Showing posts with label Money Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money Politics. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Cat's Paw

Hantu Laut

The Bar Council chief Lim Chee Wee  again made a fool of himself by saying there is nothing sinister about foreign funding. How would he knows.

As a lawyer it would be better for him to confine himself to matters of law. 

Just like they don't teach you the pitfalls of the business world in business schools, they also don't teach you the academic of espionage, covert operations and regime change in law schools.

I do agree not all foreign funding have bad intention but accepting their formal benefaction leaves you open to be a cat's paw when the benefactor decide to call on your gratitude. 

For starter read the following:

The United States government has been involved in and assisted in the overthrow of foreign governments (more recently termed "regime change") without the overt use of U.S. military force. Often, such operations are tasked to the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA).
Regime change has been attempted through direct involvement of U.S. operatives, the funding and training of insurgency groups within these countries, anti-regime propaganda campaigns, coup d'états, and other activities usually conducted as operations by the CIA. The U.S. has also accomplished regime change by direct military action, such as following the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989 and the U.S.-led military invasion of Iraq in 2003.

For your entree:

The U.S. has also covertly supported opposition groups in various countries without necessarily attempting to overthrow the government. For example, the CIA funded anti-communist political parties in countries such as Italy and Chile; it also armed Kurdish rebels fighting the Ba'athistgovernment of Iraq in the Second Kurdish-Iraqi War prior to the Algiers Agreement.

For your dessert:

Syria became an independent republic in 1946, but the March 1949 Syrian coup d'état, led by Army Chief of Staff Husni al-Za'im, ended the initial period of civilian rule. Za'im met at least six times with CIA operatives in the months prior to the coup to discuss his plan to seize power. Za'im requested American funding or personnel, but it is not known whether this assistance was provided. Once in power, Za'im made several key decisions that benefitted the United States. He approved the Trans-Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE), an American project designed to transport Saudi Arabian oil to Mediterranean ports. Construction of TAPLINE had been delayed due to Syrian intransigence. Za'im also improved relations with two American allies in the region: Israel and Turkey. He signed an armistice with Israel, formally ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and he renounced Syrian claims to Hatay Province, a major source of dispute between Syria and Turkey. Za'im also cracked down on local communists. However, Za'im's regime was short-lived. He was overthrown in August,just four and a half months after seizing power.[11][12][13][14]
Read more.

The Bar Council, Ambiga, Suaram and of the ilk have played into the opposition's hand and are doing the opposition's bidding. 


Real donors or philanthropists only give to charitable causes to help alleviate human sufferings and expecting nothing in return. Anything outside this sphere is highly suspicious.

Some donor may look genuine and sincere and may not demand you to do their bidding immediately and as the Malay saying "air yang tenang jangan sangka tiada buaya" such request may come much later when you are vulnerable and feel indebted and more than ready to show your gratitude.

The U.S government have helped to overthrow many foreign governments they deemed not friendly to them by covertly funding and use of NGOs, individuals and opposition parties as vehicles to destabilise and create political upheaval.If all these clandestine methods failed , they will resort to openly funding armed rebellion, supplying the rebels with arms and money. More often than not they ended up installing worse and more evil regimes. 

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a monster created by America using him to stage a long war against Iran, America's No.1 enemy. Saddam later turned his back on the Americans.

America's biggest political fiasco is  in  the Middle East where they have brought down reigning regimes, some, through CIA covert operations and destabilisation through people power. The Arab Spring has changed the political landscape of the Middle East that have brought rapid succession the ouster of dictators like Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

Egypt, may be the U.S biggest miscalculation. The springing people power and the helluva democracy America wanted to install have sprung a helluva surprise, the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist party that may not be so friendly to the U.S. 

Washington is now in a quandary on how to deal with the situation. They have supported the Mubarak's regime that have blatantly trampled and abused its citizens and human rights for over two decades with the help of the American government who saw it fits to fund the evil regime as long as they stay friendly to Israel.

