Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

Misuari’s final gambit?


Old, forgotten and hounded, the once-great Nur Misuari, founder of the once-formidable Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), is now dealing his last card in Zamboanga City.
Zamboangueños woke up last Monday to his latest and what I imagine is his last caper as time and the tides of history dealt him an insurmountable blow a long time ago when he failed miserably as governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. Sidelined in the recent negotiations for lasting peace in Mindanao, he has resorted to the thing he knows best to get attention: blow his way into the national headlines.
His timing could not have been more impeccably suspect as protests against the scandalous multi-billion peso misuse of pork barrel funds is mounting and inching towards the doorstep of Malacañang. It does not take a rocket scientist, hence, to wonder if this Misuari misadventure in Zamboanga has been staged, complete with unlimited funding, to divert attention—and heat—from the capital. Even a lowly taxi driver told a friend and colleague of mine who rode with him, “When Misuari needs money, he goes to war.”
The question to ask therefore is this: Who is funding this little war that Misuari has foisted on the helpless people of Zamboanga? While Misuari may have some following in Sulu where his popularity among the older generation of the MNLF remains, I do not think those followers will risk whatever money they have to this caper that everyone knows will only end in pushing Misuari and whatever cause he is espousing further into the back-burner to be judged later by history. Old men tend to grumble when the latter and younger generation fail to notice what they want. But they do not go to war for it, not unless they have the guns and the bombs. And those cost money.

Read more: 

Also read:

Nur Misuari’s last scream

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's A Joke: Obama Should Return His Nobel Peace Prize.

Hantu Laut

Will Barack Obama bomb the hell out of Syria?

Obama should return the Nobel Peach Prize as he is no more fighting a leftover war, but himself into war. 

He never did deserve the Nobel Peace Prize anyway. I have written here some time ago why he didn't deserve the Nobel Prize.

He says America is not the world's policeman, why than is he trying to get involve in an area of conflict that has nothing to do with the U.S?

The American never seem to learn their lessons, poking their noses in every area of conflicts whenever they think American interests are at stake.

Syria, for no viable reason, do not fit the picture of danger to American interests, but there is more to it than chemical weapon of mass destruction to justify U.S involvement.

The Syrian war if left unchecked can destabilise the region.

That's the only reason the U.S. wanted to exert its military power in Syria......... to shield Israel and protect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia from a spill over of the war, where a motley mix of dangerous rebels forces, including Al Qaeda are fighting to topple Bashar al-Assad. 

More than 100,000 people have been killed and 1.7 million forced to flee to neighbouring countries since the conflict started 30 months ago.

The U.S. have closed its eyes to what had happened in Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda where millions were slaughtered by murderous dictators and the American never bat an eyelid.

Why than is the U.S. keen to get involved in Syria? 

Why Syria, where Assad is fighting rebel groups as atrocious, cruel and murderous as Assad is ? 

The Middle East is the most important region for the U.S and for the security of Israel and the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. 

The U.S. doesn't give two hoots about human lives. If sincerely so, why wait until over 100,000 lives have been lost before it triggers the American conscience.

Obama says if they do proceed, it will be limited war, no ground troops.

Aren't aerial bombings the most destructive to human lives and properties and more often than not do not hit the intended targets, resulting in gross destruction to civilian lives and properties?

How many people have Assad killed using chemical weapons and how many more will Obama kill with his indiscriminate bombing of the country?

I am no fan of Assad, I think he is reincarnation of the devil itself and should be taken out, but not the way the American want to do it. 

The American with all the sophisticated weapons that they have are not known to be dead accurate hitting their targets and many civilians would become collateral damage if the U.S.military resorted to aerial bombings using drones or manned flights.

The rebels atrocities and cruelty are not less than what Assad is doing. Can Obama explain to the world his reasoning of supporting the same kind of evil that he is trying to stop, this war of baddies against baddies.

The video below was smuggled by a rebel disillusioned with the atrocities inflict on the enemies and civilians who do not support their cause.

Rebels have also reportedly killed 123 civilians in Assad's home province of Latakia and Assad's Alawite sect that controlled the military and have kept his family in power for over four decades. The massacre could have been retaliatory.

Among the rebels are opportunistic terror groups like Al Qeada and freedom fighters from other Muslim countries. 

America's next biggest headache is if the rebels succeeded in taking over Syria, there are no visible leaders align to the U.S. who can take over the running of the country.

Between the two evils, which one is Obama going to play ball with?

