang kita ada ..." 

Read more at Freedom Come Freedom Go

Should the government just sit down and do nothing and allow this bunch of sore-losers to destabilise the nation, create political upheaval and allow the economy to suffer, which will eventually make us a pariah nation.

This country has rules of law and Ambiga as a lawyer knew it better than anyone else, but she like all the other lawless leaders in PR, decide, instead of going to the court to seek justice, they go to the streets to vent their anger. As a lawyer, she should know toppling a duly elected government is a treacherous act and a serious crime.

Go tell Anwar Ibrahim to stop his nonsense before you condemn Najib's promise of reconciliation. 

It is absurd that you don't keep your end of the bargain and expect others to keep theirs. 

The government should come down hard on these recusants and keep them away where they can do no harm to society and the nation.

The people have given their verdict and all parties should respect the results no matter how bitter the pill to swallow.

Here, Nurul Izzah Anwar said Najib's reforms a lie. The liar is actually her father. 

"Will Najib agree to a smooth transition of power" her father asked before the elections and Najib promised he would do so here.

So, Nurul Izzah, who broke the solemn promise of smooth and peaceful transition of power. Your father, or Najib?

All those in the oppositions seem to have immunity against prosecution, because they have been blessed with God's given right to break the law, if one has to go by Ambiga's version of the law. 

Amiga Sreenavasan, you may be a hero to some, but to me, you are full of shit.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crave For Power, Anwar Lost The Plot

Hantu Laut

Gross miscalculation on Anwar's part. His narcissistic character and political grandstanding killed his chance of becoming the prime minister. The massive crowd in towns misled him into believing that taking the trophy will be a walk in the park. He lost sight of the fundamentals. He ignored the rustic rural communities where politicking are made easier by the smaller number of voters in each constituency.

Anwar beware! UMNO knew the game well. They will continue to win elections. The year 2018 will see a marked increase in support. 

He and his Pakatan people can go on crying wolf, organise big rallies but nothing is going to change the fact that they have miscalculated and ignored the power of the rural voters. 

These bunch of sore losers are now using allegation of frauds against BN to cover their biggest political clanger and again making the same mistake of using the same urban folks to try topple a duly elected government. 

Tunku Aziz, formerly of DAP has rightly described Anwar as an anarchist and untrustworthy and warned the government to put a stop to his dangerous political charade. 

This overconfident chameleonic politician has lost the plot and now resorting to public rallies to rattle, destabilise and hopefully overthrow the government with his streets culture. Aziz also advised Malaysians not to allow themselves be treated as cows by Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Anwar boasted that by virtue of he and PR having gathered more popular votes, he should be in Putrajaya and should be the prime minister, not Najib and BN, the alleged cheaters. 

PR won by a negligible 386,285 votes, but Anwar thinks it justifies a revolution to overthrow the government. This desperate man coaxed unwary Malaysians into believing that he and Pakatan were cheated by massive frauds perpetrated by Najib and BN. Most Malaysians and, surprisingly, the so-called sophisticated urban dwellers supposedly to be more intelligent and discerning turned out to be more dense than one would have expected. They fall for Anwar's ruse, hook, line and sinker.

This country parliamentary system does not recognise popular votes as the mechanism to determine the winner and Anwar knew this better than anyone that he had fooled to believe otherwise. His greed for power had driven him to the edge of madness and does not give a damn to the well being of the people and the nation.

The same system exists in U.K. and there have been instances where party with less popular votes become the government. 

A referendum called on 5 May 2011 to replace the "first past the post" system  turned out to be a complete failure, 68% voted "NO" and preferred to keep the old system, only 32% voted "YES". Winning by virtue of an overall majority in the Commons continued to be the winning formula in Britain.

There are 650 parliamentary constituencies in U.K. Guess what? Who has the biggest slice of the cake?

England took the biggest slice with 533 constituencies, 59 in Scotland, 40 in Wales and 18 in Northern Ireland. So, the SOB English also gerrymander the constituencies in their favour. No wonder the Scots, Welsh and Irish are peeved with the English. However, the peeved Celts and Gaels organised no big rallies to complain of unfair parliamentary practices.

Trust the English for being fair, fair game is not in their lexicon, but based on population and land mass the English exercised their demographic and democratic rights that majority ruled the land.

In Malaysia, someone, out of intense and selfish desire to rule wants to change the rules of the game.

His name is Anwar Ibrahim!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pakatan's Biggest Fiasco: The 1 Million That Never Was

Hantu Laut

The 1 million that never was. The final tally less than 100,000 turned up. 

Read the idiotic prediction here.

