Showing posts with label Suaram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suaram. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Scorpene Submarines: Lord Charles (Chahl) Tells All

Hantu Laut

Read how Suaram spun the yarn on the Scorpene submarines deal. 

I have always had my doubts of this NGO run by witches, sorcerers and political vagabonds used by the political oppositions 

Now that Pakatan had lost the elections and Anwar Ibrahim failed to grab the covetous title more must be done to rattle Najib's cage.

Read the VOICE take on Suaram chasing the chimera and a tell all by Jasbir Singh Chahl, endearingly known among friends as Lord Chahl, or, if you wish, the English version of the more esteemed Lord Charles. 

Would Lord Charles story have taken a different path if Anwar and Pakatan had won the 13th General Elections?

Read story here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pesky French Lawyer Seeks to Return to KL

Sub scandal lawyer, booted out in 2011, scheduled by opposition to address parliament
French lawyer William Bourdon, the leader of an investigation into a long-running scandal involving €150 million in kickbacks over the sale of submarines to the Malaysian defense ministry, was due to land in Kuala Lumpur today to testify on the probe before the Dewan Rakyat, or house of parliament.

It was questionable, however, whether Bourdon would be allowed into the country. He was unceremoniously bundled out by authorities in July of 2011 after giving details of the alleged scandal in a speech in Penang to hundreds of people at a fundraiser to continue his investigation. Bourdon was taken off a flight at Kuala Lumpur International Airport by immigration officials and was put on another plane out of the country over his protests. 

Bourdon and his team, who had been hired to by Suaram to look into the scandal in dissatisfaction over the government’s investigation of the 2006 murder for hire of the Mongolian translator and party girl Altantuya Shaariibuu, were asked by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to answer questions in parliament tomorrow about the affair. 

Bourdon and Suaram have been battered by both the mainstream press, which is largely government-owned, and an army of bloggers who say the scandal has been overblown and that no trial had been ordered by French authorities. Neither Bourdon, Suaram nor Asia Sentinel, which has reported extensively on the case, have ever said a trial was imminent. But the investigation is continuing and investigating magistrates have been appointed by the French courts. 

As Asia Sentinel reported in June 2012, French police acting on a request from Bourdon’s legal team raided the headquarters of the state-owned defense giant DCN and its subsidiaries and came up with a wealth of detail that enmeshed former French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, current Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and a host of others in the scandal, as well as top officials with DCN. Read more.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Where The Shoe Pinces

Hantu Laut

It is more a "siok sendiri" poll,  the reliability of the survey remained doubtful.

Is there a reputable agency that audit Merdeka's opinion poll survey? The results of its surveys have never been audited and authenticated for it margin of error, its samples and confidence intervals.

Some poll can be deliberately engineered by unscrupulous  pollsters to generate certain result thus making its questionable.

A recent poll conducted by the agency claimed that Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman popularity had declined to 45 percent and Prime Minister Najib popularity remained high in Sabah at 75 percent.

Any intelligent Sabahan who follow Sabah politics would immediately know the opinion poll is self-serving and one that also serves the opposition as well as some Sabah UMNO warlords who wanted to get rid of Musa by giving Najib the false impression that UMNO can win in Sabah without Musa. Someone in Sabah UMNO wanted Musa's job badly.

In any war the enemy always sought to eliminate the best general in order to demoralise his force. It is the same in politics using character assassinations to demonise leader who is seen likely to lead his party to victory is common place throughout the world.

Barack Obama went through the same hell mudslinging when he ran for the US president in 2008, accused of being a Muslim because of his middle name.

Watch carefully the voice over, the bad editing and cut and paste of the video.

In spite of the many attempts at muddying the waters on Obama the American people stood steadfastly behind him and chose him as the next president of the United States. 

The same dirty campaigning is happening in Malaysia to denigrate Prime Minister Najib, Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud. The three are seen as the biggest roadblocks hindering the opposition's journey to Putrajaya. 

Suaram, the tool of the opposition and those who wanted Najib out of office has been caught in a web of deceit on the Scorpene submarine investigation.A French government prosecutor Yves Charpernel has denied of any ongoing trial in France as depicted by Suaram to the Malaysian public. Suaram and its two French lawyers, out of shame having been caught lying, still insisted that such court proceeding was ongoing. 

