Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

BN On Death Throes ?

Hantu Laut

Haven't posted anything this past week, things haven't changed and getting sick of defending the indefensible.

I once was an ardent supporter of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia, him trying to unite the different races in the country and trusting him as the man who could bring viable changes to a system that is insidiously killing the country, politically and economically.

It looks like we are becoming more rudderless than before. Like his predecessor he has fallen victim to UMNO greedy warlords and think that everything will be hunky-dory to continue the status quo. I scratch your back, you scratch my back in typical UMNO style.

Adding to his woes is a home minister who has a penchant for saying the quirkiest things and doing things "thick as two planks". Seriously, besides his two planks act this "Yang Berhormat" also needs to seek anger management therapy. Him getting physical against a man who claimed he was physically abused by him was recorded in a law suit against him. Angry man do not make wise decision and unwise decisions aplenty, the latest being stripping a poor Singaporean businessman off his permanent resident status. Though, I agree the government has the prerogative to cancel his PR, a bit of leniency and compassion over heedless and unintentional mistake sould suffice with a slap on the wrist. 

To err is human, to forgive divine. 

I am not even sure if there was a breach of divine law here, or just the angst of a small fraction of Muslims.

Mecca, before the dawn of Islam was full of idols particularly the Kaaba, used as a place of worship for the deities of Arabia's pagan tribes. When Islam took over Mecca they demolished the idols but not the buildings. The Kaaba now stands as the holiest shrine of Islam.

From the quirkiest to the smuggest, a minister of tourism who broke all conventions and claimed he was right to appoint his son as his special officer in his ministry and the conviction of righteousness came in the form of salary paid from his own pocket.A bumptious and opinionated ass who forgets the ministry is  not his personal fiefdom, but property of the people. It's fine if it was his "SDN BHD" He can do what he likes! Nobody cares!

If the quirkiest and the smuggest not enough to piss you off, try the scummiest of excuses, using religion in furtherance of racial domination. When the empire strikes back protecting the sanctity of Islam, more often than not, it's for racial consumption rather than religion.

PAS, whom I thought was the real fundamentalist looked more and more coy and innocuous. PAS leaders must be watching the show from the sidelines with their tongues hanging out in disbelief.

Bak kut teh, dogs, surau and improvised temple add more fun to a growing list of DOs and DON'Ts against Islam, an official religion but not constituted law of the country.

Any Muslim slighted over the slightest slight can lodge a police report and you are in a deep shit. The police will react faster than the bullets they used to shoot down criminals, because it is easier to find you and harder to find criminals.

The reason crimes on the rise, the police can't find the criminals, they outsmarted the police.

The EO (Emergency Ordinance) and ISA (Internal Security Act) had been blamed for the rise in violent crimes. The Home Minister claimed there were over 2000 hardcore criminals released when the EO was repealed and over 200,000 criminal foot soldiers are now working for these crime chiefs. 

New York City is a huge city compared to KL and had no EO or ISA, how come Mayor Rudy Giuliani succeeded in bringing down organised crimes in the city? Triad infested Hong Kong had no EO or ISA, how come they can clean up the city of big crimes making it one of the safest cities in the world today. Singapore, another gangster infested city before is now almost crime free and another one of the safest city in the world. 

How come our Home Minister is more interest in protecting the police than looking at the problems with an open mind and finding real solutions?

As they say "if there is a will, there is a way"

Someone asked me the other day "with is wrong with Islam today"? 

It is not Islam the problem. Muslims are root of the problems. Muslims are the trouble with what happened to Islam today. Muslims have become easily humiliated, use religion as a tool to retaliate and have become arrogant and self-destructive.

The current government is heading the same way, its arrogance will lead to.......self-destruction!

They do everything to agonise, antagonise and caused people's antipathy toward them.

The have lost the popular vote, completely lost the Chinese supports and lost the urban Malay votes.They have only one more thing to lose....the next general elections, as sure as the sunrise, if Najib keep dragging his foot on his transformation policy.

As proven in the past two general elections without Sabah and Sarawak the rural Malay vote bank in West Malaysia is insufficient to keep them in power. I expect the KDM in Sabah and Dayaks in Sarawak to abandon the BN in the 14th GE. They may also lose significant number of UMNO seats in Sabah.

As I have said before and still bear the same opinion, BN will lose in the 14th General Elections, unless some sort of miracle happened.

It better be soon!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Crime Has No Statute Of Limitations

Hantu Laut

The 1974 killing of the IGP was never solved.

Questions are still being asked but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was reported to have said a couple of years back, it would be difficult to reopen the case as "it happened a long time ago."

Someone should tell the now Prime Minister that crimes have no "statue of limitations"

Onerous, is on the police to solve murder cases, but when luck ran out and lackadaisical attitude takes over the police ran into a brick wall. 

In the old days the police had better crime-busting work and higher rate of success.

Today, many high profile murder cases remained unsolved. The police found them too confounding to sleuth around and do a Sherlock. Detective work is also deductive work, needs not only lots of skill, but lots of passion to unlock the puzzle.