The U.S media now claimed it is the American people who freed the Arabs from tyranny and are in bafflement and anger when the recent Muslim rage against a film that insulted Muslims and Prophet Muhammad that killed the U.S Libyan Ambassador and a couple of other American, calling the Muslims ingrates when they should have been more grateful to the U.S. for giving them freedom and democracy.

"Many Americans are asking...indeed, I asked could this happen, how could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction" Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

I can only give her one answer, the U.S double standard foreign policy sucks. The growth of democracy in the Middle East is going to bring plenty more anti-American sentiment that have been suppressed for a long time by dictators supported by the U.S.

Why should the Muslims be grateful to the U.S who had killed hundred of thousands innocent Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan on their so-called war on terror.

Are Malaysians, gullible, too smart for their own good or just plain stupid like the Arabs who wanted democracy and freedom American style and eventually turned their back on the Americans.

People like Ambiga, Bersih, Suaram and the Bar Council have played into the hand of the big bullshit U.S brand of democracy and freedom..... freedom to cause turmoil and upheaval in what used to be one of the most peaceful countries on the globe.

Who is the super rich obscured Melayu businessman who admits he paid for Anwar's ride on the private jet. He is not even on Forbes Malaysia's rich list.

Below is the cost of charter of a Falcon 7X similar to the one he used.

Cost per flying hour = US$8800. 

Assuming total hours covered to ferry him from KL to Sabah, Sarawak and back was 15 hours, the total cost would be US$132,000 x 3.00 = RM396,000.00

That's not a lot of money if you are filthy rich.

The Falcon 7X is a long range jet that have a range of 5950 nautical mile and cost US$50 million new.

Nice to have very generous rich friends and a huge war chest.

Friday, February 10, 2012

This Man A Shame And An Abomination

Hantu Laut

This man is a shame and an abomination.

Why did he stays in UMNO for decades knowing how evil the political ideology is?Did he not enjoy the spoils as much as his compatriots that he now accused of the despicable act of bribery and corruption? Where was his conscience then?

He must have locked it up in the safe and forgot the combination?

Why did he not tell the prime minister then, right in his face, that he wants no part of this despicable act and resign his ministerial post and leave the party?

Read his regurgitations here and here.

Obviously, he wants to curry favour with the opposition.

DAP, is looking for Malay candidates for the general elections, a fertile ground for UMNO has-beens. He might follow the path of Sakmongkol AK47, ex-UMNO assemblyman,whom, I believe will be fielded as one of DAP Malay candidates.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Isa's Win, UMNO's Losses ? Says Who?

Hantu Laut

Are Malaysians returning to their senses? Isa Samad's victory is not anyone's call , unexpected, is the huge majority.

Isa polled 8013 votes giving him a thumping majority of 5435 votes, a landslide victory, setting back Pakatan Rakyat winning streak in the Peninsula.Indications showed that the Indians voted for the BN this time.It was purely Najib's efforts to bring the Indians back to the fold.Hope Samy Velu realised, it's him and MIC the problems, not the Indians or UMNO.

To say Isa's win will be UMNO's losses, the parlance of a few has-beens in the party, is like the classic Aesop's fable of 'The Fox and the Grapes'. I can't get it, so it must be sour.Even the good old Ku Li says better for UMNO to lose, just wanting to prove a point.

Don't be fooled that the oppositions didn't use money, maybe, not as much as the BN, but it's still money.

Where does Pakatan's war chest come from? Without spending money they wouldn't have seen the light of day.It was reported that Anwar has a huge war chest of RM3 billion.Surely, with that kind of money one can dabble in politics, it's worth the risk.

The government should consider, with certain limitations, legalising money politics for all political parties, maybe, modelled after the US or UK.

