Showing posts with label Nizar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nizar. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Japan's War Reparations:The Mythbuster

Hantu Laut

Nizar, the fallen angel of PAS compromise candidate for Perak MB, has he gone bonkers, or he is just another Pakatan's typical liar? 

It was rumoured that PAS Kelantan had given the DAP head honcho in Perak a joint-venture logging operation in Kelantan as reward and compromise for Nizar to be MB, which makes no sense  at all, as the 'State Constitution' is very clear on a Malay Muslim mandatory appointment  as MB of the state. 

It goes to show that DAP is very clever at arm-twisting. In Penang DAP's Lim Guan Eng hold a tight rein over the state and has little tolerance for opposing views, in Selangor DAP is the fiddler that plays the tune and Khalid Ibrahim dance to it. 

Where did Nizar gets the figure of RM207 billion as Japan's war reparation for Malaysia? Did he not do any homework before he opens his big mouth and embarrass himself and the whole Pakatan's clowns with his piece of fiction.

With today's technology one can research, with caution, any subject matter with just a click of the computer's keyboard. One needs certain amount of intelligence to separate the "wheat from the chaff" or come out looking like an idiot. The Internet is a jungle of worthy and worthless information and a quagmire for the uninitiated. 

Common sense do not prevail in people driven by emotion, they can't make logical progression of things. Nizar, a sore loser fits the bill.

The sum of RM207 billion given by Nizar as compensation agreed upon in 1967 between Japan and Malaysia would have bankrupted Japan before it can even rise from the ashes, which saw the country thoroughly vanquished after World War II.

Malaysia issued its first currency in 1967, replacing the Malaya and British Borneo dollar. The Malaysian dollar, as it was called then, was pegged at exchange rate of 8.57 to the British pound. At the historical exchange rate the RM207 billion would have worth 24 billion Pound Sterling. At current exchange rate it is worth 42 billion Pound. A mind boggling figure for any nation after going through the ravages of war in less than two decades. As victor or the vanquish, the toll on the economy and its peoples would be the same.

It is not possible for Japan to agree on such huge amount as Malaysia was not the only country it has to pay war reparations. The reparations came in the form of grants, write-offs, donations and cash compensations. The amounts are not paid in single payment but over a period.

Below is a chart that shows a more plausible figure of Japan war reparations paid to various countries including Malaysia.

Japan's Records on War Reparations
by Noguchi Hikaru
Japan has not dodged any responsibility for peaceful relations. The general public seems to be ignorant of the fact that Japan has faithfully met, negotiated, and fulfilled rigorous demands on all war-time reparations. Negotiations for post-war reparations started in 1951 and continued until 1977. In all, 54 treaties and agreements were concluded.

It is difficult to simplify the whole picture, but the following table will give you an idea:

Indemnity & grants (in yen, at the time of payment)
Loans (in yen, at the time of payment)
18 billion donated

1955, 1963
72 billion indemnity
50.4 billion grant
18 billion
10.8 billion
198 billion indemnity
90 billion
80.3 billion indemnity(+63.7 billion credit write-off)
144 billion
1 billion grant

