Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Terror In Paris: You Reap What You Sow

Hantu Laut

The Western world never seem to learn from their mistakes when come to dealing with the Muslims world. They make one mistake after another. 

They want to impose their way of life on a culture completely alien and opposed to theirs.

Why do fanatical Muslims want to hurt and kill Westerners? 

The story goes since way back to the creation of the state of Israel and Jewish atrocities against Palestinians, the Iraq War, the war in Afghanistan, the Arab Spring to the present Western involvement in the dismantling of Assad of Syria. 

In Syria with the help of the Saudis they again created another monster, ISIS.

The 9/11 attack in the US was the culmination of Muslims anger against the West. The lull was only a calm before the storm. The Muslim ogre has grown bigger, richer, more organised and crueller.

Over the decades the West, with their 'might is right' attitude had cast aspersions on the Muslim world. Many of the attacks on Western targets were retaliations and revenge. The tit-for-tat kind of thing. Thousands of Muslims killed as collateral damage in indiscriminate bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen mean nothing to the West. Muslim lives are cheap and can be done with, but they make a big show out of a few beheading of their own by fanatical Muslims. Fanatical Muslims were appalled with this kind of double standard.

Claims by the US that their weapons have bullseye accuracy were pure fabrication because every attack on so-called terrorist targets killed more innocent bystanders than the target itself.

Muslims also see the West as untrustworthy and horrible user and abuser. The Mujahideens, Saddam Hussien and Al Qaeda, financed and used by them to fight a common enemy have all turned against them.

The attack on the newspaper office purportedly because of a cartoon insulting Mohammad and Islam, is to the attackers the end justifies the means, seemingly trivial to the Westerners but a big insult to some crazy Muslims.

The Paris attack may only just be the beginning. More frequent attacks should be expected coming from ISIS, which have cells in every Western countries.  

Fanatical Muslims who are prepared to die for their cause.

Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, senior leader and official spokesman for ISIS has called on the members to take retribution, to kill without question and by any means necessary civilians and soldiers from the Western alliance.

The world has become a very unsafe place, you don't know where and when they are going to strike.

The writer condemn this dastardly act of violence against civilians.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Hantu Laut

Iraqi Christians are raped, murdered and driven from their homes – and the West is silent.......the Telegraph.

May I ask this lamed historian has he done any proper research who created the monster ISIS? ... and in the past, the making of Saddam Hussein, the Mujaheedins, Osama and Al-qaeda and the Contras of Nicaragua?

Who are the devils that created these monsters?

ISIS was created by the US, Israel and Britain to destabilise Syria and the whole of the Middle East region using Islam as the bogeyman to sway world's opinion against Islam and Muslims. The Zionist agenda include the extermination of small pockets of Christians to strengthen the doctrine that Islam is an evil religion. Many top brass in ISIS were trained by CIA and Mossad coaxing the use of unspeakable violence against its enemies to instil fear in the population. Killing Christians would give added value to the monstrosity of Islam.

Like everything else the Western powers had created in the past, the monsters they created went out of control and came back to bite them in the asses.

ISiS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was recruited by the CIA after the American released him from Camp Bucca during the Iraqi War and was later trained by the CIA and Mossad to fit their long term plan for the Middle East region.

One should ask why not have the US and its Western allies executed military intervention in Iraq to stop the ISIS advancement?

Even more perplexing, the Iraqi soldiers numbering almost 1.0 million strong trained by the US military have bolted,or were asked not to resist the ISIS advancement in Iraq.


What happened in Iraq is not Muslims killing Christians, it's Christians sponsored atrocities against Christians, who had become dispensable commodity in furtherance of Israel and Western powers imperialistic agenda for the region.

That's why the West is silent.

Islam is not evil, every level-headed Muslim knows that and it's plain to see there are many stupid Muslims around the world, who are easily cheated and tempted by money and power at the expense of their own religion.

