Showing posts with label Ambiga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ambiga. Show all posts

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ferguson U.S.A: Unlawful Assembly, Ambiga Sreenesavan Should Return Her U.S Award

Hantu Laut

The U.S, the country that many Malaysians adore got a taste of its own medicine.

A country that does not do as what it preaches....a whited sepulchre.

When the Malaysian government labelled the BERSIH assembly unlawful, the hypocrites in the U.S administration cried foul of our government and they squealed the need for human rights and its freedom to screw our backside.

Now, the SAME HYPOCRITES called the crisis in their HOMELAND arising out of the FERGUSON debacle .....UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY!


Maybe, AMBIGA SREENEVASAN, BEING A LADY OF PRINCIPLE WOULD LIKE TO RETURN THE U.S  "International Woman Of Courage Award" for her sanctimonious human rights work.....and  the U.S for being a country of HYPOCRITES.

Remember, Rudy Giuliani when Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia donated US$10 million after the 9/11 attack, but returned the money after the Prince criticised the U.S government policy in the Middle East.

Ambiga should do the same if she has any self-respect. The U.S. government has miserably failed in its human right policy and protection of minority against racial discrimination, which is the core of Ambiga's freedom agenda for this country.

Now, they know how it feels when you have monkeys running riot on the streets.

They also shot dead a 12-year old black teenager!

Racism is well and alive in the United State of Americal.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Shittiest Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Hantu Laut

What national reconciliation if Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) continue to organise big rallies to try topple the government?

I can understand Anwar going to the streets because he is a very frustrated man, he came from the streets and that's where he goes back to when he is unhappy, but why are DAP and PAS leaders, whom I consider more rational colluded with him to destabilise the country?

Seriously, all the leaders in PR should have their heads examined if they think the government was wrong in arresting the troublemakers. These are people who want to create chaos to bring down the government and PR leaders are equally guilty of the same for organising the rallies.

Anwar has planned this long before the general election as his insurance in the event he loses the elections and unable to claim Putrajaya through the democratic process. Allegation of frauds had been made by him, PR and Bersih long before the general elections. He lost and frauds became the battle cry to bring down the government. Taking over the government by force of people's power would be the only option he has left.

Birds of a feather flock together, not at all surprising the restive and troublesome Anwar's ally Ambiga Sreenavasan came to the rescue, came out to defend the criminals.

She said of Najib's government " What national reconciliation ? To me, they only know how to use words that they do not even understand" Read here.

Of course, even the most stupid lawyer and there are many of them around who think they are the smartest people on earth would say the same, because she is a bullshit artist, as always, trying to bullshit the people. 

How do you expect the government to start reconciliation when the oppositions led by the sore-loser Anwar Ibrahim, who had no intention of respecting the results of the elections and determined to create mischief by holding big rallies around the country to try topple the government.

Where is the smooth transition he talked about before the elections?

Najib should not fall for his treachery and trickery. A week ago he said he will be arrested and he is anxiously waiting to be arrested, which he anticipates will trigger the people's revolt against the government.

Let him be, let him continue with his big rallies, which will eventually fizzle out as people grew tired of its senselessness.

There are now ample Anwar's wannabes. Some even tried to emulate the way he talks, the way he walks and the way he straddles the horse.

Adam Adli, the raucous student arrested and charged for sedition is one of Anwar's great imitator. As they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" Anwar should be proud of him.

Below are words deemed seditious uttered by Adam Adli.

"Ambil butiran saya, buat laporan polis, kerana hari ini, saya nak ajak semua yang ada di sini, kita harus susun dan kita akan turun ke jalan raya untuk rampas kembali kuasa kita! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Kita tak banyak masa lagi, semua siap sedia, beli kasut, beli tracksuit, beli seluar jeans, sedia kita akan turun ke jalan raya sebab akhirnya dalam dunia ketiga macam negara Malaysia, pilihan raya takkan tumbangkan kerajaan kita.

"Yang boleh tumbangkan kerajaan hanyalah kuasa rakyat. Sedara, ingat, ini sahaja peluang yang kita ada ..." 

Read more at Freedom Come Freedom Go

Should the government just sit down and do nothing and allow this bunch of sore-losers to destabilise the nation, create political upheaval and allow the economy to suffer, which will eventually make us a pariah nation.