1.5 billion grant

14 billion indemnity
6 billion
108 billion
72 billion
2.9 billion grant

15 billion

58 billion

2.9 billion grant

3.6 billion compensation

1.1 billion compensation

3 billion compensation
4.23 billion compensation

5 billion compensation

Britain & Holland used Japanese assets in neutral countries & funds in Thailand for compensation to POs (but not confiscated Japanese assets in their respective countries)
USA 50 million dollars Japanese assets in USA confiscated Occupation era food and medical aid (GAROIA) and (EROA) paid back, with interest: 580 million dollars 7-year occupation costs paid by Japan
Construction of such economic and social infrastructure in Asia would not have been possible without Japan's ODA. Why was there such a focusing of aid to Asia? It was shaped from an unspoken consensus and desire among the Japanese public, even though our legal obligations had been met, to re-build friendship with our Asian neighbors.The negotiations and implementation of agreements were carried out with sincerity. Payments of reparations, which sometimes exceeded national welfare expenditure, started in 1955, lasted for 23 years, and ended in 1977. The amounts were huge for Japan, compared to the national economy of this period, but they were paid out in good faith. It should be emphasized that how all the money were spent were up to the discretion of the individual governments, beyond the dictates of Japan. Very often the governments chose not to use the funds to compensate individual losses, but instead to improve the general national economy or welfare.
The first country with which Japan concluded an agreement was Myanmar (Burma). A total of about 90 billion yen of indemnity and semi-indemnity were paid out to Myanmar, which was about 9 per cent of Japan's budget. When agreements were concluded with the Philippines, in 1956, Japan's national budget was a little over one trillion yen. Indemnity and semi-indemnity promised to the Philippines totaled 27% of that budget. Similarly, when Korea and Japan reached an agreement in 1965, Japan agreed to pay 180 billion yen (500 million dollars) indemnity and aid. Looking from Korea's point of view, this amount was 1.45 times Korea's national budget, and 3.8 times its foreign reserves. Most of this money was used by the Korean government for the nation's modernization. Korea says that it contributed to 20 per cent of its economic growth between 1966 and 1975, and 8 per cent annually to cover its trade deficit. From 1975, Korea also started compensations to individual citizens for personal losses during the war. However, on the whole, the Korean government chose to use the resources for national prosperity over compensation to private citizens.

Figures are from:
"Sengo Hoshoron wa Machigatte Iru" ( Mistaken Beliefs in Demands for Post-War Reparations)
By OKADA Kunihiro / Published by Japan Policy Institute (Tokyo)

Sankei Newspaper Sept.12th 1994 issue
Spa Magazines Date unknown, 1996 issue
"Kotonaru Higeki Nihon to Doitsu" (Dissimilar Tragedies: Japan & Germany)
By NISHIO Kanji (1994) / Published by Bungei Shunju (Tokyo)


There is no need to write prolix article to address this issue, it has be chronicled in the history books .

I rest my case.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ciao Nizar

Hantu Laut

Only the dreamers in Pakatan Rakyat including the incorrigible ex menteri besar think they could manipulate the state constitution to their benefits.

My stand have all along been that the Sultan and former Lord President knows more about the constitution than those greedy 'no class' politicians and half-past-six lawyers that gave them false hope that the sultan have erred.

Their dirty campaign against the judiciary have tarnished the reputation and good standing of our judges and brought the nation into disrepute.This bunch of hooligans will never get to see Putrajaya because Malaysians are slowly waking up to seeing their incompetence, greed and amateurism.

What happening in PKR is a reflection of Anwar style of leadership.The Malays are slowly but surely abandoning him and leave him to his own device.

Now, that the highest court in the country has made its final judgment, will the detractors in Pakatan Rakyat continue to disparage the judiciary?Those who did should face the music.

The court should not take anymore nonsense and should slap contempt of court on anyone, bloggers included, who questioned and belittled the court's decision.

Ciao Nizar.Find another job.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Contemplating Contempt Of Court.

Hantu Laut

“I’m not going to rely on the court’s decision. It is only a legal process, the solution is to give the people the right to choose a new government,” said Nizar to reporters outside the courtroom yesterday.

The Court of Appeal is expected to give its verdict today and it could go either way.However, Nizar has already made up his mind not to take heed by saying he is not going to rely on the court's decision but would push for dissolution.From what I know not respecting court's decision would be contempt of court.

Assuming the judgement is in his favour than the Sultan may ask him to reconvene the state assembly to establish whether there is a deadlock.If so, than a dissolution is imperative and I am sure the Sultan will grant it to him.

It is also imperative that he would not play dirty like he did before, hit below the belt by suspending BN assemblymen.

In the meantime, there seems to be a lot of unhealthy lawmakers in Pakatan. This is the second death over a short period. Manek Urai assemblyman Ismail Yaacob died after a long illness. The irony is PAS suggesting to UMNO not to contest the seat, maybe, because of fear of losing in their very own heartland.By now the Malays might have a change of heart.PAS is the weakest link in the coalition.Losing their grip on political power may not be the comeuppance they expected.

They are not the same.Penanti was a game Anwar wish to play with Najib.Malek Urai is a dead man seat that fell vacant. Any seat that fell vacant due to death of elected representative should be contested irrespective of whether the BN can win or not.BN/UMNO should only refuse to contest those engineered resignation.Najib was right to make that decision.