To me they are not Muslims, they are heretics, or murtad.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Orang Semenanjung Your Brand Of Islam Not For Sabahans

Holy men, holy women: A look at one kampung in Sabah -

JAN 10 — “Aku nak Islam lama balik. Bukan Islam ini.” (“I want the old Islam back, not the current one.”)
I was in Sabah recently, right smack in a small village of 2,000 people. (I am not naming the village because I feel protective over it.) I was there to assess the socio-economic situation of the village, and after a few days of being viewed as a visitor, my newfound friends finally felt comfortable enough to let their guard down.
We were at the anjung of the homestay I stayed in. A faint scent of the sweet but pungent smell of the palm oil that had muddied the village river drifted over from time to time. The village was quiet; an occasional clanging of kitchen utensils broke up the stillness of the night.
The homestay owner had family visiting her. The conversation was banal at first, and like all conversations, family illnesses, ghosts, the rising cost of living peppered the air. A short acknowledgement about a friend’s death stirred the hornet’s nest: the women became very angry.
The martriach of the family looked hard at the homestay owner, who turned to me to explain.
“We Orang Sungai (the people of the river) have always been Muslim,” she said. “And like the Malays of the Semenanjung (Peninsular Malaysia), we have our customs.”
“The thing is, orang Semenanjung are intent on destroying us.”
The arrival of ulamas (preachers) from the Peninsula over the last few years in Sabah, and especially in the interiors, is tearing apart the social fabric of the villagers.
Young, fresh graduates from Al Azhar University and other Islamic colleges, but with little life experience, these young men come to Sabah, with the intent of righting the villagers.
“Dulu, we could wear henna during weddings but now they say it is haram.”
“We’ve always prayed, but now these tabligh, they come to our houses to check that we pray and tell off our men for praying at home, they must pray in the surau.”
“Friday prayers, yes, men must go but when it’s not Friday, they can pray at home too. So why is it wrong now?”
When there is a death in the village, they have a feast, a kenduri, so the whole village comes as one, to grieve.
“These tabligh, they tell us it’s wrong. But to us it is not wrong – the food goes to people who can’t afford to buy food. The funeral unites us as a village.”
In fact, the homestay owner and her family told me they practised many things that united the village. Solat hajat tolak bala berjemaah (mass prayers to avoid misfortune, illness el al). Prayers for those leaving the village to seek their fortunes elsewhere. Read more.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Welcome To Cows,Horses,Camels And Women

Hantu Laut

Welcome to the Muslim World, where cows, horses, camels and women are deemed alike and should be treated as such. 

Was it religion or men who evinced that women are inferior to men?

Was it religion, culture or poverty that necessitates child marriage?

Why was it more prevalent in Islamic societies and less in other societies?

I will not render an answer. I wish my readers will help with some answers.

Watch the horror stories below:

Friday, July 19, 2013

Alvivi: Has The AG Gone Overboard ?

Hantu Laut

I disagree with this

I think the AG (Attorney-General) has gone overboard. Looking at the picture and the message I really don't see the justification for such severe punishment. Though, in my earlier posting I said they should face the music, I would have thought a fine would suffice.

Young people, sometimes, make mistake out of foolishness and we must draw a balance between an actual crime or a joke that has gone sour because it touched raw nerves, the sensitivity of some people. A prank that had blown unto itself.

I guess Alvin and Vivian thought they were being clever when they posted the photo and caption that draw the ire of Muslims in the country. 

Maybe, not all Muslims, some may have taken it lightheartedly and consider it a joke.

I suppose, different strokes for different folks.

Well, if we Muslims can accept beef bacon and turkey ham, how come halal bak kut teh can spook us? 

Almost all major hotels in the country serve halal bacon and ham.

We have halal bak kut teh in Sabah. 

It just a name, like beef bacon and turkey ham.

I still think the couple should not get away with what they did, but does the crime justify the punishment?

Even rape, a heinous crime is bailable.

Related topic: One can’t insult Islam, it’s simply not possible

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Dangerous Silence

There is no concealing the disappointment felt by many of Aung San Suu Kyi’s supporters around the world in the face of her failure to denounce the attackson Burmese Muslims by members of her own community, the Buddhists who constitute more than 90 per cent of the population.