No justice system is perfect, innocent people have been sent to the gallows and the guilty have gone scot free, but police work to catch the perpetrators must not stop.A file can be closed, but should be reopened if new evidence surfaced. Serious crime has no "statute of limitations". Till death do us part.

Malaysian police seemed to have lost the passion for real detective work, depending too much on direct evidence rather than pursuing  circumstantial evidence where and when direct evidence is lacking. 

Collection of circumstantail evidence can become "colloborating evidence" that can establish or refute whether the accused is guilty or not.

The truth is, gathering circumstantial evidence is tedious and require much more police work than direct evidence and police investigators assigned to such work must have a nose for it, which is telling why many murder cases have gone unsolved. 

Read below how the police lost its mojo.

Good Cops, Bad Cops And All

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Malaysia Worries Over a Crime Wave

Contract hits raise concern over rising street violence
Two contract-killing attempts - one successful - on Malaysian streets have focused attention and growing anger on perceptions of a worrying rise in violent crime in the country, turning it into a political issue between Malays and Chinese as well.

An alarmed Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak held a press conference to say the government is prepared to give the police whatever is needed to fight crime and expressed concern over the spate of killings, saying it affected public confidence and increased fear with regard to security and serious crime.

In the most spectacular incident, banker Hussain Ahmad Najadi, 75, the founder and head of Arab-Malaysian Development Bank, was gunned down along with his wife on the street as they walked to his car. Hussain was hit in the chest and lower abdomen and died on the spot while his wife was hit in the arm and leg. She survived the shooting.

The second shooting occurred on July 27 when a gunman riding pillion on a motorcycle pulled up next to a car occupied by R Sri Sanjeevan, the head of a local anti-crime organization called MyWatch, and shot him in the chest when the car stopped at a traffic light in a town in Negeri Sembilan state. Sanjeevan remains in critical but stable condition in a local hospital.

The two incidents are hardly similar. For instance, there is widespread conjecture that Hussain was killed over a land deal gone bad, and Sanjeevan had publicly said he had identified links between policemen and drug dealers, and that he intended to make them public, and unnamed forces on either side of that equation may have attempted to silence him.

However, the shootings tie in with the widening spread of violence including a series of contract killings, such as that in April of the Customs Department director general, Shaharuddin Ibrahim, who was shot dead at a traffic light while being driven to work. The department's highest-ranking uniformed official and one who is believed to have gone after illegal schemes, his death is the focus of a task force that so far has turned up no suspects.

Nor are those alone. The Penang Institute has identified 38 gun murders between January and April of 2013, a shocking figure for a country unused to such carnage. Two street killings took place last week in addition to the shootings of Hussain and Sanjeevan. Street murders by gun have been averaging two a week, according to statistics. A 26-year-old Indian with a criminal record was shot and killed on the street today, according to local news reports. Read more.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Good Cops,Bad Cops And Bad Home Minister

Hantu Laut

Home Minister Zahid Hamidi shouldn't have jumped the gun and defended the police without any concrete evidence to support his claim. He rubbished talk of police involvement after allegation made by former IGP Musa Hassan of dirty cops in the force.

There are good cops, bad  cops everywhere and Malaysia is no exception. 

Zahid Hamidi being the minister responsible for the police force and internal security should have assured the people that he will leave no stone unturned to investigate the shooting and attempted murder of crime watchdog activist R. Sri Sanjeevan instead of defending the police blindly

It seems we are out of the frying pan and into the fire. After the vacuous and vapid Hishammudin Onn, I would have thought there would be a better man to helm this highly sensitive and important ministry. As Nelson Mendela verbalised "You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial and uninformed" 

Is Zahid competent to be the Home Minister ?

Here, he said "I know Sanjeevan personally and I will make sure that there are no police involved in the incident" 

I wonder whether one can consider this as intelligent statement when a crime had been committed and the person is fighting for his life. How can he make sure dirty cops are not involved when the person has already been shot? Sanjeevan was shot soon after his attempt to reveal the names of dirty cops in the force.

The video that probably trigger off the hit against him.

Kuala Lumpur is now definitely a crime capital of the world. There have been too many drive by shooting and most cases remained unsolved.

Yesterday, another man fell victim to the assassin's bullets. Arab Malaysian Development Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi was shot dead in his car and his wife who was with him injured. 

The hit on Sanjeevan must be by hired killer hired by someone who want to silence him. 

Dirty cops are the lowest of the low life and should be hunted down and brought to justice. 

In spite of the increase in organised and dangerous crime and spate of drive-by killings the police seem to be sitting on its laurel, preferring to direct its effort to prosecute opposition politicians and bloggers over trivial issues.

