Showing posts with label BN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BN. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

BN On Death Throes ?

Hantu Laut

Haven't posted anything this past week, things haven't changed and getting sick of defending the indefensible.

I once was an ardent supporter of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia, him trying to unite the different races in the country and trusting him as the man who could bring viable changes to a system that is insidiously killing the country, politically and economically.

It looks like we are becoming more rudderless than before. Like his predecessor he has fallen victim to UMNO greedy warlords and think that everything will be hunky-dory to continue the status quo. I scratch your back, you scratch my back in typical UMNO style.

Adding to his woes is a home minister who has a penchant for saying the quirkiest things and doing things "thick as two planks". Seriously, besides his two planks act this "Yang Berhormat" also needs to seek anger management therapy. Him getting physical against a man who claimed he was physically abused by him was recorded in a law suit against him. Angry man do not make wise decision and unwise decisions aplenty, the latest being stripping a poor Singaporean businessman off his permanent resident status. Though, I agree the government has the prerogative to cancel his PR, a bit of leniency and compassion over heedless and unintentional mistake sould suffice with a slap on the wrist. 

To err is human, to forgive divine. 

I am not even sure if there was a breach of divine law here, or just the angst of a small fraction of Muslims.

Mecca, before the dawn of Islam was full of idols particularly the Kaaba, used as a place of worship for the deities of Arabia's pagan tribes. When Islam took over Mecca they demolished the idols but not the buildings. The Kaaba now stands as the holiest shrine of Islam.

From the quirkiest to the smuggest, a minister of tourism who broke all conventions and claimed he was right to appoint his son as his special officer in his ministry and the conviction of righteousness came in the form of salary paid from his own pocket.A bumptious and opinionated ass who forgets the ministry is  not his personal fiefdom, but property of the people. It's fine if it was his "SDN BHD" He can do what he likes! Nobody cares!

If the quirkiest and the smuggest not enough to piss you off, try the scummiest of excuses, using religion in furtherance of racial domination. When the empire strikes back protecting the sanctity of Islam, more often than not, it's for racial consumption rather than religion.

PAS, whom I thought was the real fundamentalist looked more and more coy and innocuous. PAS leaders must be watching the show from the sidelines with their tongues hanging out in disbelief.

Bak kut teh, dogs, surau and improvised temple add more fun to a growing list of DOs and DON'Ts against Islam, an official religion but not constituted law of the country.

Any Muslim slighted over the slightest slight can lodge a police report and you are in a deep shit. The police will react faster than the bullets they used to shoot down criminals, because it is easier to find you and harder to find criminals.

The reason crimes on the rise, the police can't find the criminals, they outsmarted the police.

The EO (Emergency Ordinance) and ISA (Internal Security Act) had been blamed for the rise in violent crimes. The Home Minister claimed there were over 2000 hardcore criminals released when the EO was repealed and over 200,000 criminal foot soldiers are now working for these crime chiefs. 

New York City is a huge city compared to KL and had no EO or ISA, how come Mayor Rudy Giuliani succeeded in bringing down organised crimes in the city? Triad infested Hong Kong had no EO or ISA, how come they can clean up the city of big crimes making it one of the safest cities in the world today. Singapore, another gangster infested city before is now almost crime free and another one of the safest city in the world. 

How come our Home Minister is more interest in protecting the police than looking at the problems with an open mind and finding real solutions?

As they say "if there is a will, there is a way"

Someone asked me the other day "with is wrong with Islam today"? 

It is not Islam the problem. Muslims are root of the problems. Muslims are the trouble with what happened to Islam today. Muslims have become easily humiliated, use religion as a tool to retaliate and have become arrogant and self-destructive.

The current government is heading the same way, its arrogance will lead to.......self-destruction!

They do everything to agonise, antagonise and caused people's antipathy toward them.

The have lost the popular vote, completely lost the Chinese supports and lost the urban Malay votes.They have only one more thing to lose....the next general elections, as sure as the sunrise, if Najib keep dragging his foot on his transformation policy.

As proven in the past two general elections without Sabah and Sarawak the rural Malay vote bank in West Malaysia is insufficient to keep them in power. I expect the KDM in Sabah and Dayaks in Sarawak to abandon the BN in the 14th GE. They may also lose significant number of UMNO seats in Sabah.

As I have said before and still bear the same opinion, BN will lose in the 14th General Elections, unless some sort of miracle happened.

It better be soon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Post-Election Payback Time in Malaysia

Mahathir backs moves to punish minorities and reward pro-government voters, companies
Last week, the Malaysian government announced its allocation of public university seats for the upcoming academic year. Only 19 percent of Chinese students got places, along with 4 percent of Indians despite the fact that the two together make up about 30 percent of the student population. Last year, Chinese students got 23 percent, in line with their proportion of the overall population.