Myanmar Suu Kyi Birthday
Burma opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi waves to supporters after she attended a ceremony to mark her 68th birthday at the headquarters of her National League for Democracy (NLD) party Wednesday, June 19, 2013, in Yangon, Burma. (Khin Maung Win/AP)
Perhaps she couldn’t stop it, people say, but at least she could have taken a stand. She is seen as the teacher, the mother of her nation; moral rebirth has been at the centre of her mission ever since she signed up with the democracy movement; her most influential essay was titled A Revolution of the Spirit. How can she possibly stay silent as Muslims are slaughtered?
The first attacks came in June 2012, just as she was embarking on her first trip abroad in 24 years. A young Buddhist woman in Arakan state, which borders the overwhelmingly Muslim nation of Bangladesh in the west, was raped and murdered by two Muslim men. In retaliation, a group of non-Muslim men stopped a bus and killed the Muslims on board, and the spiral of murder quickly got out of control. There were many victims on both sides but the Muslims were in the majority. Many thousand lost their homes and were resettled in squalid temporary camps.
Another, even more serious wave of attacks came in October. Unlike June’s events, these were initiated by the majority community and closely co-ordinated, as a recent investigation by Human Rights Watch explained in detail ( And although there have been no recent attacks as vicious or widespread as October’s, the fire has not burned out. Instead it has spread across the country. And still Suu Kyi holds her tongue.
How are we to explain it?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pakatan Rakyat Has Only 36 Malay/Muslim MPs

Hantu Laut

We can argue till kingdom come, no amount of rabble rousing will ever change the truth. Anwar can carry on with his political rally everyday if he wishes to, but the fact remained he has lost the real Malay supports. 

Pakatan Rakayat would be in real dilemma if they had won the elections. It would be a minority government even if Anwar was made prime minister.

I am talking about Pakatan as a whole, not the component party individually. 

Of the 89 parliamentary seats they won only 36 can be attributed to Malay/Muslims supports........... 53 are non-Malay/Muslim seats

PKR won 30 seats, but 15 of these seats are won by non-Malay/Muslim candidates. Therefore, PKR 15 + PAS 21 = 36 seats............. and DAP 38 + PKR 15 = 53 seats. The non-Malay/Muslim has much bigger representation. The figure did not include 2 Muslim seats in DAP.

How some political analysts regarded it as Malaysian tsunami is beyond comprehension. There are two pendulums here, the Chinese pendulum swung to the left and the Malay pendulum swung to the right, along the political spectrum.

Only urban Malays voted PKR and majority of votes came from non-Malay voters to ensure PR victory, but unfortunately majority of Malay voters got cold feet when they realised the massive non-Malay swing toward PR, particularly to DAP.

Anwar Ibrahim can screamed fraud all he wants, nothing will change the fact that he lost the elections of his own gross misjudgement. He took for granted that the Malays will vote for him en masse.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ibrahim Ali Political Grandstanding

Hantu Laut

Malaysia will soon be split right down the middle between Muslims and non-Muslims if this man is allowed to have his way and, likewise, irresponsible politicians who continue raising sensitive issues, every now and then, to bolster their waning popularity. 

Lim Guan Eng resurrection of the Allah issue from the Pandora's Box over the New Year was much of a muchness.

Malaysians are smart enough not to heed calls from these political eunuchs.

Ibrahim Ali is not insane or suffering from some kind of malady, he intellect is very intact, his call for Muslims to burn the Christian Al-Kitab (Bible) was pure political grandstanding. 

He is not Terry Jones who is ignorant, thick in the head and a religious deviant. 

Ibrahim Ali knows exactly what he was doing and that his grandstanding was to attract attention of his waning popularity among level-headed Muslims, who think he is a wacko, the only assumption one can make of his strange behaviour.

It is best to ignore this man and don't give him the light of day.

Click on message board.

Have you seen him?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Allah Issue:PAS Dropped A Bombshell.... Finally!

Hantu Laut

Is this the kind of government you want?

Cannot make up their minds. Vacillating back and forth!.....on issue of immense national importance,  
confusing both Muslims and Christians with their now you can, now you cannot fatwa...... not based on religious tenancy but on political expediency.

Nik Aziz is the biggest chicken and should be stripped of his ulamak status for misleading Christians and Muslims in the country and giving in to demand of political expediency......just because PAS found out, of late, that the Malays may dump them in the 13th GE because of the Allah controversy.

PAS is getting greater support from non-Muslims, particularly Chinese DAP supporters than Malay Muslims because of their stand that Christians can use the word Allah in the Bible. With the new development things may change.

Here, he said "voters who make the wrong choice in the general election will have to answer for their decision in the hereafter"

"Rest assured, every part of the body, including the hand that voted, will be witness on Judgement Day," the Kelantan Mentri Besar said in his New Year message.

