Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2013

If BN Cheated Why Don't Give Themselves Two-Thirds

Hantu Laut

How do you talk to the incorrigibly dumb, or those who think they are smart, but aren't there yet, or those who made a boner and picked a loser..........and cried FOUL and FRAUD! 

What about those who believe in everything they see on social media, blogs and so-called news portal spewing terrible halitosis that stinks to high heaven. 

BN won, not by you folks in the cities, but by the folks in the kampongs. 

Please, for the sake of this nation's peace and stability, stop showing off your huge rally in the city to fool yourself that you have the numbers. 

No, you don't have! 

The numbers are in the kampongs and they are called "CONSTITUENCIES" not "POPULAR VOTES" as your sore loser leaders have told you.

So what, if you have 120,000 strong in a stadium in Kuala Lumpur, are they representing the whole country or are victims of one man greed for power. 

Below is what I posted on Facebook in response to some friends' support of Anwar fomenting a "Malaysian Spring"

 I think Najib only speak what transpired on the ground. Ada pepatah Melayu kata "alang-alang mandi biar basah" If the BN cheated why don't they give themselves two-thirds majority instead of almost losing the government by the skin of their teeth, or why don't Najib better the 2008 results under Pak Lah. He can if he really wants to cheat, no?. I think Anwar is doing a great injustice to this country by his disgraceful act of fomenting the people to rise up against the government. He knew why BN won, partly his fault, he ignored the rural areas. This government won not by you people in the cities, it won by the rural constituencies, which many Malaysian don't understand or refused to accept. Our political system is not based on popular votes but on "first past the post", which even so many educated Malaysians either, can't understand, or pretended not to understand. U.K. have had many of this kind of results but people there are more intelligent and civilised, they don't accuse the government of cheating and defeated politicians take the defeat in their stride, unlike Anwar, the sore loser.I will not deny that there may be instances where BN may have provided transports and money to the kampong folks to go to polling centres, which is to be expected as kampong people are poor and do not have the means to travel to far-flung polling stations. Flying in 40,000 Banglas to vote, I think my grandfather (he is not Bangla, he is Pathan) must be kicking in his grave to hear so many Malaysians believe in such abominable lie. I can post a few past elections results in U.K if you guys still believe in Anwar's bullshit.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Am Desperado.........for the sake of Sabahans!

People of Sabah who have lost so much under half century rule of Barisan Nasional (BN).
Star Sabah Chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said he is desperate only for the people of Sabah.

Responding to Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Radin Malleh who described 

Jeffrey as a "desperado", Jeffrey said Sabah's situation is very serious and if things continue the way it is the people will continue to lose their rights and place as true citizens and natives of the State.
Read more.

"Tukaron Bangkad" - Two Sabah Frogs 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bumiputras Cheating Bumiputras

Hantu Laut

This is not the first nor will it be the last.Bumiputras cheating bumiputras.A family of crooks.Read story here.

This kind of ponzi schemes has been going on for sometime.There were number of cases in the past that have been brought to court yet gullible bumiputras still couldn't resist the temptation of these get rich quick money making schemes promising returns of anything between 5 to 50% a month.

Would anyone with the right sense believe there is such a business that can give such mind-boggling returns?

Such schemes also exist in the West, not forgetting the sleek Bernard Madoff who ripped off billions from his investors.In Malaysia most of the victims, for some unknown reasons, were low income bumiputras.

Obviously, it's either greed or ignorance.

Most of these illegal deposits taking companies were run by bumiputras and most of the clients were bumiputras.

The one in Sabah, caught and charged by Bank Negara, a few years back was a husband and wife team.The wife used purdah (veil) when she attended court. She wants to show she is pious and incapable of cheating.Beware of the pious crook in sheep clothing!

Read here and here and here.

Why are bumiputras so gullible?

For some strange reasons the crooks are prepared to take the risk knowing what they are doing is illegal.Maybe, the punishment of 3 to 5 years in prison is not enough deterrent compared to the millions they reaped from their illegal activities.

Do you know who are the most gullible people on earth? Read here the study by Harvard.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Myth Busting:Are Malaysian Elections Rigged?

Hantu Laut

PAS, promised 100,000 strong show of force for its Bersih rally expected to be held on July 9 in Kuala Lumpur.

What do they want?

According to APANAMA here they want fair and free elections.

This political meandering to fool the people that our elections are not fair nor free is one big lie and has become a myth.

It coming from PAS is more difficult to understand because they claimed they are guided by Islamic teachings and they knew fully well what they claimed is not true and a big lie to hoodwink the people and to gain unfair advantage in the elections yet these holies of holies are prepared to discard the Islamic principles and joined hands with what they used to call the infidels for political gains.They are infidels if they joined with UMNO but are not if with PAS.

