Showing posts with label Jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jews. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

On Jews and Justice

Hantu Laut

Taking respite  from the unpleasant world of politics. 

Below is a short,  somewhat facetious composition from Kirk Douglas on racism, or rather anti-Semitism he experienced when he was a kid. 

I guess not many people know he is a Jew and his real name is Issur Danielovitch, later changed to Izzy Demsky and later legally changed to Kirk Douglas.

He is now 97 years old and have stopped making movies.

On Jews And Justice

Kirk Douglas

I was six-years-old when I had my first contact with anti-Semitism. I came home from school one day with a bloody nose, crying to my mother -- "Yanak hit me!"
"Why?" my mother asked.
"He said I killed Jesus Christ."
"What? You killed who?"
"I didn't kill him. I don't even know who he is."
My nose stopped bleeding and soon I was playing again with Yanack as if nothing had happened between us. It wasn't his fault, because that was what he had been taught to believe by his father. And come to think of it, it wasn't Yanack's father's fault either because he'd certainly been taught the same thing by his father. Maybe none of them could read, because if they had actually studied their New Testament, they would have learned the truth: that the Romans were the ones who crucified Jesus. Only the Romans had the right of public execution. The Jews were a tiny people subject to the laws of the Roman empire.
Rodgers and Hammerstein dealt with the subject of learned prejudice when they wrote the highly successful musical comedy South PacificSouth Pacific was a hit on Broadway but when they started the tour in the Southern states they ran into trouble. The state of Georgia introduced a bill outlawing South Pacific because it contained "an underlying philosophy inspired by Moscow." The claim was based on one song, "You've Got to be Carefully Taught." Here are the lyrics:
"You've Got To Be Carefully Taught" (Lyrics from South Pacific)
You've got to be taught to hate and fear,
You've got to be taught from year to year,
It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate.

The Southern legislators maintained that this "song justifying interracial marriage was implicitly a threat to the American way of life." Rodgers and Hammerstein fought stubbornly against them and the song stayed in.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hantu Laut

I have read it before but never crossed my mind to post it on my blog at that time.

It was written in 2009 by a Pakistani freelance columnist. 

Dr Farrukh Saleem propounds the weaknesses of Muslims and Muslim countries (you can access his article by the link below) and why they are lagging behind and why the Jews, the most minute minority of world's population yet the most successful race in the world.

They excelled in all the sciences, from Einstein to Friedman and thousands others they have conquered the sciences and gave mankind the benefits of their knowledge and discoveries.

Back in 2007 when I first started blogging, I wrote an article not exactly showering accolades on the Jews as Farrukh did, but why Muslims and Muslim nations lagged behind the West which brought Farrukh and myself inadvertently to the same or lack of it!

The Middle Eastern Arab countries are living examples of how poor, divided, disorganised and illiterate they are, ruled by despotic regimes that disenfranchised civil liberties and leaders robbing the state coffers for themselves, their families and cronies.The tsunamic "Arab Spring" swept through the region demolishing one regime after another.

Gaddafi's Libya buckled two days ago.Syria would be next.

Absolute monarchy has no place in this modern world. Saudi Arabia, a despotic monarchial regime under Islamic Wahabism would see challenge to the monarchy in a matter of time.

Would the Arab countries see better days. The revolution or for better word the "Arab Spring" was so disorganised there were no clear leaders to take over leaderships. Eygpt is still in the quagmire with the military still in control and democracy still a bridge too far.

Education in Islamic countries is a non-issue and the enigmatic "no compulsion in religion" has turned into "no compulsion in education" and to deadlier ignorance of knowledge and the modern world.


Dr Farrukh's article:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Who Is Anwar Ibrahim ?

Clinton Moderate Islamist

Posted by
Rachel Ehrenfeld

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s conduct during her recent visit to Malaysia was anything but diplomatic. In a press conference hosted by Foreign Minister Anifa Aman, Clinton took the unusual step of siding with opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar is on trial for corruption and sodomy charges, which he claims are politically motivated. Perhaps.

