Showing posts with label Crooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crooks. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

Crime Has No Statute Of Limitations

Hantu Laut

The 1974 killing of the IGP was never solved.

Questions are still being asked but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was reported to have said a couple of years back, it would be difficult to reopen the case as "it happened a long time ago."

Someone should tell the now Prime Minister that crimes have no "statue of limitations"

Onerous, is on the police to solve murder cases, but when luck ran out and lackadaisical attitude takes over the police ran into a brick wall. 

In the old days the police had better crime-busting work and higher rate of success.

Today, many high profile murder cases remained unsolved. The police found them too confounding to sleuth around and do a Sherlock. Detective work is also deductive work, needs not only lots of skill, but lots of passion to unlock the puzzle.

No justice system is perfect, innocent people have been sent to the gallows and the guilty have gone scot free, but police work to catch the perpetrators must not stop.A file can be closed, but should be reopened if new evidence surfaced. Serious crime has no "statute of limitations". Till death do us part.

Malaysian police seemed to have lost the passion for real detective work, depending too much on direct evidence rather than pursuing  circumstantial evidence where and when direct evidence is lacking. 

Collection of circumstantail evidence can become "colloborating evidence" that can establish or refute whether the accused is guilty or not.

The truth is, gathering circumstantial evidence is tedious and require much more police work than direct evidence and police investigators assigned to such work must have a nose for it, which is telling why many murder cases have gone unsolved. 

Read below how the police lost its mojo.

Good Cops, Bad Cops And All

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Malaysia Worries Over a Crime Wave

Contract hits raise concern over rising street violence
Two contract-killing attempts - one successful - on Malaysian streets have focused attention and growing anger on perceptions of a worrying rise in violent crime in the country, turning it into a political issue between Malays and Chinese as well.

An alarmed Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak held a press conference to say the government is prepared to give the police whatever is needed to fight crime and expressed concern over the spate of killings, saying it affected public confidence and increased fear with regard to security and serious crime.

In the most spectacular incident, banker Hussain Ahmad Najadi, 75, the founder and head of Arab-Malaysian Development Bank, was gunned down along with his wife on the street as they walked to his car. Hussain was hit in the chest and lower abdomen and died on the spot while his wife was hit in the arm and leg. She survived the shooting.

The second shooting occurred on July 27 when a gunman riding pillion on a motorcycle pulled up next to a car occupied by R Sri Sanjeevan, the head of a local anti-crime organization called MyWatch, and shot him in the chest when the car stopped at a traffic light in a town in Negeri Sembilan state. Sanjeevan remains in critical but stable condition in a local hospital.

The two incidents are hardly similar. For instance, there is widespread conjecture that Hussain was killed over a land deal gone bad, and Sanjeevan had publicly said he had identified links between policemen and drug dealers, and that he intended to make them public, and unnamed forces on either side of that equation may have attempted to silence him.

However, the shootings tie in with the widening spread of violence including a series of contract killings, such as that in April of the Customs Department director general, Shaharuddin Ibrahim, who was shot dead at a traffic light while being driven to work. The department's highest-ranking uniformed official and one who is believed to have gone after illegal schemes, his death is the focus of a task force that so far has turned up no suspects.

Nor are those alone. The Penang Institute has identified 38 gun murders between January and April of 2013, a shocking figure for a country unused to such carnage. Two street killings took place last week in addition to the shootings of Hussain and Sanjeevan. Street murders by gun have been averaging two a week, according to statistics. A 26-year-old Indian with a criminal record was shot and killed on the street today, according to local news reports. Read more.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Good Cops,Bad Cops And Bad Home Minister

Hantu Laut

Home Minister Zahid Hamidi shouldn't have jumped the gun and defended the police without any concrete evidence to support his claim. He rubbished talk of police involvement after allegation made by former IGP Musa Hassan of dirty cops in the force.

There are good cops, bad  cops everywhere and Malaysia is no exception. 

