Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Terror In Paris: You Reap What You Sow

Hantu Laut

The Western world never seem to learn from their mistakes when come to dealing with the Muslims world. They make one mistake after another. 

They want to impose their way of life on a culture completely alien and opposed to theirs.

Why do fanatical Muslims want to hurt and kill Westerners? 

The story goes since way back to the creation of the state of Israel and Jewish atrocities against Palestinians, the Iraq War, the war in Afghanistan, the Arab Spring to the present Western involvement in the dismantling of Assad of Syria. 

In Syria with the help of the Saudis they again created another monster, ISIS.

The 9/11 attack in the US was the culmination of Muslims anger against the West. The lull was only a calm before the storm. The Muslim ogre has grown bigger, richer, more organised and crueller.

Over the decades the West, with their 'might is right' attitude had cast aspersions on the Muslim world. Many of the attacks on Western targets were retaliations and revenge. The tit-for-tat kind of thing. Thousands of Muslims killed as collateral damage in indiscriminate bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen mean nothing to the West. Muslim lives are cheap and can be done with, but they make a big show out of a few beheading of their own by fanatical Muslims. Fanatical Muslims were appalled with this kind of double standard.

Claims by the US that their weapons have bullseye accuracy were pure fabrication because every attack on so-called terrorist targets killed more innocent bystanders than the target itself.

Muslims also see the West as untrustworthy and horrible user and abuser. The Mujahideens, Saddam Hussien and Al Qaeda, financed and used by them to fight a common enemy have all turned against them.

The attack on the newspaper office purportedly because of a cartoon insulting Mohammad and Islam, is to the attackers the end justifies the means, seemingly trivial to the Westerners but a big insult to some crazy Muslims.

The Paris attack may only just be the beginning. More frequent attacks should be expected coming from ISIS, which have cells in every Western countries.  

Fanatical Muslims who are prepared to die for their cause.

Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, senior leader and official spokesman for ISIS has called on the members to take retribution, to kill without question and by any means necessary civilians and soldiers from the Western alliance.

The world has become a very unsafe place, you don't know where and when they are going to strike.

The writer condemn this dastardly act of violence against civilians.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Hantu Laut

Iraqi Christians are raped, murdered and driven from their homes – and the West is silent.......the Telegraph.

May I ask this lamed historian has he done any proper research who created the monster ISIS? ... and in the past, the making of Saddam Hussein, the Mujaheedins, Osama and Al-qaeda and the Contras of Nicaragua?

Who are the devils that created these monsters?

ISIS was created by the US, Israel and Britain to destabilise Syria and the whole of the Middle East region using Islam as the bogeyman to sway world's opinion against Islam and Muslims. The Zionist agenda include the extermination of small pockets of Christians to strengthen the doctrine that Islam is an evil religion. Many top brass in ISIS were trained by CIA and Mossad coaxing the use of unspeakable violence against its enemies to instil fear in the population. Killing Christians would give added value to the monstrosity of Islam.

Like everything else the Western powers had created in the past, the monsters they created went out of control and came back to bite them in the asses.

ISiS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was recruited by the CIA after the American released him from Camp Bucca during the Iraqi War and was later trained by the CIA and Mossad to fit their long term plan for the Middle East region.

One should ask why not have the US and its Western allies executed military intervention in Iraq to stop the ISIS advancement?

Even more perplexing, the Iraqi soldiers numbering almost 1.0 million strong trained by the US military have bolted,or were asked not to resist the ISIS advancement in Iraq.


What happened in Iraq is not Muslims killing Christians, it's Christians sponsored atrocities against Christians, who had become dispensable commodity in furtherance of Israel and Western powers imperialistic agenda for the region.

That's why the West is silent.

Islam is not evil, every level-headed Muslim knows that and it's plain to see there are many stupid Muslims around the world, who are easily cheated and tempted by money and power at the expense of their own religion.

To me they are not Muslims, they are heretics, or murtad.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's A Joke: Obama Should Return His Nobel Peace Prize.

Hantu Laut

Will Barack Obama bomb the hell out of Syria?

Obama should return the Nobel Peach Prize as he is no more fighting a leftover war, but himself into war. 

He never did deserve the Nobel Peace Prize anyway. I have written here some time ago why he didn't deserve the Nobel Prize.

He says America is not the world's policeman, why than is he trying to get involve in an area of conflict that has nothing to do with the U.S?

The American never seem to learn their lessons, poking their noses in every area of conflicts whenever they think American interests are at stake.

Syria, for no viable reason, do not fit the picture of danger to American interests, but there is more to it than chemical weapon of mass destruction to justify U.S involvement.

The Syrian war if left unchecked can destabilise the region.

That's the only reason the U.S. wanted to exert its military power in Syria......... to shield Israel and protect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia from a spill over of the war, where a motley mix of dangerous rebels forces, including Al Qaeda are fighting to topple Bashar al-Assad. 

More than 100,000 people have been killed and 1.7 million forced to flee to neighbouring countries since the conflict started 30 months ago.

The U.S. have closed its eyes to what had happened in Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda where millions were slaughtered by murderous dictators and the American never bat an eyelid.

Why than is the U.S. keen to get involved in Syria? 

Why Syria, where Assad is fighting rebel groups as atrocious, cruel and murderous as Assad is ? 

The Middle East is the most important region for the U.S and for the security of Israel and the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. 

The U.S. doesn't give two hoots about human lives. If sincerely so, why wait until over 100,000 lives have been lost before it triggers the American conscience.

Obama says if they do proceed, it will be limited war, no ground troops.

Aren't aerial bombings the most destructive to human lives and properties and more often than not do not hit the intended targets, resulting in gross destruction to civilian lives and properties?

How many people have Assad killed using chemical weapons and how many more will Obama kill with his indiscriminate bombing of the country?

I am no fan of Assad, I think he is reincarnation of the devil itself and should be taken out, but not the way the American want to do it. 

The American with all the sophisticated weapons that they have are not known to be dead accurate hitting their targets and many civilians would become collateral damage if the U.S.military resorted to aerial bombings using drones or manned flights.

The rebels atrocities and cruelty are not less than what Assad is doing. Can Obama explain to the world his reasoning of supporting the same kind of evil that he is trying to stop, this war of baddies against baddies.

The video below was smuggled by a rebel disillusioned with the atrocities inflict on the enemies and civilians who do not support their cause.

Rebels have also reportedly killed 123 civilians in Assad's home province of Latakia and Assad's Alawite sect that controlled the military and have kept his family in power for over four decades. The massacre could have been retaliatory.

Among the rebels are opportunistic terror groups like Al Qeada and freedom fighters from other Muslim countries. 

America's next biggest headache is if the rebels succeeded in taking over Syria, there are no visible leaders align to the U.S. who can take over the running of the country.

Between the two evils, which one is Obama going to play ball with?

Obama is now looking for an escape tunnel where he can escape  from attacking Syria.