Example must come from the top, the IGP and Home Minister must adopt zero tolerance against dirty cops and criminals under their protection.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bush Era Torture Probe Urged

Written by John Berthelsen
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Put down that suitcase, George, we aren't going anywhere

Fear of arrest appears to be deterring top administration officials from venturing overseas

The top members of the administration of former US President George W Bush have considerable reason not to venture outside the United States, according to a new report issued today by the Washington, DC-based Human Rights Watch, which declares that "overwhelming evidence" exists of torture of prisoners by the Bush administration. It also says the Obama administration has failed to meet its commitments under the Convention Against Torture to investigate the allegations.

It is probably doubtful that the Obama administration will do any such thing. But the report opens up an interesting new dimension that applies to top Bush officials: it might not be wise for them to leave US borders because they could be arrested for war crimes under the principle of universal jurisdiction.

It appears that the former officials are aware of the danger. Bush himself cancelled a trip to Switzerland in February where alleged victims of torture were waiting to ambush him with a criminal complaint. Few others have ventured outside the US, although former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice did attend a ceremony in Prague earlier this month to name a street after the late President Ronald Reagan and made it without being arrested.

The Bush administration, in the wake of the destruction of the World Trade Towers in New York and the near destruction of the Pentagon in Washington, DC, authorized a flurry of highly controversial measures aimed at forcing detainees to give them information. Many of the measures have been criticized by human rights organizations for years although Bush administration figures have defended them, saying that was the only way they could gather intelligence on the movements of such Al Qaeda figures as Osama Bin Laden. Some detainees appear to have actually been killed by interrogators.

The 107-page report, titled
Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatments of Detainees, singles out Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and CIA Director George Tenet, for ordering practices such as waterboarding, the use of secret overseas CIA prisons, and the transfer of detainees to countries where they were tortured.

Although the odds that Attorney General Eric Holder would initiate such an investigation are extremely low, Human Rights Watch said, "If the US government does not pursue credible criminal investigations, other countries should prosecute US officials involved in crimes against detainees in accordance with international law."

That raises interesting questions for a long list of former US government officials including, according to the report, Rice, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, the former counsel to the president and later attorney general; Jay Bybee, head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, John Rizzo, the acting CIA general counsel, David Addington, counsel to Cheney, William J. Haynes II, the Department of Defense general counsel, and John Yoo, deputy assistant attorney general in the legal counsel?s office. All played a role in crafting the legal advice that allowed for such practices as waterboarding, in which those being interrogated are made to believe they are drowning, as well as "rendition" of prisoners to hidden CIA prisons where they could be tortured out of the sight of human rights organizations, and other controversial practices.

Arrest of government officials outside their home countries became a reality in 1998 when the onetime Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet was indicted for human rights violations in Chile by Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzon despite the fact that Pinochet had been granted amnesty in Chile itself. He was arrested in London six days later while on a visit to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and finally released by the British government in March 2000.

It was the first time European judges had applied the principle of universal jurisdiction, declaring themselves competent to judge crimes committed by former heads of state despite local amnesty laws. The principle had been relatively obscure until the Pinochet arrest. Originally formulated to govern crimes involving piracy and slave-running, it was used against fugitive Nazis after World War II. In brief, it allows any state to prosecute individuals who are believed to have committed certain international crimes, even if the prosecuting state has no link to the crime in question other than "the bonds of common humanity."

At first the law was used only against relatively low-ranking war criminals fleeing prosecution from atrocities in the Balkans, Ruanda and other places. It had never been used against a head of state until Pinochet was arrested in the UK.

That arrest "changed everything," Diane F. Orentlicher, professor of international law and director of the War Crimes Research Office at Washington College of Law in Washington, DC in a 2003 paper. "It was a moment when international law seemed to plunge forward rather than advance at its more usual lumbering pace. Indeed, the case transformed the landscape of international law and practice in respect to universal jurisdiction."
Read more.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Apathy The Mother Of All Crimes

Hantu Laut

This country is showing a worrying trend of social ills and regressive behaviour of our youths. Rapes, robbery to murder, not a single day without these heinous crimes being reported in the media. Even more alarming the rapists and victims are getting younger. As disgustingly as it can get even babies and toddlers have been raped.

Incestuous rapes, where young girls became victims of their father's lust are becoming the rule rather than the exception.Some have been raped over many years and were not reported due to fear of the father's wrath.Some cases were only reported after the girl had become more matured and understand what the father has been doing to her is wrong. Such men have reduced themselves to living in the animal kingdom where sex is instinctively a cause for propagation of the specie.What was reported could just be the tip of the iceberg.

These days how many young men would give up their seats to a lady, the elderly or the handicap? It is becoming a rare commodity.Go on any public buses or trains and see for yourself the appalling behaviour of the younger generation.Incivility and rudeness take front seat where ever you go, from government offices to schools to the cab drivers, you'll get a fair share of discomfiture. Our capital city has one of the worst taxi drivers in the world, rude,intimidating and dishonest.Some are known to have raped their female passengers.

Take the recent report of a poor lady who apparently was in a hurry and jumped queue at a bus stop, manhandled and punched in the face by a man. Instead of just giving her a telling off he resorted to summary judgement and meted out his own brand of justice.

Much of today's younger generation failed in civility and good manners.Good manners had become the exception rather than the rule.