Pakatan Rakyat jokers put the crowd at 500,000, which one can clearly see the need to drop one "ZERO" from the photo below, which was taken at the height of the gathering. The stadium can't accommodate more the 60,000 people. This is the kind of leaders you have in Pakatan, pathetic liars.

Free T-Shirts, free drinks and free makan.It's a festival of sort.Typical Malaysian mentality, bring your children, your amah, your dog if there are freebies.

They should have allowed the insufferable Ambiga Sreenevasan to organise the event. She has better skill to persuade the cows to come to pasture. The turnout in all BERSIH outings were much better, which clearly show there are genuine support for BERSIH, rather than the political parties in Pakatan.

As I have anticipated, the whole thing was a cover up for Anwar's soon to be released drama in court and final rehearsal for Tahrir Square type revolution, which judging from today's fiasco will not happen. 

Malaysians are getting tired of participating in street demonstrations that they now see as web of deceit and lies by the oppositions and one man insatiable greed for power, who cares not how he gets it, by hook or by crook.

This lady Ambiga is still in her woozy state regurgitating the same old story.

What better excuse can you have to prepare yourself now for the loss, blaming BN cheating at the polls for the defeat, just like the proverbial carpenter who blamed his tools for his shoddy work.

She conjures an image of fatality for Pakatan that they will lose GE13th because of unfair and unclean elections.

" Yet I have unhappy news ― by all account GE 13 will be far from clean and fair. I will not go into the details, many of you know them. The recent fiasco with the overseas voters is yet another example. The suggested process is not clean, not transparent and the conditions that have been imposed on overseas voters are not, in my view, constitutional.
So why am I so sure the election will not be clean and fair? Well, one of the easiest demands to fulfil is to give free and fair access to the media to all parties. It takes just a phone call. Yet we see no move towards that and the mainstream media continues with its skewed and often dishonest reports. It shows a complete lack of political will to even the playing field between the parties." Read more.

In March 2008 General Elections, Pakatan played dirty, using strong arm tactic, stopping outstation BN supporters from casting their votes in certain areas, branding them as phantom voters and taking the law into their own hand......that's cheating! 

GE13th will be the cleanest election ever, because they will not be allowed to bully and stop any voter to exercise the right to vote, not ever again and BN will win with comfortable majority.

Few of my friends in Sabah have joined PKR and are now going round to see some Chinese towkays asking for donations to bankroll their candidacy. 

It's corruptions all over again if they win the elections. The Chinese towkays, surely, want his money back and multifold.

It's a vicious circle!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Najib, Leave Amiga And Her Pakatan Bosses To Their Own Demise

Hantu Laut

Amigo Sreenavasan has threatened the government with another sequel, she called "Bersih 3". A showdown at Padang Merdeka on 28th April if electoral reforms are not executed before the 13th GE she said.

This lady lawyer is doing the oppositions' bidding.Without Pakatan's leaders full backing she won't be able to get a bus-load of mules onto the streets of Kuala Lumpur?

This bunch of Pakatan's political eunuches using her, overestimated their popularity and boasted they would have won the last GE if there were no massive cheatings by BN.Sounds more like one big lie and a case of sour grapes.

If you are so sure of your popularity why do you need to stage mass demonstrations every now and then? If the people love you so much, no amount of money and cheating can change their minds

We, Sabahans know this,
if we really want a change we'll take the incumbent's money and vote the other side.We have done it a few times before.

Harris Salleh is a living testimony and a victim of the power of the people.The most powerful BN leader in Sabah at that time, he and his party was trashed by a new born party led by Joseph Pairin Kitingan, winning only 6 seats out of 48 they contested.Harris lost his seat in Tenom to an unknown giant killer.

With all the power, the money and the cheating how come Harris faltered so badly?

Amiga, I am afraid you are not a very bright lawyer because you lack the power of reasoning.

I am sure there have been isolated cases of cheating in the Malaysian polls.Even in the largest democracy where her forefathers came from there have been cases of cheating and worst, murders.Not that we should condone such appalling behaviour but to say there have always been wholesale cheating by the BN government is stretching one's imagination too far.

Anyone with the head properly screwed onto the shoulder can see how so bloody disorganised the BN have been when it comes to cheating at the polls. They are so amateurish in their cheating they almost lost the government in the 12th GE.

If not for Sabah and Sarawak they would have been a reversal of fortune, the BN would have become the opposition and Pakatan Rakyat the government.

It's obvious that the people are still not ready for a Malaysian Spring that Anwar Ibrahim so much wanted to happen.Anwar knew that's the only way he can be prime minister.

So! Amiga, where are the proofs of massive cheating other than you living in a state of denial and trying to cheat yourself and the people?