Zahid Hamidi being the minister responsible for the police force and internal security should have assured the people that he will leave no stone unturned to investigate the shooting and attempted murder of crime watchdog activist R. Sri Sanjeevan instead of defending the police blindly

It seems we are out of the frying pan and into the fire. After the vacuous and vapid Hishammudin Onn, I would have thought there would be a better man to helm this highly sensitive and important ministry. As Nelson Mendela verbalised "You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial and uninformed" 

Is Zahid competent to be the Home Minister ?

Here, he said "I know Sanjeevan personally and I will make sure that there are no police involved in the incident" 

I wonder whether one can consider this as intelligent statement when a crime had been committed and the person is fighting for his life. How can he make sure dirty cops are not involved when the person has already been shot? Sanjeevan was shot soon after his attempt to reveal the names of dirty cops in the force.

The video that probably trigger off the hit against him.

Kuala Lumpur is now definitely a crime capital of the world. There have been too many drive by shooting and most cases remained unsolved.

Yesterday, another man fell victim to the assassin's bullets. Arab Malaysian Development Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi was shot dead in his car and his wife who was with him injured. 

The hit on Sanjeevan must be by hired killer hired by someone who want to silence him. 

Dirty cops are the lowest of the low life and should be hunted down and brought to justice. 

In spite of the increase in organised and dangerous crime and spate of drive-by killings the police seem to be sitting on its laurel, preferring to direct its effort to prosecute opposition politicians and bloggers over trivial issues.

Example must come from the top, the IGP and Home Minister must adopt zero tolerance against dirty cops and criminals under their protection.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Manila Pooed On Itself Of A Pooh-Pooh Claim

Hantu Laut

Spain evacuated Sulu in May,1899 and on 26th August 1899 General Bates of the United States army concluded a treaty with Sultan Jamalul Kiram and the sovereignty of Sulu passed from Spain to the United States of America.

The status of Sulu had entirely changed by 1915 and the Sultan had by then been shorn of all temporal power and retained only the empty title of Sultan and certain religious jurisdiction exercisable only by the consent of the parties, a situation which is described by a letter to the Sultan dated 30th July 1920, from the Director of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes of the Department of the Interior, Manila.

After the death of Sultan Jamalul Kiram in 1936 the Philippine Government, the successors in sovereignty of the United States of America, decided not to recognise the continued existence of the Sultanate, according to a letter to the Governor of North Borneo dated 28th July 1936 from His Britannic Majesty's Consul General at Manila.

Those are extracts from a Judgement of Civil Suit 169/39 brought by Dayang Dayang Haji Piandao Kiram and 8 others against the Government of North Borneo.

Below, Article III of the Madrid Protocol affirming the exclusion and cession of North Borneo (Sabah) to the British Crown, administered by the British North Borneo Company.

"The Spanish Government renounces, as far as regards the British Government, all claims of sovereignty over the territories of the continent of Borneo, which belong, or which have belonged in the past to the Sultan of Sulu (Jolo), and which comprise the neighbouring islands of Balambangan, Banguey, and Malawali, as well as all those comprised within a zone of three maritime leagues from the coast, and which form part of the territories administered by the Company styled the “British North Borneo Company.” 

Read full text of the Madrid Protocol here.

There are more than sufficient documentary evidences in existence to prove Sabah no longer belong to the Philippines by their own assertion. 

Manila pooed on itself by flogging a dead horse.

Read "Revival of Sabah claim under review", a  nation run by eunuchs and sissies, their balls shrank when facing a Moro-nic threat.

Monday, January 23, 2012

If You Think Malaysia Is Bad, Read This!

The sleaze that shames Seoul
By Aidan Foster-Carter

Quite a contrast, aren't they, the two Koreas? One is a weird, weepy-creepy, nasty dynastic dinosaur. The other is ultra-modern, hi-tech, dynamic and vibrant: a stunning success story. So much so that in November the Economist headlined a feature on South Korea: "What do you do when you reach the top?" [1] (Their answer: Tweak a few things here and there.)

Top of what, though? Exports are one thing, but virtue is another. Those of us who enthuse and root for South Korea have a problem. Amid all the glitter, there are some bits that stink.