It is the flaw and flavour at home that should carry bigger share of the blame.Parents apathy were major causes of  juvenile delinquent and bad upbringing. Some of our schools, the second front after parenting, are as broken as the broken homes the wayward child came from.Apathetic teachers who take no pride in their job.There for the money only.When I went to school teachers were highly respected and looked upon as mentors. 

Like many other things in this country the problem starts at the source. Bad drivers come from bad driving schools, bad students come from bad schools and bad teachers come from bad teachers training colleges.

The increase in crime is related to law-enforcement, the lack of which is evident in most areas in this country.Again, apathy contributed to the increase in crime rate.When criminals think they can get away with it they will continue their crime spree.Kuala Lumpur is fast becoming hotbed for criminals and crime capital of the world.

Although, the police can't be omnipresence to combat crime, it is evident they are not giving it their best shot.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Come Rape Me

Hantu Laut

On the 7 of October 2000 Noor Suzaily Mukhtar (photo below), a computer engineer took the public bus to work thinking it was the safest mode of transport for her as there would be many people on the bus.

She had no inkling that fate would take an evil turn that day that would take her on a horrifying journey to her death.She was raped, sodomised and brutally murdered in the bus by the driver. The perpetrator, Hanafi Mat Hassan is a married man with family of his own.

Noor Suzaily Mukhtar was a good Muslim girl who dressed accordingly.She was not in any revealing dress or made any attempt to dress in such a way to attract the opposite sex or to arouse their sexual appetite.She was properly attired and wore a tudung (headscarf) yet she was raped and killed.

Schools girls Farra Derba Rustam and Nurul Hanis Kamil (photo left) who were adolescence also met the same fate on February 13th and July 3rd 2001 respectively. They were young innocent girls who were just reaching puberty and wouldn't have yet reached the level of sexuality to know how to be attractive to the opposite sex.

Than there was the famous case of Canny Ong who was kidnapped from the basement car park of Bangsar Shopping Centre brutally raped and murdered, also by a married man.The case of Nurin Jazlin, the pretty 7 year old girl brutally raped, murdered and her body stuffed in a bag.The latest case was Sharliene Mohd Nashar abducted on Jan 10 2008 and still missing.Are the dresses they used on the fateful day to be blamed for what happened to them.

There were many similar rapes and murders with many cases remain unsolved.

None of those victims were in revealing dresses yet they were raped and killed.

It is most disheartening that such shallow statement should come from the vice-president of the National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia. Munirah Bahari (photo left) who, like many religious bigots in this country, were just too lazy to do her homework before she opens her big mouth and embarrass herself.Even if she wishes to seek some publicity, at least do it with some finesse.

I find it intolerable that she uses religion to try score a point on a subject that concerned Malaysians of every race, colour and creed.If she has done her homework she wouldn't be making such presumptuous conclusion.

Police statistics on rape shows the breakdown of rape victims in the year 1995 as shown below:

Malays (645)
Chinese (139)
Indians ( 97 )
Others (124)

The statistic above may shock Munirah.Most rape victims were Malay girls and most of them were dressed in compliance of Islamic dress code.Why are they raped? Are they more licentious?Should they be blamed for the rape?

There have been cases where even 70 year old grandmother had been raped by rapist less than half her age.Is she to be blamed for the way she dressed?

It is also an insult on the male psyche that she thinks of a girl or woman who dressed attractively as fair game for rape.Maybe, Munirah should take a trip to South Beach in Florida or Copacabana Beach in Rio, Brazil and see for herself how thousands of naked and half-naked women in all shapes and sizes frolicking the beach with hardly any of them getting raped.

Although she is not completely wrong in her observation, she could have better presented the case if she had looked at it from a moral standpoint rather than religious viewpoint.

I certainly agree students should have proper dress code and transparent blouses for girls may not be appropriate attire in schools.The Ministry of Education should look into it and rectify the problem if it is true.

Munirah also said "It becomes a distraction to men, who are drawn to it, whether or not they like looking at it," she said of the current uniform.

"All this leads to babies born out of wedlock and to an extent, even prostitution," she said.

Gosh! Where this gosling come from. Go back to school, baby!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Hantu Laut

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark".

Many would have thought it was Hamlet who said that.Only Shakespearean purists and those who read Shakepeare's plays as literature in school would know it wasn't Hamlet who said it.The famous phrase was actually said by a minor character named Marcellus, an officer in the palace.

There is something rotten in the city of Kuala Lumpur.

A corrupt ex-chief judge, a crooked lawyer, a greedy businessman and a dead victim.

Shakespeare would have jumped out of his grave if he could and write his next famous play that would make 'Merchant of Venice' and Shylock pale in comparison. The RM10 million awarded to Vincent Tan was the same if not worse than the pound of flesh demanded by Shylock.Judgment written by a crooked lawyer not by the presiding judge.