Lest you forget, over the many decades that the BN was in power they have also lost seats to independent candidates.Mind you! these small fries can win against the mighty BN.

Obviously, you prefer to serve your political masters rather than serve the truth.

More shameful, you use that poor old near senile national laureate Pak Samad to lead the procession.This old bugger did not realise he is being used by you and your puppetmasters to try lend credence to your monkey business.

My advice to that very blur Minister of Home Affairs, let it be, let them loose on the streets, let them have their say.

One hundred thousands stupid mules in KL do not represent the political sentiments of the people of this nation.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

London's Streets Of Rage

The Daily Beast

Britain’s estates are full of frustrated youth. A look inside their broken world.

On a recent night in Stockwell, an up-and-coming swath of South London, a police van prowled the streets. The neighborhood, five kilometers from Parliament and a short walk from Battersea Park, sees its Tube stop fill with young bankers at rush hour and its pubs bustle at night. But two weeks earlier its darker side had taken hold. Hooded youths took over the streets, smashing and looting at will, as the area became a picture of the chaos that swept through London during last month’s riots.

The van slowed to a stop near a scraggly patch of lawn, where a cluster of young men huddled beneath the blocks of the sprawling housing projects, or “estates,” that sit smack in the center of Stockwell. The spotlight on the van’s roof tracked toward the group, bathing them in blinding white. In unison, they turned away, and waited. The spotlight went out, and the van disappeared into the night.

“Rage,” said one of the young men, an 18-year-old with cornrows and a cold gaze. He pulled papers from his pocket to roll a spliff. “It’s everywhere. Just everything in general for the youth. How man lives. Rage is peak.”

Tensions had been running high in the Stockwell estates, and in poor areas throughout the city, since the four nights of rioting ended on Aug. 10. Some buildings in places like Peckham, another hard-hit area in South London, were still boarded up. The police reinforcements sent from across the United Kingdom remained, and the streets were full of cops, whom the kids call “feds,” though England has no FBI. Police were kicking down doors in search of pilfered riot loot, and the hated stop-and-searches were in full effect. The annual Afro-Caribbean street carnival, meanwhile, which the previous year had ended in a shower of bottles and Molotov cocktails, was set to kick off in a few days. There were whispers about more trouble to come, and authorities made plans to pump the festival with record numbers of police.Read more.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So! Who Says Only Malaysia Arrest Protesters!

Daryl Hannah arrested in White House oil protest

American actress Daryl Hannah has been arrested in front of the White House along with other environmental protesters who oppose a planned oil pipeline from Canada to the US Gulf Coast.

Hannah was released after paying a $100 fine, following her arrest for failure to obey a lawful order, said US Park Police spokesman Sergeant David Schlosser.

More than 70 people were arrested in the Tar Sands Action protest on Tuesday, which is named after efforts to block the proposed Keystone XL pipeline project to bring oil sands petroleum from Canada to Texas refineries.Read more.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Learning from Britain’s Moral Rot

Posted by Thomas Sowell

The orgies of violent attacks against strangers on the streets — in both England and the United States — are not necessarily just passing episodes. They should be wake-up calls, warning of the continuing degeneration of Western society.

As British doctor and author Theodore Dalrymple said, long before these riots broke out, “the good are afraid of the bad and the bad are afraid of nothing.”

Not only the trends over the years leading up to these riots but also the squeamish responses to them by officials — on both sides of the Atlantic — reveal the moral dry rot that has spread deep into Western societies.

Even when black youth gangs target white strangers on the streets and spew out racial hatred as they batter them and rob them, mayors, police chiefs and the media tiptoe around their racism and many in the media either don’t cover these stories or leave out the race and racism involved.

In England, the government did not call out the troops to squash their riots at the outset. The net result was that young hoodlums got to rampage and loot for hours, while the police struggled to try to contain the violence. Hoodlums returned home with loot from stores with impunity, as well as bringing home with them a contempt for the law and for the rights of other people.

With all the damage that was done by these rioters, both to cities and to the whole fabric of British society, it is very unlikely that most of the people who were arrested will be sentenced to jail. Only 7 percent of people convicted of crime in England are actually put behind bars.Read more

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Moral Decay Of Our Society

The moral decay of our society is as bad at the top as the bottom

Peter Oborne

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and the entire British political class came together yesterday to denounce the rioters. They were of course right to say that the actions of these looters, arsonists and muggers were abhorrent and criminal, and that the police should be given more support.

But there was also something very phony and hypocritical about all the shock and outrage expressed in parliament. MPs spoke about the week’s dreadful events as if they were nothing to do with them.