Obama is now looking for an escape tunnel where he can escape  from attacking Syria.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Najib Tell The IGP To Equip Our Policemen With Maximum Protection

Hantu Laut

Look at the picture! It is most unacceptable way of mounting a road block in what can be a war zone in the event of a surprise attack. 

Those policemen are completely exposed to the enemies who can spring a surprise attack from a vehicle or from the cover of the palm trees. There is no way they can see whether people in the vehicle armed or not until it's too late, or spot the enemies under jungle camouflage. 

There are too many wrongs in what I see in the picture. No protective gear such as bulletproof vest, no protective sand bags bunker and wrong location making the policemen vulnerable and easy target to the enemies.

This is not a walk in the park, or a roadblock to check vehicle's road taxes, or checking for poor illegal immigrants. 

This is war!

War means choosing the right strategy and tactic. Worst still, if you are dealing with guerrillas, which makes you even more vulnerable.

What is happening to the IGP, the Generals of the army, or those in commanding positions, are they not aware of the needs to give maximum protection to their men? 

Don't tell me they don't know, or they are just complacent and think a gun in the hand is a protection.  

First, there should be sand-bag bunkers placed on both sides of the road at least 40-50 meter behind where the policeman is standing and each one manned by at least one policeman with high-powered automatic weapon. In the event of a surprise attack there are backups to counter the enemies. Sand-bag bunkers can be moved from place to place should the location of the road-block be moved to other location.

It is also imperative that the policeman out in the open donned bulletproof vests and helmet to protect himself from fatal shots.He has better chance of survival in the event of a shootout. Never underestimate in which direction your enemy can came from. They can come from any direction.

Another big mistake was the location. The location can give better protection to the enemies than the policemen who can become easy target of snipers or surprise attack. The location is hemmed by forested oil palm plantation on both sides of the road which can give the enemies stealth, cover and protection.

I take this "tidak apa" attitude, part complacency and part laziness, which should not be the case. The IGP must warn the commanding officers to shape up, or ship out. 

It's needless to say that in a situation like what we are in right now someone have to die, but why must our policemen or soldiers die in vain due to negligence of their superiors.

Here, the IGP says high morale among policemen in Sabah. 

The 8 policemen died in vain due to ruse and surprises sprung by the enemies.

Why take chances!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Japan's War Reparations:The Mythbuster

Hantu Laut

Nizar, the fallen angel of PAS compromise candidate for Perak MB, has he gone bonkers, or he is just another Pakatan's typical liar? 

It was rumoured that PAS Kelantan had given the DAP head honcho in Perak a joint-venture logging operation in Kelantan as reward and compromise for Nizar to be MB, which makes no sense  at all, as the 'State Constitution' is very clear on a Malay Muslim mandatory appointment  as MB of the state. 

It goes to show that DAP is very clever at arm-twisting. In Penang DAP's Lim Guan Eng hold a tight rein over the state and has little tolerance for opposing views, in Selangor DAP is the fiddler that plays the tune and Khalid Ibrahim dance to it. 

Where did Nizar gets the figure of RM207 billion as Japan's war reparation for Malaysia? Did he not do any homework before he opens his big mouth and embarrass himself and the whole Pakatan's clowns with his piece of fiction.

With today's technology one can research, with caution, any subject matter with just a click of the computer's keyboard. One needs certain amount of intelligence to separate the "wheat from the chaff" or come out looking like an idiot. The Internet is a jungle of worthy and worthless information and a quagmire for the uninitiated. 

Common sense do not prevail in people driven by emotion, they can't make logical progression of things. Nizar, a sore loser fits the bill.

The sum of RM207 billion given by Nizar as compensation agreed upon in 1967 between Japan and Malaysia would have bankrupted Japan before it can even rise from the ashes, which saw the country thoroughly vanquished after World War II.

Malaysia issued its first currency in 1967, replacing the Malaya and British Borneo dollar. The Malaysian dollar, as it was called then, was pegged at exchange rate of 8.57 to the British pound. At the historical exchange rate the RM207 billion would have worth 24 billion Pound Sterling. At current exchange rate it is worth 42 billion Pound. A mind boggling figure for any nation after going through the ravages of war in less than two decades. As victor or the vanquish, the toll on the economy and its peoples would be the same.

It is not possible for Japan to agree on such huge amount as Malaysia was not the only country it has to pay war reparations. The reparations came in the form of grants, write-offs, donations and cash compensations. The amounts are not paid in single payment but over a period.

Below is a chart that shows a more plausible figure of Japan war reparations paid to various countries including Malaysia.