That was the first tangible fallout from the 13th general election held on May 5, in which the Barisan Nasional, the ruling national coalition, won 133 of the 222 seats in the Dewan Rakyat, or Parliament, preserving its majority despite the fact that it only received 47.38 percent of the popular vote against 50.87 for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition headed by Anwar Ibrahim.

The second came yesterday with the revelation of the award of a RM1 billion (US$314 million) commuter railway project in the massive government-backed Iskandar development in the southern state of Johor to Malaysian Steel Works Sdn Bhd through direct negotiations rather than open tender, in contravention of competitive bid regulations supposedly implemented by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak as a part of his three year old Economic Transformation Program to loosen the state's reins on the economy.

Masteel, as the company is known, is 40 percent owned through its investment in KUB Bhd by the United Malays National Organization, the dominant political party in Malaysia and one known for its cornucopia of rent-seeking businesses that steer money to the party. In addition, Masteel gets a RMB700 million government soft loan to develop the project. According to an official with the company quoted in local media, Masteel will receive a 37-year build-own-transfer arrangement on the project despite the fact that it is slated to break even in 12 years.

The common denominator appears to be the return of Mahathir Mohamad, the 88-year-old former prime minister, and his close friend and ally, former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin, at the top of the power structure in UMNO, politically emasculating the current Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak. Despite the loss of the popular vote, the majority of the rank and file inside UMNO believe it was Mahathir's strident racial politics that preserved the Barisan's - and particularly UMNO's - place at the top of Malaysian politics, and that it was Najib's attempt to reach out to the other races that cost them.

Ethnic Malays make up 60.3 percent of Malaysia's population, Chinese 22.9 percent and Indians 7.1 percent, according to the latest census. Malays and Indians dramatically abandoned the Barisan Nasional in the May election, with the Malaysian Chinese Association hit so hard that the party, once the second-biggest in the coalition, refused all cabinet positions. The Malaysian Indian Congress fared somewhat better, but not much.

"Najib was a good prime minister. But instead of strengthening his hand the Chinese and non-Malays and non-Muslims weakened him. But UMNO is strong. So Najib is out of steam," said a lawyer with close contacts to the Mahathir wing of the party. "Najib has lost energy, lost his mandate, lost respect. Mahathir, Tun Daim and the UMNO grassroots are in charge," Read more.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

BN Will Lose The Next Elections ?

Hantu Laut

Anwar say he is firm in opposing electoral fraud, corruption and racism.

It's about time someone tell him, in no uncertain term, to stop  his charade and call a mea culpa, smoke a peace pipe, or be a gentleman and accept defeat graciously.

Everything of what he said is true, there were corruptions, there were racism and there were some cheating in the elections, but not the way he portrays them. 

Corruption is nothing new, been rampant since his time in UMNO and electoral fraud twiddling with the electoral boundaries, which he never complained before when he was riding high in UMNO everything was hunky-dory then and not forgetting he was also charged and found guilty of corruption. The court only overturned his sodomy sentence. 

Gerrymandering is not an election offence. The electoral boundaries need to be redrawn every eight years and Malaysia's population in rural areas are sparsely distributed making equitable distribution of voters per constituency the same as urban areas, impractical and a logistical nightmare.

Racism ? Yeah, it is more DAP's piece de resistance!

Why I say racism is DAP's forte?

There are lots of Chinese chauvinism in DAP. 

The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Gelang Patah are showcases of Chinese chauvinism. Former Johor MB Ghani Othman would have won if just 15% of Chinese voters had voted for him.

DAP had grown from a 'mosquito party' into the second largest political party in this country on the ground of solid Chinese supports. A Chinese tsunami is not a overstatement, without which it will never have achieved its present status. 

DAP leaders are more sophisticated, clever and subtle with their political campaign to woo the Chinese, unlike the crudely fashioned 'rough and tumble' ways of UMNO leaders, uncouth, unpolished and very unMalay.

Homogeneity, is in the Chinese blood when their common interests at stake, they cohere.

Ha! The Malays, will they ever learn? They are split three ways, the educated urban Malays (the self-indulging highbrow), the rabble rural Malays (the simple kampong folks) and the Islamist Malays ( who want to be more Arabs than Malays)

UMNO, has certainly failed, otherwise, the Malays won't be so divided. The Malays who can think independently feel they have been played out by their own kind.

If  Najib does not carry out drastic changes in his party and government, stop all nonsense of rewarding UMNO warlords with government largesse (the people's money), reduce corruption and appoint capable people to key positions based on merit rather than cronyism and nepotism and if there are no radical changes made between now and the next general elections, BN will lose the next election..GE14.

BN have lost the popular votes, which is a clear indication that worse is to come.

Changes that the people wanted, not what UMNO wanted.  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Shithead's Minority Government!

Hantu Laut

From Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang to the smallest fry, they keep referring to the Najib's government as minority government.

Do they understand what a minority government is?