I cannot accept that this is the case. Indeed, I believe that the criminality in our streets cannot be dissociated from the moral disintegration in the highest ranks of modern British society. The last two decades have seen a terrifying decline in standards among the British governing elite. It has become acceptable for our politicians to lie and to cheat. An almost universal culture of selfishness and greed has grown up.

It is not just the feral youth of Tottenham who have forgotten they have duties as well as rights. So have the feral rich of Chelsea and Kensington. A few years ago, my wife and I went to a dinner party in a large house in west London. A security guard prowled along the street outside, and there was much talk of the “north-south divide”, which I took literally for a while until I realised that my hosts were facetiously referring to the difference between those who lived north and south of Kensington High Street.

Most of the people in this very expensive street were every bit as deracinated and cut off from the rest of Britain as the young, unemployed men and women who have caused such terrible damage over the last few days. For them, the repellent Financial Times magazine How to Spend It is a bible. I’d guess that few of them bother to pay British tax if they can avoid it, and that fewer still feel the sense of obligation to society that only a few decades ago came naturally to the wealthy and better off.

Yet we celebrate people who live empty lives like this. A few weeks ago, I noticed an item in a newspaper saying that the business tycoon Sir Richard Branson was thinking of moving his headquarters to Switzerland. This move was represented as a potential blow to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, because it meant less tax revenue.

I couldn’t help thinking that in a sane and decent world such a move would be a blow to Sir Richard, not the Chancellor. People would note that a prominent and wealthy businessman was avoiding British tax and think less of him. Instead, he has a knighthood and is widely feted. The same is true of the brilliant retailer Sir Philip Green. Sir Philip’s businesses could never survive but for Britain’s famous social and political stability, our transport system to shift his goods and our schools to educate his workers.Read more.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anarchy In The UK:Between a Rock and A Hard Place

Hantu Laut

The rioting is no more confined to London it has spread to other cities.Manchester, Salford, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Leicester and Birmingham with shops being looted and set alight.

A separate crowd in Manchester's Market Street has set fire to a Miss Selfridge shop. They then moved on to damage and loot other stores.

Is David Cameron "between a rock and a hard place" that till now he has not been able to make a sensible decision how to put out this flame of outrage.

If the UK government do not impose curfew in the trouble spots and order the police to shoot (with live ammo) on sight those who broke the law there will be complete anarchy in the UK as seen in Paris some 6 years ago.The one in Paris was better contained as it was only confined to the suburbs and did not touch the city proper.

The Sex Pistol's "Anarchy in the UK"

This the country that want to export and impose its brand of freedom and democracy to the third and developing world.

They prefer to let freedom prevails at the cost of massive destruction to properties and lives of innocent people rather than taking tough measures to protect lives and properties from hordes of scumbags rampaging the streets, looting, burning buildings and cars at will.

Najib did the right thing to take preemptive action against Bersih.

It is a breath of fresh air looking at what is happening in the UK right now.The sight of burning buildings and cars are just too much to ingest.People's homes and businesses being burn down all for the sake of mindless violence.

Malaysians should be relieved the government did right to stop the massive rally from taking place.

Of course, the antagonists and potential troublemakers would not agree.

The Riots Of Paris and London: A Tale Of Two Cities

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With the violence that broke out in London Saturday having spread to other English cities during a third straight night of rioting Monday, it's tempting (and probably portentous) from the comfort of Paris to offer up lessons learned from the nearly three weeks of upheaval that rocked French towns in 2005. Yet while there seem to be certain details common to both those explosions of urban fury, significant differences not only complicate directly comparing events in the U.K. to those that occurred in France nearly six years ago—but also leave the current unrest looking more serious in terms of destruction and consequence. As shocking as the images of burning cars, vandalism, and clashes with police were in 2005, the scenes today from across London inspire an even stronger, awesome fear. Here's why.

The detonators of both uprisings appear to have been similar: first, police involvement in the deaths of local youths in neighborhoods with large populations of visible minorities, followed by the fury — nourished with wider frustrations of discrimination and alienation — that those killings unleashed. And as happened in 2005 France, the initial unrest that broke out Saturday in Tottenham has gradually spread to other areas of London and to two other British cities as young people have embraced the underlying message of social protest and rage—or used them as convenient excuses for running amok. Not insignificantly, the spread of violence in both cases also provoked laments-cum-accusation that over-dramatization and voyeuristic media coverage early on led to “copy-cat” replication of the urban outrage.

From there, however, things seem to get different in important ways--starting with urban geography. The Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois that initially erupted in unrest in Oct. 2005 is just that: one of the many towns hosting huge but decrepit housing projects for increasingly disenfranchised segments of French society. Those large clusters of projects are almost invariably located in relatively remote suburbs ringing most major French cities, sparing France the kinds of intra muros ghetto areas that cities like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles have—or neighborhoods with very large non-white, often economically disadvantaged populations as London does.