A pick from Malaysiakini, the sanctimonious ones:

'Umno has legitimised corruption'

'With the win in Bagan Piyour sayang, Umno has officially legitimised corruption as an acceptable credo amongst themselves. The smirks on their faces say it all. Woe betide our dear Malaysia.' Read more....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Mean Old Man

Hantu Laut

Former Prime Minister Mahathir is known for his abrasive and combative ways.He is not one who is hamstrung with shooting from the hip. A man who never minces his word and called a spade a spade no matter how much it hurts the other person at the receiving end.

The past few weeks have seen him admonishing and belittling the other two contenders for the deputy president of UMNO, Ali Rustam and Muhammad Taib. He said he would have kicked them out in the early stage if it was him at the helm of the party and also commented on their poor command of English.

His strongest criticism is reserved for those whom he disliked intensely and that would be Pak Lah whom he blamed for all that had gone wrong in
UMNO, that would see Pak Lah exiting as prime minister by end of this month.

Mahathir, although no more a member of the party is still highly respected by some quarters in UMNO. This is the man you either love or hate.Opposition politicians hate him intensely and wouldn't give him any credit for his achievements. They only remember his bad sides and people like Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and Anwar Ibrahim who had gone to prison during his time see him as the devil incarnate, cruel and unforgiving.

On 27 October 1987 he ordered the police to arrest 106 opposition leaders and social activists for causing racial tension.It was the second biggest ISA swoop since the May 13 riots. The racial tension was brought about by massive protest by Chinese leaders including those from MCA and Gerakan who uttered racially provocative speeches when they found out that the government had posted about 100 school assistants and principals to Chinese vernacular schools who were not Mandarin educated.

Some in UMNO is dreaming of the good old days when the party was all powerful, dissent unheard of and the oppositions in disarray, wish how they would like to bring him back if they could. After the openess allowed under Pah Lah's administration his autocratic style wouldn't work anymore. People are more aware of their democratic rights and wouldn't be easily intimidated by repressive methods.The ballot box is now the most powerful weapon.

The time machine could not take them back to that era and if change doesn't come soon the party losing its grip on power in the next general election is as sure as the sun rises.There is serious crisis of confidence and erosion of credibility in the present leadership.

He is no niggard with words and bluntness when it comes to slamming his opponents on issues he dislikes or doesn't agree with.He has slammed not only local politicians but also world leaders.Former US President George Bust and former Britain Prime Minister Tony Blair had been the bitter pills for him to swallow on the Iraq War and Palestinian conflicts and called both of them war criminals and demanded that they be tried for crimes against humanity.

I couldn't agree more with him on this issue.If the World Court can issue warrant of arrest for Bashir of Sudan why can't they do the same for these two men who had killed just as many if not more innocent civilians.Does the method of how you kill makes a difference? Murder is the taking of human life intentionally, whether you drop a bomb from the air, use a gun or a machete it is still murder.

As much as he is misunderstood he has also been most profound in some of his unorthodox ways of doing things
which the West vehemently criticised before. Now, they have shamelessly copied him. He should have copyrighted his methods.

The mean old man still knows best

Saturday, November 1, 2008

UMNO Money Politics :Who Gave Them The Money?

Hantu Laut

Money politics, the scourge of UMNO party politics.These high stakes games of getting elected into the 'hall of shame' in the top echelon of the party is getting dirtier and messier at every party elections.Buying and selling favours have become a trade able commodity with some throwing in the flesh trade as part of the package.It is rumoured that in past elections some delegates were offered the services of female companion for the night as added incentives.How far this is true is as good as the question everyone is asking now, who ordered the killing of Altantuya ? If not Razak Beginda, than who ? It sounds more like he got off on technicality as the honourable judge had said the prosecution failed to make a prima facie case.