Let Anwar and Pakatan 'siok sendiri'

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who Stoke Racial Tension ? Ask 'Incendiary Nizar' And Malaysian Insider

Hantu Laut

The Malaysian Insider wrote that Nizar remains the man of the hour and did not disappoint the crowd.He stole the limelight from Anwar Ibrahim.Well, it's all a matter of opinion.If the guy who wrote the article thinks so, that's merely his opinion

Nizar has not failed to amaze me with his rhetoric and duplicity. His statement that “Umno tells people: ‘Our closest enemies are the Chinese’,” is clearly a tactic he invented himself to pit the Chinese against UMNO. Although, there may be some individuals in UMNO who might have gone overboard and utter such racist remarks but for Nizar to make it sounds like it is the party ideology and policy is dangerous, can cause racial tension and an unfair allegation. It's about time this sore loser act responsibly and not make statement that can stoke racial tension and disharmony among the people.He also accused UMNO of complicity in the May 13 incident.

Do we have to be reminded of this tragic date every time it comes around ? What benefits would it bring? Do we have to conduct a survey among the young unbeknownst about what they think of it as was done by Malaysian Insider? I just couldn't see the benefits of such exercise. The incident would be better left in the history book.

It makes one wonder who were actually the culprits that stoke racial tension ? There were no racial tension before the emergence of Pakatan, Sure, there must have been some unhappy Chinese and Indians but they were in the minority. You certainly can't please everyone. Most were quite happy going around minding their own business and couldn't be bothered with politics.

Polarisation of the people actually started in the pre-March 2008 General Elections and have gotten worse by the oppositions constant reminder to the Chinese and Indians that they were different and have been treated differently by the BN government.This ugly method of fishing for votes of the Chinese and Indians shows that those in Pakatan couldn't care less about the breakdown of racial and religious harmony as long as they can capture power.The end justifies the mean.

Their culture of dividing the races, act of defiance and contempt of the court of law can be seen in the recent sitting of the Perak State Assembly where the speaker refused to vacate his seat in spite of the fact that he was politely asked to do so after being voted out. They mocked and humiliate the judiciary as if the whole judicial system is rotten and refused to respect judgement handed down by the court.

Malaysian Insider ultimate accolade of Nizar here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Perak Crisis Round 2: Back To Square One

Hantu Laut

As I have said earlier the Perak crisis will enter Round 2.

Today, the Court of Appeal has granted Zambry the BN backed MB a stay of execution and to continue as MB until the case is disposed off.

It's back to square one for Nizar. There will be appeals and counter appeals.The constitutional jugglers and peddlers would continue to spin their own version of the constitution.

Unfortunately, the joy, a flash in the pan, was short-lived for Nizar, Pakatan and their supporters.It's back to spit and sputter for Pakatan supporters on unfair judiciary, political intrigue and a tale of cloak and dagger of the BN government.

Maybe, someone in Pakatan can suggest some street demo and civil disobedience to maintain their political culture of defiance.Well, let's hope they respect the court's decision.

Round 2 will be slow and painful for Pakatan.

Nizar Should Go Back To The Assembly

Hantu Laut

Nizar should go back to the assembly to show that he has the majority support of the members to continue as menteri besar and that Pakatan has control of the house.Then there would be no need for him to ask for dissolution.

A dissolution is not necessary unless there is a stalemate in the assembly.The Regent should ask Nizar to prove his claim that there exists a stalemate. The assembly must reconvene without any members being barred from attending it.

The sacking of the two assemblymen that crossed over to the BN was illegal as the pre-signed undated letter of resignation was considered illegal (a precedence in Sabah) and goes against Article 10 of the Federal Constitution

The last say is still the Sultan.Dissolution may or may not be granted.

A Test For Nizar: Round 1 BN K.O Round 2 ?

Hantu Laut

Will Nizar be granted dissolution of the state assembly when he meets the Regent to morrow?

The Sultan can dissolve the assembly or ask Nizar to reconvene the assembly and put to the test whether he still command the majority support of members of the house.If he does than there is no need for a dissolution.

Going back to the house could prove fatal for Nizar.

Don't forget judge can err in their judgment.

Round 1 BN K.O.

There is still Round 2 or even Round 3.

The good thing is there is no demonstrations and street protests by UMNO and its supporters.