Showing posts with label Lim Guan Eng. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lim Guan Eng. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Rogue Chief Minister And Rogue Loan Defaulters

Hantu Laut

Away on holiday somewhere in the Himalayas. 

Haven't posted anything the past two weeks, bit tired writing about Malaysian politics, which is fast sliding down the gutter.

Badasses from both sides of the political divide giving the country a bad name.

When you have chief minister of a state going overseas running down his own country, you know what kind of fuck head you have heading a government and one who thinks his state is a separate entity and another sovereign power.

Now, I would like to ask Lim Guan Eng where his allegiance lies, here or in Timbaktu?

No matter how much you are against the government, as an elected member you can only denigrate or ridicule the government within the country or in parliament, but doing it overseas in an international forum is outright treachery and should not be condoned by any patriotic Malaysian. 

To be fair to him, the government must get a transcript of his speech to determine whether the complaint is true or not and whether the nature of the speech is treasonous. The transcript should also be published in the media for the people to judge.

From a chief minister who thinks he is an emperor of an island nation to a government losing sense in good governance, using soft approach to loan defaulters depriving others of the opportunity to further their studies

I read this with great concern concerning PTPPN loan defaulters. What kind of signal is the government sending to the Malays and Bumiputras. 

Hutang, tak payah bayar balik kah?

A mind-boggling sum of RM2.3 billion in unpaid loans by 400,000 defaulters of the PTPPN study loans of mainly Malay/Bumiputra students. 

Now, you know why the other races rejected the BN government. This is the kind of nonsense they do that riled up the other races. 

A proposal to denounce and blacklist the name of defaulters was opposed by UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin and accepted by the Cabinet.Blacklisting may not be the answer. PTPPN must use legal action to collect the debts from adamant borrowers.

We, businessmen, would be severely punished if we failed to repay our debts, not only our own loans, but personal guarantee we gave to financial institution for third party's debt, which can be your friend, relative, or your own company where you may be one of the directors.Failure to repay would end up in bankruptcy.

Debt is a debt and must be repaid. If the borrower is not able to repay on time than the loan should be rescheduled to ease the borrower's burden.

Politicians should not set bad example by defending these rogue borrowers, who, obviously, have no intention of repaying the loans from the very beginning.

Legal action should be taken against the loan defaulters. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

DAP Wayang Kulit

Hantu Laut

Indeed, what Tunku Aziz says here is not far from the truth, exaggerated and excessively dramatic, the DAP theatrics.

What grave injustice and abuse of power  against you when you cheated some of your members of their rights to vote?

You continue to cheat the people by proselytising lies into truth and truth into lies.

Accused the government of cheating in the recent polls, when you have not been entirely honest yourself.

Can you be trusted to be part of the big government?

DAP will continue to play the wayang kulit to hoodwink the people that they are being victimised by ROS and the government. 

I agree calling on PM Najib Tun Razak to guarantee that the party won't be de-registered is mischievous.

Sadly, too many Malaysians believe in this wayang kulit.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

One Stupid DAP MP Against Construction Of A Mosque

Hantu Laut

One stupid and insensitive DAP MP against mosque construction with stupid excuse of azan disturbing the people's sleep. 

I am not a religious person, but this kind of stupidity is going to cause unnecessary racial and religious tension.

The kampong people sounded smarter than him, telling him that dogs barking also disturb their sleep and even worse dog barking can be incessant or sporadic throughout the night.

Azan only occurred twice after sundown, once in the evening just after dusk (maghrib) and every morning just before dawn (subuh). There is another one at night after 8 p.m (isyak), but some mosques do not sound the azan as the worshippers who came for the maghrib prayers usually stayed on for the isyak prayer.Most azan lasted less than 5 minutes.

Obviously, he is too thick to understand the imputation.

Watch the video:

What say you, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and SakmongkolAK47 ?

Azan (call to prayer) below.

DAP has 38 seats in Parliament making it the second largest political party in the country after UMNO. 

In the old days, before the dawn of cheap amplifiers, almost all azan were done unplugged, maybe mosque committees should consider turning down the volume or go back to the good old days.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Shithead's Minority Government!

Hantu Laut

From Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang to the smallest fry, they keep referring to the Najib's government as minority government.

Do they understand what a minority government is?

Here, Anwar claimed "we won the elections"

Here, Guan Eng claimed "we are the majority"

Ironically, there are hundreds of articles that appeared in news portal and blogs that portrayed BN as minority government

It doesn't take much to cajole and fool the average Malaysians including the over-educated ones because they are just too lazy to do their own homework preferring to be spoon-fed by whoever they fancy.