Here, Anwar claimed "we won the elections"

Here, Guan Eng claimed "we are the majority"

Ironically, there are hundreds of articles that appeared in news portal and blogs that portrayed BN as minority government

It doesn't take much to cajole and fool the average Malaysians including the over-educated ones because they are just too lazy to do their own homework preferring to be spoon-fed by whoever they fancy.

Najib's government, by any stretch of your imagination, is not a minority government. For all intents and purposes, it is a majority government. Only in a hung parliament situation or where no clear majorities are obtained by any parties would a minority government be formed.

A minority government exists where it lacked outright majority of seats and depends for its survival on the support of other parties or independents who hold the balance of power in the  lower house.

Without formal coalition being formed among the parties concerned, a minority government is the only solution to a functioning parliament. It is usually given to the party with the largest number of seats and supported by smaller parties or independents to form a minority government. This form of government is most unstable and can collapse anytime if the other parties withdraw their supports. 

Unlike Pakatan Rakyat, BN is a single legal entity and won 133 seats giving it a comfortable majority of 22 more seats over the finishing line of 111 seats. Any party that finished beyond 111 seats can form the government under the "first past the post" system. 

Don't let these shitheads fool you with their own ignorance and melodramatic jingle of the meaning of  "minority government"

It ain't true !

Najib's government is duly elected by the people and is a majority government. 

They can FO with their claim of popular votes, because our electoral system does not work that way and they knew it fully well, but can you blame these kiddos........a bunch of sore losers and a chieftain with a chronic sore throat and a congenital liar.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Zahid "It is better to keep your mouth shut than open it and remove all doubt"

Hantu Laut

Before he even started, they already gave him headache. 

Wow! What a way towards mending and winning the people's hearts and minds. 

Reconciliation, the Prime Minister talking about repairing the severe lost of confidence of his government by urban voters and the Chinese community, seemingly, a voice in the wilderness, his ministers have their own ideas how to please the people, or rather how to undermine him.

If you think the low magnitude Hishamuddin Onn was bad enough and everyone rejoiced of his exit from the Home Ministry, we may now conclude that the Ministry is jinxed,  to be driven by another  insensitive, impervious, smarmy and blundering minister. 

In less than two days of taking office this nutty as a fruitcake minister tell Malaysians to leave the country if they don't like the system. He has another 1,822 days to go. Let's hope he gets off his high horse.

Zahid Hamidi, the new Home Minister had a glorious day insulting his countrymen to leave the country if they don't like the parliamentary system here.

Anwar's belligerency should be dealt with by the law, not by lambasting the people.

As citizens of this country we have constitutional rights to question the system, but at the end of the day the majority shall prevail. Ministers do not have God's given right to tell us to leave the country if we disagree with them.

 "It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than open it and remove all doubt" ...Mark Twain. 

Haa! Mark Twain, had two of his books as literature in schools, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Always ponder before you open your big mouth.

No thanks to Najib for choosing this noisome and bumptious minister.

Read at’s-demise-has-begun/

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is Haris Ibrahim Ready For Jihad Or Gone Bonkers ?

Hantu Laut

This is it, my biggest fear of CIVIL UNREST. 

Read here how a group of people contemplating to overthrow the government by force.

Waiting for five years is too long they say, they want immediate turmoil to remove the government. 

Leader of the pact is the disenchanted and disheveled Haris Ibrahim, who had earlier announced his "willing to die" squad to uphold the voting system in the country. Sounds like he has scores of suicide bombers ready for "jihad"

I wrote this piece "Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble" a day before polling day, not a figment of my imagination as the idealists would want to believe and have accused me of spreading fear to scare friends, foes, all and sundry, but it is reality that could turn into nightmare.

Well, enemies, I have none, unless some who knows me consider me as one. Friends I have plenty, but close friends I keep in a small circle and close to my heart. 

A dear friend of mine was pretty annoyed when I posted  on her timeline on Facebook of what I see as impending trouble if Anwar doesn't stop his calls for big rally to protest against the government  and that there would be blood on the streets if he is not stopped now. Of good heart herself, she truly believe Malaysians are incapable of violence. Well, Haris Ibrahim had proven her wrong. 

Haris Ibrahim praises to the skies demonstrations and civil unrest as the only way to bring down the government. 

My balls rattling so nervously listening to what he had said " We will take to the streets to take over Putrajaya. If we rally want to overthrow them, there is no other way.Democracy doesn't work"

Yes, democracy doesn't work for people who refused to accept it.

Why would Anwar want to continue holding big rallies when he knew fully well it'll be an effort in futility. He knew fully well he can't change the government by holding peaceful rallies all over the country. 

As I have said before, huge rallies can't remain peaceful forever, it only take a single spark to ignite the whole minefield of discontent. 

Haris Ibrahim extolled going to the streets as the only way to remove the government. His ABU movement has elements of right wing fascism and ready to wreak havoc in the country. 

This delusional man, if left to his own devices, will light the tinder box. 