"Don't make the wrong choice" he warned.

I have not been wrong about the dithering leadership of this bunch of strange bedfellows, some on the verge of nervous breakdown, because they can't make any sense. 

What Nik Aziz says is certainly not in the Koran, nor does it apply to non-Muslims, which have different afterlife, or non at all.

Last month, the slightly deranged Lim Guan Eng "wag the dog" in his New Year message asking the government to allow Christians to use "Allah" in the Bible, an issue that have quietened down, which he saw fit to resurrect from the Pandora'a Box for political expediency. 

If you want to steal the government get your act together first, not by organising mass rally,  but by being consistent with your policies. Read here.

Let's wait and see what DAP has to say about this latest bombshell.

PAS ulamaks say Christians can use it orally but not in written form in the Bible....what a bloody joke! Was not the controversy about using it in the Bible?

I have attended Church many time for friends funeral service and all I can hear is the repetitive use of the word "Lord" in church, never was "Allah" used in its English service. 

In spoken language most Malay speaking Christians use "Tuhan kita"

Why is PAS making an about turn on the issue and give the Christians a half-empty cup, which is not what they wanted?

I am waiting for the Council of Churchs to make a statement on this new ruling coming from its ally.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

Hantu Laut

The war of nerves between two forces of over-exaggerated pietism. Islam has become a cause celebre of Malaysian politics. Even non-Muslims are coming out with their unpolished knowledge of Islam. 

Here's one from a chauvinist dickhead who thinks he knows the Koran and the Constitution equally well to make the Constitution more supreme for the Muslims than the Koran. No one can make head and tail of his snafu, a withered and floppy creative writing. 

I have been abroad for almost two weeks, off the beaten track, where Internet connections have been erratic, sluggish or non-existence and sourly missed the excitement of Malaysia's puerile politics. 

Malaysian politicians from both sides of the political divide should have been clowns in the circus or court jesters in the royal palaces. They spent more time on meaningless trivia than on matters of fundamental national interest.

The uproar,  this time,  a controversy over Anwar Ibrahim's daughter Nurul Izzah's version of Islam. Both sides claimed polymathic understanding of the religion and competing to be the champion. Malaysia would soon have new hadiths written by these heretics. 

"There is no compulsion in Islam" what is the true meaning of this phrase in the Koran?

I must profess I am not most knowledgable in the religion, but from my understanding, learning it from my grandfather, who is highly respected for his indepth knowledge of Islam during his living simply means Islam or Muslims should not compel or force non-Muslims to convert to Islam. Conversion should be by the person own free will. It has nothing to do with allowing Muslims the freedom of choice.

Nurul Izzah's version, which I believe was misconstrued and twisted for political mileage was probably not what she intended to convey..... that Muslims can convert to other religion. Even if she thinks so, right or wrong, it's merely her opinion and one should just consider her wet behind the ears and not politicise Islam solely for the purpose of gaining political mileage.

Without any doubt there are many hypocrites in UMNO, but more dangerous are the bigger hypocrites in PAS playing the same political fire of using Islam to gain political mileage among rural Malays and are prepared to twist and turn the true meaning of Islam whenever it suits their political agenda. 


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dont Be The Cow That Plough The Bog

Hantu Laut

This country moving towards becoming a truly Islamic state is looking brighter than ever if Pakatan win the Federal government in the 13th GE (General Elections).

That's why PAS is adamant with their plan to implement hudud, they know it's a matter of time before they get what they want. On the other hand DAP ......was it miscalculation or deception? 

DAP thirst for power have made their leaders hammy actors lying to their community with complete disregard of the community cultural and religious practices.

DAP has assured the non-Muslims, particularly the Chinese, that hudud can never be implemented in this county without their blessing and those of the other non-Muslim MPs. 

This, looking at the probables, is wishful thinking.

Can Muslims garner two-thirds in Parliament?

I believe they can.

They now have, if my guesstimate is not wrong, between 136 - 140 Muslim MPs. The magic number, the DAP perceived elusive target of 148........ the trigger off point needed to amend the Constitution is only short by a hair's breadth.  The number would increase if DAP fields Muslim candidates in the 13th GE, which they have promised to do without realising the repercussions of its deception.