But Clinton’s announcement that she had raised Ibrahim’s prosecution with the Malaysian government, and that the State Department “raise[s] it on a consistent basis,” should be viewed not merely as the U.S. concern for the rule of law. Clinton’s statement should be regarded as a major victory for Anwar Ibrahim. More broadly it is a triumph of the International Muslim Brotherhood, whose ideology Anwar advances.

Who is Anwar Ibrahim?

Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, is currently the opposition leader, and considered by many Westerners to be a leading moderate Muslim intellectual. Yet, even a cursory examination of Ibrahim’s background reveals that he is an Islamist, dedicated to promote global Islamic rule based on Shari’a Law.

Ibrahim came to prominence in the early 70’s’ after he founded and led Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), known in English as Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement.

In February 1999, HARAKAH, the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party’s (PAS) publication in English printed a speech given by Anwar at a 1979 ABIM meeting. “It is our conviction that if all parties concerned are sincere and serious about understanding Islam, its concepts and principles, they will accept Islam as the only practicable and viable alternative to the present order,” he said.

To achieve this goal, Anwar proposed that “Schools, especially institutions of higher learning must be encouraged to cultivate the spirit of Islamic universalism to break down the present communal barriers.”

On December 11, 2005, in an interview to the London based Asharq Al-Awsat, Mohammad Mahdi Akef, former leader of the international Muslim Brotherhood, stated: “the Muslim Brotherhood is a global movement whose members cooperate with each other throughout the world, based on the same religious worldview – the spread of Islam, until it rules the world.” [emphasis added]

Despite such statements many in the U.S. and the West regard the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic creed and the many Islamist organizations it spawned, such as al Qaeda and Hamas an social movements. “Islamism is … but a social movement like any other – communism, nationalism, liberalism, fascism, socialism.”

Anwar himself has provided evidence of the influence that Sayyid Qutb and Maulana Maududi, the ideological fathers of Muslim Brotherhood have had on his understanding of the Quran.

Qutab and Maududi also inspired the creation of radical Islamic groups such as al-Qaeda and Hamas, and Islamic charities that use the guise of humanitarian relief to transfer funds to Hamas, al Qaeda, the Chechen mujahedeen, and others. The U.S. recently shut down the activities of the now defunct Oregon branch of the al Haramain Islamic Foundation, and Texas-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), one of the largest Islamic charities in the US. Holy Land Foundation was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department in December 2001.

In 1999 while in prison on previous charges of corruption and sodomy, Ibrahim wrote to Abdul Hamid Abu Sulaiman, former Rector of International Islamic University of Malaysia, and a fellow director of the Virginia based Muslim Brotherhood’s International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). The IIIT was identified by the FBI as an unindicted coconspirator in the terror financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation.

In his letter to Sulaiman, Anwar wrote: “I’m trying to keep myself busy–with prayers and du’a, tadarrus and reading…My old copy of Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Quran is most valuable because of my earlier short notes and references from Ibn Kathir, al-Qurtubi, Sayyid Qutb and Maulana Maududi’s tafsirs (interpretations).

When Sulaiman became the Rector of Islamic University of Kuala Lumpur, which houses IIIT’s sister organization, International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), he vigorously started the work of Islamization of Education. Arabic and Fiqh. Islamic Law and Jurisprudence were introduced as compulsory and university requirement courses. The University from the very beginning, took steps to gradually Islamize subject matters of the social science, discipline, and the effort is still on.”

In a 2005 ABIM conference in Malaysia, Dr Ahmad Totonji, the Former Secretary –General, of the Saudi based World Assembly Of Muslim Youth (WAMY) – documented as funding al Qaeda and Hamas - and the VP of IIIT’s Administration praised Anwar’s activity to advance Islamic rule. Totonjii was also co-founder and officer of another Saudi funded, now-defunct Islamic charity, Safa Trust (first known as the U.S. branch of the Saudi SAAR foundation, incorporated as a 501(3)c on July 29, 1983 in Herndon, VA. In December 2000, it was and renamed Safa Trust). Both were suspected of funding of al Qaeda. Read more.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Jews Go Home ? The Helen Thomas Tragedy

Hantu Laut

It is alright to kill Palestinian men,women and children but the moment you mentioned anything objectionable about the Jews the whole Western hypocrisy exploded in your face.