Japan's Records on War Reparations
by Noguchi Hikaru
Japan has not dodged any responsibility for peaceful relations. The general public seems to be ignorant of the fact that Japan has faithfully met, negotiated, and fulfilled rigorous demands on all war-time reparations. Negotiations for post-war reparations started in 1951 and continued until 1977. In all, 54 treaties and agreements were concluded.

It is difficult to simplify the whole picture, but the following table will give you an idea:

Indemnity & grants (in yen, at the time of payment)
Loans (in yen, at the time of payment)
18 billion donated

1955, 1963
72 billion indemnity
50.4 billion grant
18 billion
10.8 billion
198 billion indemnity
90 billion
80.3 billion indemnity(+63.7 billion credit write-off)
144 billion
1 billion grant

1.5 billion grant

14 billion indemnity
6 billion
108 billion
72 billion
2.9 billion grant

15 billion

58 billion

2.9 billion grant

3.6 billion compensation

1.1 billion compensation

3 billion compensation
4.23 billion compensation

5 billion compensation

Britain & Holland used Japanese assets in neutral countries & funds in Thailand for compensation to POs (but not confiscated Japanese assets in their respective countries)
USA 50 million dollars Japanese assets in USA confiscated Occupation era food and medical aid (GAROIA) and (EROA) paid back, with interest: 580 million dollars 7-year occupation costs paid by Japan
Construction of such economic and social infrastructure in Asia would not have been possible without Japan's ODA. Why was there such a focusing of aid to Asia? It was shaped from an unspoken consensus and desire among the Japanese public, even though our legal obligations had been met, to re-build friendship with our Asian neighbors.The negotiations and implementation of agreements were carried out with sincerity. Payments of reparations, which sometimes exceeded national welfare expenditure, started in 1955, lasted for 23 years, and ended in 1977. The amounts were huge for Japan, compared to the national economy of this period, but they were paid out in good faith. It should be emphasized that how all the money were spent were up to the discretion of the individual governments, beyond the dictates of Japan. Very often the governments chose not to use the funds to compensate individual losses, but instead to improve the general national economy or welfare.
The first country with which Japan concluded an agreement was Myanmar (Burma). A total of about 90 billion yen of indemnity and semi-indemnity were paid out to Myanmar, which was about 9 per cent of Japan's budget. When agreements were concluded with the Philippines, in 1956, Japan's national budget was a little over one trillion yen. Indemnity and semi-indemnity promised to the Philippines totaled 27% of that budget. Similarly, when Korea and Japan reached an agreement in 1965, Japan agreed to pay 180 billion yen (500 million dollars) indemnity and aid. Looking from Korea's point of view, this amount was 1.45 times Korea's national budget, and 3.8 times its foreign reserves. Most of this money was used by the Korean government for the nation's modernization. Korea says that it contributed to 20 per cent of its economic growth between 1966 and 1975, and 8 per cent annually to cover its trade deficit. From 1975, Korea also started compensations to individual citizens for personal losses during the war. However, on the whole, the Korean government chose to use the resources for national prosperity over compensation to private citizens.

Figures are from:
"Sengo Hoshoron wa Machigatte Iru" ( Mistaken Beliefs in Demands for Post-War Reparations)
By OKADA Kunihiro / Published by Japan Policy Institute (Tokyo)

Sankei Newspaper Sept.12th 1994 issue
Spa Magazines Date unknown, 1996 issue
"Kotonaru Higeki Nihon to Doitsu" (Dissimilar Tragedies: Japan & Germany)
By NISHIO Kanji (1994) / Published by Bungei Shunju (Tokyo)


There is no need to write prolix article to address this issue, it has be chronicled in the history books .

I rest my case.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mitt Romney:A Looming Spectre Of New World Order

Hantu Laut

At a fund raising organised by his friend Marc Leder, presidential candidate Mitt Romney shared his thought about the 47% Americans likely to vote for Obama. 

This is what he said "All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing." 

Mitt Romney, as I have said in my tweet earlier is not a truthful person, he is what he is, playing the devil's advocate.

He is cut from the same cloth as George Bush...... rich and not care a hoot about the less fortunate American people. 

Romney said he has written off that group of voters as he would never be able to convince them to take personal responsibility and care of their lives, not depend on the government too much. 

Mitt Romney mindset is no different from that of Bush. He'll take the same hawkish policy and will widen the budget deficit by increasing military spending and bring back a pugnacious foreign policy that could bring the US into possible arm conflicts with Iran, directly or indirectly, North Korea and high diplomatic tension with China.