Najib's government, by any stretch of your imagination, is not a minority government. For all intents and purposes, it is a majority government. Only in a hung parliament situation or where no clear majorities are obtained by any parties would a minority government be formed.

A minority government exists where it lacked outright majority of seats and depends for its survival on the support of other parties or independents who hold the balance of power in the  lower house.

Without formal coalition being formed among the parties concerned, a minority government is the only solution to a functioning parliament. It is usually given to the party with the largest number of seats and supported by smaller parties or independents to form a minority government. This form of government is most unstable and can collapse anytime if the other parties withdraw their supports. 

Unlike Pakatan Rakyat, BN is a single legal entity and won 133 seats giving it a comfortable majority of 22 more seats over the finishing line of 111 seats. Any party that finished beyond 111 seats can form the government under the "first past the post" system. 

Don't let these shitheads fool you with their own ignorance and melodramatic jingle of the meaning of  "minority government"

It ain't true !

Najib's government is duly elected by the people and is a majority government. 

They can FO with their claim of popular votes, because our electoral system does not work that way and they knew it fully well, but can you blame these kiddos........a bunch of sore losers and a chieftain with a chronic sore throat and a congenital liar.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is DAP Eying The Prime Minister's Post ?

                                                                DAP's Darth Vader

Hantu Laut

DAP would field Malay candidates in a number of places to reflect the party multi-racialism stance and bolster Malay supports. 

Is that all it is, or it has other more sinister agenda?

Malaysiakini reported here today that the party would field UMNO renegade Mohd Ariff Sabri, a former UMNO assemblyman for Pulau Manis in Pahang as candidate for the Raub parliamentary constituency. Sabri fell out with Najib for not being selected as candidate in the 12th GE (General Elections). He is also a blogger known as SakmongkolAK47 and regularly used his blog to deliver brutal attacks on Najib and UMNO. Seen as a lightweight, a nobody and not a threat, those in UMNO ignored his rambling.

Another strong advocate of DAP is Aspan Alias, another UMNO dropout with a deep vengeance to make it even with UMNO. He  may also be chosen to stand as candidate. His blog "Aspan Alias" also regularly delivers tirades of abuses against his former party. 

DAP also announced that the party would field Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji, a member of the Pahang royal house, as candidate for Mentakab state assembly seat. 

DAP, might have missed a heartbeat, not all member of the royal household are popular with the people.

Will DAP field more Malay puppets on a string to fulfil its ambition to be the leading party in Pakatan Rakyat.

I expect DAP to also field Malay candidates in Perak and Selangor, where it has better chance of becoming the lead party and DAP menteri besar could become a reality. 

I called it to "circumnavigate the constitution" and sail through the loophole. Most state constitution in Peninsula Malaysia, with the exception of Melaka and Penang, only allow Malay Muslim as menteri besar.

It seems obvious DAP leaders are focused of getting the premiership for its party. The only way they can achieve this is to have Malay members of parliament in the party.

In the event they garnered more federal seats than PKR and PAS, the party can demand the PM post be given to its Malay MP. 

This, maybe, the umpteenth time, I say DAP will be the biggest gainer in the 13th GE. Whether Pakatan makes it to Putrajaya or not, is another story.

Monday, March 25, 2013

DAP Johnny-Come-Lately Arrogant F--kers

Hantu Laut

If he can be so arrogant before he captures Federal power what would you imagine he can do when he has real Federal power?

Lim Guan Eng has grown too big for his boots. A little success has screwed up his brain. Arrogant to the core.

Arrogance is a cover up for insecurities that leads people to sickness of mind and unpredictable behaviour.Arrogant people perceived themselves as more valuable and superior than others. They are always on tenterhooks. Story here.

No government in the world offer free airtime on TV for politicians or political parties. You want it you have to pay and TV airtime does not come cheap. 

They complained about it, they asked for it, they ridiculed the government for lack of freedom of speech and when offered they declined with reproachable rudeness.

Born in the barn type behaviour. You don't want you can decline graciously.

I hope the Chinese community change their minds towards this bunch of arrogant johnny-come-lately politicians whose real concern is not the welfare of the people but their insatiable greed for power. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Najib: Please Send Lim Guan Eng and Tian Chua To Lahad Datu To Protect Us Sabahans.

Hantu Laut 

They talk too much and do too little. 

They shoot their mouth off before they shoot their brains. Everything, A to Z, is about politics.  

They practically think they are already in Putrajaya.