Why would it be the same? Because M.G.G Pillai didn't have that kind of money and Vincent Tan can make him a bankrupt just out of spite.The crooked judge knew it, the crooked lawyer knew it and the greedy businessman knew it. The only difference between 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'The Merchant of Kuala Lumpur' was -- In Shakespeare's play, Antonio was an honest merchant and the judge was upright and honest.The judge(ex-judge) in Kuala Lumpur walked, slept and ate with the devil.

The stage is set to play out Malaysia's most shameful act of political tyranny, skullduggery, betrayal, personal greed and judicial corruption.

Judgment made in the hall of justice more criminal than the crime itself. Justice for sale to those who can pay and hell to those who can't.For some unfortunate souls the Hall of Justice had turned out to be the Hell of Justice.

Day by day the dirty linens of the judiciary and politicians are being washed in public.

A plaintiff's lawyer wrote whole judgement for a lazy judge, the ACA bribed witnesses to shut their mouths and hosts of every unimaginable sins that one could possibly have not imagined happened in an establishment of such high repute and standing. A place where people seek justice and where injustices should be repaired and delivered fairly and impartially.

Only God knows how many have suffered injustices at the hand of corrupt judges and greedy lawyers.

These are people worse than the common thief who stole a pittance and paid for his crime. Shouldn't the punishment be more severe than the poor man who had no choice but to steal to put food on his table.

A Chief Judge who sold his soul to the devil and has no shame and remorse for what he did. A liar and a devil in disguise. Didn't have an ounce of guilt that he has shamed the whole institution that protects people from people like him.

Now that he is caught with his pants down would he carry on lying in his teeth and kept the pretence of innocent ?

This could be the tip of the iceberg, there could be other cases of lawyers having written judgement on behalf of lazy judges.

It is without any doubts the moral standard has gone down to the gutter level.

"No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar". ~Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hantu Laut

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark".

Many would have thought it was Hamlet who said that.Only Shakespearean purists and those who read Shakepeare's plays as literature in school would know it wasn't Hamlet who said it.The famous phrase was actually said by a minor character named Marcellus, an officer in the palace.

There is something rotten in the city of Kuala Lumpur.

A corrupt ex-chief judge, a crooked lawyer, a greedy businessman and a dead victim.

Shakespeare would have jumped out of his grave if he could and write his next famous play that would make 'Merchant of Venice' and Shylock pale in comparison. The RM10 million awarded to Vincent Tan was the same if not worse than the pound of flesh demanded by Shylock.Judgment written by a crooked lawyer not by the presiding judge.

Why would it be the same? Because M.G.G Pillai didn't have that kind of money and Vincent Tan can make him a bankrupt just out of spite.The crooked judge knew it, the crooked lawyer knew it and the greedy businessman knew it. The only difference between 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'The Merchant of Kuala Lumpur' was -- In Shakespeare's play, Antonio was an honest merchant and the judge was upright and honest.The judge(ex-judge) in Kuala Lumpur walked, slept and ate with the devil.

The stage is set to play out Malaysia's most shameful act of political tyranny, skullduggery, betrayal, personal greed and judicial corruption.

Judgment made in the hall of justice more criminal than the crime itself. Justice for sale to those who can pay and hell to those who can't.For some unfortunate souls the Hall of Justice had turned out to be the Hell of Justice.

Day by day the dirty linens of the judiciary and politicians are being washed in public.

A plaintiff's lawyer wrote whole judgement for a lazy judge, the ACA bribed witnesses to shut their mouths and hosts of every unimaginable sins that one could possibly have not imagined happened in an establishment of such high repute and standing. A place where people seek justice and where injustices should be repaired and delivered fairly and impartially.

Only God knows how many have suffered injustices at the hand of corrupt judges and greedy lawyers.

These are people worse than the common thief who stole a pittance and paid for his crime. Shouldn't the punishment be more severe than the poor man who had no choice but to steal to put food on his table.

A Chief Judge who sold his soul to the devil and has no shame and remorse for what he did. A liar and a devil in disguise. Didn't have an ounce of guilt that he has shamed the whole institution that protects people from people like him.

Now that he is caught with his pants down would he carry on lying in his teeth and kept the pretence of innocent ?

This could be the tip of the iceberg, there could be other cases of lawyers having written judgement on behalf of lazy judges.

It is without any doubts the moral standard has gone down to the gutter level.

"No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar". ~Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Help Stop George Bush's Belligerent Policy

Hantu Laut

The world have seen destructive wars and great loss to human lives under the Bush's administration.The rise of global terrorism and Islamic hatred for the West grew exponentially under his unjust and foredoomed foreign policy. He has little respect for the sovereignty of less developed and poorer countries.He is arrogant and a danger to world peace.Under the Geneva Convention he can be termed as a war criminal.

He has re-awakened Russia to a new cold war by wanting to put 10 missile defense interceptors in Poland and military alliance with some Eastern European countries.

Russia's President Putin said it threaten Russia's security and they are forced to take retaliatory steps and warned that a new arms race is underway.

Due to his selfishness, arrogance and belligerence, he may bomb Iran before he left office.