They can get the numbers and hudud can become a reality in Malaysia and it will not be PAS that will call the shot. It will come from UMNO MPs  throwing their supports behind PAS to spite the non-Muslims. They have more to gain by supporting hudud than opposing it. The extra numbers will come from DAP itself, by way of Muslim candidates fielded by them.

There is a Malay saying "alang-alang mandi biar basah" which will make UMNO MPs throw their support for hudud to teach  Pakatan supporters a lesson they will soon learn not appropriate in a pluralistic society.

Buying and selling of politicians in this country is no F-Word, as can be seen by recent events. 

Anwar Ibrahim, the purveyor of good moral values with his constant histrionic outbursts against corruptions, has inducted many ex-UMNO politicians into the "Pariah's Hall of Fame". See who are the people he collects to join him in his crusade against corruptions ? 

As abominating as it can be, there will always be the opportunistic ones who are prepared to sell their souls to the devil.

It will not be too difficult to get a few non-Muslim ass-kissers to join in the fray for hudud.

Do you want to be cowed into believing that hudud is not possible or you want to be the cow that refused to plough the bog?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Are Pilgrims To Mecca At Risk From A New Virus?

By Aditya Bhattacharji, Daniil Davydoff, and Scott Rosenstein

Attacks on U.S. interests in the Middle East are not the only security threats to have emerged from the region in recent weeks. In epidemiological circles, concern has been mounting over the discovery of a novel coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, just as Muslims from all over the world begin the annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca at the end of October.

In the coming weeks, much-needed surveillance and scientific analysis will likely yield important details regarding this virus's threat to human health. But healthcare system shortfalls in some of the countries that dispatch the most pilgrims present obstacles to disease monitoring. And regardless of the microbe's eventual health, economic, and political impact, these deficits are a vivid reminder of institutional challenges to global disease prevention and control.
Little is known about the novel pathogen, but it does belong to the same family as the virus behind the 2003 SARS outbreak, a previously unknown microbe that killed nearly 800 people and sickened more than 8,000. SARS revealed the political and economic  risks attendant to emerging infectious diseases. But attention to these dangers has increased considerably since SARS, and this novel virus has thus far been confirmed in only two patients, one of whom is under intensive care at a hospital in London.
Whether it's a heretofore unknown virus, polio, or a host of other pathogens, the upcoming Hajj presents significant public health risks. The annual event attracts millions of pilgrims every year and is therefore an "ideal environment for spreading infectious diseases," according to the U.S. CDC. Although the Saudi government has mandated several vaccinations and dedicated considerable resources to lower infectious disease risks, its personnel cannot track pilgrims once they have left the country. And while the WHO has already issued basic case definitions for identifying infected patients, healthcare system deficiencies abroad could allow potential cases to slip through the cracks and go underreported.
Home to roughly 200 million Muslims, Indonesia is sending the world's largest contingent of hajj pilgrims (approximately 200,000). At home, the vast majority relies upon a decentralized healthcare system that suffers from poor information sharing and one of the most inadequately staffed healthcare workforces of any ASEAN nation. Those with means increasingly seek medical treatment abroad. The trend has become pronounced enough for Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to implore the public, in August 2012, to utilize domestic medical facilities, despite having availed of foreign medical care himself. Indonesia is ill-equipped to track diseases over a territory that spans 17,500 islands even under normal circumstances. There's been speculation that an individual returning home from the Hajj was responsible for thereintroduction of polio into Indonesia in 2004 (via a strain of the disease traceable back to northern Nigeria).Read more.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bigots Vs Bigots

Hantu Laut

In every religion there are bigots who violate other religion out of ignorance, sheer stupidity and for some, throwing insults, merely, for orgasmic whirl of thrills. 

People like obscured Florida Pastor Terry Jones and film maker Sam Becile who made the film "Innocence of Muslims" to insult Muslims and Prophet Muhammad are more dangerous that Al Qaeda terrorists as they can stir up mass violence with lethal consequence among the world's Muslim population. 

Jones, from a small never heard of nondenominational Christian church is an attention seeker who may be suffering from serious bouts of attention deficit syndrome. His ways of seeking fame is by burning the Korans. Just as well, bigoted Muslims around the world gave him the attention he wanted...... a celebrity of sorts.