Boom! Malaysia goes up in flame.

Now you know why Raja Petra (RPK) parted company with him.

I am not going to tell the police what to do, they knew better what to do when someone had gone overboard.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rafizi, Malaysiakini,John Malott,Here's The EIU Report That Scares You, BN Is Strongly Positioned To Win

Hantu Laut 

What's the huge different between "likely to win", "will win" and "strongly positioned to win"

Unless, you are Rafizi Ramli, Malaysiakini and John Malott, who are pickers of trivialities, you won't want to be seen stupid splitting hairs. These guys not only have small minds, they are also pathetic liars, lousy propagandists and ego maniacal. 

Lies, lies, lies.  No where it is more apparent than in the quirky grouping called Pakatan Rakyat. Political oddballs cooking the devil's brew to cheat Malaysians.

PKR strategy chief Rafizi Ramli told FMT that the "EIU Report" that Barisan Nasional will win the 13th general elections is a complete spin by Bernama. 

It wasn't a spin, it was just a sex-up. The EIU did suggest BN the likely winner, strongly positioned to win.  Below is the EIU report, short and sweet.

You want to read the full report, you have to pay.


Malaysia: risk assessment
sector risk
structure risk
Sovereign risk
Stable: The fiscal position is likely to remain weak in 2013-14 as the government struggles to implement fully its programme of subsidy rationalisation. But at the equivalent of an estimated 52.9% of GDP in 2012, public debt is manageable.
Currency risk
Stable: Malaysia's score is on the cusp of the A and BBB rating bands. Foreign-exchange reserves remain at healthy levels, but in the past year they have not grown as fast as in 2011, owing to weak export receipts.
Banking sector risk
Stable: Malaysia's banking risk rating has strengthened from BBB to A. The improvement reflects the relatively strong net foreign assets position of the country's commercial banks—a situation that is likely to persist in 2013-14.

Political risk
The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition is expected to complete its term, which ends in April. The BN is likely to win the subsequent election, but it will struggle to secure enough parliamentary seats to give it the two-thirds majority that would allow it to amend the constitution unchallenged.
Economic structure risk
Exports of goods and services will continue to account for a large proportion of GDP, highlighting Malaysia’s dependence on external trade.

Bernama did not spin the report. The spinner is Malaysiakini linking the story to a general report on Asian countries and not specific "country report" which is only accessible upon payment to EIU.

Below is the short report that cost me US$26.

Malaysia Economic and Political Outlook

Country Report Malaysia February 2013

Outlook for 2013-17

Election watch

February 4th 2013
The next parliamentary election must be held by mid-2013. Mr Najib is likely to make the performance of the economy a central plank of the BN's campaign and will emphasise the fact that, despite the gloomy global economic situation, the government's policies have helped to bolster domestic growth. The BN will also craft its campaign to appeal to voters in states where it lost control of the local assemblies to the PR at the last elections in 2008. Meanwhile, the opposition alliance is likely to focus its election campaign on the need to uphold the political and economic rights and interests of all Malaysians. The election will see the cash-strapped PR  pitted against the BN's well-oiled political machine. The BN is strongly positioned to win, although its likely margin of victory remains unclear. Mr Najib has worked hard to present himself as being committed to economic and social reform. However, this stance has yet to resonate with Malaysia's ethnic minorities, which make up around one-third of the electorate and whose members mostly voted for the PR in the 2008 election.


The whole lot of you are a bloody shame! Spinners of the worst kinds.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Never Say Die Najib Stood Well In The Face Of Adversity

Hantu Laut

Not so smart to utter such word in opposition stronghold. 

Najib should have put his ears to the ground, used his own judgement before extrapolating his war cry. He would surely know he is in hostile territory. 

Probably, done on purpose. The man is not all that stupid, he may have a reason to do what many won't do.

Najib was unfazed. I must say he stood well in the face of adversity, carry on asking the crowd three times, in spite of the negative response. 

The attributes of a true statesman, unlike the de facto opposition leader who took exception and lost his temper when asked by a reporter question he did not like. 

Surely, as expected, the oppositions will play up his foundered calls. Below is a pejorative video produced by the oppositions, embellished, to embarrass him.

Below is balance and fair reporting by Singapore Mediacorp:

Without any doubt, employing their usual dirty tactic, those who shouted "NO" were planted by the oppositions.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Doom And Gloom For Who ?

Hantu Laut

None are prepared to share the cake because they are just too greedy. A dog in the manger attitude, if I can't have it, you can't have. As they say "history repeating itself." The oppositions in Sabah falters.

They can't cooperate because every one of them have over estimated their political prowess and influence in the state.

Anwar selling the anti-corruption slogan as his platform for change  will not work as the people knew he and his retinue of frogs and grasshoppers are exemplification of the same, as sleazy as the ones they accused of corruptions and wrongdoings.