This country has rules of law and Ambiga as a lawyer knew it better than anyone else, but she like all the other lawless leaders in PR, decide, instead of going to the court to seek justice, they go to the streets to vent their anger. As a lawyer, she should know toppling a duly elected government is a treacherous act and a serious crime.

Go tell Anwar Ibrahim to stop his nonsense before you condemn Najib's promise of reconciliation. 

It is absurd that you don't keep your end of the bargain and expect others to keep theirs. 

The government should come down hard on these recusants and keep them away where they can do no harm to society and the nation.

The people have given their verdict and all parties should respect the results no matter how bitter the pill to swallow.

Here, Nurul Izzah Anwar said Najib's reforms a lie. The liar is actually her father. 

"Will Najib agree to a smooth transition of power" her father asked before the elections and Najib promised he would do so here.

So, Nurul Izzah, who broke the solemn promise of smooth and peaceful transition of power. Your father, or Najib?

All those in the oppositions seem to have immunity against prosecution, because they have been blessed with God's given right to break the law, if one has to go by Ambiga's version of the law. 

Amiga Sreenavasan, you may be a hero to some, but to me, you are full of shit.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ambiga's Propaganda Of Hate.

Hantu Laut

She is a lawyer and should know the law and our parliamentary system well, yet she intentionally decide to mislead unwary Malaysians with lies and half-truths. Rabble-rousing that can have  dire consequence.

Our parliamentary system inherited from the British is what it is today.It had never been changed to give advantage to the BN government. 

In Britain, the law also required the government to conduct a general review of all constituencies every eight to twelve years. In Malaysia it is the same, only the period of review may be different. 

Gerrymandering is not illegal. They are practised in many Commonwealth countries, but she wouldn't tell you that because she has other agenda.

Below is the result of the British 1997 General Election.Labour Party only garnered 43.2% of the popular votes but collected 63.4% of the seats in parliament.

UK General Election 1997
PartyStandingElectedGainedUnseatedNet % of total %No.Net %
Labour6394181450+ 14563.443.213,518,167+8.8
Liberal Democrat63946302+ 287.016.85,242,947–1.0
Referendum Party54700002.6811,849N/A
SNP72630+ 30.92.0621,550+0.1
Ulster Unionist161010+11.50.8258,3490.0

In 2001, Labour got 40.7% of the popular votes and collected 62.4% of the seats.

UK General Election 2001
PartySeatsGainsLossesNet gain/lossSeats %Votes %Votes+/−
Liberal Democrat51-17.8918.34,814,321


In 2010, the British general election saw no clear winner. It was a hung parliament. 

She accused the EC in collusion with BN of manipulating the electoral rolls.Has she given any proof, solid documentary evidence of her allegations? All she did was babbling away agonizing the unsuspecting crowd with her lies and half-truths. If  they are Malaysian new voters they have every right to appear in the electoral rolls.

Let me ask this spunky and rackless lady, let say, if Pakatan Rakyat wins the 13th GE with less than 50% of the popular votes, would she by, her silly argument, call it null and void and fresh elections should be called? 

Would she? 

Pakatan can also win on the same that's already ingrained in the system.

Listen to her bullshitting the Chinese and Indians:

If the camera have shown the faces of the audience I bet my bottom dollar they are mostly Chinese and Indians.

She said she is non-aligned and not siding with anyone but her curled brain soon forgets what she just said and went on to compare BN government with Pakatan government.

She is nothing what she says she was, she is Anwar's lackey, loud and clear.

The lady is a liar and troublemaker.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ambiga: Stop Deceiving The People

Hantu Laut

This is the problem with people who thinks they are cleverer than everyone else. They drown in their own intelligence and project themselves as unfailing and flawless.

In the case of Ambiga, who thinks she is the doyenne of the legal fraternity and considers Malaysians as plain stupid and easily duped, she must be suffering from "I am holier than thou" syndrome.

So, why not call the bluff, to bluff the people.... here. 

Did Prime Minister Najib inked the contract, or he just announced it, shall I say for posterity sake?

What guidelines is she talking about? 

Her guidelines, is she the law? 

Even countries like U.K and New Zealand did not legislate laws for caretaker governments preferring convention as the rule.

There was no ground rules laid down for a caretaker government in the Malaysian context. 

She is full of bluffs.

Is she eyeing a candidacy?