He has accused Obama of China coddling and failure to take retaliatory action against China, accusing China of unfair trade practices, theft of intellectual properties and currency manipulator.

Romney's tit-for-tat foreign policy will return the US back to the Bush era of global geopolitical instability. 

China's naval expedition in the East and South China Seas and her overlaying claims over islands and waters of the Spratly, which have similar claims by five other nations is cause for concern.

China's PLA Navy, which used to play second fiddle to the PLA Ground Force has undergone rapid modernization and is now the second largest navy in the world after the US and is moving fast towards becoming a blue-water naval force causing rising fear in Washington.

As a non-American citizen my big concern is not the US domestic policy but its foreign policy that can change global peace and effect countries in non-aligned pacifist region, particularly, Southeast Asian countries. 

The dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands was one that came nearest to blow.

Diplomatic relations between the two countries has soured to such extent that two top Chinese officials.....Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiochuan and Finance Minister Xie Xuren failed to show up at the IMF and World Bank annual meetings in Tokyo last Friday.The crisis has exacerbated to more than the eyes can see....a diplomatic snub and rising tension.

As Republican president, Mitt Romney may  return to the Bush's years of belligerency, and high probability of new hotspots in the Asia Pacific region , particularly, in the East and South China Sea. The Chinese have been adamant to exert its sovereignty over islands and waters of the Spratly.

At Tuesday debate, Romney was asked by a voter, who said she was undecided, because she is disappointed with the lack of progress in the last four years.She said she attributed much of America's economic and international problems to the failings and missteps of the Bush administration.She also said, Romney being a Republican, she fears a return to the policies of the Bush's years, should Romney win the election.

I was not wrong when I first raised the issue in my post "The US Kickass Foreign Policy And China"  before others expressed the same fear of this new kid coming on the block and a looming spectre of a new world order.

Phnom Penh

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Four Reasons Why Israel Will Attack Iran

Foreign Policy

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius created a tempest last week when he reported U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's prediction that Israel will attack Iran and its nuclear complex "in April, May or June." Ignatius's column was as startling as it was exasperating. When the sitting U.S. defense secretary -- presumably privy to facts not generally available to the public -- makes such a prediction, observers have good reasons to pay attention. On the other hand, the international community has been openly dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue for nearly a decade, with similar crescendos of anticipation having occurred before, all to no effect. Why would this time be different?

Further, an Israeli air campaign against Iran would seem like an amazingly reckless act. And an unnecessary one, too, since international sanctions against Iran's banks and oil market are just now tightening dramatically.

Yet from Israel's point of view, time really has run out. The sanctions have come too late. And when Israeli policymakers consider their advantages and all of the alternatives available, an air campaign, while both regrettable and risky, is not reckless.

Here's why:

Read more.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering 9/11: 100 Muslims For Every American

The war criminal George W. Bush embraces firefighter Bob Beckwith while standing in front of the collapsed World Trade …

Hantu Laut

I was out in town when my daughter called me on my cellphone and told me a plane had crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Centre (WTC) in New York.

She was watching CNN live broadcast of the incident which many people initially thought was an accident.

I told her that it was not possible as the WTC was nowhere near any commercial flight path, it could be a private plane.She responded in the negative saying it was an American Airline plane.She said she would call me back when she gets clearer picture.

About 20 minutes later she called me back and said another plane has struck the other tower.It suddenly dawn on me this could be no accident.Two commercial planes can't possibly strayed off their flight path and crashed into the same building.

My daughter who studied in the US and lived there for almost ten years had finally come home for good.

When I got home I was in utter disbelief looking at the chaos and horrifying scenes on TV. The inferno, people jumping out of the burning buildings, fire trucks and firemen rushing all over the place, people running away from the scene of the disaster and the eventual collapse of the two towers that reminded me of the movie "Towering Inferno".Both towers came down in less than two hours.

Remembering 9/11, the 10th anniversary of the terrorists attack on U.S soil, planned and executed with military precision.Two commercial jets hit the WTC towers, one hit the Pentagon and another one crashed when passengers tried to retake the plane from the hijackers.

Did the U.S government have prior knowledge of the impending attack and chose to ignore it, or were they complicit in the heinous attack or as they claimed were they really caught off guard?

For the second time, the U.S. was fooled into complacency that no foreign forces can or would dare attack America on American soil, Pearl Harbour was a distant memory.