Their political campaigns are long on sleaze and short on substance. Most are confined to mud slinging and personal attacks and promises that even an idiot could tell they are not able to fulfill.

The biggest wrench in the works is PKR, arrogant, contemptuous and overweening ambition to be in Putrajaya yesterday, mistake they would soon learn to regret.

Anwar's every step in Sabah is the wrong one. He angered the Kadazans by accepting the 'HOGUAN SIOU' title from an over zealous bunch of sycophants. He also has a contemptuous habit of sidelining old faithful for newcomers.

Where are the faithful?

Whatever happened to Christina Liew, Ansari Abdullah, Thamrin and the rest of the old gang?  They seemed to have vanished from the limelight.  The newcomers have taken centre stage and would be made candidates in the 13th GE, to great dismay of many old members.

For those who sees the rug being pulled from under their feet have shown open hostility toward the newcomers and have become a point of contention that may trigger off more members, unhappy with the new arrangement, to leave the party, or sabotage the candidate come election day.

The only Pakatan coalition partner that is likely to win some seats in Sabah and Sarawak would be DAP. It may clinch 3-4 parliamentary seats in predominantly Chinese areas in Sabah, but not enough to upset the applecart to dislodge BN out of Putrajaya. 

The same story prevails in Sarawak where the party is expected to grab a number of seats in Chinese majority areas and PKR taking the crumbs, again not enough to sink BN.

BN winning the elections is subject to its performance in Peninsula Malaysia. If it can deliver the same number of seats as in the 12th GE, they can keep Putrajaya, anything less, they are finito!

Sabah and Sarawak will again be the kingmakers, but the danger of BN losing the government should not be ruled out, which may come from West Malaysia where split of the Malay votes could spell disaster for BN. 

The 13th GE will be the most divisive elections ever, one that would split the country right in the middle between Chinese and Malays. 

The Indians , though small in numbers, make the most noise are on the fringes. The side they cast their votes will be the winner.

It would be unmitigated disaster for the nation if both sides continue to pursue supports based on racial and religious affiliation. 

DAP, without any doubt, have mustered unequivocal Chinese supports, which will translate into big gains in the coming elections. DAP may get as many as 50 parliamentary seats if the current Chinese sentiment against the government remains unchanged. 

The Malays are divided but I believe will close ranks if threatened of losing political power.

After over half a century of Malay hegemonic control over politics and the nation's affairs, the Chinese finally saw the dawn of a new era brought about by the Anwar's factor, saw the grist to the mill of disunited Malays, an opportunity they would not want to miss to play greater role and have greater say in administering the nation. 

Some people say it is no more about Anwar.Ask DAP leaders if they believe in this theory?

Anwar is the glue that bond them together. Without Anwar they would have been history long ago. 

The only people who know this are DAP leaders, the very reason they dare not offend him and insist, whatever the results might be, Anwar will be prime minister. DAP leaders looked down on PAS leaders and consider them yokels.

Severe split of the Malay votes could put an end to Malay supremacy and reduces Malay leadership to lesser role if Pakatan win the 13th GE, which is not improbable if PAS collects less parliamentary seats than DAP and PKR.

However, rumours has it that there is a strong undercurrent  brewing within the Malay community in West Malaysia, particularly, PAS supporters becoming very disillusioned with PAS leaders courtship of DAP.

DAP constant reminder of the Allah issue had become unpalatable to many PAS members and supporters and their unhappiness further aggravated by DAP demanding PAS to reverse the Syura Council decision to disallow Christians from using "Allah" in their Malay language Bible. 

DAP have angered the bucolic Malays with its disrespectful meddling in religious issues to gain political mileage with the Chinese and non-Muslims at the expense of Islam and the Malays, which the Malays consider an attack on their faith.

The interminable personal attacks by non-Malay leaders against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and other Malay leaders in government had the reverse effect and angered many Malays. The Deepak debacle is working in Najib's favour. The more he talks the  more damaging it is to Pakatan and political gain for Najib.

PAS youths have fired the first salvo. They have threatened not to vote non-Muslim candidates from Pakatan. 

More surprises will come after dissolution of Parliament and call for elections.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No easy choice for Malaysia

By Nile Bowie

KUALA LUMPUR - Animosity between Malaysia's two leading political coalitions - the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) and opposition Pakatan Rakyat - has run high following the opposition-led Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat mass rally held earlier this month in the capital's iconic Merdeka Stadium. 

Many argue that the political climate has never been so polarized ahead of the country's 13th general elections, democratic polls

that have the potential to bring enormous political, economic and social change. 

BN, led by the United Malays Nasional Organization (UMNO), has held power consecutively since Malaysia achieved independence from colonial Britain in 1957. Pakatan Rakyat - a coalition of the People's Justice Party (PKR), Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) - looks to build on the historic gains it made at the 2008 polls, where it initially won control of five out of 13 state assemblies. 