His policy must not be allowed to continue under the next presidency.

Please read the following circular and do your part to stop continuation of his policy.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, the leading candidates for the next President of the United States became clear. They are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and the winner will decide whether the nightmare of the Bush foreign policy is reversed or continued for another 4 years.

US citizens will choose their president, but global public opinion matters to them--they know that US respect in the world has plummeted under Bush, and they want a President who can deliver change. In the next few days, our uniquely global community has a real chance to influence the finalist candidates as they develop their campaign strategy. Click below to read and endorse our letter to the candidates. We'll publish it in US newspapers and deliver it personally to the Clinton, Obama and McCain campaigns--we need at least 100,000 people to sign it this week – so please sign and forward this email to friends right away:

The message of the letter is simple: we are all in this together. The world is ready to partner with the US, but we need to see a real change of course from the Bush years. The letter is based on a poll of the Avaaz community, which found that our top 3 requests for change in US policy are:
  1. Help the world stop global warming
  2. Respect universal human rights
  3. Use diplomacy to prevent war and resolve conflict
There is a real chance that the candidates could adopt this simple agenda for change, but every day brings more risk that they will commit to another direction. Sign below and forward this email to all your friends and family:

American power is declining in the world, but it still has enormous ability to do good or do harm. It will take decades to undo the global harm done by George Bush's disastrous Presidency. Let's help make sure America's next leader takes a different path.


Child porn pilot convicted


February 08, 2008 03:01pm

A MALAYSIAN Airlines co-pilot has been convicted and fined for bringing child pornography into the country on his personal computer.

Hantu Laut

A shocking news.A Malaysian pilot caught with child pornography.

The Malaysian police should obtain a copy of the smut video to determine whether it was made in the country.The pilot concerned should be hauled up and the police should get the identity of the sender from him. A chain investigation should be carried out to determine the original source of the video.The pilot's background should also be investigated. This maybe the footprints that can lead to the unsolved abduction and murder of Nurin and the abduction of Sharliene.

If the video was made in this country than we can safely assume the disappearances and murder of those young girls had something to do with this despicable crime.

I hope the police would by now have the pilot in their custody for questioning.

Read more.....

Also read:

Rocky's and Tok Mommy's

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hantu Laut

"Correct,correct,correct" and now it's "Looks like me, sounds like me".

Can you get anyone with worse antics than this slithering sycophant,a Mr Tag Along and a denizen of the legal fraternity with a magic wand that can influence the appointment of judges.He was so powerful he can actually tell the ex-Prime Minister who to appoint to the bench.

In the controversial video tape he described the ex-PM as "Being the old man, he is 76 years old, he gets whispers everywhere, and then you don’t whisper, he get taken away by the other side. But, now the PM is very alert he because every time he gets letters from Tan Sri Dzaiddin, he calls Tengku Adnan, he says discuss with Vincent, come and discuss".

Who is Vincent? Was he a special rapporteur officially appointed by the government to advise the ex-PM on appointment of judges?

If what he said about the ex-PM was true, than it is most disgraceful and a shocking news to the nation.Judges are appointed to dispense justice to all and sundry and not to be subservient to anyone in particular.Judges have no masters,they are masters of their own .They are expected to adhere to the rules of justice and listen to their conscience, not to anyone else including the Prime Minister.

Was Vincent Tan a close confidant of the ex-PM? It looked obviously so, if we go by what that bragging power brokering creep revealed in the video.For the ex-PM to tell Tengku Adnan to discuss state matters of the highest importance with a man who has nothing to do with matters of government, one can only assume such relationship did exist, unless, that slimy bragging creep was name-dropping just to impress his audience.

It was no coincidence that in 1993, Lingam was Vincent Tan's lawyer in a law suit against M.G.G.Pillai, a journalist who has since died.Tan brought a defamation suit against him and was awarded a substantial amount, unprecedented in the legal history of defamation suits in this country.It was also no coincidence that the damages awarded by the Federal Court was presided over by a team of judges headed by Eusoffe Chin.

In the latest episode, the 'Correct,Correct,Correct' and 'Looks like me,Sounds like me' has manifested into 'I cannot recollect'.

He told the commission."Without looking at the video, I cannot recollect the occasion. After looking at the video, I do not recollect. It has happened so long ago. Looking at the video, there is bottles of wine, whiskey or brandy and 7-Up. I would have had one too many drinks. That was a drinking session, a celebration, a party. I must have had one too many (and) it is more than six years ago. I cannot remember".

"It looks like me. You can ask the question 100 times, I will still give you the same answer".He must have assumed every members of the commission are idiots, to be able to take this kind of crap coming from him, a man void of any dignity and shame.

This legal clown has turned the commission into a circus and tried to fool everyone with intoxicated lapse of memory as his excuse not to remember whom he spoke to on the phone.

This fool and his folly will eventually put a noose around his own neck.A shameless and stinking piece of crap,undignified and fits for the sewer.

Is this the kind of man some of our judges and leaders kept company with?