The U.S, the bastion of freedom of expression, as Secretary of State Hilary Clinton had said, will not stop anyone from expressing themselves no matter how distasteful they are. The carnage that stemmed out of this freedom of expression that enraged Muslims into violent reaction that killed the U.S Ambassador to Libya and a couple of other American. 

The U.S stance advocating protection of free speech even if it can cause mass violent hysteria on a global scale is beyond the pale. Its refusal to prosecute the tormentors giving free speech as the excuse is most deplorable and has given rise to more madness and copycats casting more insults at Muslims worldwide.

European official are worried that Europe may be the next battleground over the anti-Islam video. German officials mulled a ban of a planned screening of the film in Berlin and in French a weekly magazine published cartoons of Prophet Muhammad, some showing him naked. Muslim community leaders appealed for calm, but can they control the religious fervour of million of Muslims.

Can they control the madness of 6 million Muslims in French, 4 million in Germany, 20 million in Russia and million more in other part of Europe?

It is deplorable hypocrisy using freedom of expression as an excuse not to take action to stop desecration of other religions. 

You can't call an African American a "nigger" or the Whites  as "white thrashes" but it is fine to thrash and insult other people's religion and called it freedom of expression.Racism is outlawed in the West but insulting religions is perfectly alright.

As there are as many bigots in Christianity, there are just as many in Islam.

Hypocrisy is homage that vice pays to virtue.

It is about time the hypocritical West draw a line between freedom of expression and freedom to insult, may it be race, colour or creed.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Family of Anti-Islam Filmmaker Joins Him in Hiding

Family members of the California man who wrote and produced the controversial anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims" fled their home early Monday morning to join the filmmaker in hiding.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has not returned to his Cerritos, California home since being interviewed late Friday night by federal probation officers about his role in the creation of the film, excerpts of which have ignited violent anti-American protests across the Muslim world.
Shortly before 4 a.m. Monday, officers from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department escorted members of Nakoula's family, who had their faces covered, out of the house and into police vehicles so they could rejoin Nakoula at an undisclosed location.
"They decided they would be safer where they could move about and live a normal life," said Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Sheriff's Department. "All we did was pick them up and reunite them with Mr. Nakoula."Read more.

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Twist To Sam Imbecile's Cheap Flick

Hantu Laut

The actors in the controversial film on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have distanced themselves from the deplorable film saying they were duped and the dialogue was  dubbed.

So, Muslims before you draw your swords and declare jihad on these people, they may be completely innocence and the real culprit, a former criminal and inmate, has gone into hiding.

The US government should slap a manslaugher charge against him for the death of the US Libyan Ambassador and 3 other American.

'Innocence of Muslims' producer's identity in question; actors say they were duped, overdubbed

The man who identified himself as the filmmaker behind the anti-Islam film “The Innocence of Muslims” may have used a pseudonym and spent time in federal prison. Meanwhile several actors in the movie say they were duped, and are now distancing themselves from the film that was cited as a spark to the violence in Libya that resulted in the murder of the United States’ ambassador to that country.

Read more:

 Violence spread across Middle East

Anti-American protests have erupted in the Middle East, resulting in violent embassy protests around the Middle East and heightened security at U.S. facilities abroad.
U.S. officials are bracing for possible protests across the Muslim world over an anti-Islam film blamed on the attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muslims Outrage:The Film That Killed US Ambassador To Libya

Hantu Laut

I was shocked and speechless watching such derogatory and demeaning portrayal of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

It's just too bad they killed an innocent man, the US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other US officials for the sins of his fellow American.

Islam and Muslims can't and will not accept or tolerate any form of desecration of the prophet. A plight that the U.S government knew but refused to accept instead putting American supremacy ahead in its foreign relation dealing with Islamic countries. 

The might is right attitude of the U.S is the root cause of the turmoil with Muslims throughout the world.

That's the price you have to pay for ignorance, arrogance and stupidity.

What are the American government going to do? 

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Are they just going to let the provocateurs who made the film go scot free and let Muslim outrage spread throughout the world and endanger more American lives?

They would claim it's freedom of expression and nothing they can do.

This is America, land of the free, where bigots, sectarians and racists roam free. 

Below is the controversial film and most unfair portrayal of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Islam.

Warning: Readers discretion required.Not for the faint hearted.

Malaysians, beware of too much freedom! 

You'll get this kind of dastardly act of not respecting other people's religion.