Veteran White House journalist Helen Thomas learned that bitter lesson for making what the Western world termed as antisemitism.

Watch the video below.

In the words of Racheal Saclar "It’s hard to hear the words “The Jews of Germany and Poland” and not think of anything but the millions and millions of Jews who were incarcerated, enslaved, tortured, starved and exterminated in the Holocaust." "Which means that, sad as I am, Helen Thomas can no longer be a hero to me."

What about the Palestinians, displaced from their homeland, bombed, killed, locked in by blockade in their own country for choosing a government that the Jews and the Western powers are not happy with.Are their lives worth less than that of the Jews?

Helen Thomas, a 90 year old lady with 67 years career in journalism has to resign because Western hypocrisy and double standard wouldn't allow her to pass for speaking the truth.

Also read from Washington Post "Why we'll miss Helen Thomas"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Jew Lover Indeed!

Hantu Laut

While waiting for my flight from Brisbane to Perth at Brisbane Airport I picked up a newspaper left behind by a passenger who presumably have no more use of it for the day.

Browsing through the newspaper a seemingly disengaging article on Israel's attack on the Gaza's aid convoy caught my attention.

The Herald Sun, a publication out of Melbourne has a completely different twist to the story.What happened on the Mavi Marmara on that day I'll leave to your imagination.Andrew Bolt has what Jeffery Archer would have called 'A twist in the tale' or one may say the other side of the story.

Despite world's condemnation of the Israel's homicidal attack, the Herald Sun and Andrew Bolt see a conspiracy by the Islamist to change world's opinion of the Jewish state.

Andrew Bolt may have forgotten that world's opinion of the Jewish state have spurred some of the most anti-Islamist to change their minds after having witnessed the atrocities committed by Israel on the Palestinian people and the attack on Gaza that Israel tried to justify by Hamas puny rocket attacks against Israel.

The blockade imposed by Israel has further choked the Palestinians, depriving them of food and medicine and making the Palestinians prisoners in their own land.

The inhumane blockade has made life sustenance perilous to the Palestinians.Don't they have a right to fight for survival? The US and the rest of the Western powers see it fits that the Jewish state be protected at any cost, even at the cost of other human lives.Israel is the appointed 'Sheriff' of the Western powers in the Middle East particularly by the US.

My taking a different footpath from Andrew Bolt presaging an Islamist's conspiracy has nothing to do with religion.Obviously, Andrew Bolt has creatively turned a humanitarian issue and by his definition an act of terrorism to defend Israel's cruel and inhumane policy toward the Palestinian people and attack on the humanitarian mission which the Israelis gave two hoots about the safety of lives aboard the aid convoy.Guns speak louder than words.Israel does not believe in peaceful engagement.

Even if its is true that Israeli soldiers were set upon with metal bars and sticks when they descended the ship does it justify retaliation by deadly force? A few shots in the air would have brought back the wild and weary to their senses.

They are not hardcore terrorists but overt peace activists who truly believe in the humanitarian cause, bringing food and medicine for the enclaved Palestinians.They should have been allowed to pass through and deliver the aid under the watchful eye of Israel armed forces.

The Palestinian issue is not a religious matter as there are, though in the minority, Christian Palestinians who would have suffered the same fate as their Muslim brethren by the inhumane blockade.

Below is the article published by the Herald Sun.

Don't fall for Islamist hype about flotilla attack, says Andrew Bolt

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Truth Never Lies

Hantu Laut

The title may be oxymoron but it's the truth and truth doesn't lie.