They make comment like "why kick out one unarmed Aussie lawmaker and not take immediate action to shoot and kill 100 Filipinos armed intruders." extemporaneously, without bothering to find out the crux of the matter. 

They all know the weaselling and lying Aussie came here to help his buddy Anwar Ibrahim to give this country a bad name and can do more harm than the 100 armed men which incident should be handled with great care.

These assholes think they are being clever. They think the security force should just shoot and kill the armed intruders without first giving them a chance to withdraw peacefully and to return to their homeland.

These assholes from the oppositions do not care about the safety of us Sabahans, all they care is politics and how to grab political power, whatever the means. 

They do not care that there are 500,000 or, maybe more, of these people already in the state that can undermine the security of the state and endanger the lives of Sabahans. They simply shoot their mouths from the comfort of their West Malaysian caves to gain political mileage without caring for the inimical danger Sabahans would be subjected to if the standoff was badly handled

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng whose head has grown bigger than the gusty hot air ballon demanded that Home Minister Hishammuddin Onn should resign if he can't resolve the stand off in double quick time. This guy lives in Penang and farts through his mouth. Though, I don't think much of  our Home Minister, this incident is much more delicate and should be handled with extreme care. He alone can't act as commander-in-chief.

Here, another loud mouth good for nothing master forger and a chauvinist pig accusing the government of staging the whole incident to divert attention. Lest he forgets the Philippines government had already informed the Malaysian government that the group of armed men went to Sabah at the invitation of an opposition leader.

The only opposition leader who has met former MILF chief Nur Misuari and has been his friend since his UMNO days is Anwar Ibrahim, not that I believe he has a hand in this unfortunate incident.

The blame should fall squarely on the shoulders of  our Prime Minister, the oppositions and a number of BN leaders like Bernard Dompok who were overly vocal and instrumental in getting the government to conduct the RCI, which do not weather well with the Suluk people, thinking they would be forced out of Sabah after conclusion of the RCI.

A message for Najib from the pretender to the throne, the Sultanate of Sulu.

Past leaders have refused to conduct RCI because of the very same reason, that the safety of Sabahans must come first before the political expediency of a few selfish politicians like Dompok, who is expected to lose his seat if he contests in Penampang.

Najib should take full responsibility if anything untoward happen to Sabahans arising out of the anger of these migrant people who felt their tenancy here are being threatened.

There are other ways to handle the illegal immigrants problem in Sabah without disturbing the hornet's nest and jeopardising the security and safety of the people and the state.

Najib has become a "YES" man to the oppositions, succumbed to their every demand, from abolishing the ISA to RCI  on illegals in Sabah and much more, which is now backfiring right in his face. 

He gave away too much to the oppositions and what did they give him in return? Instead of thanking him, they taunt, provoke and ridicule him and make fun of every step he took with little respect for courtesy and protocol. His wife has become the punchline and punching bag of the oppositions. As affable as he is he has become the butt of every joke by the oppositions.

May I suggest to our dear Prime Minister, since the two opposition leaders are so smart, so macho, why not send Lim Guan Eng and Tian Chua to Lahad Datu to face the 100 armed men and see how skillfull they are in dealing with such situation.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Conceited Guan Eng Getting Too Big For His Boots

Hantu Laut

Who is Lim Guan Eng to decide who should be the prime minister of Malaysia should Pakatan wins the 13th GE? 

Here, he beckoned Anwar must be made the PM because he does not trust PAS at the helm.

Does he know who will carry the majority number of seats before he insists that Anwar be made the prime minister. By right and by convention the partner with majority seats should get to keep the premiership.If PAS gets more seats than PKR and DAP, the premiership should go to them.

Guan Eng forgets that to get rid of Anwar other than PAS MPs, arch-rival UMNO MPs can join PAS to pass vote of no confidence against Anwar as prime minister. So, Guan Eng, I suggest you think very carefully before you open your big mouth to embarrass yourself. You have no power to appoint Anwar as prime minister other than cheap attempt to fool DAP voters that your party have a big say in the appointment. You don't, unless you think the BN will be a complete wipeout in the 13th GE (General Elections).

I am sure Guan Eng himself must have dreamt of becoming the prime minister if DAP gets the majority as nothing in the Constitution can stop a non-Malay from becoming prime minister. Of course, the Malays won't take it laying down.

This conceited and arrogant man is getting too big for his boots.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

His Highness Lim Guan Eng !

Hantu Laut

Curtsy, is the female equivalent of male bowing in Western culture. It is also "traditional gesture of an inferior to a superior", what a good servant would accord her master or mistress due respect.