Money politics have existed for yonks and practised everywhere including the so-called purest democracy, the US.The on going presidential election would be completely paralysed without huge donations from party supporters,businessmen, corporations and would-be opportunists.The difference between the West and here is they have refined the art of money politics.All donations to the candidate must be declared, giving particulars of amount and name of donors.This is for the purpose that the person elected into office will not use or abuse his power to favour those who have donated to his campaign funds.Undeclared donation is illegal and can get the candidate into serious trouble with the law or get impeach from office or both.

Politics in the West is not as clean as one would like to think.Many high ranking politicians have been caught for corruption.One recent case is Ted Stevens, a US Senator from Alaska who received money and gifts and didn't declare it.He is now under indictment for corruption.

The difference again between the West and Malaysia is, in the West, nobody gets protection from prosecution, no matter how high up the person is, including the President, no special treatment or immunity is given to them.In Malaysia, the Prime Minister is still percieved to be calling the shot who should be prosecuted and who shouldn't.This may be mere perception but as long as the ACA is not independent such negative perception would continue.

Money politics in UMNO is of the crudest form, completely unrefined and wrapped up in secrecy, a story of cloak and dagger that shows the highest order of political immaturity.Even worse, where money can't buy favours those involved resort to using coercion, threat including death threat,intimidation,blackmail and bodily harm if all other methods failed to do the job.

Lynn Pan would have better describe the functions of this kind of gangsterism in her book 'Gangsters In Paradise' in old Shanghai, where the whole city was governed under the influence of gangsters and secret societies.

The brand of money politics in UMNO has its roots in Sabah, where it started long time ago during Mustapha rule.During his time they either paid money or gave other form of incentives to buy votes especially in areas where opposition is strong.If money didn't work, than coercion and intimidation were the formula used.This kind of political gangsterism can, sometimes, bring in votes for those who had the gumption to use it.

Money politics reached its peak under Berjaya when it has to fight USNO and PBS.Cash,water tanks and zinc roofing materials were the favourites among villagers who would take from all who were stupid enough to give.

In the 1985 State Elections money politics didn't work when most Sabahans were fed up with the autocratic rule of Chief Minister Harris Salleh.In spite of the fact that his party Berjaya spent million, it was badly trashed, won only 5 seats out of 48.Newly formed PBS got a simple majority and reneged on its promise to form a coalition with USNO, who got significant number of seats to be a partner in the government. Sentiments of the people plus money politics were instrumental for the victory to PBS as most big Chinese businesses secretly donated money to PBS at that time.

Money politics in UMNO started when Mahathir was prime minister.Before him, such f... words were unheard of. During Tengku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Hussein Onn rule there was not an ounce of money politics, most politicking were above board,untainted and dignified.

Mahathir was not personally involved in money politics or even encourage it but where he failed miserably was he didn't take any action to nip it in the bud which he could have done so much easier in the beginning.

Umno disciplinary chairman Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen said The problem began about two decades ago, worsened over the years and was now showing no sign of getting any better.

"We are trying our best, but it seems we can't deal with it completely. It is now rooted to the core," he admitted.

I would say it is rotten to the core because even the top leadership are indulging in it but are pretending to making speeches against it to divert attention away from their own dubious ways.

Tengku Rithauddeen said money politics was becoming a norm in the party as all those who indulged normally benefited from it.

Money politics intensified under Abdullah Badawi because of his weak leadership.The jockeying for positions had become very expensive affairs with money spent in the millions.One divisional head in Sabah have been rumoured to spend RM3 million just to become head of a division.The stakes is high but the reward is higher.Becoming division head means tens of million of government contracts given as reward.

The leaders in UMNO should stop pretending.They have no serious desire to stamp out money politics.Some of them are just as much involved in it as the 'kuching kurap' at the lower ranks.

Although I am not a member of UMNO I support the idea of a debate between Khairy Jamaluddin and Mukriz Mahathir for the UMNO Youth Chief post.This is one way you can reduce money politics and use merits to select your leaders.Mukriz should not shy away from the challenge, it is the right platform to show your capability.

Anyway, who gave those idiots the money to play money politics, if not the top leadership?