(SEE: Pictures of the riots in London.)

In stark contrast to the districts in London now suffering violence, therefore, virtually all unrest that rocked France in 2005 occurred in these project-heavy outlying suburbs. And for all intents and purposes, the nightly clashes in 2005 France were never exported anywhere near the businesses, shops, and primarily white, affluent residents of French city centers. The recurring destruction that stunned wider French society in 2005 essentially involved its most disadvantaged and alienated members wrecking havoc in their own, very remote backyards.

As anyone watching the images of destruction knows, the rioting in the English capital and other cities is now surging right up to the doors of comfortable, middle and upper-middle class homes. The reasons: the sprawling nature of London makes it a much geographically larger and a far more populated city than intramuros Paris. Meanwhile, like France's blighted banlieues, the London neighborhoods now suffering turmoil have heavy immigrant and visible minority populations airing complaints of discrimination, endemic unemployment, and tense relations with police. Yet these populations are part of a wider, mixed residential pool. Indeed, unlike France 2005, the Watts or South Central riots in Los Angeles, or instances of arson and looting in New York's Harlem, objectives of “containment” by officials in reacting to violence those cities are non-starters in London—whose mixed socio-economic-ethnic demographics make the current violence an equal opportunity threat. It numbs the mind to contemplate what kinds of new attacks on multi-culturalism will surge in Britain once the waves of nightly violence subside.

Related article:

The Great Riot of London: The Stakes for David Cameron

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tottenham riots: police let gangs run riot and loot

Hantu Laut

A peaceful protest developed into one of the ugliest scenes in recent UK history as sections of London went up in flame and rioters clashed with police.

This can happen in Malaysia if Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat were given their ways.

Yeah! Democracy. Yeah!Freedom.

London's burning because the cops were afraid of being accused of police brutality.

Britain’s biggest police force is facing criticism after it let looters run riot in north London for almost 12 hours, in some of the worst scenes of street disturbances seen in recent years.

The Metropolitan Police said it was focused on containing violent disorder in Tottenham on Saturday night, which left dozens of officers injured and saw squad cars, shops and flats burned to the ground.

But its tactics meant gangs of youths were free to break into stores at nearby Tottenham Hale retail park and in Wood Green, with looters forming an orderly queue in broad daylight to steal from a sports shop.

Riot police did not intervene to stop the looting in some areas until 7.30am the following morning, almost 12 hours after the riots began, and last night there were fresh disturbances in Enfield.

Police defended their actions, saying that their priority was to avoid loss of life in the violent clashes that started after a peaceful gathering outside a police station, held to protest a fatal shooting by Met officers on Thursday.

Metropolitan Police Commander Adrian Hanstock said that police took a decision to devote resources to the scene of the riot rather than the looting.

He said: “What you have to recognise here is that this is opportunistic criminality. These individuals who stole, looted and rampaged through businesses, businesses which are struggling in the current climate, took advantage at a time where police were dealing with some serious incidents that posed a threat to life.

“Of course we are going to focus on fires and people potentially in danger.

“You have got a situation where people have been violent and are setting fire to things. Police officers have to remain in position even after the initial violence dies down.

“It is a very delicate balance. Officers have to consider that by staying here [the riot scene] can I prevent someone being seriously injured or should I intervene when someone is committing a theft that we might be able to investigate afterwards.” Read more.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Paradox Of Choice:Intellectualising Communism,Socialism & Capitalism

Hantu Laut

Is communism making a comeback? I doubted.

Living in a country like Malaysia anyone who wanted to be communist should be treated as a patient and should be sent to the mental hospital for observation.

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of the Cold War, communism, more or less, is on its last breath.

China, for all intents and purposes, is only communist in name, has become the second biggest capitalist and the fastest growing economy in the world.

The only remaining totalitarian communist is North Korea, which will not survive for long.I foresee a reunification of the two Koreas in the next decade.

Six PSM members including Sungei Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar related to the Bersih rally were arrested under the EO (Emergency Ordinance) for using and distributing inflammatory materials such as T-shirts placarded with pictures of past Malaysian communist leaders.

The government took a strong view that they are trying to revive communism. After over 30 days incarceration they were released without conditions.

The police had a change of heart or I would rather say "flip-flopping" on the issue, decided to charge them for possession of subversive materials.

The question I would like to ask here are those people seriously influenced by communist ideology or they are just a bunch of shit-stirrers, in which case they should be charged for public nuisance or something to that extant.

We certainly are spoilt for choice, but as far as communism is concerned we should not have paradox of choice.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yeah! Let's Ape The West!