The practice has become less common now, only left for the preserve of showing respect to royalty and by people in show business........ musicians, actors, comedians and the ilk, usually at the end of a performance to show gratitude and respect to the audience.

Lim Guan Eng, the Dear Leader of the soon to be Dominion Republic of Penang was given due reverence and respect, usually accorded to kings and emperors, by a lady who bobbed a curtsy when she met him at a function in Penang.

Anyway, curtsy is not an Asian culture. The right thing for the lady to do if she wanted to show reverence to Guan Eng, is for her to emulate the old Chinese culture of "kou tou"or  to bow the head low as to touch the ground.

If you curtsy, you don't shake hands. A very confused lass.

Picture speak a thousand words.

His deputy Mansor Othman wasn't wrong when he called Guan Eng a "tokong". The Penang Chinese as in the case of the young girl revered him with deep respect.  

Is Guan Eng a cult in the making?

Phnom Penh

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Guan Eng Is Cocky !

Hantu Laut

Is Lim Guan Eng cocky? Was Mansor Othman the first one to express his annoyance at this man?

It's obvious Mansor Othman must have been pressured by the supreme head of PKR to deny what he said and for him to now say "I don't think Guan Eng is cocky" His feebleness here. No! I only called him a "tokong" revered by the people of Penang.

Let me Guan Eng cocky?

Ask the media that he banned from his press conference for what he perceives as pro-Barisan media and not giving him fair reporting. Is he so perfect to think that he is a consummated darling of the media.

If you are a politician be prepared to be rankled by the press. If you can't accept criticism, don't become politician, just be an ordinary "Ah Chong" and nobody cares a damn about what you do.

Ask Tungku Aziz for the impudent treatment he gets from this cocky new kid on the block, which Aziz described as escaping from the "tyranny of a demagogue" when he resigned from DAP. He publicly insulted this respectable elder for voicing his opinion against Bersih, a frivolity that wiser leaders would not be bothered with.

Ask the Johorians when they were steaming with anger when Guan Eng sickened Johor as a crime-infested state, unsafe for foreign investors and tourists as compared to Penang.

This tiny man form a tiny land has got so carried away he now think he is God's anointed leader of the Chinese, loved and revered by the community.

Yes, Guan Eng is cocky, without any doubt.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Stand By Your Man - "My Husband Is No Chua Soi Lek"

Hantu Laut

She was asked to clear the air of what was reported in various blogs about her husband's indiscretion and her bashing his lover and kicking her out of his office.

It is normal to seek clarification in parliament or state assembly on issues effecting the government.No elected member should lose a night's sleep over such matter unless there is some truth to it. 

A simple "NO" for an answer would have sufficed and case closed. Why the guttering, politicising and blowing the issue out of proportion?

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's wife Betty Chew blew her top when asked by Malacca MCA chief Gan Tian Loo in the state assembly about her husband's infidelity.

"I am no Chua Soi Lek" Lim Guan Eng says and repeated by his wife "My husband is no Chua Soi Lek" here.

Poor Chua has become the most whacked philanderer by women who wish to stand by their man, guilty or otherwise. 

Pakatan men don't screw around nor are they corrupted, they are as clean as the whistle, only those from BN are, and, of course, the biggest fuckers and the most venal are in UMNO.

What has Chua got to do with another MCA elected member's screw-up? Don't you think Chua is a real man for owning up? Many would have lied through their teeth to save their skin.

Remember the spitting image of the man with a China doll in the sex video? Pakatan leaders say it was a fake, the wife says it was a fake, the daughter says it was a fake but the expert says was not a fake, it was him, it was the same man but than experts are human, can make mistakes. Pakatan leaders are humans too, but mistakes, they don't make.

There seems to be a pattern in the Pakatan's camp of wives coming to the rescue of their husband's straying, true or false, does not matter, must stand by your man.

 Anwar Ibrahim is one very lucky man to have an unwavering wife, stood by him, through thick and thin.

In Pakatan, it's family business as usual.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Spooky Tales Of Pakatan Leaders Of Murder And Assassination.

Hantu Laut

The spooky tales of Pakatan leaders of threats to their "life and limb" by elements in UMNO and Perkasa, so they say.

From Anwar Ibrahim who took refuge at the Turkish embassy for fear of assassination after the sodomy accusation here to death threat to her daughter Nurul Izzah's life here and murder attempt again on Anwar here

Believe it or not it is a dangerous world they live in. Has Malaysia become the "Wild Wild West" where political duel are settled with a bullet in your head? 

Not for the first time, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng again had a brush with death here and slammed the police here for not giving him adequate protection.After calling the police all sort of names what do you expect. 