Since then, few have acknowledged the emphasis that Prime Minister Najib Razak has put on deconstructing draconian legislation that once allowed for indefinite detention without trial and scoop arrests of government critics. Clearly, there is a vocal and undeterred segment of the population which values civil liberties, freedom of expression, and free assembly to whom he is bidding to appeal. 

The fact that this month's political rally occurred without incident is a sign that his administration is more comfortable with liberalization than previous UMNO-led administrations. While Najib has eased rules regarding the publication of books and newspapers, the next administration would gain enormous public support by relaxing controls on grass roots political expression, including allowances for greater citizen participation in checking and balancing alternative media. 

At the same time, many of the states under Paktan Rakyat's control have experienced administrative mismanagement, including cases of water shortages that have left people without basic utilities. Despite claims that it would reduce water tariffs, the PAS-led administration in Kedah State has instead increased them. 

In Selangor, reserve levels of treated water neared zero because of prolonged spells of hot and dry weather. Nonetheless, budget restructuring and tight conditions introduced under the watch of the Selangor government have halted the construction of needed water treatment plants, despite the current plants running at near maximum operating and distribution capacity. Read more.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Where The Shoe Pinces

Hantu Laut

It is more a "siok sendiri" poll,  the reliability of the survey remained doubtful.

Is there a reputable agency that audit Merdeka's opinion poll survey? The results of its surveys have never been audited and authenticated for it margin of error, its samples and confidence intervals.

Some poll can be deliberately engineered by unscrupulous  pollsters to generate certain result thus making its questionable.

A recent poll conducted by the agency claimed that Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman popularity had declined to 45 percent and Prime Minister Najib popularity remained high in Sabah at 75 percent.

Any intelligent Sabahan who follow Sabah politics would immediately know the opinion poll is self-serving and one that also serves the opposition as well as some Sabah UMNO warlords who wanted to get rid of Musa by giving Najib the false impression that UMNO can win in Sabah without Musa. Someone in Sabah UMNO wanted Musa's job badly.

In any war the enemy always sought to eliminate the best general in order to demoralise his force. It is the same in politics using character assassinations to demonise leader who is seen likely to lead his party to victory is common place throughout the world.

Barack Obama went through the same hell mudslinging when he ran for the US president in 2008, accused of being a Muslim because of his middle name.

Watch carefully the voice over, the bad editing and cut and paste of the video.

In spite of the many attempts at muddying the waters on Obama the American people stood steadfastly behind him and chose him as the next president of the United States. 

The same dirty campaigning is happening in Malaysia to denigrate Prime Minister Najib, Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud. The three are seen as the biggest roadblocks hindering the opposition's journey to Putrajaya. 

Suaram, the tool of the opposition and those who wanted Najib out of office has been caught in a web of deceit on the Scorpene submarine investigation.A French government prosecutor Yves Charpernel has denied of any ongoing trial in France as depicted by Suaram to the Malaysian public. Suaram and its two French lawyers, out of shame having been caught lying, still insisted that such court proceeding was ongoing. 

Who would you want to believe, a government prosecutor or two street smart lawyers?

There is concerted effort by the oppositions to eliminate the two East Malaysian leaders, Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman, both most likely to lead the BN to victory in their respective states where the oppositions are still fragmented and have not come to terms with each other to mount a challenge on BN grip on the two states.

Both Musa and Taib are political strategists that have the ability to outmaneuver their opponents and proved their detractors wrong. The Sarawak Report, a blog based in the UK, founded and controlled by one Clare Rewcastle Brown, the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has both Taib and Musa are constantly on her radar and is on the permanent hit list with gory tales of corruptions, abuses of power and even murder. Sarawak Report estimated Taib to be worth more than  US$15 billion.  

Robert Kuok the richest man in Malaysia amassed his wealth for almost two generations is only worth RM45.7 billion in 2012 and at today's exchange rate that would be about US$15 billion, the same as Taib. 

The Musa and Taib haters are having a field day with their tales from the crypt why these two men should go to the grave. Some even predicted that Anwar's PKR would take a leading role in Sabah politics. That's, maybe, a bridge too far. Taking in a few "orang kecewah" may be good politics few decades ago, it is not now, Sabahans are getting sick of such political misconduct.

Just before the March 2008 General Elections, 5 out 10 people I talked to predicted the political demise of Musa Aman and the end of BN in Sabah. The same are being said now by the same people who had never got their political predictions right. The same people also predicted Yong Teck Lee would win big in the Batu Sapi by-election. Yong, who refused to give way to Pakatan candidate for a one to one fight against the BN was buggered by DAP and lost badly. Pakatan/PKR's candidate Ansari Abdullah fared much better than him because DAP's Chinese supporters voted for Ansari. 

The only opposition party, as I have always said in this blog, that will make inroads in Sabah is DAP, who would do well in Chinese predominant constituencies, but not enough to pull the rug from under the BN's feet. The rest may have to fight, tooth and nail,  to win 1 or 2 seats.