Hantu Laut

Those were peaceful protests that turned unruly and violent.

Students protest in London.
WARNING: This video contains strong language

U.K.police brutality in a riot.

The Rodney King's verdict.

The riots after the Rodney King's verdict.

Rioting in French.

Lastly,the one in Malaysia.

Do you see any difference how riot police in the West treated protesters and how the Malaysian police treated them here?

So, don't let the blind lead you blindly.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bersih! Siapa Yang Kotor ?

Hantu Laut

I am still confused about Bersih's march for clean and fair elections.

Before, it was the March 2008 General elections that was purportedly rigged to deny the oppositions from winning but, amazingly, they almost captured the government, denied the BN its traditional two-thirds majority and won 5 states. The BN was almost trounced if not for Sabah and Sarawak, which were still in the slumbers then.

The oppositions never in their wildest dream believe they could win 82 parliamentary seats and 47.8% of the total votes cast against the ruling party 52.2 %.As they say the rest is history.

One may ask how could a dirty general elections gives the oppositions such astounding results if there were truly massive cheating by the ruling party?

Now, they are using the Sarawak state elections as an excuse to justify the march for clean, free and fair elections.Did DAP cheat in the elections? They won 12 out of 15 seats contested and helped PKR to win one.

Every time they failed to capture the government the question of rigged polls would become their staple food to demonise the government, portraying it as a wicked and evil regime to vulnerable and uninitiated Malaysians, who would swallow it hook, line and sinker.

These are Malaysians who are just too lazy to make their own analysis and use their better judgement but would rather be led by the opposition's empty rhetoric as in the proverbial Malay idiom "seperti kerbau dicucuk hidung"

One may ask again how did the oppositions made tremendous gains in the recent Sarawak state elections if there were massive cheating?

How did DAP managed to capture 12 out of 15 seats contested, PKR a miserable 3 out of 49 seats contested and PAS 0 out of 5 seats contested? DAP made the biggest gain, doubling the number of seats in the Sarawak State Assembly. Did DAP cheat to win almost all the Chinese seats?

There is little doubt that PKR and PAS are not yet accepted by the people of Sarawak hence the poor performance .Deceitful as usual, they blamed polls rigging as the reason for their lacklustre performance.

Anwar Ibrahim, instead of slinging mud on others for his party's poor performance should accept the fact that the people of Sarawak and Sabah for that matter do not like his leadership style and do not want PKR in the states.The big screw up he and his wife made in Sabah PKR has made people weary of his leadership.

Many foreign news media have put BN as the likely winner in the 13th General Elections, ostensibly, without two-thirds majority. These predictions have brought shivers to the opposition's camps and they are using the same modus operandi they used in 2007 just before the March 2008 GE to rattle the government and hoodwink the people that they must change the government to save this nation from falling into the abyss of economic disaster.Rising food prices and cut in subsidies are some of their political ammunition.

Rising food prices is a worldwide phenomenon, no government has complete control over the rising costs of food.Malaysia is not alone in this indisputable world food crisis.

Who is Ambiga Sreenevasan trying to bluff saying that BERSIH is apolitical and an independent NGO? PAS promised to mobilise 300,000 of its members on to the streets and Anwar Ibrahim says he would instruct Ambiga to call off the protest if Najib can promise a clean and fair elections? Isn't the active involvement of opposition's leaders make it a political rally mainly to help the oppositions garner public sympathy.This arrogant woman told the EC time for talk is over here.

She will be chosen as a PKR candidate in the 13th General elections.That much she had been promised that have made her completely arrogant and belligerent.

It stinks to high heaven that she played dumb and played the "wayang kulit" that Anwar has no say in the matter when in fact she took instructions from him and other opposition leaders to copy what is now dubbed as the "Arab Spring" to bring down a government through streets protests and people's power. Anwar's statement of "I will instruct Amiga to call off the walk" makes him looks like the chief designer of the BERSIH's walk on the 9th of July.

It may have escaped Amiga's mind that this is a duly elected government, elected by the people and any attempt to overthrow such government using any form of violence or street protest is an act of treason.

Can Ambiga control 300,000 protesters on the streets of Kuala Lumpur? They would come from all strata of society and in the midst there would certainly be roughnecks and troublemakers out to cause trouble.

Of course, for her and the leaders of the oppositions, typical of their brand of politicking, they would simply put the blame on the government even if such trouble actually came from their side.

Anwar is desperately seeking new avenues to revive his ailing political health.His Western allies have abandoned him when they discovered his hidden anti-Semitics.A stance he insidiously managed to hide for a long time until the day he made the biggest mistake of his life by his malevolent desire to propound to the Muslims of this country Najib as friend of the Jews, unconsciously bashing the Jews at the same time.The Jews did not take kindly to some of his remarks.Not a smart thing that sincere people would do.