The constant battering of the so-called baddies is nauseating.One side think they are holier than thou and portray the other side as the devil. They played on the callow and infertile minds of the young voters and drummed the ignorant, the gullible and unsophisticated minds.The simpletons, those who believe in anything you feed them.Little things please little minds.They seemed to have learned the art of indoctrination of the masses.

The clock is ticking, with or without substantive issues the propaganda machine must go on.Lies or truths, don't matter at all, they must keep the momentum alive by whatever means.

The oppositions seemed incapable of constructive criticism.They have completely ran out of substantive issues. Day in, day out they can only dwell on trivialities and mendacious propaganda.Some are so ridiculous, it's kind of ticklish, goes to show how bankrupt of ideas this bunch of stumbling political amateurs are.Vote them in and see how quickly they will destroy this nation.

Jewish moles in the PDRM? Surely, there are moles all over the place.What difference does it make whether they are British,American,France or Jews? Are they truly moles or just doing the work they are hired for? Than there are this childish thing like 1 Malaysia copied 1 Israel and APCO is a Jewish company.So, what's the problem? Anwar, the still de facto leader of the oppositions once sat as chairman of a Jewish-led organisation.

Yesterday, opposition lawmakers were chanting UMNO APCO in parliament that brought the house down.Thrash-talk and imbecile behaviour.Waste of parliamentary time and pathetic show of unruly behaviour.How do we, the taxpayers, benefit from this kind pettiness on some miserable company called APCO being played out in Parliament? Are there no better things they can thrash out in the august house.

APCO is a reputable international consultancy firm and has international staff working for them globally, have clientele all over the world and would have done work for the government of Israel.So what? Should that stop Malaysia from employing their expertise? If they are Mossad than I can understand the uproar.

The pompous display of trash (that's what I think it is) by the oppositions was instigated by Anwar Ibrahim to cover up his own long association with prominent Jewish figure like Paul Wolfowitz, the scandalous ex-president of the World Bank who gave a lavish tax-free pay rise to his girlfriend.He was the first president of the bank dismissed for wrongdoing.Wolfowitz was also one of the main architect and the most hawkish advocate of the Iraq War when he was the American Deputy Defense Secretary.Being close friend, Wolfowitz appointed Anwar as Chairman of Foundation for the Future run by him.

If the Muslims of Malaysia want to know, this is the man, this close friend of Anwar Ibrahim who was mainly responsible for the deaths of thousand of innocent Muslims in Iraq and the destruction of the country and this is the same man who once said about the Holocaust "It's a very bad thing when people exterminate other people, and people persecute minorities. It doesn't mean you can prevent every such incident in the world, but it's also a mistake to dismiss that sort of concern as merely humantarian and not related to real interest."

The Face of Genocide

So, how could APCO and the bloody Jewish moles supposedly working in PDRM be worse than this Jewish friend of his who slaughtered innocent Muslims by the hundred of thousands.

Isn't this hypocrisy of the highest order?

Than, we have the threesome, Yong Teck Lee of SAPP, Jeffery Kitingn of PKR and Lim Kit Siang of DAP who wanted the 'Double Six' tragedy, the plane crash that killed Sabah Chief Minister, the late Tun Fuad and a number of cabinet ministers in Sabah on 6 June 1976 to be re-opened for investigation without giving any specific reason.All they said was based on new revelation by Tengku Razaleigh on his recent visit to Sabah where he stirred Sabahans to get more money out of Petronas and where he related the story.

I presumed, these three ignoramus weren't born yet when the tragedy happened because what Razaleigh revealed during his talk was not anything new.It was common knowledge that he boarded the wrong plane and Harris Salleh had to call him to disembark from the wrong plane and join him in the other plane where he should have been in the first place.

What was the motive behind this rather unusual request? Do they think there have been foul play? Jeffery by his wordings implied there was.Otherwise, why would they asked the case to be re-opened.The Federal government should investigate.They are implicated.