I keep a running file on Korea called "Corpulent Governance" (geddit?). It's always full, sad to say. Right now, it's

overflowing. So here are some tales to make you hold your nose - or retch, or weep. It gives me no pleasure to write thus, but this stuff has to be faced up to.

First up, the chaebol (conglomerates). Many top Korean companies, including household names, are run by crooks. That's not a libel; it's a fact. The chairmen of Samsung, Hyundai Motor, SK and Hanwha - the first, second, third and tenth largest business groups - have all been convicted of crimes in Korean courts of law. And three of them (guess the exception) have spent time behind bars - though only serving a fraction of their supposed sentences.

Usually it's financial, but not always. In 2007 Kim Seung-youn, the chairman of Hanwha - founded as Korea Explosives, but now inter alia Korea's second largest non-bank financial group, big in insurance - hired goons to beat up some guys who got in a fight with his son; even wielding a metal bar himself. [2]

Sentenced to 18 months, Kim pleaded ill-health and was out in no time. The Korea Times recently called Kim a "Dragon CEO" (he was born in 1952), noting wryly that the mythical beast may remind people of this event. [3] No one seems to care.

Unbelievably, this was the man whom last year South Korea chose as a leading lobbyist in its (successful) bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics. As the Financial Times commented: "Let's hope he has some more gentle means of persuasion at his disposal than steel pipes." [4] Seoul must have decided it needed to send a heavy hitter, if you'll pardon the expression.

Another such thug is at least behind bars where he belongs. Chey Chul-won - a cousin of SK chairman Chey Tae-won, and former CEO of SK's logistics affiliate, the aptly named Might & Main (M&M) - received an 18-month jail sentence last February for beating a laid-off truck driver with a baseball bat.

Yoo Hong-joon had staged a one-man protest for months outside group headquarters in Seoul. One day Chey called him in, hit him repeatedly with other executives present, and then threw checks at him as "compensation". [5] Charming.

In his defense, Chey claimed that what he did was no worse than goes on in the army every day. (South Korea still has universal male conscription.) It turned out he'd earlier threatened a woman living in the apartment below his - again with a baseball bat, and with three club-wielding goons in tow - after she complained about "extreme" noise from upstairs. Police were called, but laid no charges. Afraid, the woman and her family moved out, sharpish. [6]

But more often, as I said, it's money. Take the three largest chaebol. Though successful as businesses, all are marred by financial malpractice - but have only had their wrists slapped.

Since the old Hyundai group broke up, Hyundai Motor is the number two conglomerate. It has grown to become the world's fifth largest car-maker, led by Chung Mong-koo - who in 2006 spent two months in jail prior to conviction in 2007 for embezzling US$100 million to create slush funds. Sentenced to three years, he never went back inside; a judge ruled that the economy needed him. And in 2009 he got a special pardon from President Lee Myung-bak. [7] Read more.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another Pathetic Moron!

Hantu Laut

Don't they read how many times such scams have been publicised in the newspaper.

What is wrong with these people? I can only conclude it is greed coupled with stupidity.

Reported in the Daily Express:

Labuan: A 34-year-old self-employed Chinese is the island's latest victim of a syndicate-operated Internet scam.

A "convincing story" which came through the email resulted in the victim losing RM420,100.

Labuan Police Chief, Supt. Saiman Kasran, said: "When the victim received the email on Oct 9 from a woman named Lyanna Adin (believed to be fictitious) informing the victim that a 29kg parcel stuffed with expensive items such as a gold watch, cash, laptop and cell phone was delivered to the victim from UK, the victim without hesitation replied the email with his personal details such as MyKad number, home address and cell phone number."

The next day, Saiman said, the victim received another call from a private number with the caller identifying himself as "Robert Jestkins" from air courier company informing the victim of the parcel and the need to pay RM3,800 as penalty that the parcel was overweight.

The victim was further asked to pay RM18,700 to the Customs Department to have the parcel released and also RM48,000 twice for the first and second stamp charges and penalty to Bank Negara.

The victim, still not suspecting anything amiss, dutifully carried out all the instructions and banked in the requested amounts into several accounts provided by the caller.