Najib is smart not to be influenced by such talk and opinion poll to remove Taib and Musa from the equation.

In Sabah politics, money speaks louder than words.

Phnom Penh

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BN Will Win !

Hantu Laut

Forget ABOUT the rabble-rousers, the prophets of doom, the soothsayers, to wit the skewed web portals with their skewed stories.

Read what the expert says....BN WILL WIN. 

After publishing the above, the news portal, if it qualify to be called one, found it fit, within less than an hour, published this crap.

If the crap is true how come Malaysia's 2012 second quarter economy recorded a higher growth rate of 5.4%, much driven by the unhappy Chinese economic engine.

Which Chinese this Datuk fella talked to, the Chinese in the ivory tower or the Chinese in the gutter ? ....or you know what I am thinking ....he is a DAP mole. 

Where's my adding machine, dude! The story don't add up.

What can one say, it's Clara Chooi and Malaysian Insider. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

BN May Lose or A Hung Parliament If Sabah And Sarawak Don't Deliver.

Hantu Laut

Najib may lose the government in the 13th GE if Sabah and Sarawak failed to deliver the states to BN . Najib's dream of retaining the two "fixed deposit" states would go up in flame if he can't stop his lawmakers jumping ship.

Not all lawmakers that have jumped and those contemplating leaving are popular with the people but the psychological war would do enough damage to BN supports in the two states.

Adding to the already tense situation is former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad unwelcome comments on various issues that do more harm than good to Najib and the BN.Maybe, it's time for Mahathir to disappear into the shadow or keep his opinion to himself and let Najib decides what he wants to do.

Mahathir seems to be picking up tempo again and is on a collision course with Najib, reminiscence of what he did to Pak Lah before the 2008 General Elections. He may have been partly responsible for BN poor performance then.

Mahathir 's statement on the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah has ruffled feathers, particularly  KDM leaders, both within and outside the BN. 

The illegal immigrants issue is a political tool often used by KDM leaders to garner support from the KDM community and Mahathir opening a can of worms won't make happier days.

The bigger problem is in Peninsula Malaysia where the BN is facing an uphill battle to regain its credibility among the non-bumiputra communities with the most vociferous opposition coming from the Chinese community. The urban Malays are equally disenchanted with the government whom they see nothing more than a band of thieves.This perception, shared by many Malaysians is a death knell for BN. Najib's propaganda machine failed to counter the perception. 

UMNO leaders are so inebriated with power, they are caught in a time warp that they could not escape from. The more than half a century running the nation have made them complacent, inertial, bankrupt of new ideas and politically out of sync with the people. They have become incapacitated, drifting in uncharted waters and have no idea how to deal with the oppositions. The opposition's war of attrition is gaining ground with the voters.

Their refusal to embrace the Internet in a big way shows the archaic mentality of party leaders.There is no influential pro-BN portal such as pro-Pakatan web portals the likes of Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider and Malaysia Today. Free Malaysia Today, the new "enfant terrible" has also seen marked increase in its readership the past year. Besides the news portal, there are hundreds of pro-opposition blogs voluntarily helping the opposition in its war of attrition.

Many pro-BN blogs fall by the wayside because they, like UMNO politicians, will only work if they get paid handsomely.

Arrogance and 'bodoh sombong' abound in UMNO. They have a Home Minister who is out of touch with the world, a misaligned Deputy Prime Minister who is politically divergence from the Prime Minister and a misinformed Minister of Information who planned to turn a National Day celebration personifying the ruling party more than the nation and the people.

Some of Malaysia's billionaires and millionaires may already be covertly financing Anwar and the opposition as insurances in case Pakatan Rakyat come to power,  they will not be left out.

The same happened in Sabah in 1985 when Pairin's barely 47 days old PBS took on Berjaya, some Chinese towkays gave money to both sides, to protect their business interests. PBS won with a single seat majority.

If Sabah and Sarawak failed to deliver at least two-thirds each of their MP seats, Najib can kiss good-bye the government, or if any consolation for Najib, Malaysia may end up with a 'hung parliament'


Monday, March 26, 2012

Kit Siang Confirmed Witch-Hunting Pakatan's Priority

Hantu Laut

As I have predicted in my earlier post Pakatan will be busy witch-hunting when they take power.

Here , straight from the horse's mouth, Lim Kit Siang confirmed they will probe AG Ghani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan for abuse of power and corruptions.

Good luck Pakatan, the big "IF" you can take Putrajaya?

Don't forget Sabah and Sarawak will kick your arse so hard you wouldn't know where it's coming from.

One consolation, if it makes you feel better, your DAP will gain some Chinese seats in Sabah and Sarawak, but not enough to dethrone BN.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mahathir:If It Ain't Broke,Don't Fix It

The people should continue supporting the Barisan Nasional (BN) government as it has proven itself capable of fulfilling the needs of the people, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said on Sunday.