This is a dangerous country get you own bodyguards Mr Lim.If that's not enough carry your own gun for added protection which you are permitted to as a chief minister.

Bersih mastermind and chief operating officer S.Ambiga is again in the limelight yet with another death threat sent to her through email.The last thing anyone would use to send a death threat or warn you of impending threat to your life is an email. It'll take the police minutes to trace the sender and what did this smart or not so smart lawyer do, she withheld the identity of the sender in order to protect the source.

How are the police going to do their work if you withheld evidence that have come into your possession. If you don't trust the police why make a police report in the first place?

The email sent to her read "Beware hired guns out to kill you" and claimed that a particular group had contracted two thugs to terminate her .Reported here.

This was a second death threat the Bersih leader received this year.

From the day Anwar took refuge in the Turkish Embassy till today he is still alive and kicking, so is the daughter, so is Lim Guan Eng and of course not forgetting our dear lady Ambiga who again is in imminent danger of being assassinated.

Well, what can one say, it all make a good script for a Hollywood blockbuster.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My Pick Of The Week - Stop The Lies

Lim Guan Eng, The CM Who Can’t Take Criticism

by Stop The Lies

Lim Guan Eng is losing the plot. Everytime something goes wrong for his government in Penang, he blames Umno or the previous government.
If that does not work, then he resorts to this: The BN government also do the same what. Why don’t you blame them? Why you only blame me? Not fair! Media lynching!
Well, @cmlimguaneng, we expect more from you because you and your party are so good at criticising others for corruption, incompetence, environmental mistakes, lack of transparency etc.
Now that you are in charge and with overwhelming powers to do the right thing, you instead do what the BN used to do – allow the developers to do as they like. Grab state land and rape the hills.
He blames the papers for playing up the hill projects but the media is merely reporting the complaints of Penang residents who have protested against landslides near their homes because of hill projects.
He claimed his government had not approved any hill projects but the landslide caused by the hill project was found to have been approved by his government. He lies as well as his opponents in the BN. Read more

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Guan Eng, How DAP Took Control Of Penang And You Becoming The Chief Minister If There Never Was Free And Fair Elections In Malaysia?

Hantu Laut

DAP's only prominent Malay member Tungku Abdul Aziz came under fire from DAP Secretary General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for his opposition to Bersih demonstration.He was a lone voice in his party and the coalition of liars.

Tunku Aziz said “My opposition to this kind of demonstration is — we are encouraging people to break the law and we are supposed to be lawmakers."

Not asking himself how DAP took control of Penang and he becoming the chief minister if there was never free and fair election,  Guan Eng said  "I am therefore compelled to publicly chastise Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz’s irresponsible remarks opposing Bersih’s right to assemble peacefully... to press for clean, free, fair and independent elections."

Who was right, you or Tunku Aziz about the possibility of protesters breaking the law, violence and civil unrest ?

You see, all these Pakatan leaders are just "full of shits" including the holier than thou Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz who is as old as the hills but refused to give up his chief ministership because he thinks Kelantan is only safe under his stewardship.

A religious man of contradiction, he has forgotten PAS's past rebukes of UMNO, calling UMNO leaders "Orang-orang Islam yang berkongsi dengan orang-orang kafir untuk memerintah negara menjadi kafir atau haram".(Muslims who share power with the infidels to govern a nation are also infidels and committed sin against Islam) and Nik Aziz himself said "UMNO komunis dan serupa Ayah Pin" (UMNO is communist and like Ayah Pin) 

Let me ask Nik Aziz what is PAS doing sleeping  in the same bed with DAP? Does it mean all PAS leaders including himself are infidels?

Let me ask Guan Eng how can DAP took over control of Penang and he becoming the chief minister if there never was free and fair elections in Malaysia?

Guan Eng, let's have some answers!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pakatan:A Den Of Iniquity

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim instigated students to demonstrate against the PTPTN. Is he suffering from dementia?

He pretty well screwed his chance of becoming the prime minister because is now seen as a pathological liar.

Here, Rocky Bru revealed was transpired in Parliament in 1997. Extract from the Hansard here.

Anwar was then DPM and second most powerful man in UMNO and the government, the other jokers, Lim Kit Siang and his son Lim Guan Eng all supported the PTPTN with gusto.

All three telling egregious lie. Vote them at your own peril.

Desperate needs, desperate measures!

Monkey see, monkey do.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Guan Eng Must Protect His Family Good Name.