Najib would have just committed a moral offence if he had inked the contract, which I doubt he would do.

Over to you, Amiga! 

Stop deceiving the people.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dirty Polls: Ambiga's Lost Crusade

Hantu  Laut

Ambiga Sreenevasan  went to Australia to seek help from Australian parliamentarians and politicians to save this country from going to the dogs. My earlier posting on the same subject here.

Her febrile imagination of highly embellished unfair election practices and vote rigging by the government had taken her to Down Under hoping that the miserable snooping and intrusive Anwar's close friend Australian MP Nick Xenophon would help her secure Canberra's agreement to send elections watchdogs to Malaysia's next general elections . 

Your guess as good as mine who sent her ?

What did she gets ?

The Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr has given an answer in the Australian Parliament why Australia should not get involved in matters that are of doubtful nature. He went on on say that the Malaysian government lost its two-thirds majority in parliament in the March 2008 General Elections. However, he probably was not aware or forgot to also mention that the wicked government perceived by Ambiga also lost control of 5 state governments to the opposition and the opposition won 8 subsequent by-elections thereafter.

Anyone, NOT in a state of insanity, which I presumed Ambiga is not, would have asked her if the elections had been so badly rigged how come the long suffering Malaysian oppositions gained so much ground, almost a hair's breadth of toppling the ruling party in the 12th General Elections ?  

Here what she wrote  "Those in the international community may be forgiven for saying, “Is there a problem with the democratic process in Malaysia?” 

Read her growling and grovelling piece here

Obviously, her mission failed.

Let me quote what Lee Kuan Yew said soon after the Singapore 1996 General Elections. He said "Please do not assume that you can change governments.Young people do not understand this" 

Pakatan Rakyat and its agent Ambiga is exploiting the naivety of young voters with their snake-oil concoction to mislead them into voting for Pakatan Rakyat with stories of illegal immigrants  being given citizenship and voting rights to keep the corrupt BN in power.

This scary tale from the quagmire would certainly scare the shit out of young unsuspecting Malaysians.

Maybe, she should try her luck in UK and the US, where Anwar has many sympathetic and dedicated friends and she, a freedom fighter of human rights, decorated by the US government, given "International Women of Courage Award" by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in 2009.

One thing I can say, this lady has one very swollen head. 

Phnom Penh

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Small Fish With A Big Appetite

Hantu Laut

This small fish with big appetite has nothing nice to say about her country.


If you have political ambition, don't try to defraud the Malaysian people with your "for human rights and cleaning up the electoral roll" bullshit, and don't hide behind the curtain of false pretense. Join a political party and fight your cause, if you do actually have a cause...... or, are merely an agent provocateur for your good friends in the opposition Pakatan Rakyat to continuously stir shit in this beautiful and peaceful country and keeping the momentum alive as precursor to..............

...........when Pakatan lose the 13th GE there is reason to go on the streets and accused the government of electoral frauds.......and without any doubt the obvious manisfestation of Anwar's Malaysian Spring to bring down a duly elected government.

Phnom Penh

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Cat's Paw

Hantu Laut

The Bar Council chief Lim Chee Wee  again made a fool of himself by saying there is nothing sinister about foreign funding. How would he knows.

As a lawyer it would be better for him to confine himself to matters of law. 

Just like they don't teach you the pitfalls of the business world in business schools, they also don't teach you the academic of espionage, covert operations and regime change in law schools.

I do agree not all foreign funding have bad intention but accepting their formal benefaction leaves you open to be a cat's paw when the benefactor decide to call on your gratitude. 

For starter read the following:

The United States government has been involved in and assisted in the overthrow of foreign governments (more recently termed "regime change") without the overt use of U.S. military force. Often, such operations are tasked to the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA).
Regime change has been attempted through direct involvement of U.S. operatives, the funding and training of insurgency groups within these countries, anti-regime propaganda campaigns, coup d'états, and other activities usually conducted as operations by the CIA. The U.S. has also accomplished regime change by direct military action, such as following the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989 and the U.S.-led military invasion of Iraq in 2003.

For your entree:

The U.S. has also covertly supported opposition groups in various countries without necessarily attempting to overthrow the government. For example, the CIA funded anti-communist political parties in countries such as Italy and Chile; it also armed Kurdish rebels fighting the Ba'athistgovernment of Iraq in the Second Kurdish-Iraqi War prior to the Algiers Agreement.