Do you have any doubts who were really responsible for the attack and collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre (WTC). After looking at the video of the collapse which looked more like controlled demolition I can understand the rise of conspiracy theories amongst the hard-nosed skeptics ? Three high rise buildings that came down in the same manner within less than two hours of the inferno are foods for skepticism .Can such coincidence be so naturally orchestrated? As far-fetched as it sounds, there have been many conspiracy theories going round implicating the US government involvement in the attacks on the WTC in New York on Sept 11 2001.

More and more conspiracy theories are coming out of the woodwork.Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohammad has revitalised his belief here of the conspiracy .......the likelihood of US government's complicity in the 911 terrorists attack.

Both cities, New York and Washington are on high alert to prepare themselves in the event of an attack by Al-Qaeda, the same terrorists organisation accused of bringing down the WTC Towers.

Will the terrorists outsmart the US government by diverting attention and it neglecting security at other US cities.

Los Angeles,Chicago,Boston,San Francisco and many more could be the unguarded goal posts and targets for terrorists attacks.

Below are collection of videos and stories of the 911 tragedy.

9/11, Ten Years Later

9/11 Remembered

911 Truth Movement

America would continue to overwhelm the world with its military might, bombing so-called terrorist targets indiscriminately inflicting collateral damage.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, there have been 100 Muslims killed by the US. and her Western allies for every American that died in 9/11.

Who remembers them?

The power of the Western media is as powerful as its military might.Remembering 9/11 are being splashed around the globe in every major newspapers, TV networks and the Internet.

The Muslim world is limp and still.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bush Era Torture Probe Urged

Written by John Berthelsen
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Put down that suitcase, George, we aren't going anywhere

Fear of arrest appears to be deterring top administration officials from venturing overseas

The top members of the administration of former US President George W Bush have considerable reason not to venture outside the United States, according to a new report issued today by the Washington, DC-based Human Rights Watch, which declares that "overwhelming evidence" exists of torture of prisoners by the Bush administration. It also says the Obama administration has failed to meet its commitments under the Convention Against Torture to investigate the allegations.

It is probably doubtful that the Obama administration will do any such thing. But the report opens up an interesting new dimension that applies to top Bush officials: it might not be wise for them to leave US borders because they could be arrested for war crimes under the principle of universal jurisdiction.

It appears that the former officials are aware of the danger. Bush himself cancelled a trip to Switzerland in February where alleged victims of torture were waiting to ambush him with a criminal complaint. Few others have ventured outside the US, although former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice did attend a ceremony in Prague earlier this month to name a street after the late President Ronald Reagan and made it without being arrested.

The Bush administration, in the wake of the destruction of the World Trade Towers in New York and the near destruction of the Pentagon in Washington, DC, authorized a flurry of highly controversial measures aimed at forcing detainees to give them information. Many of the measures have been criticized by human rights organizations for years although Bush administration figures have defended them, saying that was the only way they could gather intelligence on the movements of such Al Qaeda figures as Osama Bin Laden. Some detainees appear to have actually been killed by interrogators.

The 107-page report, titled
Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatments of Detainees, singles out Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and CIA Director George Tenet, for ordering practices such as waterboarding, the use of secret overseas CIA prisons, and the transfer of detainees to countries where they were tortured.

Although the odds that Attorney General Eric Holder would initiate such an investigation are extremely low, Human Rights Watch said, "If the US government does not pursue credible criminal investigations, other countries should prosecute US officials involved in crimes against detainees in accordance with international law."

That raises interesting questions for a long list of former US government officials including, according to the report, Rice, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, the former counsel to the president and later attorney general; Jay Bybee, head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, John Rizzo, the acting CIA general counsel, David Addington, counsel to Cheney, William J. Haynes II, the Department of Defense general counsel, and John Yoo, deputy assistant attorney general in the legal counsel?s office. All played a role in crafting the legal advice that allowed for such practices as waterboarding, in which those being interrogated are made to believe they are drowning, as well as "rendition" of prisoners to hidden CIA prisons where they could be tortured out of the sight of human rights organizations, and other controversial practices.

Arrest of government officials outside their home countries became a reality in 1998 when the onetime Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet was indicted for human rights violations in Chile by Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzon despite the fact that Pinochet had been granted amnesty in Chile itself. He was arrested in London six days later while on a visit to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and finally released by the British government in March 2000.