Former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh took exception to it when it was reported in the newspaper and accused Yong and Jefferey of being mischievous and demanded that they repeat it more specifically.The two cowards did not dare give specific reason why they asked for the case to be re-opened.I, myself, as a Sabahan and close friend of the late Tun Fuad family have asked Lim Kit Siang through 'twitter' for his reason but he has not responded.Copy of my tweet below.

@limkitsiang Hi, Y.B Lim, could you tell me why you want the 'Double Six' tragedy case reopen.We,Sabahans are concerned n want to know.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gaza:The Killing Zone

Hantu Laut

Might is right, no matter how wrong and cruel it is. The weak get trampled,killed and massacred by the guns and bombs of the rich and powerful.

Today I dedicate this page to the people of Gaza who had suffered the genocidal attacks by Israel military.While one can be sent to prison for refuting the holocaust, the Western powers chose to close their eyes and ears to the holocaust on the Palestinian people.

Below is an eye-witness account of some of the atrocities perpetrated by the Israel regime on defenceless Palestinian women, children and men without any care for civilian lives.

A British peace campaigner watched as an Israeli air strike killed two young girls, one aged four, the other 12, as they cleared away rubbish near their home in the Gaza village of Beit Hanoun.

"I saw two girls, ages 4 and 12 hit by a bomb from an F16,'' said Ewa Jasiewicz, an activist originally from Kingston, Surrey. "They were outside clearing some rubbish around their homes.

The younger girl, believed to be Haya Hamdan, died instantly and Miss Jasiewicz said Gaza's severe shortage of medical facilities hampered efforts to save the second girl, her sister Lama. "The people of Gaza have nothing left from the ongoing siege: there is not even an ambulance to take a child to the hospital.''

It was later confirmed the older girl died in hospital. "There is no excuse in dropping bombs on Gaza, as civilian deaths are unavoidable.

Palestinian leaders condemned the attack as a demonstration that Israel's Operation Cast Lead was endangering civilians. "The reality for the children of Gaza will not change until there is international pressure on Israel to end the bombings and the ongoing siege.'' said Mustafa Barghouthi, secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative.

"It is also now time to put an end to the Israeli campaign of disinformation and lies concerning their targeting and massacring of innocent civilians."

Israel has barred international media, including The Daily Telegraph, from reaching Gaza to verify incidents such as the Beit Hanoun attack on the girls but those caught in the attacks spoke of their desperation by telephone. Osama Damo, 30, a Palestinian employee of Save The Children UK, described his terror when Israeli jets struck a ministerial compound near his home. "We moved all the family away from the windows and into the corridor for safey but I counted 17 or 19 rocket explosions at the compound," he said

"It is only 400 metres away and if I had been by the windows I would have been hit by broken glass.''

After the attack Mr Damo said he watched as dawn broke and various families fled the area. "They were carrying children and whatever possessions they could manage,'' he said. "I don't think the houses near the compound were hit directly but they had their windows blown out by the explosions and I saw at least one balcony blown away by flying shrapnel.

"It is too dangerous for us to go down on the streets so we are surviving on a gallon of bottled water and tinned food.

Jenny Linnell, another British peace activist, was 200 metres away from an attack in Rafah on the Eygyptian border, which has been subjected to fierce bombing from the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) over the last four days.

Ms Linnell, 33, has been in Gaza since September when she travelled on a ship that brought tonnes of medical supplies to the besieged area.

"They targeted a pharmacy at the end of the street in which I am staying, in the middle of a residential area close to the city centre," she said. "I have never witnessed anything like it in my life. Civilian buildings were destroyed. We were shown bedrooms where children were hit by flying glass."

She warned that the attacks were compounding the humanitarian crisis in the strip. "There is no where for people to go. People are having to flee their homes with nowhere to go, trying to find temporary places to stay," she said.

"It is a humanitarian crisis, it is desperate. There is a feeling of isolation and desperation.

The video below is a firsthand account of the cruelty and atrocities of the Israel regime against the Palestinian people even before the recent attack and invasion of Gaza.

We know why history has not been kind to the Jewish people.