Who would you want to believe, a government prosecutor or two street smart lawyers?

There is concerted effort by the oppositions to eliminate the two East Malaysian leaders, Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman, both most likely to lead the BN to victory in their respective states where the oppositions are still fragmented and have not come to terms with each other to mount a challenge on BN grip on the two states.

Both Musa and Taib are political strategists that have the ability to outmaneuver their opponents and proved their detractors wrong. The Sarawak Report, a blog based in the UK, founded and controlled by one Clare Rewcastle Brown, the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has both Taib and Musa are constantly on her radar and is on the permanent hit list with gory tales of corruptions, abuses of power and even murder. Sarawak Report estimated Taib to be worth more than  US$15 billion.  

Robert Kuok the richest man in Malaysia amassed his wealth for almost two generations is only worth RM45.7 billion in 2012 and at today's exchange rate that would be about US$15 billion, the same as Taib. 

The Musa and Taib haters are having a field day with their tales from the crypt why these two men should go to the grave. Some even predicted that Anwar's PKR would take a leading role in Sabah politics. That's, maybe, a bridge too far. Taking in a few "orang kecewah" may be good politics few decades ago, it is not now, Sabahans are getting sick of such political misconduct.

Just before the March 2008 General Elections, 5 out 10 people I talked to predicted the political demise of Musa Aman and the end of BN in Sabah. The same are being said now by the same people who had never got their political predictions right. The same people also predicted Yong Teck Lee would win big in the Batu Sapi by-election. Yong, who refused to give way to Pakatan candidate for a one to one fight against the BN was buggered by DAP and lost badly. Pakatan/PKR's candidate Ansari Abdullah fared much better than him because DAP's Chinese supporters voted for Ansari. 

The only opposition party, as I have always said in this blog, that will make inroads in Sabah is DAP, who would do well in Chinese predominant constituencies, but not enough to pull the rug from under the BN's feet. The rest may have to fight, tooth and nail,  to win 1 or 2 seats.

Najib is smart not to be influenced by such talk and opinion poll to remove Taib and Musa from the equation.

In Sabah politics, money speaks louder than words.

Phnom Penh

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Cat's Paw

Hantu Laut

The Bar Council chief Lim Chee Wee  again made a fool of himself by saying there is nothing sinister about foreign funding. How would he knows.

As a lawyer it would be better for him to confine himself to matters of law. 

Just like they don't teach you the pitfalls of the business world in business schools, they also don't teach you the academic of espionage, covert operations and regime change in law schools.

I do agree not all foreign funding have bad intention but accepting their formal benefaction leaves you open to be a cat's paw when the benefactor decide to call on your gratitude. 

For starter read the following:

The United States government has been involved in and assisted in the overthrow of foreign governments (more recently termed "regime change") without the overt use of U.S. military force. Often, such operations are tasked to the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA).
Regime change has been attempted through direct involvement of U.S. operatives, the funding and training of insurgency groups within these countries, anti-regime propaganda campaigns, coup d'états, and other activities usually conducted as operations by the CIA. The U.S. has also accomplished regime change by direct military action, such as following the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989 and the U.S.-led military invasion of Iraq in 2003.

For your entree:

The U.S. has also covertly supported opposition groups in various countries without necessarily attempting to overthrow the government. For example, the CIA funded anti-communist political parties in countries such as Italy and Chile; it also armed Kurdish rebels fighting the Ba'athistgovernment of Iraq in the Second Kurdish-Iraqi War prior to the Algiers Agreement.

For your dessert:

Syria became an independent republic in 1946, but the March 1949 Syrian coup d'état, led by Army Chief of Staff Husni al-Za'im, ended the initial period of civilian rule. Za'im met at least six times with CIA operatives in the months prior to the coup to discuss his plan to seize power. Za'im requested American funding or personnel, but it is not known whether this assistance was provided. Once in power, Za'im made several key decisions that benefitted the United States. He approved the Trans-Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE), an American project designed to transport Saudi Arabian oil to Mediterranean ports. Construction of TAPLINE had been delayed due to Syrian intransigence. Za'im also improved relations with two American allies in the region: Israel and Turkey. He signed an armistice with Israel, formally ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and he renounced Syrian claims to Hatay Province, a major source of dispute between Syria and Turkey. Za'im also cracked down on local communists. However, Za'im's regime was short-lived. He was overthrown in August,just four and a half months after seizing power.[11][12][13][14]
Read more.