Following this, the victim was introduced to a so-called UK embassy staff.

On Oct 18, Lyanna contacted the victim again and requested him to visit a website.

Upon checking the site, the victim noted that 57,000 pound sterling would be transferred to the victim's Maybank account, but the victim was required to pay another RM147,800 for insurance and other charges.

Saiman said the total amount paid by the victim for the parcel was RM420,100 via 15 transfers from Maybank.

But the parcel never came and neither could he contact anyone of them who had communicated with him about the parcel and payments.

Following this, a police report was lodged.

Saiman advised that with so many cases of Internet scam, the people should be smarter and not be credulous to fall for "easy money."

He said there is no such thing as easy money.

In Labuan alone this year, there had been 17 reported cases with losses incurred reaching RM736,849.63 and most of the victims were women.

The victims parted their money over offers that came through email and Facebook, mostly pertaining to products, auctions and parcels.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bumiputras Cheating Bumiputras

Hantu Laut

This is not the first nor will it be the last.Bumiputras cheating bumiputras.A family of crooks.Read story here.

This kind of ponzi schemes has been going on for sometime.There were number of cases in the past that have been brought to court yet gullible bumiputras still couldn't resist the temptation of these get rich quick money making schemes promising returns of anything between 5 to 50% a month.

Would anyone with the right sense believe there is such a business that can give such mind-boggling returns?

Such schemes also exist in the West, not forgetting the sleek Bernard Madoff who ripped off billions from his investors.In Malaysia most of the victims, for some unknown reasons, were low income bumiputras.

Obviously, it's either greed or ignorance.

Most of these illegal deposits taking companies were run by bumiputras and most of the clients were bumiputras.

The one in Sabah, caught and charged by Bank Negara, a few years back was a husband and wife team.The wife used purdah (veil) when she attended court. She wants to show she is pious and incapable of cheating.Beware of the pious crook in sheep clothing!

Read here and here and here.

Why are bumiputras so gullible?

For some strange reasons the crooks are prepared to take the risk knowing what they are doing is illegal.Maybe, the punishment of 3 to 5 years in prison is not enough deterrent compared to the millions they reaped from their illegal activities.

Do you know who are the most gullible people on earth? Read here the study by Harvard.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Throw Out A Good Man, Installed A Crook

Hantu Laut

This could, if it happens, be the most dangerous failed state ever.The clock is ticking waiting for the day the extremists and religious fanatics to take over the state and throw the world into utter chaos and possible nuclear holocaust.

Pakistan is now moving much faster than before into becoming a failed state and a nightmare for the rest of the world. The Talibans, the most extreme of all Islamists, had taken over the Swat valley in the north just 100 miles from the capital Islamabad.The government is powerless and have surrendered the territory to this hordes of mad men.

Throw out a good man and installed a known crook, this is what you get.

Can Pakistan Be Governed?

TO ENTER the office where Asif Ali Zardari, the president of Pakistan, conducts his business, you head down a long corridor toward two wax statues of exceptionally tall soldiers, each in a long, white tunic with a glittering column of buttons. On closer inspection, these turn out to be actual humans who have been trained in the arts of immobility. The office they guard, though large, is not especially opulent or stupefying by the standards of such places. President Zardari met me just inside the doorway, then seated himself facing a widescreen TV displaying an image of fish swimming in a deep blue sea. His party spokesman, Farhatullah Babar, and his presidential spokesman, Farahnaz Ispahani, sat facing him, almost as rigid as the soldiers. Zardari is famous for straying off message and saying odd things or jumbling facts and figures. He is also famous for blaming his aides when things go wrong — and things have been going wrong quite a lot lately. Zardari’s aides didn’t want him to talk to me. Now they were tensely waiting for a mishap.

