Showing posts with label Muslim Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim Nations. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

Was Washington Behind Egypt's Coup ?

The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian Armed forces was not carried out against US interests, it was instigated to ensure “continuity” on behalf of Washington.
“[US Defense Secretary] Hagel and [US Chief of Staff General] Dempsey were walking a fine line … expressing concern while attempting to avoid the impression that the U.S. was manipulating events behind the scenes.” (, July 3, 2013)
The protest movement is directed against the US and its proxy Muslim Brotherhood regime.
The Muslim Brotherhood had been spearheaded into the government with the support of Washington as a“replacement” rather than an “alternative” to Hosni Mubarak, who had faithfully obeyed the orders of the Washington Consensus from the outset of his presidency.
While the Armed Forces have cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood,  the Coup d’Etat is ultimately intended to manipulate the protest movement and prevent the accession of a “real people’s government”.  The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian Armed forces was not carried out against US interests, it was instigated to ensure “continuity” on behalf of Washington.
“Demonstrators carried hand-made posters denouncing Obama and his pro-Muslim Brotherhood Cairo Ambassador, Anne Patterson.” (F. William Engdahl, Global Research, July 4, 2013).  

The Muslim Brotherhood and the CIA

Western intelligence agencies have a longstanding history of collaboration with the Brotherhood.  Britain’s support of the Brotherhood instrumented  through the British Secret Service dates back to the 1940s. Starting in the 1950s, according to former intelligence official William Baer, “The CIA [funneled] support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of “the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.”1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

One Stupid DAP MP Against Construction Of A Mosque

Hantu Laut

One stupid and insensitive DAP MP against mosque construction with stupid excuse of azan disturbing the people's sleep. 

I am not a religious person, but this kind of stupidity is going to cause unnecessary racial and religious tension.

The kampong people sounded smarter than him, telling him that dogs barking also disturb their sleep and even worse dog barking can be incessant or sporadic throughout the night.

Azan only occurred twice after sundown, once in the evening just after dusk (maghrib) and every morning just before dawn (subuh). There is another one at night after 8 p.m (isyak), but some mosques do not sound the azan as the worshippers who came for the maghrib prayers usually stayed on for the isyak prayer.Most azan lasted less than 5 minutes.

Obviously, he is too thick to understand the imputation.

Watch the video:

What say you, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and SakmongkolAK47 ?

Azan (call to prayer) below.

DAP has 38 seats in Parliament making it the second largest political party in the country after UMNO. 

In the old days, before the dawn of cheap amplifiers, almost all azan were done unplugged, maybe mosque committees should consider turning down the volume or go back to the good old days.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dont Be The Cow That Plough The Bog

Hantu Laut

This country moving towards becoming a truly Islamic state is looking brighter than ever if Pakatan win the Federal government in the 13th GE (General Elections).

That's why PAS is adamant with their plan to implement hudud, they know it's a matter of time before they get what they want. On the other hand DAP ......was it miscalculation or deception? 

DAP thirst for power have made their leaders hammy actors lying to their community with complete disregard of the community cultural and religious practices.

DAP has assured the non-Muslims, particularly the Chinese, that hudud can never be implemented in this county without their blessing and those of the other non-Muslim MPs. 

This, looking at the probables, is wishful thinking.

Can Muslims garner two-thirds in Parliament?

I believe they can.

They now have, if my guesstimate is not wrong, between 136 - 140 Muslim MPs. The magic number, the DAP perceived elusive target of 148........ the trigger off point needed to amend the Constitution is only short by a hair's breadth.  The number would increase if DAP fields Muslim candidates in the 13th GE, which they have promised to do without realising the repercussions of its deception.

They can get the numbers and hudud can become a reality in Malaysia and it will not be PAS that will call the shot. It will come from UMNO MPs  throwing their supports behind PAS to spite the non-Muslims. They have more to gain by supporting hudud than opposing it. The extra numbers will come from DAP itself, by way of Muslim candidates fielded by them.

There is a Malay saying "alang-alang mandi biar basah" which will make UMNO MPs throw their support for hudud to teach  Pakatan supporters a lesson they will soon learn not appropriate in a pluralistic society.

Buying and selling of politicians in this country is no F-Word, as can be seen by recent events. 