Hantu Laut

Guan Eng said today he was furious with the “barbaric lies” made about his teenage son by “pro-Umno ferocious beasts” and singled out Khairy Jamaluddin and other party leaders for perpetuating the allegations through snide comments on blogs and social media sites......Malaysian Insider.

The boy's grandfather Lim Kit Siang called it "gutter politics of the lowest I have seen in over 40 years of politics"

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said it showed that UMNO leaders know no limits when it comes to clinging to power attacking not just leaders but their families.

Pakatan's leader and their families are like prophets, infallible to a fault, they have not and would not sin.

The question is why was the boy moved to another school if there were no truth to the story purportedly fabricated by UMNO.There are only three reasons I can think of why a student moved to another school. First, would be logistic, moving to a school nearer to where he stays, or he has shown to be unfit student and his presence has become untenable for the school and fellow students and, lastly, he is too bright for the school and need to move to a better school.

I am against slander whichever side it comes from, more so, if the person is a juvenile but if you are a public figure than you should expect that your whole family would be under scrutiny.

I am surprised that Pakatan leaders think they and members of their families have immunity against public scrutiny and odium.Are such opprobrium reserved only for BN leaders and the public should close their eyes and refrained from the disapprobation of Pakatan's leaders?

Who is Anwar to even dare comment on the case when his philandering ways are available all over the Internet and yet the holies of holies inexhaustibly still defended him and accused UMNO leaders of fabricating his entire sexual escapades.

It appears that Pakatan leaders consider illicit sex among politicians and public figures not morally wrong as long as they come from Pakatan.It is only wrong if it concerned BN leaders.

Watch the video below and see who are the gutter politicians?

Calling a press conference based on SD of a person of questionable character.

Who doctored this?

Now you know why he wants hudud in this country!

Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.

Lim Guan Eng should take legal action against the perpetrators of his family good name.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lim Guan Eng Sees Red Over Hitler's Doppleganger.

Hantu Laut

He must have seen Hitler's doppleganger the night before.

Irresponsible and dangerous.This is how DAP garner supports, by sowing the seed of racial discord.

Malaysians, particularly the Chinese community should be ashamed of this man.Simply use subject he has little understanding of and unconcerned with the dangerous fallout of his incendiary rhetoric.

It is most shocking that he could compare Malaysia the same as Nazi Germany.I don't need to elaborate any further on this man and his rabble king father's hidden motive.
It is indeed race baiting.

To drive a wedge between the Malays and Chinese.

Lim is fishing in troubled waters and may have misread the whole thing.It may have a reverse psychological effect, making the Malays more determined to unite to counter the DAP threat.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Guan Eng, Aru You Joking Or What? Race Not A Factor.

Hantu Laut

Race is not a factor says Lim Guan Eng about the Sarawak elections here.

Would you believe him or would you let him pulled that wool over your eyes that race was not a factor! How in hell can DAP garnered 12 seats and PKR only 3 and PAS 0, if the people did not vote on racial line.

This father and son team is truly amazing. Drowning in their own stupefying intelligence.Do they think Malaysians are that stupid?

He said “Those trying to twist the result into a racial issue are acting irresponsibly. The results of the 2011 Sarawak Election have proven that the desire and movement for change is not confined to one community alone but spread across the various communities of Sarawak"


Who is he trying to fool saying
“All Sarawakians declared in a loud voice that they have had enough of Taib and his brand of monopolistic politics"

Without doubts the oppositions have made some inroads but did Taib not get two-thirds majority and most Malays and non-Malay natives voted for his party? Did or not the majority in PBB contested areas increased more than in previous elections? Did PBB candidates lose any of the seats contested?

If what he says is true why than PKR and PAS did not do well in Sarawak?

While BN successfully retained its two-thirds majority its popular vote dipped by eight per cent to 54.5 per cent, indicating that its hold over the hornbill state, long considered its “fixed deposit”, slipped considerably.

That drop of 8 percent was mainly Chinese votes so don't try that statistical trick.

Even Bridget Welsh analysis using the term semi-rural instead of semi-urban is a spoof. She failed to mention significant Chinese presence in these areas that helped to swing the votes to the opposition.

Guan Eng, who you trying to fool, there is serious racial polarisation in the country. You and your father had a hand in it other than those in Perkasa,Utusan and UMNO.

You and your father have chosen subtle brainwashing and indoctrination to rile up the emotions of the Chinese in this country.

Believe me, unless something out of the ordinary happened between now and PRU13, DAP will get almost all Chinese seats.

After that, you can come back and tell me if race is not a factor.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Umno denies lying, says six mosques dropped King’s name

By G. Manimaran
Bahasa Malaysia Editon

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 — Penang Umno has denied lying about state Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s name replacing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in Friday sermons, saying that it has happened in six mosques since last February.