Read here a letter from concerned Muslims in Malaysia

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hudud: Stay With The Devil You Know !

Hantu Laut  

There is a pretty widespread belief that this country is in a mess and is an epitome of corruption, incompetence and a skewed political system favouring the Malays.

If you are Pakatan Rakyat supporters that would be your central thesis of the current government, true or false, it does not matter, you mind are made up that it's time for change.

The irony is Pakatan leaders pick and choose which part of the Constitution they cast their net on and demand its as their absolute rights and condemned those they can use to demonise the government as though the Constitution was written by the sitting government. 

If you respect the Constitution and demand your rights prescribed therein than you must respect every parts of it.

While they demand their rights under Article 10 for freedom to assemble they demeaned and demanded removal of Article 153 that prescribed certain rights/privileges for Malays/bumiputras.

We are a democracy,  you can vote whoever you want to, to govern this country, but it comes with responsibility that the government you chose can govern the country fairly and impartially for all races and religions. 

Malaysia is a multiracial and multi-religious country and our Constitution is clear that religion has no part in the administration of the state.

Islam is the official religion of this country and should be respected and should not be challenged as set out in our Constitution. However, Islam should not be used to curtail personal liberties in a multiracial and multi-religious society. 

Pakatan Rakyat, a coalition of strange bedfellows, is in a "STATE OF CONFUSION." There is PAS on one side wanting to implement "hudud" and DAP on the other side demanding secularism and PKR caught in the middle not making any strong commitment whose side they are on. 

Can these bunch of strange bedfellows be trusted to govern the country or would they be bogged down with infighting at the expense of the people and nation? 

DAP and PAS have nothing in common other than one wanting to push the formation of an Islamic regime and DAP pushing for  greater Chinese involvement in governing the country. The other coalition partner, PKR is only interested in making their hairy at the heel de facto leader the prime minister.

Some non-Muslims are beginning to realise that PAS leaders are determined to push their agenda of implementing hudud should Pakatan capture Putrajaya, but majority of non-Muslims still do not understand that hudud, if implemented, would encroach into the areas of non-Muslim personal liberties.They have been brainwashed into believing that hudud would only be executed against Muslims.

If PAS emerged as strong as UMNO had been after conclusion of the next general elections, Islamic jurisprudence would become a reality for all Malaysians. The Malay MPs in PKR, DAP and other parties,  being Muslims and to save the embarrassment of being ostracised, would have no choice, but to join PAS and support its agenda.

The Constitution is least of PAS worries.They can use the powers of local and city councils as stepping stone to attain their Islamic objectives. 

For a start they can use local and city councils under their control to implement their first version of Islamic jurisprudence.

They can stop issuing liquor licences to pubs, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, close down entertainment outlets that goes against Islamic values, stop all foreign artists from performing in Malaysia, segregate the sexes in cinemas, restaurants, supermarkets and all other public arenas. 

Unless you are married or members of the same family, you are prohibited from sharing the same seats or tables in any public places.

They need not go to parliament to remove these encumbrances to Islamic values.

Most, are already a reality in Kelantan and would be a reality in other states in Malaysia should PAS become the new ketuanan Melayu.

It is common knowledge that PAS youth have been very vocal against what they viewed as vices against Islamic values and have made many attempts to stop what enshrined in the Constitution as personal rights and liberties.

The non-Muslims are made to think that hudud is just about chopping hands and as grotesque as the thinking can be and a dire misconception that only Muslims hands would be chopped off.

Hudud extend to much more than just theft, it covers fornification and adultery, alcoholic intoxication and apostasy. Most, if not all, carry no less than capital punishment.

Say, if a Muslim woman fornicate with a Christian man, under hudud both should be stoned to death. 

Would you infidels, in your right mind, see that only the Muslim woman would be stoned to death and the Christian man gets off scot free and become a serial Muslim woman fucker knowing the state will help him to get rid off the woman he had good time with?

Think again !

The bigger "HUDUD" would come later when their claws are deeply entrenched in Parliament.

Can DAP stop them as claimed? 

Karpal Singh, who is deadly opposed against hudud has uttered that PAS can only do so over his dead body. Will Karpal declare 'jihad' against PAS if they tried to push through hudud in Parliament?  Why should PAS care over the death of one infidel.