The Bar Council, Ambiga, Suaram and of the ilk have played into the opposition's hand and are doing the opposition's bidding. 


Real donors or philanthropists only give to charitable causes to help alleviate human sufferings and expecting nothing in return. Anything outside this sphere is highly suspicious.

Some donor may look genuine and sincere and may not demand you to do their bidding immediately and as the Malay saying "air yang tenang jangan sangka tiada buaya" such request may come much later when you are vulnerable and feel indebted and more than ready to show your gratitude.

The U.S government have helped to overthrow many foreign governments they deemed not friendly to them by covertly funding and use of NGOs, individuals and opposition parties as vehicles to destabilise and create political upheaval.If all these clandestine methods failed , they will resort to openly funding armed rebellion, supplying the rebels with arms and money. More often than not they ended up installing worse and more evil regimes. 

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a monster created by America using him to stage a long war against Iran, America's No.1 enemy. Saddam later turned his back on the Americans.

America's biggest political fiasco is  in  the Middle East where they have brought down reigning regimes, some, through CIA covert operations and destabilisation through people power. The Arab Spring has changed the political landscape of the Middle East that have brought rapid succession the ouster of dictators like Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

Egypt, may be the U.S biggest miscalculation. The springing people power and the helluva democracy America wanted to install have sprung a helluva surprise, the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist party that may not be so friendly to the U.S. 

Washington is now in a quandary on how to deal with the situation. They have supported the Mubarak's regime that have blatantly trampled and abused its citizens and human rights for over two decades with the help of the American government who saw it fits to fund the evil regime as long as they stay friendly to Israel.

The U.S media now claimed it is the American people who freed the Arabs from tyranny and are in bafflement and anger when the recent Muslim rage against a film that insulted Muslims and Prophet Muhammad that killed the U.S Libyan Ambassador and a couple of other American, calling the Muslims ingrates when they should have been more grateful to the U.S. for giving them freedom and democracy.

"Many Americans are asking...indeed, I asked could this happen, how could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction" Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

I can only give her one answer, the U.S double standard foreign policy sucks. The growth of democracy in the Middle East is going to bring plenty more anti-American sentiment that have been suppressed for a long time by dictators supported by the U.S.

Why should the Muslims be grateful to the U.S who had killed hundred of thousands innocent Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan on their so-called war on terror.

Are Malaysians, gullible, too smart for their own good or just plain stupid like the Arabs who wanted democracy and freedom American style and eventually turned their back on the Americans.

People like Ambiga, Bersih, Suaram and the Bar Council have played into the hand of the big bullshit U.S brand of democracy and freedom..... freedom to cause turmoil and upheaval in what used to be one of the most peaceful countries on the globe.

Who is the super rich obscured Melayu businessman who admits he paid for Anwar's ride on the private jet. He is not even on Forbes Malaysia's rich list.

Below is the cost of charter of a Falcon 7X similar to the one he used.

Cost per flying hour = US$8800. 

Assuming total hours covered to ferry him from KL to Sabah, Sarawak and back was 15 hours, the total cost would be US$132,000 x 3.00 = RM396,000.00

That's not a lot of money if you are filthy rich.

The Falcon 7X is a long range jet that have a range of 5950 nautical mile and cost US$50 million new.

Nice to have very generous rich friends and a huge war chest.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Suaram Is A De Facto Political Party

Hantu   Laut

Whatever arguments put forth by Ambiga and the key personnels of Suaram will not change the fact that Suaram has lost its role and credibility as a legitimate human rights movement. For all, intents and purposes, it is a de facto political party with the paramount objective of unseating the government. Majority of its office bearers are members of opposition parties. 

The ROS declared here that Suaram had never applied for registration with the ROS.

Has Suaram openly declared its sources of funding? Aren't they cloaked in secrecy until investigation throws open the door ?

No country would allow an organisation dabbling in politics to be funded by foreign countries, friendly or otherwise.

Since Suaram is actively pursuing a political expedition, its funding should be under the microscope. It has already cheated by circumventing the law, projecting itself as an association when it is not.It is a corporation.