The president himself, natty in a navy suit, his black hair brilliantined to a sheen, was the very picture of ease. Zardari beamed when we talked about New York, where he often lived between 2004, when he was released from prison after eight years, and late 2007, when he returned to Pakistan not long after his wife, Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated by terrorists. For all that painful recent history, Zardari is a suave and charming man with a sly grin, and he gives the impression of thoroughly enjoying what must be among the world’s least desirable jobs. Zardari had just been through the most dangerous weeks of his six months in office. He dissolved the government in Punjab, Pakistan’s dominant state, and called out the police to stop the country’s lawyers and leading opposition party from holding a “long march” to demand the reinstatement of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who had been sacked, along with most of the high judiciary, by Zardari’s predecessor, Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Zardari defused the situation only by allowing Chaudhry’s return to office and giving in to other demands that he had previously and repeatedly rejected.

Yet, despite this spectacular reversal, the president was not in a remotely penitent state of mind over his handling of the protests against him. “Whoever killed my wife was seeking the Balkanization of Pakistan,” he told me. “There is a view that I saved Pakistan then” — by calling for calm at a perilous moment — “and there is a view that by making this decision I saved Pakistan again.” There had been, he said, a very real threat of a terrorist attack on the marchers on their way to Islamabad. That is why his government invoked a statute dating back to the British raj in order to authorize the police to arrest protesters and prevent the march from forming. I pointed out that Benazir Bhutto faced a far more specific threat and was outraged when General Musharraf kept her from speaking on the pretext of protecting her. The president didn’t miss a beat. “And therefore,” he rejoined, “we moved to the other side”: that is, he reversed his order to the police, and permitted the protesters’ march, just before giving in to their demands altogether. Read more....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Crooks In Shining Armour

Hantu Laut

Money! The root of all evil ? It is also the root of all misfortunes.From Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky to Bernard Madoff, they all have the same weakness......GREED FOR MONEY and lots of it.

The man who should take the biggest blame for the biggest financial meltdown in history would have to be Alan Greenspan.The progenitor of the preponderance of deregulation.His deregulation of the financial system has brought mountains of credit mismanagement never seen before in the financial world.It will be a long and arduous journey to recover from these messy affairs.More dirt are coming out. More and more bankers and financiers have turned crooked trying to save their crumpling business empire.Some are just latent crooks that manifested over time.

The latest addition to the 'rogues gallery' is a Texan financial cowboy with the title of 'Sir', knighted by the island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, a dot so small on the world map you could hardly find it. With tons of money he probably paid for the knighthood.He practically bought half of Antigua and most of its politicians.This larger than life figure had donated substantially to sports and politicians including campaign funds for McCain and Obama.

Meet Sir Allen Stanford, big spender,financier, billionaire, con artist and fraudster. Here is his story.

Here are his sins:

Here are his victims:

The irony is everyone of them are philanthropists.So the next time you see a rich man donating to charity he may be donating other people's money.

Are there anymore safe investments left in this world?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fripouilles Et Houlettes

Hantu Laut

L'économie mondiale est dans le fait d'aller d'un pas traînants. C'est mauvaises nouvelles après un autre. Pas seulement il y avait mismanagment étendu du système financier il y avait la fraude aussi massive commise par quelqu'un s'est fié et a donné de l'argent à la charité, mais est la plus grande houlette dans ce monde.

La découverte du projet de Bernard Madoff Ponzi fraudant des investisseurs peut-être le bout de l'iceberg. Il peut y avoir d'autres fonds de haie qui peuvent avoir recouru au même projet de pyramide.

Le cas du Madoff est la plus grande fraude jamais commise par un homme simple sur les investisseurs crédules au cours de beaucoup d'années sans être découvert par les autorités. La dérégulation était la cause de l'effondrement du système financier aux Etats-Unis.

Alan Greenspan et le gouvernement américain, partisan et implementer de dérégulation du système financier aux Etats-Unis ont beaucoup pour répondre pour le désastre financier et la crise financière et économique sans précédent qui ont apporté des dégâts à l'économie mondiale.

La capacité de Madoff d'arracher ses costumiers à l'air de $50 milliards et a été en mesure de se cacher ses activités s'effraie pendant de nombreuses années esprit. Il va montrer que l'américain a complètement en haut baisé leur système de chèque et de balance. Il n'y a aucune probité et responsabilité dans le système.

L'américain vilain a vissé en haut le monde de nouveau.