Now he admits being a bullshitter and a braggart.He is king in his own house and can talk whatever rubbish he wishes.Below are some of his oratorical skills.

1.“I can choose whatever topic I like. I can even pretend to talk to President Bush if I like,”

2.“That (conversation) was in my house. That was in the privacy of my room. My house is my castle. I am the king there. I can talk whatever rubbish in my house as long as I don’t get drunk outside and misbehave,”

3.“Even if I did say it and I am sorry to use this word but I was bullshitting and bragging,”

4.“No, no, no, my learned commissioner, you didn’t get me right. I said it looks like me, it sounds like me. I didn’t said it’s not me. I don’t want to say it’s 100 percent me because the authenticity of the clip has to be established,”

5.“The tickets are separate tickets with separate number. They were just stapled together and anybody can staple them [...] I don’t know who did it, I have not seen it, you have to call the maker who did it,”

6.“I changed my prepaid numbers very often when I lost my mobile phone. I also change my house phone number very often because there are many prank calls to me and my maid at late hours,”

Read Sophie's World anecdotal story on this.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Tragedy In The Making

Hantu Laut

Help Find Sharlinie (Nini)
Help Find Sharlinie (Nini)
Nini, aged 5, missing since Jan 10, 2008. If you know her whereabouts call RakanCop at 03-21159999

Sister: Nini was taken by a woman.

In my previous post 'Malaysian Police - A Crying Shame' , I mentioned the possibly of the murder of Nurin and subsequent rape and murder of Preeshena Varshiny as the work of serial rapist and killer.

With the abduction of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, another terrible tragedy is in the offing.What I find ridiculous and quite unacceptable was a report in the Star newspaper stating how the older sister of Sharlinie, after much persuasion by the press, revealed that Sharlinie was taken by a woman and bundled into a black car.

Are the reporters trying to do police work? Why would an eight- year old girl needs to be persuaded to tell the truth, unless the reporter concerned fed her with the information in the hope of getting positive response from her. This is a potential murder case and the only reliable witness is a child, where extreme care should be taken not to juggle and confuse her mind. A child of that age would have a clear mind of what she saw and wouldn't need any coaxing to tell the truth.

Reporters should stick to their job of reporting news, not interrogating victims or witnesses.This is police work and should be left to them to deal with.

Unfortunately, our police is not brilliantly famous for its crime busting feats.Over the years many innocent underage girls had been raped and murdered. Only few of the cases had been solved and brought to justice.

Below are few cases of rape and murder of underage girls in this country:

· Preeshena Varshiny (9)
· Nurin Jazlin (8)
· Nurul Huda Gani (10)
· Norshuhada Burak (6)
· Ang May Hong (9)
· Harirawati Saridi (9)
· Siti Nadirah Budah (5)
· Nor Syakila Ramli Abdullah Choo (5)
· Nor Shawni Dahlan (7)

What happen to the old adage 'Don't talk to strangers'. Don't parents teach their child at a very young age not to talk to strangers and not to accept candies or gifts from them. After so many tragedies concerning young girls being raped and murdered, it makes one wonder how some irresponsible parents still allow their child to go out unaccompanied.Unfortunately, the statistics revealed another sad side of this preventable tragedy, most of the victims were very young Malay girls.

Are we less responsible for the welfare and safety of our children or was it the old kampong mentality that we live in a safe environment like our forefathers did, therefore, making us complacent and less alert about the safety of our children?

With the rising crime rate and many unsolved murder cases, Kuala Lumpur would soon be joining the crime capital of the world.

If New York city and Hong Kong can fight crime and make the city streets safe for the city dwellers, it's utterly disgraceful that our police, instead of lowering the crime index, has unashamedly let it takes its own course.

I think the Prime Minister should seriously consider sending a message to the police, 'SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT'.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007



This man may be guilty of the crime.What about the others and those in high offices? Do they have immunity from prosecution ? Let's hope this is not a wishy-washy attempt at witch-hunting. There are bigger fish out there that should also be hauled up for prosecution.

Another charge against Ramli

photo Kota Kinabalu: Commercial Crime Investigation Department Director Datuk Ramli Yusuff was charged in the Sessions Court here, Monday, with abuse of power over the use of a police aircraft for his personal advantage.

Ramli, 55, based in Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur, is the country's third highest ranking police officer and a former Sabah Police Commissioner.

He pleaded not guilty before Judge Duncan Sikodol and was released on RM10,000 bail with one surety. Trial was fixed for Feb. 18-22, next year.Full story......

Friday, November 9, 2007





From Wikipedia

Civil disorder, also known as civil unrest, is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to describe one or more forms of disturbance caused by a group of people. Civil disturbance is typically a symptom of, and a form of protest against, major socio-political problems. Typically, the severity of the action coincides with public outrage. Examples of civil disorder include, but are not necessarily limited to: illegal parades; sit-ins and other forms of obstructions; riots; sabotage; and other forms of crime. It is intended to be a demonstration to the public and the government, but can escalate into general chaos.