Political funding have always been under scrutiny in many countries and developed countries have regulations to control the flow. Such law is necessary so that democracy would not become a mockery when a government come under the influence and control of a handful of people.

In Britain there were growing concerns that the largest British political parties received donations from a handful of wealthy donors. In 2000 the PPERA (Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000) was passed in parliament to establish an Electoral Commission that require all political parties to register with it, setting down accounting requirement and control of donations to political parties.

In 2008 the British Minister of Justice released a white paper that proposed to tighten controls over spending by parties and candidates, strengthen the powers of the Electoral Commission, and increase transparency of donations.

If the British government can curtail domestic donations can you imagine if any of Britain's political party received donations, say, from China or Russia without public disclosure. Don't you think all hell would break lose and there would be Scotland Yard running all over the place raiding the party headquarters and sealing it off from further access to party officials?

Suaram, by any stretch of one's imagination, is not apolitical NGO doing noble work for the destitute poor or any worthwhile charity for that matter. It has become countenance to the political aspiration of the opposition parties in the country. I am pretty sure the authority will find more skeletons in the closet if they dig deeper into the clandestine activities of this so-called NGO.

First and foremost, Suaram had broken the law by using a private limited company masquerading as an association and collecting unauthorised donations from foreign sources.

The Malaysian  government is too lenient, sterner action should be taken against its key personnels. 

Who gives a damn what the law in the West says, it is the law of this land that matters and should prevail and be respected.As they say "When in Rome do as the Romans do".

As you sow, so you shall reap, for those in Suaram, you break the law, you face the music.

Who is Ambiga trying to fool?

Ambiga is trying to fool the hapless Malaysian dummies with her  " I am a lawyer I know better", including shoving something preposterous down your throat like those ugly French farmers who forced feed their geese to get their 'pate de foie gras'. She considers Malaysians as trash receptacles and have the innate propensity to treat them as such.

The photo above is of clueless Malaysians in London protesting over William and Kate visit to Sabah, incited by Ambiga and Suaram. 

The British government refused to bow to pressure by the British media to stop the visit using the adage "innocent until proven guilty" of the opposition's political chicanery on Musa Aman. The opposition is going full force to try embarrass the Najib's government. 

To think that people who gives money for free have no hidden agenda is wishful thinking. Ambiga and her Suaram nitwits can say so but most, if not all, political funding, have strings attached and in the case of contributions from foreign governments they have long-term agenda to use such entity for their political or economic agenda. It is called "influence peddling"

Influence peddling is illegal in the U.S. A number of political figures have been sent to prison  for influence peddling.

That's why most political funding come from interest groups, whether individuals, companies or trade unions, they all have only one motive, to push through their own agenda making use of the people they funded.

Suaram, can bark as loud as they wish in that they are right in what they do and as in the words of Ambiga being persecuted by Najib's government, but the fact remained that they have absolutely no defence of their political stance and Suaram's extension as the wing of Pakatan Rakayat or rather as Anwar's PKR hound dog.

Funding the investigation of the submarine deals in France is absolutely political in nature. It stinks to high heaven of political excursion.

True or not, the idea is to link the money back to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, to demonise him, his party and government for the sake of Pakatan Rakyat. 

Amiga! That, they don't teach you at law school !

You may be a smart lawyer but a lousy politician.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Striking Off SUARAM Is Justifiable

Hantu Laut

SUARAM is a private limited company registered with the the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) instead of the Register of Societies (ROS).Read here.

How could human rights NGO be registered under the Companies Act, which regulate entity that have its objective the acquisition of gain. For all intents and purposes SUARAM should be considered a society and registered under ROS.

What are the objectives in the MOA, does it include dabbling in politics, which is what it is actively involved in and pursuing right now?

Obviously, the people behind the company have broken the law and like any other lawbreakers they should face the music.

As usual the opposition and its hound dogs would hit back at the government and the prime minister accusing him of using intimidation and harassment  by the authority.

Malaysia Chronicle and its obsequiously-assed journo has her craps here. 

Read to you heart's content, this is not pro-oppositions blog but we want you to read what the oppositions write.If SUARAM can get those documents, you mean the Malaysian Special Branch could not lay their hands on such documents? 

Wong Choon Mei, please get your head wired to the right conduit!