It was the first time European judges had applied the principle of universal jurisdiction, declaring themselves competent to judge crimes committed by former heads of state despite local amnesty laws. The principle had been relatively obscure until the Pinochet arrest. Originally formulated to govern crimes involving piracy and slave-running, it was used against fugitive Nazis after World War II. In brief, it allows any state to prosecute individuals who are believed to have committed certain international crimes, even if the prosecuting state has no link to the crime in question other than "the bonds of common humanity."

At first the law was used only against relatively low-ranking war criminals fleeing prosecution from atrocities in the Balkans, Ruanda and other places. It had never been used against a head of state until Pinochet was arrested in the UK.

That arrest "changed everything," Diane F. Orentlicher, professor of international law and director of the War Crimes Research Office at Washington College of Law in Washington, DC in a 2003 paper. "It was a moment when international law seemed to plunge forward rather than advance at its more usual lumbering pace. Indeed, the case transformed the landscape of international law and practice in respect to universal jurisdiction."
Read more.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Masters Of War

Hantu Laut

It's less than two weeks to the US Presidential Election and the future of America and the rest of the world, peace or turmoil, would be in the hands of the American people.A great many lives have been lost and lesser nations destroyed beyond human consideration in a war of attrition to weaken those who dares to cross the path of a mighty nation that have succumbed to the whims and fancies of self-serving and selfish leaders who cared not for human lives.This is America, a fascist military regime in the making.

These 'Masters Of War' have destroyed human lives and nations without fear of retribution.They have wrecked the global economy by contemptible financial manipulations and insatiable greed without any apathy for human sufferings and miseries caused by their contemptuous actions.

Come on! America!. Now is the time to get rid of the 'Masters of War'.Choose the better man, choose Barrack Obama, he who understands better the rest of the world and would bring peace and bring to end America's callous foreign policy.

Get rid of McCain and his gang, like Bush they are the devil incarnate and masters of war.Get rid of them so your children wouldn't have to die in their devilish wars.Send them to their graves and America back to its former glory and peace to the rest of the world. While they and their friends get richer and richer the poor American get poorer and the rest of the world in a perilous state.

Bob Dylan's
Masters Of War

Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks.

You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly.

Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain.

You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion'
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud.

You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins.

How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do.

Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes it's toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul.

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead.

Do not play with the bomb again !

Go to hell George Bush,John McCain and all the 'Masters of War'.

We want our "Wonderful World' back

Let's wake up to a new world free of violence,free of war and free of fascist democracy.

Free of America ?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Help Stop George Bush's Belligerent Policy

Hantu Laut

The world have seen destructive wars and great loss to human lives under the Bush's administration.The rise of global terrorism and Islamic hatred for the West grew exponentially under his unjust and foredoomed foreign policy. He has little respect for the sovereignty of less developed and poorer countries.He is arrogant and a danger to world peace.Under the Geneva Convention he can be termed as a war criminal.

He has re-awakened Russia to a new cold war by wanting to put 10 missile defense interceptors in Poland and military alliance with some Eastern European countries.

Russia's President Putin said it threaten Russia's security and they are forced to take retaliatory steps and warned that a new arms race is underway.

Due to his selfishness, arrogance and belligerence, he may bomb Iran before he left office.

His policy must not be allowed to continue under the next presidency.

Please read the following circular and do your part to stop continuation of his policy.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, the leading candidates for the next President of the United States became clear. They are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and the winner will decide whether the nightmare of the Bush foreign policy is reversed or continued for another 4 years.

US citizens will choose their president, but global public opinion matters to them--they know that US respect in the world has plummeted under Bush, and they want a President who can deliver change. In the next few days, our uniquely global community has a real chance to influence the finalist candidates as they develop their campaign strategy. Click below to read and endorse our letter to the candidates. We'll publish it in US newspapers and deliver it personally to the Clinton, Obama and McCain campaigns--we need at least 100,000 people to sign it this week – so please sign and forward this email to friends right away:

The message of the letter is simple: we are all in this together. The world is ready to partner with the US, but we need to see a real change of course from the Bush years. The letter is based on a poll of the Avaaz community, which found that our top 3 requests for change in US policy are:
  1. Help the world stop global warming
  2. Respect universal human rights
  3. Use diplomacy to prevent war and resolve conflict
There is a real chance that the candidates could adopt this simple agenda for change, but every day brings more risk that they will commit to another direction. Sign below and forward this email to all your friends and family:

American power is declining in the world, but it still has enormous ability to do good or do harm. It will take decades to undo the global harm done by George Bush's disastrous Presidency. Let's help make sure America's next leader takes a different path.