State liaison deputy chief Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman told The Malaysian Insider that he was unsure if Guan Eng knew of the trend but disclosed that six mosques had used the term “Chief Minister” or “Lim Guan Eng” in their sermons to replace that of the King, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.

The mosques are Masjid Jalan Baru in Seberang Prai Tengah which mentioned Lim’s name on Aug 13, Masjid Padang Menora, Seberang Prai Utara (June 25), Masjid Pengkalan Tambang, Permatang Pasir (in May), Masjid Jamek Jelutong, George Town (in April) and Masjid Permatang Binjai, Kepala Batas (Feb 26).

“And yesterday, Lim Guan Eng’s name was mentioned at the Masjid Kubang Buaya, in Butterworth by imam Ustaz Zakaria Ahmad... it was still being used despite media reports about the issue,” he said in a telephone interview yesterday.

“This is not an issue that was created, it actually happened,” said Zainal Abidin, who sits on the powerful Umno supreme council.

He also criticised DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for saying Umno and its newspaper Utusan Malaysia had created stories and racial ill-feelings towards the Penang government.

“It isn’t good for Lim Kit Siang to say we created this on purpose. Now there is proof, what are they going to say,” he said, asking the PR leaders to retract their statements.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak told the police and Penang Islamic Religious Council last night to conduct a full investigation into the matter, saying action must be taken against those responsible under the existing rules.

“I ask that this matter be fully investigated; who did it ... as the delivering of Friday sermons is determined by the state Islamic Religious Council and people are not allowed to use our own script,” he had said.

PR leaders have denied the Penang government had directed Guan Eng’s name be used to replace the King’s name but admitted it has been used by guest prayers leaders, who are out of their control.

Meanwhile, Zainal Abidin said Anwar had purposely defamed Umno by claimimg Penang Umno chief Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid’s accusation was unsubstantiated as he had read the text of the sermons.

“Kit Siang should also retract his statement as this is something that happens at the grassroots,” he said, adding the practice of not mentioning the King’s name had started before Election 2008.

“Before the 2008 general elections, several mosques controlled by PAS did not mention the name of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Governor but after the 2008 general elections, it has become a normal phenomenon in Penang,” he added.

He described it as a bad act that can divide the people in the state especially the Muslims.

“It is as though we don’t acknowledge the existence of royalty and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. This is not good,” said Zainal Abidin.

When asked if the chief minister’s name was mentioned with the knowledge of Guan Eng, Zainal Abidin said he was unsure.

“I still believe ... Umno hopes the State Islamic Affairs Council, that every order made by the head of the State Islamic Affairs Council, is not influenced or controlled directly or indirectly by the Penang Chief Minister.

“We take a serious view ... the Islamic Affairs Council must control and ensure the sermon text is read fully. They must have full control,” he said, adding people must disregard the past and follow the decision of the Penang Islamic Affairs Council.

The Sermon Writing Committee is headed by the Penang Mufti Datuk Hassan Ahmad.

Zainal Abidin also said that those delivering the sermons should get approval from the Penang Islamic Affairs Council even they were guest prayer leaders.

He said this in response to an Utusan Malaysia report yesterday which quoted the Masjid Jamek Padang Menora imam Ibrahim Ishak as admitting that a guest prayer leader had mentioned the chief minister’s name when reading the Friday sermon recently.

The prayer leader had invoked Allah to open Guan Eng’s heart to accept Islam as his faith, the imam told the Umno-owned newspaper.

Ibrahim also admitted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s name was not mentioned and he had censured the prayer leader for his mistake.

The imam had also said the mosque has a guest prayer leader to deliver the sermons every month, which will include a prayer for national leaders.

The Sinar Harian newspaper had quoted Jelutong Umno chief Abu Kassim Ismail as saying that sermons mentioning Guan Eng’s name is not new and has occurred between two and three months ago.

Zainal Abidin said the spate of incidents showed that guest prayer leaders must get permission from the state’s Islamic Affairs Council before being allowed to work.

“Don’t use the chief minister’s name in a sermon. Don’t use it in a prayer, if it is for good, OK but what if it is used to criticise, then it will cause dissension,” he added.

Malaysian Insider

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lim Guan Eng's Benevolent Fund

Hantu Laut

Penang state government is giving 'ang pows' to senior citizens.Whether wealthy geriatrics would also get the payment I am not sure.Maybe, Lim can enlighten us.

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng called it Senior Citizen Appreciation programme.I call it vote buying. Buying political favour using state funds.