DAP can only muster, at most, 60 MP seats. The total non-Muslim MPs, between DAP and other parties would not be enough to mount a challenge against all Muslim MPs, including those from Sabah and Sarawak and the few poor UMNO MPs left in the lurch, who would joyfully join PAS to make Malaysia a truly Islamic nation.

PAS would never be able to implement hudud because DAP can stop them from doing so??

Do not underestimate PAS, they have fire in the belly and would try hard to push through their principles. 

So! You thing it is not possible that hudud can become a reality?

Dream on, you infidels!

Am I trying to scare you?

No, as a Muslim I may have to accept "hudud" if implemented, but it's you non-Muslim that are going to lose your personal liberties...... your screwing, your drinking, your nighclubbing and your gambling all would be stories of the past.

Here's a wake up call from a youth group not to vote for Pakatan.


Stay with the devil you know.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Islam A Bad Name

Hantu Laut

The Muslims can't even get their act together let alone expand an Islamic empire.Muslims killing each other in the name of their religion.Suicide bombing killing innocent civilians are some of the most gruesome act of terror perpetuated by Muslims against their own kind.

What's happening in the Arab countries, in Afghanistan and in Pakistan are depictions of Muslims showing disrespect to their own religion and desecrating the sanctity of Islam.This morbid fascination of going to the Garden of Eternity filled with vestal virgins have brought great embarrassment to the religion.

The Koran prescribed reward for martyrdom, but in no uncertain term, proscribed suicide in whatever form.Killing innocent men,women and children by strapping bomb to your body and blowing yourself up and those around you is not by any stretch of one's imagination considered martyrdom.You have to be really stupid to believe in such deviant teaching.

Islam does not encourage the propagation of violence and militancy, no mention of honour killing in its scriptures and so were most of sharia laws, some from the Koran but majority were taken from the hadiths formulated over hundreds of years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in A.D.632.The sharia was assembled over many centuries by Mohammad's followers and Islamic dynasties.The Koran sets out basic standards of human conduct, but does not provide a detailed law code.

This bunch of shitheads who come to other people's country and want to impose their religious law on others should be locked up before they start spreading their madness to gullible and uninitiated Muslims.They are danger to society, not only in Britain, but to the rest of the world.They should go back to where their forefathers came from.

Malaysia have just arrested using the ISA 18 Islamic militants in Tawau, Sabah, who were caught with arms and explosives, to be used God's knows where, to kill civilians.Yet, human rights groups like Sukaham and political party PAS/PKR admonished the government for doing so.I am sure if there were terrorist bombing in this country they would also blame the government.

Watch this most cruel and brutal punishment and public execution carried out in Iran.

Do you want this in Malaysia?

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hantu Laut

I have read it before but never crossed my mind to post it on my blog at that time.

It was written in 2009 by a Pakistani freelance columnist. 

Dr Farrukh Saleem propounds the weaknesses of Muslims and Muslim countries (you can access his article by the link below) and why they are lagging behind and why the Jews, the most minute minority of world's population yet the most successful race in the world.

They excelled in all the sciences, from Einstein to Friedman and thousands others they have conquered the sciences and gave mankind the benefits of their knowledge and discoveries.

Back in 2007 when I first started blogging, I wrote an article not exactly showering accolades on the Jews as Farrukh did, but why Muslims and Muslim nations lagged behind the West which brought Farrukh and myself inadvertently to the same or lack of it!

The Middle Eastern Arab countries are living examples of how poor, divided, disorganised and illiterate they are, ruled by despotic regimes that disenfranchised civil liberties and leaders robbing the state coffers for themselves, their families and cronies.The tsunamic "Arab Spring" swept through the region demolishing one regime after another.

Gaddafi's Libya buckled two days ago.Syria would be next.

Absolute monarchy has no place in this modern world. Saudi Arabia, a despotic monarchial regime under Islamic Wahabism would see challenge to the monarchy in a matter of time.

Would the Arab countries see better days. The revolution or for better word the "Arab Spring" was so disorganised there were no clear leaders to take over leaderships. Eygpt is still in the quagmire with the military still in control and democracy still a bridge too far.

Education in Islamic countries is a non-issue and the enigmatic "no compulsion in religion" has turned into "no compulsion in education" and to deadlier ignorance of knowledge and the modern world.


Dr Farrukh's article: