When the Malaysian government labelled the BERSIH assembly unlawful, the hypocrites in the U.S administration cried foul of our government and they squealed the need for human rights and its freedom to screw our backside.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Ferguson U.S.A: Unlawful Assembly, Ambiga Sreenesavan Should Return Her U.S Award
When the Malaysian government labelled the BERSIH assembly unlawful, the hypocrites in the U.S administration cried foul of our government and they squealed the need for human rights and its freedom to screw our backside.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The US Kick-Ass Foreign Policy And China
He was a bright shining star some four years ago, the impeccable oratory, assertiveness, aplomb and brimming with confidence he won a decisive victory over John McCain in both the electoral and popular vote of the 2008 U.S presidential election.
Watching the debate live over TV when I was in Kathmandu it was the obvious that Mitt Romney had sprung the most unexpected surprise that caught President Obama off guard. The Romney's spell have, somehow, rattled his confidence. His facial expression clearly showed how miffed he was with Romney's unanticipated remarkable performance.
Romney is no dunce. On conclusion of the debate he sent his detractors scurrying for explanation. His moment of triumph speech, much to the anguish of Obama's campaign team, and a big shot in the arm for his team, narrowed the gap between him and Obama. Even the staunchest Obama supporters must have been miffed by Obama muffed performance.
What happened to the man of 2008? The eloquent speeches, the "yes we can"man and the straight talk that caught not only America but the world's attention. The first black man destined to break white monopoly of the presidency.
Has Obama lost his mojo?
As Mitt Romney narrows the margin and move in for the kill can Obama still resuscitates his dwindling popularity and reignite the spark the man that he was at the next presidential debate due 16 October 2012 and give Romney a run for his money or let Romney overtake him?
Can Obama bounce back?
If Obama loses the next debate, as sure as the sunrise, America will have a new president and with it come new political mindset that can change US foreign policy and the course of world peace.
Mitt Romney, have decided to accuse Obama of "passive leadership" in his foreign policy, particularly, in the Middle East casting aspersion on Obama's capability as president, inferring the killing of US Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens by fanatical Muslims as Obama's lack of will to retaliate.
The world is watching on the possible return of kick-ass foreign policy and Bush like belligerency that could throw the US into another war if Mitt Romney win the presidency.
Iran and China are growing threats to U.S. foreign policy. Iran covertly seeking nuclear capability and the Chinese naval excursion in the South China Sea had caused uneasiness in Washington.
The US have deployed its naval ships in and around the area of possible conflicts in the China Sea. The Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands brought back ghosts of the Sino-Japanese War. The Americans, who usually are quick to side with Japan have taken a non-interference attitude at the moment but is in a state of readiness should the conflict escalates into open warfare between the two nations.
Some weeks ago Chinese naval vessels stopped oil drilling exploration off the coast of Sarawak. The incident went unreported to avoid unnecessary diplomatic fallout between Malaysia and China.
The Philippines trying to act tough against China was cowed when the Chinese sent a few research vessels to the disputed waters. This poor country ravaged by every succeeding corrupt governments has no military capability and its claims on the Spartly's islands based on res nullius is not going to impress China at all of its finders keepers territorial claim.
Territorial disputes are hard to resolve unless both parties are prepared to avoid arm conflicts and use peaceful method to settle the dispute.
Malaysia's dispute with Indonesia over Sipadan and Ligitan Islands was settled in the World Court. Malaysia won the case based on terra nullius, the long occupation, administration and settlement of its people on the island. Sovereignty over territory which is terra nullius may be acquired through occupation.
Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad was smart enough to reclaim Layany-Layang in the Spratlys and stationed the navy there. He later allow a holiday resort to be built on the island. He did it before other countries could lay claim to the island, which was an atoll, reclaimed to form a small island. It is now one of the top dive sites in the region.
With its aggressive territorial claims spanning the whole of the China sea, from Japan right down to the Paracels and the Spratlys, China will soon have no friends in Asia. Any flare up with any of the countries would not be in China's favour.
China has territorial disputes over the Spratly Islands with Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. In the North China Sea it has disputes with Japan and South Korea.
Uncle Sam will not hesitate to give support to any of those countries in the event China is stupid enough to use military force to settle the dispute.
During her recent visit to Bangladesh, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was rumoured to have discussed with Bangladesh President the possibility of setting up another base for the Seventh Fleet for strategic reason, though, they already have a Naval Support Facility for ships and submarines in the Indian Ocean at Diego Garcia.
This move, true or not, is probably to checkmate the Chinese growing naval presence in the Indian Ocean and to counter China's ambition to set up base in the region.
USS Makin Island docked at KK Sepangar Naval base
As component force of the US Pacific Fleet it has 50 to 60 ships including aircraft carriers with 350 aircrafts, with bases in Guam, Japan and to lesser extent, Singapore.
Kota Kinabalu, recently had the rare honour of the visit of USS John C Stennis, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier that formed part of the US Pacific Strike Force.
Jump jets and gunships on USS Makin Island
A few months back the city also received another US naval ship, a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Makin Island docked at KK Sepangar Naval port.
USS Makin Island
"Ships like these are sent all over the world really to do two things; one of them to reassure our friends that we support them and Malaysia is an important friend" said the captain of USS John C.Stennis.
A Sea-Knight helicopter on USS Makin Island
That may be just a small part of the truth, the bigger grand plan is gunboat diplomacy and show of force against China rising naval power in the region.
Kuala Lumpur
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Family of Anti-Islam Filmmaker Joins Him in Hiding
Sunday, July 22, 2012
AMOK: The Tragedy Of America's Deadly Gun Culture
Only in America gun massacres have become routine.
As long as the US government refused to put in place some form of gun control, the carnage of America's passion for guns would continue.
American cities have become the most dangerous place in the world as one can be gunned down anywhere, anytime, in cinemas, restaurants, bars, streets and almost any place these mad people can think of to unload their frustrations and madness on innocent bystanders, aimless killing as gruesome and appalling as that of suicide bombers.
Such incident conjures a Malay version of the same madness, amok, a state of murderous frenzy originally observed among Malays. Just as bad but less destructive than guns and bombs. Amok has now become less prevalent among Malay society as people become more educated.
A Malay parang (machete) is no match for the automatic gun that pump out hundreds of bullets, killing and injuring hundreds if the killer persist.
In America, running amok transcends the bounds of rationality.It seems more prevalent among the educated. Is societal discrimination being the reason for one's uncontrollable desire to hit back at society and inflict the worst possible carnage on unmindful and innocent bystanders?
Is America becoming a sick society? The victims of the NRA (National Rifle Association) who fought tooth and nail to keep guns freely in the hands of American.
After so many incidents and refusal to put in some form of gun control, the American President and Congress are equally guilty for allowing these killing machines continue to be freely available to its citizen.
The story below tell the anguish and nightmares of parents whose children were mercilessly gunned down by a very sick young American boy.
The tragedy of America's deadly gun culture.
From the New Yorker:
The murders—it dignifies them to call them a “tragedy”—in Aurora, Colorado, have hit us all hard, though the grief of the friends and families of the victims is unimaginable. Still, it hits home, or someplace worse than home, for any parent who (as I did, as so many did) had a kid at one of the many midnight screenings of the new Batman movie last night, they having gone to see it the moment it opened. Once again, as so often before, the unthinkable news is disassembled, piece by piece, into its heartbreaking parts. After the Virginia Tech shooting, the horrifying detail, as I wrote at the time, was that the cell phones were still ringing in the pockets of the dead children as their parents tried to call them. In Colorado, you can’t expunge the knowledge of the sudden turn from pleasure to horror that those children experienced. As the smoke bomb went off, some of the kids inside apparently thought that it was a special effect, part of the fun, until they began to see “people holding themselves.” According to the Aurora police, the suspect, James Holmes, who is twenty-four, was carrying both a rifle and a handgun. The bullets were fired so freely that they penetrated the wall separating one movie theatre in a multiplex to devastate people in the next one.
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2012/07/aurora-movie-shooting-one-more-massacre.html#ixzz21IrLgr84
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11: The Day The Towers Fell
New 9/11 Tapes Released Days Before Tenth Anniversary Of Attacks
Only days before the United States marks the tenth anniversary of the horrifying 9/11 attacks, we’re hearing, for the first time, the full audio recordings of communications between military and civilian air traffic controllers on that fateful day.
The multimedia document, published by the Rutgers Law Review, provides a rare look at how government agencies responded -- blow-by-blow -- to the hijacking of the four planes as the drama was actually unfolding, according to ABC News, which played the tapes on Good Morning America on Thursday.
More photos
"We have a problem here. We have hijacked aircraft headed towards New York and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up here to help us out," a worker at Boston Center's Traffic Management Unit said at 8:37 a.m., according to the tapes.Read more.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A War America Could Never Win:Osama bin Laden Dead Or Alive?
September 11 2001, the World Trade Centre demolished by two hijacked commercial planes commandeered by Arab terrorists linked to Osama bin Laden's Al-Qeida terrorist organisation.Nearly 3000 died in the final collapse of the Twin Tower, landmark of America's pride.
For nearly a decade, Osama managed to elude the dragnet put up by the U.S military and the CIA. For many years he was assumed to be hiding in the mountainous region bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan, protected by the Talibans and war lords, in one of the most lawless and restive regions on the globe.
For almost a decade the U.S military was fooled of his whereabouts, searching for him in all the wrong places, dropping bombs hopefully to hit the intended target, but Osama always seemed ten steps ahead and was never found, dead or alive.
American bombs, more often than not, hit innocent civilians rather than Osama and his wild and wily supporters but America claimed otherwise, that they hit terrorist's encampments.
U.S military might with all its sophisticated hardware and advanced surveillance and stealth technology could not, in George Bush's best cowboy slugger, smoke Osama out of his lair. Osama remained elusive and was the most wanted man on the FBI Ten Most Wanted list with a bounty of $25 million from the US government plus $2 million offered by the Airline Pilot Association for his head, dead or alive.
Despite the huge bounty on his head no bounty hunter or squealer in his fold has taken up the offer.Osama remained the most elusive fugitive.For almost a decade no one had dared sell him to the American.
First presumed dead by the American in the battle of Tora Bora, Osama and major Al Qeida and Taliban leaders under the pretext of a truce to give them time to surrender their weapons managed to give US forces the slip and escaped to the mountainous region of Pakistan.
George W.Bush's big bluster about capturing Osama was a source of embarrassment and spent inordinate amount of time in pursuing the Al Qeida leader.Humiliated, Bush said "I truly am not concerned about him" and his war on terror turned out to be America's longest horror.
The Vietnam War lasted 103 months, by this June the Afghan War would have exhausted 104 months and still no end in sight.
How come Osama managed to fool the American hiding in plain sight in million dollar high security residence in an area full of soldiers and close to Pakistan premier military academy and only 30 miles from the capital Islamabad without the knowledge of the Pakistani military and government?
Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad compound - in pictures
Was the Pakistani government complicit in giving him protection or knew of his shelter but kept it from the American?
The Pakistani government may have a lot of explaining to do on how the most wanted man in the world living among the general population could have escaped detection.
America's so called allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan might not be so allied.
The US indiscriminate bombing in Pakistan that have hit civilian targets have angered the Pakistani population and put tremendous pressure on the government.
America's arrogance would continue to destabilise the region and a long fought war would not bring any change to both countries other than more anger and more militant attacks on civilians targets in the country and Western targets overseas.
Obama should be congratulated for having done George Bush's unfinished job.
Like the Soviets withering war in Afghanistan, the American will walk out of Afghanistan with their tails in between their legs.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wikileaks - A Lesson For America
Just a short commentary.
Caught in its own web of lies and deceits, America or rather the United States of America find itself stripped stark naked exposing its double-standard and hypocrisy.
When Wikileaks leaked highly sensitive military documents about its war atrocities the US bemoaned such revelation would expose its troops to danger and threatened to take action against the whistle blowers which it has in a few cases.
The US administration would have lauded such secret military leakages if it was from third world countries citing human rights as the basis of it support but when it comes to theirs........all human rights flew out of the window.
That's America's double standard.
“ | ... could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act. | „ |
— Time Magazine |
Don't just stand by the side, those of you who has information on government and corporate wrongdoings send it to Wikileaks.
WikiLeaks to Publish New Documents Despite US Threats
The online whistle-blower WikiLeaks said it will continue to publish more secret files from governments around the world despite U.S. demands to cancel plans to... full story
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New York Post's Racist Cartoon:Obama The Chimp Got Shot
Look at the cartoon above.Read what one of the white cops says.Isn't the author of the stimulus package the President? Isn't chimpanzee mostly black in colour? Isn't the President's name Barack Obama and is black? Don't you think it's racism?
The Editor-in-Chief at the post had the cheek to say "the cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy..."
"This most certainly was not its intent; to those who were offended by the image, we apologize," the paper said in an editorial on its website headlined "That Cartoon", which quickly became the site's most-viewed story.
That's a lot of crap, Mr Editor White Trash! You have made known your intention, you bloody racist!
Read the story here.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Gaza:Dirty American,Ruthlessly Cruel Jews And Stupid Arabs
When Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006 what did the United States do ? Hamas took 76 out of 132 parliamentary seats thus making it the legitimate government.
The world's biggest hypocrite the United States of America refused to recognise the legitimacy of this democratically elected government.It also cut off all aids to the Palestinian people and imposed sanctions.This so called guardian of democracy is the epitome of human wickedness,hypocrisy and the true devil incarnate.
YOUR PICTURE GALLERY IS NOW LOADING... Fighting is still raging in the northern half of the Gaza Strip, a day after Israel sent in troops and tanks to tackle militants who have been firing rockets into southern Israel. A BBC correspondent says the fighting now appears to have moved deeper into the territory, with Israeli forces dividing it into two. |
While it interfered and launched full military force to evict the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait it approved and allowed the invasion of Gaza by its ally Israel.Indiscriminate aerial bombings had taken many innocent lives including women and children.The assault on Gaza is an atrocity committed by both the US and Israel.Civil infrastructures had completely broken down.Water and electricity supplies have been cut off and the whole country had been cordoned off making sure nobody can leave the area.Gaza is now one big concentration camp in the middle of a war zone and the killing of civilians continues.
YOUR PICTURE GALLERY IS NOW LOADING... Fighting is still raging in the northern half of the Gaza Strip, a day after Israel sent in troops and tanks to tackle militants who have been firing rockets into southern Israel. A BBC correspondent says the fighting now appears to have moved deeper into the territory, with Israeli forces dividing it into two. The Israeli ground operation is being supported by intensive aerial, land and naval bombardment of Gaza. |
The Gaza strip is not exactly a country by any sense, it is only about 360 sg.km.Although, they have given up governing Gaza in 2006 the Israel still controls Gaza's air space, territorial waters and offshore maritime access, as well as its side of the Gaza-Israel border.It means Gaza is actually one big prison and the access to supplies of food, medicine and other resources are control by the Israelis.
Israel excuse for the bombardments and invasion of Gaza is defensive action against Hamas regular rocket attacks on Israel.What ? Against rickety rockets that have so far killed only one Israeli.Do you really need full military retaliation that so far had killed over 500 mainly innocent Palestinians and displaced hundred thousands more civilians by cutting off their supplies of water,electricity, food and medical supplies.This is cruelty of the first order and only the Zionists are capable of such inhumane treatment supported by their master, the evil empire, the United States of America.
This war is not about religion.This is a war of people deprived off their ancestral land by the Western powers who created Israel out of the 'Land of Palestine'.Not all Palestinians are Muslims, there are also Christian Palestinians but they are in the minority.
The ruthlessness,selfishness and cruelty of the Jews had always been the cause of their persecution since biblical days.History have shown that they have been persecuted by almost everyone else they come into contact with and the worst was by their own Caucasian cousins, the Europeans who are now protecting them and allow them free rein to unleash their military might against defenceless Palestinians.
Many in the West, especially the hypocrites, would say it is politically incorrect to say such thing because they don't want to be reminded of the atrocities committed by them against the Jews.Their past misdeeds and atrocities against the Jews had made them conscience-stricken.Now, they are repeating the same mistake and did what they have done before, allow the persecution of another race of people and what could not be better than using those you have persecuted to do the dirty job for you.
If the Americans and Europeans are sincere they could have stopped Israel, but they are not, they actually wanted the Palestinians out of Israel by allowing the Jews to systematically persecute and kill them through ethnic cleansing.The Jews are not sending pop corns into Gaza they are mobilising a full invasion using heavy artillery, tanks and aerial bombings on a population that have nothing to defend themselves with.This disproportionate war is to ensure maximum casualty and damage on lives and properties of the Palestinian people.
Not to be sounding racist or rude and with due respect to them it is the Arab's mentality to think that they are better than everyone else and inconsideration for others are common denominators among the Arabs.
Most sensible people would evaluate their own strength first before taking on an opponent and Hamas, for all intent and purpose, is very stupid for having ignored the ceasefire and sent their rickety rockets to Israel that could hardly kill an ant.Isn't that looking for trouble and stupid ?
In this crisis the American should carry the biggest blame because they have the power to stop it.The man behind all this is none other than that soon be leaving moron in the White House George Bush the mass murderer.He blames Hamas for the crisis but this wouldn't have happened if he didn't choke Hamas and the Palestinians.
It is also his farewell gift for Obama.He has another 14 days left before handing over to Obama, maybe, he should bomb Iran before leaving.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Fripouilles Et Houlettes
L'économie mondiale est dans le fait d'aller d'un pas traînants. C'est mauvaises nouvelles après un autre. Pas seulement il y avait mismanagment étendu du système financier il y avait la fraude aussi massive commise par quelqu'un s'est fié et a donné de l'argent à la charité, mais est la plus grande houlette dans ce monde.
La découverte du projet de Bernard Madoff Ponzi fraudant des investisseurs peut-être le bout de l'iceberg. Il peut y avoir d'autres fonds de haie qui peuvent avoir recouru au même projet de pyramide.
Le cas du Madoff est la plus grande fraude jamais commise par un homme simple sur les investisseurs crédules au cours de beaucoup d'années sans être découvert par les autorités. La dérégulation était la cause de l'effondrement du système financier aux Etats-Unis.
Alan Greenspan et le gouvernement américain, partisan et implementer de dérégulation du système financier aux Etats-Unis ont beaucoup pour répondre pour le désastre financier et la crise financière et économique sans précédent qui ont apporté des dégâts à l'économie mondiale.
La capacité de Madoff d'arracher ses costumiers à l'air de $50 milliards et a été en mesure de se cacher ses activités s'effraie pendant de nombreuses années esprit. Il va montrer que l'américain a complètement en haut baisé leur système de chèque et de balance. Il n'y a aucune probité et responsabilité dans le système.
L'américain vilain a vissé en haut le monde de nouveau.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
McCain's Political Coffin:Who Killed Him?
It's a speech that brought cheers and tears.Thousands gathered to listen to his moving and awe-inspiring speech.A man who spoke with humility and a deliverance that the American people have not heard for decades.Some listened with tears running down their cheeks.
When Martin Luther King Jr marched into Washington in 1963 and delivered his 'I have a dream' speech little did he imagine of a black man becoming the president of the nation.All he wanted were equality and civil liberties for his people.He got the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent work but one that he would later pay dearly with his life.He was assassinated on April 4 1968.If he had lived long enough, he would today stands proud to see the seeds of his toil bearing fruits and the dawn of a new nation, one that had brought down the wall of racial prejudices and had become completely colour blind.
It was an extraordinary day for America, a day history was made, a day the nation shocked the world and a day America stands proud as a nation that chose a leader not because of the colour of his skin but that of his visions.It wasn't about black or white,rich or poor, it was about change and change there must be.They voted for change and they knew change would come under him.
The American people have spoken.
Eight years of living under the intransigent policies of George Bush and the Republican have given them two unfinished wars and a wrecked economy.A nation that now suffers the consequences of bad leadership and insatiable greed of the wealthy.
It was the economic meltdown and the many years of wars that most American see as nothing more than war of attrition that gave Obama the opportunity to pick up tremendous amount of support.The people are just fed up with Bush's arrogant and belligerent policies.The wars have taken toll on American families who lost their sons and daughters to wars they are not emotionally connected with.
Obama made inroads into traditional Republican states because of the horrendous policies of George Bush.This is no simple victory.It's a landslide of enormous proportion for a first timer and someone unheard of barely four years ago.His looks and intelligence have also been strong points in helping him to reach the victorious end.
Obama is no George Bush or John McCain, he is intellectually smart, politically savvy and a fantastic orator.He knows his stuffs and render it to the people with ease and eloquence.His biggest asset is the attributes of honesty and sincerity.There is absolutely no streak of hypocrisy and pretentiousness in the man that are the fortes of many politicians.He is genuinely down to earth.No matter what's the colour of his skin the people will love him for what he is.
The financial meltdown was no accident, they are engineered by the big investment gurus on Wall Street as short-cut to huge and instant wealth without giving any consideration to its ugly consequences.These are pack of greedy wolves that have no bounds with their insatiable thirst for money and power made possible by Alan Greenspan with his doctrinarie of deregulation of the banking and financial system.
The horrendously incompetent George Bush and the bail-outs of companies and financial institutions on Wall Street were the nails that finally seal the political coffin of John McCain and thrashings of Republican in the Senate and House of Representatives.
Obama had come the worst of time.He inherited the leftovers of Bush's legacy, two unfinished wars, a wrecked economy and a nation in deep financial crisis.
It would be a long and difficult road for him and may God helps him all the way.
This was Martin Luther King Jr.
This is Obama
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Breaking News:Obama Won The Presidency
Barrack Obama won overwhelmingly.He got 297 Electoral votes, more than enough to secure the the Presidency.He will become the 44th President of the United States.
It was a thrashing for the Republican and for John McCain.
Well done America!
Congratulations! Barrack Obama.
A dawn for new world order.
More to follow.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Masters Of War
It's less than two weeks to the US Presidential Election and the future of America and the rest of the world, peace or turmoil, would be in the hands of the American people.A great many lives have been lost and lesser nations destroyed beyond human consideration in a war of attrition to weaken those who dares to cross the path of a mighty nation that have succumbed to the whims and fancies of self-serving and selfish leaders who cared not for human lives.This is America, a fascist military regime in the making.
These 'Masters Of War' have destroyed human lives and nations without fear of retribution.They have wrecked the global economy by contemptible financial manipulations and insatiable greed without any apathy for human sufferings and miseries caused by their contemptuous actions.
Come on! America!. Now is the time to get rid of the 'Masters of War'.Choose the better man, choose Barrack Obama, he who understands better the rest of the world and would bring peace and bring to end America's callous foreign policy.
Get rid of McCain and his gang, like Bush they are the devil incarnate and masters of war.Get rid of them so your children wouldn't have to die in their devilish wars.Send them to their graves and America back to its former glory and peace to the rest of the world. While they and their friends get richer and richer the poor American get poorer and the rest of the world in a perilous state.
Bob Dylan's
Masters Of War
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks.
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly.
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain.
You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion'
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud.
You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins.
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do.
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes it's toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul.
And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead.
Do not play with the bomb again !
Go to hell George Bush,John McCain and all the 'Masters of War'.
We want our "Wonderful World' back.
Let's wake up to a new world free of violence,free of war and free of fascist democracy.
Free of America ?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bush's America Busted The World
As I have said earlier in my article 'American Get Screwed' it is still a big question mark whether the US$700 billion is sufficient to bail out the sick US economy and predicted that the shock waves would hit the shores of other countries soon.It has begun and is only the beginning.The real tsunamis have not started yet.
The domino effect will certainly take place as many of the markets are indirectly links through many of the huge hedge funds that placed their portfolios in the global baskets. Wall Street has always, for some unknown reasons, been the barometer for other markets to follow. It's the triggering mechanism for boom or bust.
It is not the collapse of the stocks markets that is most worrying and one that could cause major catastrophe, it is the banking system that would decide whether we would go into a major financial disaster or not.As long as the banking system is sufficiently liquid the world major economies would be safe.If it is not than a major catastrophe is not a figment of one's imagination.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers was most unexpected and the US government has allowed it to be the sacrificial lamb and sent it to the grave to save some other bigger monsters. The unprecedented major equity taking in AIG by the US government could be a trend of things to come as it implements it rescue plan.The government could end up becoming reluctant shareholders in many major corporations.
In 1979 when the US Congress agreed to bailout Chrysler there were major outcry, protest and objection from the business community and Lee Iacocca ridiculed by the press for his effort to convince Congress.The rescue package was only US$1.5 billion then, not in cash or equity, but in loan guarantees and was paid back by Chrysler ahead of schedule. Today the enormity of the rescue package and the number of companies to be rescued is mind-boggling and nobody blamed or ridiculed George, his Treasury and Federal Reserve for the failure to regulate the banking system.Because they all wanted George Bust to get the money for them so they wouldn't go bust.
The man who now handles the rescue package is Henry Paulson the Treasury Secretary who gave the US$700 billion to a 35-year old wiz-kid from Wall Street to head and manage the rescue plan.
The de-regulation of the of the financial system was the biggest culprit to this messy affairs for which the Bush Administration and his financial regulating arms should take full responsibility.As President he had failed to take action to reverse the laissez-faire and take immediate action to regulate and stop the greed and excesses in the system.
Although it may be too late to lay the blame, the American people should be made to know that they have a President who are more prepared to show the world the military might of the nation by going to wars at the expense of the American taxpayers and the innocent lives of non-American people abroad.
The next US President that carry on the same policy would also fail to arrest the economic problems as what had happened under Bush's policies.He spent more time with the generals than with the economists and failed to see the even bigger danger than Osama Bin Laden and his band of terrorists, the internal threat of a failed economy that can bankrupt the nation.
With banking failures occurring in almost every major economies the doom scenario could only be averted if those governments took immediate measures to save the financial system from breaking down.
The financial meltdown in the West may not necessary affect the Asian financial markets in the presence but would certainly affect the GDP growth in most Asian countries that have huge export bills to the West.The problem that can eventually affect Asian major economies is if the West is unable to recover and its recession turned to depression.
A loss of confidence in the banking system and attempts to taking money out of it by panicky depositors causing serious run on banks in any of the major economies could contagiously spread panic and run on the entire banking system of the world.
By then,the US Government can keep on printing the worthless 'greenback' and bankrupt every nation on this earth.
When that happened, only God and Robert Mugabe can help us.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
American Get Screwed
The US Senate has approved the US$700 billion bailout package to save the moribund financial sector from biting the dust.The contentious bill is expected to go back to the House of Representatives tomorrow for final approval by congressmen.
This is the biggest bailout in the history of America without which the economy could go under and into serious depression similar to the Great Depression of the 1930s which started with the meltdown at Wall Street on 29 October 1929 that precipitated widespread panic and the onset of a prolonged depression not only in America but throughout the world.
Shouldn't the top billionaires in America who probably had benefited much from the troubles of the financial markets also be asked to come to the rescue?
Much of the troubles started from highly innovative and risky financial derivatives, over-extended credit,over-speculation of trading in stocks and bad financial management.Some of the top CEOs in America are undeservedly overpaid with some having pay packages running into hundreds of million.Their over-indulgence in highly speculative financial derivatives were the cause of the meltdown.
In America,the poor getting poorer ,the rich getting richer and the taxpayers getting screwed.
The American taxpayers should demand that the government should also find the culprits to this astronomical financial disaster and bring them to book if there were criminal act in their dealings.
The financial system has gone completely kaput.The banks assets to capital ratio are diminishing every day and whether the US$700 billion is sufficient to save the sinking ship is not yet known.
The rest of the world should brace themselves for the shock waves that may reach their shores soon.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
America A Bankrupt Nation: Mahathir Was Right

Hantu Laut
President Bush appealed to the nation on Wednesday night to support the bailout financial package of $700 billion to avert a financial meltdown on Wall Street and a prolonged recession that could have serious repercussions on the nation and American people."Our entire economy is in danger" he said.
America is now in early stage of insolvency.Without the rescue package it would be a bankrupt nation.
In the 1997 East Asian financial crisis almost the entire East Asian countries were not spared the effect of the meltdown.The crisis was triggered by the collapse of the Thai baht in July 1997 which led to currency and financial crisis with domino effect that eventually affected other countries in the region.The financial anomaly led to recession in most of those countries.
However, the Malaysian economy and population were not as badly affected by the recession as compared to Thailand,Indonesia and South Korea.Although Malaysia indebtedness was quite high at that time the foreign debt was much lower and unlike Indonesia was not in default of its repayment.Its foreign liabilities did not exceed its foreign exchange reserves so the country was not in dire need of emergency credit facilities including those from IMF (International Monetary Fund)
The meltdown was due to highly speculative currency trading that was traced to one of the biggest fund managers and currency traders George Soros as the culprit who speculated in currency of the regions making billion of dollars for his hedge funds and himself and caused those currencies to collapse.Subsequently, the stock market collapsed and the KLSE Composite Index which stood at 1300 in early 1997 dropped to a low of 262 by September 1998. Mahathir the prime minister at that time blamed Soros and took defensive action to avert a financial disaster by pegging the ringgit.The peg slowed down the flights of capital and ended with war of words between Mahathir and Soros and criticism by the Western media and Western governments of Mahathir's unilateral action.Even his own finance minister at that time didn't agree with him and was one of the many things than that drove them apart.
The 1997 financial meltdown caused the Malaysian government to restructure and amalgamate its financial institutions and bailouts some of the troubled government linked companies
The American government was highly critical of Mahathir's political and financial policies at that time and didn't foresee that they would one day face even worse and more embarrassing situation.They accused Mahathir of bad governance,corruptions and a government that is not accountable to the people.
What causes the financial meltdown in America.A number of things and GREED is top of the list.
Highly speculative trading on Wall Street, over extended sub-prime sector, pay for failures CEO with huge paychecks, over-innovative financial system, poor financial governance and a society that live on credit.
The American stock markets and financial system are tailored to make the rich get richer. Short selling which is a dangerous form of share trading is rampant on Wall Street and financial institutions are willing to finance this risky business because they are conducted by big hedge funds and investment banks.
Britain is contemplating a permanent ban on short selling after the bashings of bank shares in the past weeks.Prime Minister Gordon Brown defending the recent ban said "when a group of people are exploiting a difficult economic situation, it is right to stop it." and said "I think you'll find new rules come in for the future...We have very unusual and volatile financial markets . It would be wrong for good companies to be brought down by speculators."
This will be the most expensive bailouts in the history of the US.Where are the money coming from ? Print more greenback, sell more Treasury Bills or go to war and sabotage the economy of other countries ?
If the American economy collapse and the greenback become useless many countries would go down with America. Their foreign reserves would be devalued and become almost worthless.
Mahathir was the only man who foresees this coming over a decade ago and the West ridiculed him and branded him as anti-Westerners.They condemned him for pegging the ringgit and the bailouts of some of the troubled government-linked companies during the Asian financial crisis.The man certainly has vision 20/20.
George W.Bush is going to put the money where his mouth is and hand over a very shattered economy to his successor.
The rest of the world have no choice.Rescue America or go down with it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I Have A Dream
"We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends". Martin Luther King,Jr. | |||
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves". ~Abraham Lincoln
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Ugly American
"Peaceful expression of political opinions is a fundamental right and critical to a democracy" said a US State official.
The Malaysian envoy in Washington was summoned by the US State Department to express their protest against the Malaysian government crackdown on streets protesters and demonstrations by the oppositions.
The use of the ISA to detain dissenters without fair trail is the bone of contention with the U.S.
The American think they are the most democratic nation on the planet and are the world's policeman and can go round the globe throwing punches and hankering other governments to measure up to their standards.
They have promoted and protected corrupt and repressive regimes, as long as the villains play and sing their tune.