APCO is not more Jewish as Monsanto, Unilever and Nestle are.His attempts to resurrect himself with his Western allies failed miserably.Even the Western media whom used to espoused him as a moderate Muslim leader persecuted by the Malaysian government is now giving him the cold shoulder.

How do you trust a man who was comfortably numb to corruptions and abuses of power that surrounded him when he was in UMNO and the second most powerful in government
suddenly found his clear conscience when out in the cold?

Undoubtedly, a street protest may help in restoring his waning popularity.

What is there to clean up? The opposition's election gains spoke volumes of the fair and free elections in this country.

There were also complaints that we should change our Westminster type system to direct elections as opposed to the present "first past the post" (FPTP) voting system.

Why is there a need to change a system that have worked well for over half a century here and for hundreds of years in the United Kingdom (UK).There is no foolproof system.Every system will have its weaknesses and it only takes a few clever minds to work the system to their advantage.

It is the same system we inherited from the British that gives a single party the majority based on number of seats rather than the absolute majority of all votes cast.

Since 1922 the UK has had 18 out of 23 general elections that produced a single party government.The rest would have been hung parliament or minority government.

Below is the 2005 UK General Election results.

This table indicates those parties with over one seat, Great Britain only
Seats % Votes % Votes
Labour Party 355 56.5 36.1 9,552,436
Conservative Party 198 31.5 33.2 8,782,192
Liberal Democrats 62 9.9 22.6 5,985,454
Scottish National Party 6 1.0 1.6 412,267
Plaid Cymru 3 0.5 0.7 174,838
Others 4 0.6 5.7 1,523,716


As you can see the Labour Party got 355 seats but only 36.1% of the total votes cast while the other major parties, the Conservative and Liberal Democrats received 55.8% of the votes cast but did not have enough seats to form a coalition government.Even if all the other parties joined hands there would still be not enough to form a coalition government.

In 2010, the UK Elections ended with a hung parliament. Not a single party had a clear majority to form the government.

The size and number of voters in a constituency is a matter of logistics.In urban areas where the density of population is much higher the constituencies may be broken into smaller areas but with higher number of voters compared to semi-urban and rural areas.

Blaming the system is a poor excuse.If you are popular no system can cheat you of victory.I am sure DAP is very happy with its achievement in the Sarawak polls.The one that's whining and moaning is Anwar's PKR.

The oppositions also blamed gerrymandering as one of the reasons why they can't demolish the government.When was the last time the government re-demarcate the electoral boundaries? I am sure there was gerrymandering in the past but would that be the reason the opposition can't win or the obvious, the people are not ready to accept them as the central government?

Our fight should be against corruptions and abuses of power, not a poor excuse of wanting to clean up a pure fantasy of a tainted electoral system.

The march through the thoroughfares of Kuala Lumpur would disrupt businesses and traffic causing great inconveniences to the people who do not want such unnecessary disruption to their daily lives.Do these dickheads care? Obviously not.

Now, PAS threatened to put 1 million of its members on the streets replicating Tahrir Square in Egypt.Do you need a million zombies for a peaceful march to clean up the electoral system or you need the numbers to bring down a government?

This started as peaceful demonstration.It could happen here.

Perkasa and UMNO Youth threatening responses to BERSIH are making the people more jittery.The police should deal with all groups in the same manner without fear or favour.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

ISA It Is Not,Don't Be Fooled

Hantu Laut

The Malaysian police is not as brutal as their Thai counterparts when it comes to quelling demonstrations.

The demonstrations in Thailand which invariably started as peaceful march have, more often than not, turned violent with fatal results.

Before we realise it, ours may be going the same direction if the oppositions do not stop the nonsense, a clear attempt to undermine and destabilise the government and using the ISA as an excuse. A clear message should be sent to Pakatan Rakyat leaders that should there be anymore demonstration in the future with their participation they would have to answer their illegal actions in the court of law.

The demonstration was Anwar's attempt to rouse the people's sentiment against the government relating to his sodomy case which will be heard in court soon. The Prime Minister should not fall into the trap and felt pressured to abolish the ISA. What we see on the streets may not be representative of the majority segment of the population that want the ISA abolish.I am sure there are many ordinary citizens who do not really care or are against the ISA. Those against it were mostly politicians who are in the habit of raising sensitive racial issues and militants who resort to violence to overthrow the government.Even if the ISA was abolished the oppositions will not stop their implacable propaganda and destabilisation of the government.