Frequently, participants in a civil disorder are not in agreement about appropriate behavior. As was the case in the WTO Meeting of 1999, most protesters were peaceful, and a small, highly visible minority of government provocateurs, much like the ones present at the 2007 Security and Prosperity Partnership summit in Quebec, were responsible for most of the damage.

Any civil disorder is a delicate balance of power, and indeed, a political power struggle of some sort is typically the root cause of any such conflict. Often, public demonstrations are viewed as the last resort of political organizations. If the power equation in a civil disorder becomes unbalanced, the result is either oppression or riot. Police brutality is a frequent result of civil disorder, while at other times, civil disorder may develop as a result of police brutality.

Citizens not directly involved in a civil disorder may have their lives significantly disrupted. Their ability to work, enjoy recreation and in some cases, obtain necessities may be jeopardized. Disruption of infrastructure may occur during very severe events. Public utilities such as water, fuel and electricity may be temporarily unavailable, as well as public infrastructure for communication.

The above are definition of civil unrest.This article is a follow up to my earlier article 'The March To Naught'.

Be sensible, do not participate in this unlawful march. Do not be an idealist and think you can achieve something out of the unlawful procession.You may not be the troublemaker but don't forget there are others who want to make trouble and you may be caught in the midst of something unpleasant. We have the means to change the government and no one can stop us from exercising our rights and the right platform is the democratic process.

A warning has been sent, take heeds, this may not be Pakistan or Burma, but don't push your luck. Many peaceful demonstrations had turned ugly and bloody, don't be a victim of your own undoing.

Love your country and make sure Malaysia stays peaceful.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Yet another child raped and killed, abducted from her own apartment. Preeshena Varshiny, 9 was raped,sodomised and thrown down from the balcony of an apartment. Two days ago, the body of Chin Kha Mun, 12 was found floating in a river. The police could not determine the cause of death.They have classified it as 'sudden death'.What! sudden death? Did she died of drowning or something else ? Police had no clue. What had happened to forensic science and autopsy? Don't they exist in our police force?

After the Nurin's case, one would expect the police to be grinding their axes and go on the war path.

Is this the beginning of the reign of terror of a paedophile serial rapist and killer.Please, keep a tight grip on your children. Leaving a 9-year old, home alone, is not acceptable behaviour of any responsible parents. Read the story.........

Monday, October 29, 2007



Shown below is part of an interview by NST with Nazri, the de facto Minister of Law.I find special interest in the following comments.

Q: There is less than two weeks for people to come forward with what they have. Are you hoping that they will?

A: I hope so. We set up the panel to investigate the authenticity of the tape.

Come forward, lah. Apa nak takut? Takkan kita nak bantai orang kita! (What’s there to be afraid of? We won’t beat up our own people!)

Every five years, we put ourselves up as candidates for election. If we do something wrong, do you think that people will let you go just like that? No way!

Can Nazri assures that the person who came forward wouldn't be tortured to extract information from him like what had happened to Abdul Malek Hussein, the ISA detainee. The police had been known for their torture method on criminals and political detainees ?There were a number of cases where prisoners under remand died while in police custody. How could this clueless Minister, or maybe he thinks Malaysians are all stupid to believe him say "Apa nak takut? Takkan kita nak bantai orang kita!.The ACA are also known to have mentally torture an accused person using long interrogation method to wear the person down. Even a powerful ex Deputy Prime Minister had been physically abused while in prison what chance would you think the common people have against such police brutality.

The Minister spent too much time in his comfort zone and are oblivious to the fact that many Malaysians are now more afraid of the police than the criminals. The rise in crimes and organised crimes over the past few years were the result of the government having lost control of the police force.The police are now run Mafioso style.

Friday, September 21, 2007



She is Nurin - New leads in search for girl's murderers
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have new leads in the murder of 8-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin and are expected to make arrests soon.

I am usually too emotional to write about such thing, but this time, I 'll make it an exception as I am just too angry to be able to stomach it. Such heinous crime inflicted on an innocent child.A senseless killing that can only come for a psychopathic killer, a person who had completely lost touch with reality. This mad predator must be apprehended quickly before he found his next victim. The police mustn't leave any stone unturned to solve this most despicable crime

Such gruesome crime makes you want to hunt down the killer yourself and take the law into your own hand. This is not to incite anyone to do so, but that just how I felt at this very moment. An unripe little girl sexually molested and killed in the most heinous way. Than you have some sickos calling the parents and making fun of the whole thing. What is happening to our society, are these people the products of bad upbringing or are they what we called in plain language, 'born bad'.

Both nature and nurture had a bearing on how a person eventually fits with the rest of the world. Those unable to cope would eventually become misfits of society.

My heartfelt condolence to the family of Nurin and may God bless her soul.

The IGP should have been a bit more compassionate and sensitive to the family's grief and should have waited a little bit longer before making such statement.Those who have not lost their loved ones wouldn't know the grief and suffering of those that have.

The search for Madeleine is still on.Read how she disappeared as told by her father.