Don't give those jokers too much credit for such an expensive sleuth work which requires millions of ringgit to finance and the account books showed pittance collected over the years. Where the money coming from?

Listen to the political motivation of the speaker.

The CCM and the IRD need to know where you get so much money to finance such extensive and expensive investigative works in Europe. 

You can fool the kampong folks and those educated fools but you can't fool people who had done extensive business and travel in Europe. Nothing is cheap and nothing is free when dealing with Europeans, more so with lawyers.

A raid on SUARAM's office is justified.

A raid by officers of CCM of SUARAM office was aborted due to a faulty search warrant.Trust our civil servant for knowing their stuff, more often than not, they are the source of more trouble and an embarrassment to the government.

Many of you who had run or is running a business know what happened when you failed to comply with requirements under the Companies Act.

Like any company that broke the law where the directors are charged and fined, the charges against SUARAM are far greater than the normal misdemeanour and striking off the company is justifiable.

Monday, July 2, 2012

SUARAM, Who Are The Toadies ?

Hantu Laut

What is SUARAM and who are the people behind it?

This so called human rights movement has now become a front for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat and its godfather Anwar Ibrahim doing the dirty works under the pretext of human rights.

For all intents and purposes SUARAM should now be considered a full-fledged political party replicating, supplementing and helping the oppositions in hyping the Scorpene submarines deal with lies and half-truths. 

Those behind SUARAM should ask themselves whether pursuing at great expense a so called corruption case has got anything to do with human rights.

What is human rights?

The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

It is obvious SUARAM has become the apparatus and vehicle for Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar Ibrahim in furtherance of his desire to be prime minister of this country and payback time.

Those who sit in SUARAM are mostly his toadies.

Read on:

An organisation called SUARAM has featured in the Malaysian and international media a lot recently, often described as an “independent human rights group”. So who are they? The thing is, whilst the group has been very public in attacking Prime Minister Najib Razak, they are very private about their own affairs. Their own website doesn’t give anything away about who is actually behind the group.

After a bit of media research we were able to compile the biographies below. As you can see, the group is dominated by PKR affiliates, officials and even politicians. And these are just the ones we know about. The photograph revealed above shows the longstanding ties key SUARAM members have with Anwar Ibrahim and his interests.

Why does this matter? Firstly, the controversial Scorpene issue has been reheated recently purely because of unsubstantiated claims by SUARAM, and their cunning but misleading portrayal of the French legal process. It’s outrageous that such a serious allegation can be based unquestioningly on the word of a group with clear political motivations.

It’s also fundamentally cynical and dishonest (not to mention damaging to our country’s reputation) to conduct partisan politics in this way. Sadly we’ve seen it before with Anwar’s so-called “international fact-finding mission”. Enough is enough. Please share this website with your friends so that they can find out who SUARAM  are.
Sivarasa Rasiah

Sivarasa Rasiah, Co-founder

Sivarasa Rasiah is a Malaysian politician and lawyer. He is on the Central Executive Council for Parti Keadilan Rakyat and a member of parliament for Subang.

Tian Chua

Tian Chua is vice-president, information chief and chief strategist for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). He currently serves as Batu Member of Parliament, and is one of Anwar Ibrahim’s most senior political colleagues.
Dr Syed Husin AliDr Syed Husin AliDr Syed Hussein Ali is a senator elected by the Selangor State Legislative Assembly. He is a key Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) member, previously holding the position of vice-president at following the merger of the party with National Justice (Party PRM).

Yap Swee SengYap Swee Seng, Executive Director

Yap Swee Seng is the Executive Director of FORUM-ASIA, a membership-based regional human rights organisation.
Cynthia GabrielCynthia Gabriel, Director

ICynthia Gabriel is a municipal councillor appointed by the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government. She is also secretary-general of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia, which works with PKR, PAS and DAP.

Elizabeth WongElizabeth WongElizabeth Wong is the state assemblyman for Bukit Lanjang as well as Selangor Executive Council member in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs, and Environment. She is also the Information Chief of the Women’s wing of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
Premesh ChandranPremesh ChandranPramesh Chandran is a co-founder and CEO of pro-Pakatan Rakyat news portal Malaysiakini. He is close friends with Tian Chua; they were members of the Network of Overseas Students Collective of Australia (NOSCA)

Read more here.

Read the true identity of SUARAM here.