I would rather have the ISA than another May 13 or senseless bombings killing innocent people.The ISA has it own uniqueness and have to certain extent help the nation maintain peace and stability.We have also been spared from acts of terrorism.Without the ISA there could never be immediate detention of militants to stop them from doing irreparable damage to the security of the nation. Without the ISA and using the slow process of the justice system militants would have ample time and opportunity to escape. They wouldn't be sitting around waiting for their court cases, would they? Sometimes, to save the majority, human rights may have to take a back seat for the individual.

There is no ISA in Indonesia and militants were having jolly good time over there.The bombing in Bali few years ago and recently the bombing of the Marriott and Carlton in Jakarta were reminders of what grievous damage the absence of such law could bring to this nation if the ISA is abolished. Do you think Nordin Top would surrender himself and say he would like to be tried in the court of law to prove that democracy and the rule of law are the best avenue to deal with such problem.

The Indonesian government has identified that the recent bombing in Jakarta was the handiwork of Nordin Top but they don't know where he is.The American with their modern gadgetry and super intelligence network do not know whether Bin Laden is dead or alive.America, previously strong opponent of the ISA has, unashamedly, copied it for their prisoners of war whom they labelled as terrorists and sent them to Guantanamo without trail.

When it comes to doing anything Malaysians are great copycats.Thailand has become a role model for them to follow including copying the use of red T-shirts resembling the Red Shirts of Thailand's pro-Taksin group and whom do you see many among the demonstrators? Though, I am far away from Kuala Lumpur I can see from my TV screen they were mostly Malays.Are the Malays that easily disoriented to fall victims to the opposition's propaganda.

There seems to be very few Chinese and Indians this time.Most were probably PAS supporters.Maybe, PAS is worried about Permatang Pasir after what happened in Manik Urai and needed to show solidarity

Do not BE FOOLED it is not about the abolishment of ISA, it is about the saving of Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Thrashed Democracy

Hantu Laut

In 1984 I attended a business conference at Oxford University jointly organised by International Herald Tribune and Oxford Analytica.Discussions and dialogues were centered on the major economies of G7 countries and other emerging economies.My point of interest at that time was the emerging economies of South East Asian countries and the Middle East.

The Asean region was the fastest growing particularly Singapore,Malaysia and Thailand.The region was growing at an average of 7.5% annually.The other important aspect we were looking at, other than the economy, was political stability.For businesses wanting to invest in a foreign country, political stability and bottom line sit at the top of the list of priorities.

Surprisingly, strange as it may sound, the political situation in Thailand today was a correct prediction made at the time we had the conference, some twenty four years ago.

Below is part of the write-up on Thailand in the booklet given to participants of the conference:

"Thai politics are at a point of stalemate.Groups opposed to the continuing dominance of the army--the urban middle class and rural peasantry--are, if anything, more opposed to each other.

Thailand has the appearance of a systemically unstable state, and it is.But paradoxically, Thailand's chronic instability gives it a unique form of long term political stability--no matter how many times the regimes change, and there have been 14 coup attempts in the last 50 years, the ultimate effect, and the type of government, is invariably the same."

The recent civil disorder in Bangkok that pit protesters against the government shows how the urban business elites, the army, the police and elements in the palace were hand in glove to remove a democratically elected prime minister.

The police refused to take orders from the Prime Minister to deal with the protesters in accordance with the law, instead, allowed the People Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to break the law with impunity. The army, usually quick to react in a volatile situation only stood on the sidelines.The PAD protesters seized both airports in the city and virtually closed them down stranding hundreds of thousand of tourists.

The People Alliance for Democracy (PAD) which is predominantly urban and middle class have paralysed Thai politics and the government as part of their campaign to force the resignation of Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat whom they accused of being a puppet of his brother in law and former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawara who was forced to resign under allegations of corruption and abuse of power.Somchai and Thaksin draw their supports from the rural poor which gave both of them convincing victory at the polls.

The sit-in protests which lasted for more than a week which have paralysed the tourism industry finally came to an end with the court ordering the removal of Somchai as Prime Minister and some of his members of cabinet from the government.Somchai was banned from politics for 5 years and his party disbanded for reason of electoral fraud by an executive of the party.

The court had done a fine job of thrashing democracy by submitting to demands of a small group of business elites and the urban middle class and ignored the wishes of the majority, the rural poor.

The political chaos and protests were only confined to Bangkok while other parts of the country were not affected.

What next for Thailand? Will Somchai and his supporters respect the court decision or will there be even bigger political upheavel in the pipeline?

Somchai and Thaksin have strong grassroots in the rural areas.Would there be an agrarian revolution?

Note:For those who are interested to read the one on Malaysia click here.