He said since after the country's independence, the BN goverment had struggled for the people's well-being regardless of race.

"Why should we change the government for another party? There are people who ask for the government to be changed, accusing the BN of being evil, thieves, robbers, corrupted and so on, but the other parties have not been tested like we (BN) have.

"There is an English saying which means that we should not repair something which is already in a good state because a worse thing can happen.

"It's the same with support for BN....its balanced policies for all races are seen as good.

"Hence, there is no need to change the current government to one whose ability to take care of the people's welfare is highly suspect," said Dr Mahathir at a talk event between the Ampang Umno division and the former premier at Dewan Datuk Setia Mufti Suib in Ampang, near here.

Later when asked by reporters on the government's proposal to amend the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) 1974, Dr Mahathir said the Act was created in the interest of Malay undergraduates.

"At that time, there were many more Malay undergraduates actively involved in politics than those from the other races. Hence, the Act was implemented to ensure that they (Malay students) fully focus on their studies to succeed in education.

"There were not that many highly educated Malays at the time and if the Malay students were preoccupied with politics, when would they be able to study?

"I was also active in politics when I was young but left it for almost six years to concentrate on my (medical) studies," he said.

On Nov 24, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced in the Dewan Rakyat that the government would be amending the UUCA to allow undergraduates to be members of political parties.Bernama

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark"

Hantu Laut

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"

If you are product of the colonial education system you would know where that came from. If you are from that era and you don't know than screw you.

Let me expand a little on the quotation "something is rotten in the state of Denmark". As some of you would know it came from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" which was one of the many books of literature taught at secondary school level. During my time literature was a compulsory subject but I understand in later years it was made optional.

These are metaphors and similes widely used by Shakespeare in most of the plays he wrote during his time that makes his allegories original, opulence and boldness of imagery.
For the uninitiated the phrase does not reflect the actual meaning.

So! What does "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" mean? I am sure those of my ilk would know the meaning but this writing is not directed at them, it's for the young and restless punks, who think the world of themselves but have little gray matter and worldly wisdom to show. For those with tunnel vision and easily influenced by propaganda and falsehood, the ultimate moron like the one below who came to my blog with his foul mouth and posted nasty comments:

Anonymous said...

kepala babi punya cina bangsat hantu laut, mampos la kau dari bumi melayu ini. pegi jahanam kau ke negeri china. Kalau dah banyak makan babi macam ni la.

July 30, 2011 12:33 PM

and he goes on:

Anonymous said...

dear my kuat makan babi foe, kafir zimmi, bila la kau ni nak mampos?

July 31, 2011 7:18 PM

Unlike Shakespeare who has not been to Denmark but wrote "Hamlet" with such clarity and with almost accurate visualisation of the castle in Denmark, this moron would not have made such disgraceful mistake if he has read more of my blog postings.None of what he says is me.I am not Chinese, I don't eat pork, I have no wish to go back to China and I am not about to die.Sad to say these are the types that are going to vote for Pakatan.

Anyway, let's get down to the nitty-gritty, the meaning of "Something is rotten in the state of Pakatan Rakyat" meaning " Something is not right, rife with errors and falsehood, leading to suspicion of motive"

That's right "suspicion of motive" How many times have Pakatan leaders been caught lying, fabricating stories, doctoring photos and dissimulating the truths? The whole outfit have become corps de ballet of falsehood.

From spreading lies that most UMNO members and Penawar want Najib out, to driving a wedge between Najib and his deputy, to Rosmah's RM24 million diamond ring and now to Rosmah's daughter's mother-in-law a member of the Russian mafia.

Najib's daughter is marrying the son not the mother, who is divorced from the husband, anyway.

Raja Petra's son is a drug addict so are one or two of my cousins. Are we drug addicts by association? I am not sure whether these proponents of high moral ground are morally upstanding themselves. More often than not it is always the worst that tried to better the bad.

Pakatan leaders are very talented in shit-stirring, lying and rabble-rousing to incite the people to go against the government.Even the religious Nik Aziz has gone over board by calling Bayan Baru MP Zahrain Mohd Hashim as "sampah". Short of calling him "sampah masyarakat" which I believe is what he intended.In a more matured democracy he would either have to apologise or there would be calls for him to resign.

If you do not want to respond to a challenge, it's best that you keep quiet instead of resorting to name calling, particularly, if you professed to be a man of God.It could well be the idiosyncrasies of sense of infallibility and old age that Nik Aziz is suffering from.

With the incessant attacks on Najib I can only deduce Pakatan leaders are afraid of him and his boundless effort to make sure a big win for BN in the 13th General Elections.

It's psychological, you don't try to wear down your enemy if you are not afraid of him and is not a big challenge to you.Read Sun Tze's "Art Of War" it's somewhere in his military masterpiece.

That's exactly what PR leaders are afraid off.Winning the next elections may be harder than what they perceived.