Anwar Ibrahim, the purveyor of good moral values with his constant histrionic outbursts against corruptions, has inducted many ex-UMNO politicians into the "Pariah's Hall of Fame". See who are the people he collects to join him in his crusade against corruptions ? 

As abominating as it can be, there will always be the opportunistic ones who are prepared to sell their souls to the devil.

It will not be too difficult to get a few non-Muslim ass-kissers to join in the fray for hudud.

Do you want to be cowed into believing that hudud is not possible or you want to be the cow that refused to plough the bog?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muslims Outrage:The Film That Killed US Ambassador To Libya

Hantu Laut

I was shocked and speechless watching such derogatory and demeaning portrayal of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

It's just too bad they killed an innocent man, the US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other US officials for the sins of his fellow American.

Islam and Muslims can't and will not accept or tolerate any form of desecration of the prophet. A plight that the U.S government knew but refused to accept instead putting American supremacy ahead in its foreign relation dealing with Islamic countries. 

The might is right attitude of the U.S is the root cause of the turmoil with Muslims throughout the world.

That's the price you have to pay for ignorance, arrogance and stupidity.

What are the American government going to do? 

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Are they just going to let the provocateurs who made the film go scot free and let Muslim outrage spread throughout the world and endanger more American lives?

They would claim it's freedom of expression and nothing they can do.

This is America, land of the free, where bigots, sectarians and racists roam free. 

Below is the controversial film and most unfair portrayal of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Islam.

Warning: Readers discretion required.Not for the faint hearted.

Malaysians, beware of too much freedom! 

You'll get this kind of dastardly act of not respecting other people's religion.

Read here a letter from concerned Muslims in Malaysia

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kit Siang, Don't Belittle The Special Branch Report

Hantu Laut

It is irresponsible of Lim Kit Siang and other Pakatan leaders to ignore the Special Branch report of possible infiltration of subversive elements in PAS, DAP and PKR, accusing the government of spinning the story. 

Instead, Kit Siang should start his party's own investigation before he simply discard it as a ploy by the government to demonise the opposition. Story here.

For start, maybe, Kit Siang should explain the spate of protests and demonstrations that started with Hindraf and culminated in tension and chaos with BERSIH 3, organised under the guise of peaceful demonstration for free and fair elections. 

If Malaysia's elections are truly rotten how come his son can become the Chief Minister of Penang and the state came under DAP control. The same happened in Selangor, Kedah, Perak and Kelantan. Pakatan also took 8 out of 9 seats in The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. 

Can Kit Siang answer this question! Did Pakatan also used phantom voters to win?

History has shown that it is common communist tactic to organise protests, demonstrations, sabotages and civil disobedience to bring down elected government. 

Between the late 1940s to 1980s Singapore was under serious communist threat. The CPM organised strikes and other forms of political agitation.Many attempted assassinations were foiled by the Special Branch. Singapore continued to face communist threat after independence with pro-communist elements resorting to organised strikes and act of arson and vandalism. Lee Kuan Yew was quick to realise the threat and used every possible means at his disposal to wipe out the communist threat, which he did successfully.

I will not dwell on the communist insurgency in Malaysia as they are the same as in Singapore, led by Chin Peng and the CPM and most Malaysian politicians knew the history.

However, with the resurgence of a strong opposition there were attempts by certain quarters to make Chin Peng a hero and a freedom fighter, which again point to the possibility of communist elements or sympathisers in DAP, which Kit Siang may not be aware of.

I will not put aside the likelihood of Jemaah Islamiah (JI) infiltrating PAS. Members of PAS particularly the "youth wing" has shown deep intolerance for anything outside the realm of Islam.They have constantly protested against foreign artists performing in Malaysia without due consideration that Malaysia is multiracial and multi religious. The Memali incident was related to PAS.

Not all Malaysians are Malays or Muslims and the Constitution only make Islam the official religion and not the other way around, Islam has no jurisdiction over non-Muslims. 

Non-Muslims would have to deal with the problem of encroachment of their rights should Pakatan came to power. PAS is not going to let "sleeping dogs lie" it will pursue its Islamic doctrine. 