For your dessert:

Syria became an independent republic in 1946, but the March 1949 Syrian coup d'état, led by Army Chief of Staff Husni al-Za'im, ended the initial period of civilian rule. Za'im met at least six times with CIA operatives in the months prior to the coup to discuss his plan to seize power. Za'im requested American funding or personnel, but it is not known whether this assistance was provided. Once in power, Za'im made several key decisions that benefitted the United States. He approved the Trans-Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE), an American project designed to transport Saudi Arabian oil to Mediterranean ports. Construction of TAPLINE had been delayed due to Syrian intransigence. Za'im also improved relations with two American allies in the region: Israel and Turkey. He signed an armistice with Israel, formally ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and he renounced Syrian claims to Hatay Province, a major source of dispute between Syria and Turkey. Za'im also cracked down on local communists. However, Za'im's regime was short-lived. He was overthrown in August,just four and a half months after seizing power.[11][12][13][14]
Read more.

The Bar Council, Ambiga, Suaram and of the ilk have played into the opposition's hand and are doing the opposition's bidding. 


Real donors or philanthropists only give to charitable causes to help alleviate human sufferings and expecting nothing in return. Anything outside this sphere is highly suspicious.

Some donor may look genuine and sincere and may not demand you to do their bidding immediately and as the Malay saying "air yang tenang jangan sangka tiada buaya" such request may come much later when you are vulnerable and feel indebted and more than ready to show your gratitude.

The U.S government have helped to overthrow many foreign governments they deemed not friendly to them by covertly funding and use of NGOs, individuals and opposition parties as vehicles to destabilise and create political upheaval.If all these clandestine methods failed , they will resort to openly funding armed rebellion, supplying the rebels with arms and money. More often than not they ended up installing worse and more evil regimes. 

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a monster created by America using him to stage a long war against Iran, America's No.1 enemy. Saddam later turned his back on the Americans.

America's biggest political fiasco is  in  the Middle East where they have brought down reigning regimes, some, through CIA covert operations and destabilisation through people power. The Arab Spring has changed the political landscape of the Middle East that have brought rapid succession the ouster of dictators like Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

Egypt, may be the U.S biggest miscalculation. The springing people power and the helluva democracy America wanted to install have sprung a helluva surprise, the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist party that may not be so friendly to the U.S. 

Washington is now in a quandary on how to deal with the situation. They have supported the Mubarak's regime that have blatantly trampled and abused its citizens and human rights for over two decades with the help of the American government who saw it fits to fund the evil regime as long as they stay friendly to Israel.

The U.S media now claimed it is the American people who freed the Arabs from tyranny and are in bafflement and anger when the recent Muslim rage against a film that insulted Muslims and Prophet Muhammad that killed the U.S Libyan Ambassador and a couple of other American, calling the Muslims ingrates when they should have been more grateful to the U.S. for giving them freedom and democracy.

"Many Americans are asking...indeed, I asked could this happen, how could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction" Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

I can only give her one answer, the U.S double standard foreign policy sucks. The growth of democracy in the Middle East is going to bring plenty more anti-American sentiment that have been suppressed for a long time by dictators supported by the U.S.

Why should the Muslims be grateful to the U.S who had killed hundred of thousands innocent Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan on their so-called war on terror.

Are Malaysians, gullible, too smart for their own good or just plain stupid like the Arabs who wanted democracy and freedom American style and eventually turned their back on the Americans.

People like Ambiga, Bersih, Suaram and the Bar Council have played into the hand of the big bullshit U.S brand of democracy and freedom..... freedom to cause turmoil and upheaval in what used to be one of the most peaceful countries on the globe.

Who is the super rich obscured Melayu businessman who admits he paid for Anwar's ride on the private jet. He is not even on Forbes Malaysia's rich list.

Below is the cost of charter of a Falcon 7X similar to the one he used.

Cost per flying hour = US$8800. 

Assuming total hours covered to ferry him from KL to Sabah, Sarawak and back was 15 hours, the total cost would be US$132,000 x 3.00 = RM396,000.00

That's not a lot of money if you are filthy rich.

The Falcon 7X is a long range jet that have a range of 5950 nautical mile and cost US$50 million new.

Nice to have very generous rich friends and a huge war chest.