Showing posts with label Libya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libya. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muslims Outrage:The Film That Killed US Ambassador To Libya

Hantu Laut

I was shocked and speechless watching such derogatory and demeaning portrayal of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

It's just too bad they killed an innocent man, the US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other US officials for the sins of his fellow American.

Islam and Muslims can't and will not accept or tolerate any form of desecration of the prophet. A plight that the U.S government knew but refused to accept instead putting American supremacy ahead in its foreign relation dealing with Islamic countries. 

The might is right attitude of the U.S is the root cause of the turmoil with Muslims throughout the world.

That's the price you have to pay for ignorance, arrogance and stupidity.

What are the American government going to do? 

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Are they just going to let the provocateurs who made the film go scot free and let Muslim outrage spread throughout the world and endanger more American lives?

They would claim it's freedom of expression and nothing they can do.

This is America, land of the free, where bigots, sectarians and racists roam free. 

Below is the controversial film and most unfair portrayal of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Islam.

Warning: Readers discretion required.Not for the faint hearted.

Malaysians, beware of too much freedom! 

You'll get this kind of dastardly act of not respecting other people's religion.

Read here a letter from concerned Muslims in Malaysia

Saturday, October 22, 2011

New Videos:The Qaddafis' Last Minute

Hantu Laut

Mob justice.Deplorable,disgusting and sickening.They are no different from the tyrant they killed.


Warning: some of the video included in this post is extremely graphic.

Friday, October 21, 2011

End Of Tyranny, Beginning Of Chaos

Hantu Laut

From the longest reigning tyrant to the most hunted man who dreamed he could still hold on to power by instillation of fear, torture and murder of his people. Libya's reign of terror ended with the death of Muammar Gaddafi, killed in his birthplace of Sirte.

This is the man who first exported terrorism to the world before Osama.He financed the Muslim rebels of Southern Philippines, the IRA of Northern Ireland, the Lockerbie Pan Am bombing and multitudes of other act of terror against his own people.

The Western powers that backed the uprisings in Libya and other Arab countries will have a long wait before true democracy can be restored in the Arab world.

Democracy, ain't in their book.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to Catch Qaddafi


History has a strange way of repeating itself, often more quickly than anticipated. Within hours of invading Panama in 1989, U.S. forces had decimated the Panamanian Defense Forces and were greeted as liberators by the long-suffering Panamanian people. Yet the failure to immediately capture Gen. Manuel Noriega, the thuggish, pock-marked Panamanian strongman, dominated perceptions of Operation Just Cause. At the first post-invasion news conference in Washington, reporters asked: "Could we really consider Just Cause successful as long as we did not have Noriega in custody?"

More than a decade later, coalition forces overwhelmed the Iraqi Army and seized Baghdad after a lightning three-week campaign in spring 2003. But the ostensible target of the invasion, dictator Saddam Hussein, disappeared. Despite the initial euphoria of liberation, ordinary Iraqis were plagued by a sense of growing unease and disbelief as graffiti praising Saddam began to emerge in Iraq's so-called Sunni Triangle, bearing messages such as "Saddam is still our leader" and "Saddam the hero will be back." While Noriega was apprehended within two weeks and the feared guerrilla campaign never developed, Saddam evaded coalition forces for eight months, during which time the Sunni insurgency that killed tens of thousands of Iraqis and nearly devastated Iraq coalesced.

Today, Libya's fate may similarly hinge on the apprehension of a deposed dictator. For even as forces loyal to the Western-backed National Transitional Council (NTC) storm Tripoli and attempt to consolidate control, the shadow of missing strongman Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi looms large over the country's future. The head of the NTC's provisional government, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, said Wednesday, Aug. 24,"The matter won't come to an end except when he's captured dead or alive" and "we fear mayhem and destruction from him because these are his values, upbringing, and practices." Or as a homemaker in Tripoli told the Wall Street Journal, "A part of me will always fear that he might come back, and until I see him in jail or hanging, that fear will remain."

In other words, capturing Qaddafi is critical to avoiding prolonged civil strife and achieving a strategically acceptable outcome in Libya. Recognizing this fact, the NTC announced a bounty of 2 million Libyan dinars -- approximately $1.35 million -- to anyone who captures the ousted leader and offered amnesty for past crimes to any member of the strongman's inner circle who either captures or kills him.

Given that deploying SEAL Team 6 is not an option, as Barack Obama's administration and Congress are united in their commitment to avoid the deployment of U.S. forces to Libya, what is the most likely way to capture Qaddafi? In my book Wanted Dead or Alive: Manhunts from Geronimo to bin Laden, I recount the history of 11 previous strategic manhunts, examining which factors lead to success or failure in apprehending the targeted individual. I focus on six variables: the level of technology employed (both relative and absolute), troop strength, terrain, human intelligence, indigenous forces, and bilateral assistance.

I found four surprising conclusions. First, although U.S. forces almost always enjoy an edge in technology over their quarry, this advantage is never decisive. Second, troop strength is less important than the presence of reliable indigenous forces. Third, although terrain can influence individual campaigns, there is no single terrain type that predicts success or failure. Finally, more important than physical terrain is human terrain, or the ability to obtain intelligence tips from local populations or support from neighboring states to assist in the strategic manhunt.

Applied to Libya, these lessons suggest several courses of action necessary to apprehending Qaddafi.Read more.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Leave Libya Alone !

Hantu Laut

There have been talks of Western military intervention in Libya, particularly the U.S, itching to put an end to Gaddafi's rule and to secure the oil fields to avoid another world's economic calamity.

Oils reserves in Libya are largest in Africa and ninth largest in the world and have one of the lowest extraction cost, reason why Gaddafi is flush with money.

The revolution and U.S sanctions have fused together international banks refusing to clear U.S dollars for the Libyan oil trade.For the moment no one is getting money for oil which has brought almost all transactions to a halt.Production has plummeted from 1.3 million barrels to under 600,000 barrels per day.

Countries in Europe would be the first to face the dire consequence as most Libyan oil goes to Europe.

No Arab countries have yet made a call for Western military intervention for what is seen as an Arab revolution and Arab problem festering in the region.Other than some American politicians urging U.S military intervention it was all quiet on the Western front.No leaders outside America's borders have called for military intervention.The Europeans are stung by the Iraq military misadventure.

American military intervention in Libya would indeed be catastrophic.

To the Arabs, fear of Western military intervention, whether they are rebels in Libya or street protesters in other Arab nations ......the answer is clearly Iraq.

Iraq is a lesson that has gone completely wrong.America's democracy in despair.

When the Western powers entered Iraq to get rid of Sadam Hussein, which they successfully did, they did not expect continued resistance that have put Iraq in total chaos and taking the lives of more Iraqi civilians than what Saddam had killed during his reign of terror.

Much of Iraq are still unsafe with pockets of resistance unleashing deadly bombing from time to time killing innocent civilians rather than the intended victims.......the U.S military, safely sheltered in the Green Zone.

What have the American achieved in Iraq?

A very unstable government and fragile democracy.

All hell will break loose the moment the U.S military leaves Iraq.Arm resistance and guerrilla warfare would continue to beset the country as long as the American continue to stay in Iraq and civil war is much in the offing the moment they leave.Damned if you do damned if you don't. Iraq, may need another Saddam Hussein to stabilise the country.

There is no clear picture who is the unchallenged leader of the rebellion in Libya, if anything to go by, the rebels are very splintered and disorganised, giving Gaddafi the edge over them at the moment.

U.S.military intervention would make Libya into another Iraq and Afghanistan

It's time the U.S. take stocks of its damaging foreign policy and stay out of conflicts that do not concern them.