Sometimes, people are easily misled.The other day a friend told me that the Chinese in Kelantan are very happy and voted for PAS. The question I asked him, was there any Chinese candidate in Kelantan's elections and whether he knew of the insignificant of Chinese votes in Kelantan.

Almost 95% population of Kelantan are ethnic Malays and the balance 5% divided between Chinese and Thai. PAS knew the insignificant of these two ethnic groups and is not the least bit worried whether PAS gets their supports.

There are vast differences between Chinese in Kelantan and Chinese in the rest of the country.Except for religion, the Chinese in Kelantan, for all intents and purposes, are Malays, speak the same language and adopt "Malay behaviour as front stage and Chinese behaviour as backstage"

Without looking at the person, it would be hard to tell a Chinese from a Malay by listening to his speech in the Kelantanese dialect. They are not your normal Malaysian Chinese.

Can Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh and the rest of the Chinese and Indians in the country be like the Kelantanese Chinese? If they can than this country would not suffer racial polarisation.The Kelantan Chinese have given the Malays the comfort of being truly Kelantanese, by adopting and respecting the Kelantanese Malay culture in their presence and still practised the Chinese culture backstage.The Kelantanese Malay do not feel threatened or overwhelmed by the Chinese.

Many Chinese are misled by this exaggerated story spread by the opposition to hoodwink the Chinese in the country that PAS is Chinese user friendly. It may, or may not be, but going by its actions, in all likelihood it will stay the Islamic journey, embolden to pursue "hudud" as they have asserted, time and again.

Do not belittle the SB report, terrorist incident is visible, espionage cases are not easy to detect unless you have excellent police work.

Our SB is one of the best in the region and that's why Malaysia was spared the act of terrorism, unlike our neighbours Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, who weren't so lucky.

I suggest Kit Siang do some soul-searching before he politicises the SB report. Malaysia have seen a number of attempts by small group of militant out to topple the government.

I would like to refresh Kit Siang's mind of past terrorist's act in this country:

1.August 1975 - Terrorists from Japanese Red Army (JRA) held approximately 50 civilians including members of the US consulate and the Swedist charge' d'affaires as hostages within the AIA building and demanded release of 5 imprisoned comrades and flew them to Libya. I was working and living in KL then and my office was not far from AIA.

2.December 1977 - A lone member of the JRA hijacked MAS Flight 653, shot the pilots and himself killing 100 passengers when the plane crashed.

3.November 1985 - Memali - About 400 people of an Islamic sect led by Ibrahim Libya took up arms against the government out of serious rift in the Malay Muslim community between PAS and UMNO. Leaders of PAS had concluded that members of UMNO were apostates.The stand off resulted in clashes that killed 14 civilian and 4 policemen. I was on the same plane as former PM Mahathir on the way to Beijing, being part of a trade delegation when the news was broke to us about Memali.

4.July 2000 - The Al-Ma'unah group stole over 111 military firearms and ammunitions.Police negotiation failed and gunfight ensued killing 3 people including 2 hostages.In the same year Kedah state assemblymen Joe Fernandez was shot by a member of a religious militant group.

5.August 2001 - Discovery of KMM, a militant group and underground movement out to topple the Mahathir's regime.Received training in Afghanistan led by Nik Adil Nik Abdul Aziz, all arrested under the ISA.

The network has already been put in place for massive demonstrations to accuse the BN of cheating in the next general elections and calling for people's power to demolish the government should Pakatan Rakyat failed to capture Putrajaya.

The oppositions can deny it until the cows come home, the momentum had been set by BERSIH 3 and Ambiga is only a pawn in the game.

Kit Siang! See who's scrapping the bottom of the barrel!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Islam A Bad Name

Hantu Laut

The Muslims can't even get their act together let alone expand an Islamic empire.Muslims killing each other in the name of their religion.Suicide bombing killing innocent civilians are some of the most gruesome act of terror perpetuated by Muslims against their own kind.

What's happening in the Arab countries, in Afghanistan and in Pakistan are depictions of Muslims showing disrespect to their own religion and desecrating the sanctity of Islam.This morbid fascination of going to the Garden of Eternity filled with vestal virgins have brought great embarrassment to the religion.

The Koran prescribed reward for martyrdom, but in no uncertain term, proscribed suicide in whatever form.Killing innocent men,women and children by strapping bomb to your body and blowing yourself up and those around you is not by any stretch of one's imagination considered martyrdom.You have to be really stupid to believe in such deviant teaching.

Islam does not encourage the propagation of violence and militancy, no mention of honour killing in its scriptures and so were most of sharia laws, some from the Koran but majority were taken from the hadiths formulated over hundreds of years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in A.D.632.The sharia was assembled over many centuries by Mohammad's followers and Islamic dynasties.The Koran sets out basic standards of human conduct, but does not provide a detailed law code.

This bunch of shitheads who come to other people's country and want to impose their religious law on others should be locked up before they start spreading their madness to gullible and uninitiated Muslims.They are danger to society, not only in Britain, but to the rest of the world.They should go back to where their forefathers came from.

Malaysia have just arrested using the ISA 18 Islamic militants in Tawau, Sabah, who were caught with arms and explosives, to be used God's knows where, to kill civilians.Yet, human rights groups like Sukaham and political party PAS/PKR admonished the government for doing so.I am sure if there were terrorist bombing in this country they would also blame the government.

Watch this most cruel and brutal punishment and public execution carried out in Iran.

Do you want this in Malaysia?

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hantu Laut

I have read it before but never crossed my mind to post it on my blog at that time.

It was written in 2009 by a Pakistani freelance columnist. 

Dr Farrukh Saleem propounds the weaknesses of Muslims and Muslim countries (you can access his article by the link below) and why they are lagging behind and why the Jews, the most minute minority of world's population yet the most successful race in the world.

They excelled in all the sciences, from Einstein to Friedman and thousands others they have conquered the sciences and gave mankind the benefits of their knowledge and discoveries.

Back in 2007 when I first started blogging, I wrote an article not exactly showering accolades on the Jews as Farrukh did, but why Muslims and Muslim nations lagged behind the West which brought Farrukh and myself inadvertently to the same or lack of it!

The Middle Eastern Arab countries are living examples of how poor, divided, disorganised and illiterate they are, ruled by despotic regimes that disenfranchised civil liberties and leaders robbing the state coffers for themselves, their families and cronies.The tsunamic "Arab Spring" swept through the region demolishing one regime after another.

Gaddafi's Libya buckled two days ago.Syria would be next.

Absolute monarchy has no place in this modern world. Saudi Arabia, a despotic monarchial regime under Islamic Wahabism would see challenge to the monarchy in a matter of time.

Would the Arab countries see better days. The revolution or for better word the "Arab Spring" was so disorganised there were no clear leaders to take over leaderships. Eygpt is still in the quagmire with the military still in control and democracy still a bridge too far.

Education in Islamic countries is a non-issue and the enigmatic "no compulsion in religion" has turned into "no compulsion in education" and to deadlier ignorance of knowledge and the modern world.


Dr Farrukh's article:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A global culture to fight extremism

Why do transnational extremist organizations succeed where democratic movements have a harder time taking hold? Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist extremist, asks for new grassroots stories and global social activism to spread democracy in the face of nationalism and xenophobia. A powerful talk from TEDGlobal 2011.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Muslim Nations:Are They Ready To Take On The West?

Hantu Laut

I share former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad's sentiment on the OIC here.

It is probably one of the most dysfunctional groupings.There is no cohesiveness and very little cooperation and solidarity to bridge the gap between the West, Muslim countries and Islam. Not a single treaty had been adopted by members on how to bring those fanatical Muslims to their senses, to bring them to the negotiating tables and to end their stupid war of attrition, killing more of their own kin than their intended enemies giving the Western powers justification to attack Muslim nations deemed to be harbouring terrorists.

When I first started blogging I wrote the article below on how laggard Muslim nations have been since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.None have risen from the ashes to become a strong economic or military power.

Germany and Japan, war belligerents, completely vanquished in World War II have risen back from the ashes to become one of the world's greatest economic powers.

China, politically and economically ravaged by the Cultural Revolution and closed its doors for decades under communism is now a fast rising economic and military giant and expected to surpass and overtake the US economy in the next decade or two.

One may ask, where are the Muslim nations heading to? 

Many ordinary Muslims share this sentiment but are powerless to do anything. Only those in power can change the fates of Muslims and sad as it is, those in power are only interested in money, power and self-preservation.

Many Arab nations still maintained the absolute monarchy system, which gave the monarch absolute control over the nation's wealth.Many Arab oil producing countries are rich but under the layer of profound wealth lies tons of debt.The recent financial fiasco in Dubai shows the over-stretched imagination of these Muslim leaders about how money should be spent.

According to its charter, the OIC aims to preserve Islamic social and economic values, promote solidarity amongst member states, increase cooperation in social, economic, cultural, scientific, and political areas, uphold international peace and security, and advance education, particularly in the fields of science and technology.

Has the grouping successfully accomplished any of those objectives?

It is probably one of the most useless organisations one can think of.Every members have their own selfish agenda.Their conferences are more on rhetoric and nothing on substance.There is no unity and no common ground.

Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost is the common stand.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Thursday, May 31, 2007



At the 3rd World Islamic Forum, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang suggested Muslim nations to pool their wealth and resources as bargaining chips in exchange for knowledge, technology and innovation with the rest of the world.

Are Muslim nations ready? Do they have the resources to take on the West and the rest of the world?

Let us look at some economic figures.

In 2005 the combined GDP of G8 countries (formerly known as G7) was a whopping USD44 trillion while the combined GDP of OIC (Organisation of Islamic Countries) was a pathetic USD5.5 trillion, which was slightly bigger than that of Japan. The G8 produced two thirds of the world economic output.

The Muslim nations through OPEC controlled almost 40% of the world's oil production.With the exception of Angola and Venezuela all other members are from Islamic countries. With such immense resources at their disposal one would think they could bring down the West to its knees.Unfortunately, that isn't the case, OPEC ability to control the flow and price of oil has since the 1973 oil embargo lamed due to discovery of oil in other parts of the world.

The Arab nations used oil as a weapon to vent their anger at the West after being humiliated when they lost the Ramadan War against Israel, also known as the 1973 Arab-Israel War. The embargo triggered high inflation throughout the world.The western nations realizing the formidable power of oil embarked on massive exploration of oil in other parts of the world and with new found technology  they can explore and drill for oil in deep waters of the oceans.

Oil is no more an option that Muslim nations can use to smack the Western nations.

America, the ever thirsty monster consumes almost 21 million barrels of oil per day. Saudi, the biggest single producer produces about 8.5 mil bbl/day.The current total OPEC production is around 30mil bbl/day and the US alone can consume 2/3 of OPEC daily production.

Hypothetically, if the US stopped buying oil for a few days the world oil price would crash to a disastrous level. If that's not enough, almost two thirds of world trade are denominated in US dollars. Almost all oil trades with OPEC are conducted in Petrodollar. Can the Muslim nations take on such behemoth? Do they have the clout to dictate terms?

Muslim world leaders should wake up to reality and try find workable solutions how to better deal with Western powers instead of making smart sounding speeches at forums and conferences and more often than not these Muslim leaders go back home can't remember what they have said and did nothing at all other than smoothening their candied lip.

Not a single Muslim nation is represented in G8. Only one Muslim nation Turkey is in OECD and three in APEC, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei and they are voices in the wilderness.The American are in all trade blocs including their own regional bloc NAFTA.

The OIC whose primary goals are to consolidate cooperation in social, cultural, scientific, economic and other fields of activity is not a trade bloc. It is more like a social club not cohesive enough to be a force to be reckoned with. Not only they lack economic might they also lack political clout. The US invasion of Iraq was an example of the entrenched weaknesses in OIC. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states supported the American in the invasion of Iraq and destruction of Sadam Hussein. They see Sadam a threat to the region.

The Muslims fighting the war in Iraq against foreign invaders are called terrorists and not freedom fighters as the case would have been if America was on their side. The Contras in Nicaragua were rebels and terrorists in reality but with American supports they were called freedom fighters.

The Mughal in India, Safavids in Persia and Ottoman in Asia Minor were once Islamic powerhouses. Islam saw the final decline of its power and influence at the end of the 1st World War with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The Islamic world has not recovered ever since and is free-falling into the abyss of backwardness.