The U.S. has committed human right abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan, using its military might bombing and killing hundreds of thousand of innocent civilians in those countries, captured and thrown suspected terrorists into prison in Guantanamo Bay, denied them rights to legal assistance and fair trail.
Should people like this be allowed to speak up and protest against the laws of other countries when they are the biggest culprits of human right abuses of citizens of other countries. If you are not American, you are not human, in the eyes of the US administration.
If you are not with me you are against me!
When Hamas was elected to power through the democratic process, they withdrew all financial aids to the Palestinian people. If you are friends of America you can get away with murder like the Shah of Iran and his secret police known to have made many dissidents disappear without trace.If you are friend of America, you can do what you like.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The tight race between Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama is getting hotter and dirtier by each passing day.The preliminary run for the White House has reached the highest momentum. The process of elimination would come soon in Texas and Ohio.
Take a look at the face and body language of Hilary Clinton in the video below, it shows the anger and hatred screaming inside her and that 'I wanna kill you' look on her face was a giveaway of her toffee-nosed and contempt against her arch-rival. She has used almost every dirty tricks in the bag to put a brake on Obama's advancement with little progress showing in her favour.
Obama has been confronted again and this time by conservative Republican that he is a Muslim and anti-semite. He had also been accused of consulting with anti-Semitic advisers. A photograph of him in Somali garb and using a turban was released through the Drudge Report website, which claimed it was leaked from the Hilary Clinton's camp, which she quickly denied.
The Drudge Report ran this photo of Barack Obama in Somali garb from a 2006 trip to Africa. The Web site claims Hillary Clinton's campaign provided the photo to it.
Obama may have a Muslim middle name but so was Kahlil Gibran, the famous Lebanese-American poet, artist and writer who had a Muslim name but was a Christian Maronite. Obama is as American as any American can be and certainly not a Muslim by any figment of our imagination. Isn't America the champion of democracy, human rights and freedom of religion. So what's the problem if he black and a Muslim ?America went round the world with guns and bombs to try impose its brand of democracy and freedom to other countries without putting its own house in order first. Racists and white supremacists abound in this land of the free. Hilary Clinton may not have put her racist feeling in words but you can see it written all over her face.
Clinton has accused him of plagiarism, derided his messianic oratory and rubbished his lack of experience in foreign policy. The mud-slinging coming out from her camp reveals her frustration and embarrassment at being placed behind a black man. She is prepared to do anything to try kill Obama's character and in the process hope to swing voters away from him and to her side.Nothing seems to work so far. Her last chance to save her running for president would be in Texas and Ohio.
She is at the end of her wits and is contemplating a lawsuit over the party's election rules. Her dirty tactics, tirades, incessant and superfluous attack on his personality has not brought her the desired results.It has backfired on her and making her task more daunting and may finally seal the coffin on her.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Help Stop George Bush's Belligerent Policy
The world have seen destructive wars and great loss to human lives under the Bush's administration.The rise of global terrorism and Islamic hatred for the West grew exponentially under his unjust and foredoomed foreign policy. He has little respect for the sovereignty of less developed and poorer countries.He is arrogant and a danger to world peace.Under the Geneva Convention he can be termed as a war criminal.
He has re-awakened Russia to a new cold war by wanting to put 10 missile defense interceptors in Poland and military alliance with some Eastern European countries.
Russia's President Putin said it threaten Russia's security and they are forced to take retaliatory steps and warned that a new arms race is underway.
Due to his selfishness, arrogance and belligerence, he may bomb Iran before he left office.
His policy must not be allowed to continue under the next presidency.
Please read the following circular and do your part to stop continuation of his policy.
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, the leading candidates for the next President of the United States became clear. They are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and the winner will decide whether the nightmare of the Bush foreign policy is reversed or continued for another 4 years.
US citizens will choose their president, but global public opinion matters to them--they know that US respect in the world has plummeted under Bush, and they want a President who can deliver change. In the next few days, our uniquely global community has a real chance to influence the finalist candidates as they develop their campaign strategy. Click below to read and endorse our letter to the candidates. We'll publish it in US newspapers and deliver it personally to the Clinton, Obama and McCain campaigns--we need at least 100,000 people to sign it this week – so please sign and forward this email to friends right away:
The message of the letter is simple: we are all in this together. The world is ready to partner with the US, but we need to see a real change of course from the Bush years. The letter is based on a poll of the Avaaz community, which found that our top 3 requests for change in US policy are:
- Help the world stop global warming
- Respect universal human rights
- Use diplomacy to prevent war and resolve conflict
American power is declining in the world, but it still has enormous ability to do good or do harm. It will take decades to undo the global harm done by George Bush's disastrous Presidency. Let's help make sure America's next leader takes a different path.