It should be called Lim Guan Eng's Benevolent Fund because a personal letter from him will be enclosed with every cash voucher send to the recipient.Lim will be the first Santa Claus chief minister in Malaysia.

Read the letter below and make your own assessment if it is not long term plan to buy political favour.In other words a well thought out political corruptions.

Dear Sir/ Mdm,

Penang Senior Citizens Appreciation Program of RM100 Annually

As a people-centric government, the Penang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) State government continually endeavours to listen to the people, do the people’s work and give hope to all. A people-centric government can be achieved through 3Es-to enable, empower and enrich the people.

  • Enable the people with the skills, knowledge and education to provide equal opportunity for all to create wealth.
  • Empower the people with fundamental rights, basic freedom and responsibilities with full observance for the rule of law.
  • Enrich the people by sharing wealth and economic benefits to persue socio-economic justice.

For the first time in Penang’s history, senior citizens above 60 years old residing in Penang shall receive RM100 annually. This is a symbolic gift from the Penang PR State government to all senior citizens for their contributions and efforts that have allowed Penang to enjoy its success today whether in the field of socio-economy or unity in diversity amongst our plural society.

The Penang PR state government can afford to do so as we have been rigorously adopting a prudent budget, strict savings and good governance based on CAT- Competency, Accountability and Transparency. CAT governance has gained recognition from international bodies such as Transparency International that praised a state government in Malaysia for the first time ever. The 2008 Auditor-General’s report also praised the success of the Penang PR State Government in turning around a projected 2008 Budget deficit of RM35 million to a record surplus of RM88 million and a projected 2009 Budget deficit of RM40 million to a surplus of RM77 million.

We regret that our political opponents have tried to sabotage this RM 100 cash appreciation program by describing giving money to senior citizens as an act of bribery and corruption. However we shall continue with this program and are prepared to face any investigation or action by the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Agency(MACC).

The RM100 cash appreciation to the senior citizens continues the Penang PR government’s tradition of giving to the people such as the RM100 water rebates to the nearly 170,000 low-income families in 2008-2009. Lest you think that you will be forgotten when you grow old- Remember that so long as Penang PR government exists, you will always be in our heart!

God Bless You!

Yours faithfully,

Lim Guan Eng ,Penang Chief Minister

This brought me back to the reign of Tun Mustapha Harun in Sabah in the sixties and seventies when every Sabahan get paid annual dividend.

Even back then Mustapha's lack of education did not stupefy him to blatantly use state funds to buy favour.He was much smarter. He set up a foundation to do business to pay every eligible Sabahan.

The scheme in Sabah at that time was more sophisticated.Every eligible Sabahan was made shareholder of the Sabah Foundation. Operating under a group of companies its main revenue came from forestry business.Dividends were paid out of the profits made by these companies.If profits were low no dividend would be paid.Unfortunately, the scheme was abolished by the succeeding government.

If Lim is really concerned about the welfare of senior citizens than he should give them a monthly payment and only to those who are poor and have no sustainable income.

Why should he wants to enclose a personal letter from himself? As it is state money any officer in the State Treasury can sign the letter.

It's pure and simple, he wants them to know he is the giver.The benevolent Lim Guan Eng.He would become a cult figure like the late Mustapha Harun, very popular with the populace particularly the older generation.Those days Mustapha could stand in an elections in any areas (except Kadazan and Chinese areas) in Sabah and win overwhelmingly.

In his letter he also mentioned due to prudent financial planning the state has surplus budgets two years running. Too much surplus budget means the government is not doing enough for the people and has not been spending enough for the benefits of the people.There must have been less development projects in Penang since Pakatan took over.

The US government budget deficit ran into trillion of dollars yet it is still one of the richest country in the world.

The capitalist system and free market economy will not survive without spending of both public and private sectors.The eventual result of continual less spending and high surpluses would be negative economic growth and a decaying economy.You have a healthy looking balance sheet at the expense of growth.

Government, as long as it is not overgeared, can borrow to finance development projects for the people, there is nothing wrong with it.It is only wrong if it has to borrow to finance its recurring expenditure.

That's Pakatan Rakyat for you.Only two years in office already doing better than the BN as far as corruptions are concerned.

Of course, Pakatan supporters would say it is not corruptions.I think it is good money going to waste.These days how far can you stretch RM100 over a year.

If it is not vote buying than what is it? The worst thing it is geared for the Malay community because being the biggest population in the country there are more poor Malays than poor Chinese or Indians.

Lim Guan Eng has worked out that votes may not come free in the next elections.