The devolution do not come as a surprise as many Muslims think and spend more time in preparing themselves for the afterlife than devoting themselves to constructive and progressive endeavours. For the past few centuries the Islamic world insidiously declined to it present debilitated state bereft of any innovation, invention and new technology.

Innovation and technology do not come cheap and nobody is going to hand them over to you for free. Almost all innovations and new discoveries came from the west.

During the Middle Ages, Europe was a far cry from being civilised and the European Renaissance would not have come about without the help of Islamic civilisation then. The European learned science, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy from Muslim scholars.The Europeans have since then managed a sustained growth and advancement of their sciences and technologies. With new found technology they have colonised many nations including many Muslim nations. They have put men on the moon and sent them to the deepest depth of the ocean. The guns and bombs Muslims used to kill each other were made by them. The nuclear energy and weapon that some Muslim nation hungers for are their invention and have now becoming their monopoly.

The West consider Muslim nations dangerous, irresponsible and should not be trusted to possess nuclear weapon.

While Westerns innovations and technologies advanced by leaps and bounds  Islamic nations have stagnated and fully dependent on the West for almost every essentials. Necessity the mother of invention is not in the Islamic lexicon.

Why are Muslims left so far behind?

Majority of Muslims are fearful of their religion, they put too much emphasis and effort on the afterlife than the fundamentality of their worldly existence. For many Muslims spirituality has become a fear factor and many Muslim nations used Islam to subjugate their citizens.

Many Muslim nations could and would not separate religion from politics. A case in point is the recent judgement passed in Malaysia by the country highest court on a case of apostasy, the Lina Joy case. She converted from Islam to Christianity and wanted Islam to be removed from her identity card but was rejected by the government. She has now exhausted all legal avenues, she either leaves the country or be arrested for apostasy. Can she be forced to stay in a religion that she has no more faith in?

About 200 Muslim protesters were outside the court waiting for the verdict. Fear of a backlash from the Islamists had probably influenced the decision. One judge out of the three a Christian, dissented.

Corruption is another stumbling block to progress. Many Muslim nations have corrupt leaders who put self interest ahead of the nation's interest. Some run the country like their own private fiefdom with complete disregard of their fiduciary duties. Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and most Arab countries are examples of systematic corruption. Malaysia, amongst the most progressive and developed of the lot was slightly lower on the corruption index but is catching up.

Malaysia introduced the NEP after the May 13 racial riot in 1969 to help the Malays uplift their standards of living and have equitable share of the country's economic pie and to be at par with the non-Malays particularly the Chinese, who held the greatest share of the economy.

During the last two terms of his rule, Mahathir Muhammad the then Prime Minister of Malaysia discreetly twiddled the NEP to appease the non Malays. His new social and economic policies heighten the business confidence among the non-Malays community and brought tremendous growth and development to a country that was once a tropical backwater. The GDP profile changed from agro-based to industrial and service orientated industries. The industrial and service sector now contribute 91% of GDP. Similarly, Mahathir is also responsible for huge losses incurred by some of his pet projects.

However, the past two decades also saw the NEP losing its noble and primary objective and used by political leaders mainly as gravy train. Big business deals and massive government contracts were given to relatives, party supporters, cronies and anyone who can pay. Cronyism and nepotism is much alive and kicking in Malaysia. Although Mahathir himself has not been implicated in any corruption cases, his failure to control it among his men had brought disrepute to himself and the party.

Another factor that is pulling down most Muslim nations is poor emphasis on education. Many have low literacy rate. Pakistan has about 49% literacy rate and in tribal areas the rate could go down as low as 20% and girls are normally not allowed to go to school. Such areas also confined education to madrassas where they only studied the Islamic religion.These madrassas are hotbeds for terrorism.

Pakistan may have nuclear capability but low level of literacy has dire consequences. Low literacy, wrong priorities and corruptions have made the country not only physically and economically poor but also mentally poor. Afghanistan fared even worse at 36%, Egypt, another big Muslim country has about 58% literacy. Iraq, currently a war zone has only 40% and Bangladesh 43 %.

Those gifted with oil are the lucky ones without which they could be in even worse dire positions.

Among all the ailments in Muslim countries, intransigent and corruption are the greatest killer to progress.