Only if you are a matter-of-factly a stupid person would you believe in such absolute rubbish and believe in all the other lies perpetuated by Pakatan Rakyat to demonise the government purely to rouse the people up and spread ill-will against the government just to gain the extra mile.

Sadly, Malaysian is not a thinking society and like the cows would rather use their herd instinct than rationalise with logical and plausible reasoning whether what they were told are true or not.

Should they believe in people like Anwar Ibrahim,Azmin Ali,Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh,Hadi Awang and the whole lot of the political chain gang which had only one mission....... by hook or by crook.......... to topple the BN government.

Have the Malaysian elections been truly rigged by the BN?

Let's open the history book and see for ourselves whether these bunch of liars are telling the truth.Everything stated here are on records and can be checked for accuracy.

If there were blatant cheating and our elections were rigged how come:

1.The first period of PAS rule in Kelantan lasted 18 years (1959-1978).

2.After losing Kelantan to BN for 12 years PAS regained the state in 1990.

3.Pas has won Kelantan in every consecutive general elections in 1990,1995,1999,2004 and 2008.

4. Pas won in Trengganu twice (1959-1962 and 1999-2004)

Other very pertinent and material cases that burst the myth that our elections have always been rigged are shown below.

1.In 1969 DAP won 13 MP seat and 31 State Assembly seats and Gerakan in the opposition then also made major gains.The victory march by DAP culminated into the deadly May 13 race riot.

2.The lost of federally backed Berjaya in Sabah in 1985 to newly-born PBS. The Mahathir's sink and swim with Harris Salleh misadventure that left Berjaya with an embarrassing 6 out of 48 seats and PBS won the day with simple majority and played out USNO of its promise to form a coalition.The once powerful and feared Harris lost his seat to an unknown giant-killer.They could have rigged the elections to keep themselves in power. Even the irascible and powerful Harris didn't have the guts to do it and he could if he wants to.

3.In 1999, the BN suffered the lowest win (with exception of the Alliance 1969 lowest performance) with PAS taking 27 parliamentary seats, DAP 10 and PKR 5 in a loose alliance called Barisan Alternatif.PBS in Sabah won 3 seats.Did Mahathir rigged the elections to reduce his majority in Parliament?

4.In 2004 while PAS and PKR suffered major setback DAP collected 12 parliamentary seats.

5.In the 2006 Sarawak State Elections DAP showed its best showing collected 6 out of 12 seats it contested.

6.The biggest setback suffered by the ruling BN was 2008, a fairly strong earthquake that almost toppled the BN government.The oppositions coalition under Pakatan Rakyat made major gains, capturing 5 states and denied the BN of its two-thirds majority and subsequently won most of the by-elections.BN could have rigged the elections to give them the two-thirds majority that they have always enjoyed. Did they?

7.In 2008 Anwar Ibrahim stood in the Permatang Pauh by-election, won handsomely and returned to Parliament as leader of the oppositions.If what the opposition claimed is true why the government did not rig the by-election of its most feared and hated man?

8.In the recent Sarawak State Elections DAP captured 12 seats and PKR 3 seats giving the opposition coalition 15 seats in the Sarawak State Assembly.

Do I need to go on to convince you what the oppositions claimed is a myth and pack of lies?

I really don't know why am I doing this for free.It should be the BN inglorious bastards who should be out there talking to the people instead of sitting in their comfort zone and counting their takings for the day.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

'Skim Cepat Kaya' Cara America

Hantu Laut

The world are full of all kind of crooks. Watch out for those elegantly dressed in Armani suits, suave and can effortlessly smooth-talked you into parting with your fat wallet without a hint of suspicion because you are dumb enough to judge a book by its cover.

Hedge funds are now under scrutiny for fraudulent practices and are likely to be the next big financial meltdown dragging the world into bigger financial chaos.

Malaysia is no exception to "Skim Cepat Kaya" or "Ganda Wang Anda" get rich quick pyramid scams.

The Americans are no less inventive when it comes to dirty rotten scoundrel's inventiveness to cheat the public.In fact he is even smarter than the few Ahmads and Chongs that got caught in this country and charged in court for money laundering.

The Malaysian scams are crude by comparison to the American sophisticated scams called hedge funds.

Suggested reading:

Hedge funds 'facing credit storm'
US bankers facing fraud charges
Credit crisis claims hedge fund

Below is an article from BBC on one such fantastic scam that went undetected for many years and was only exposed by the culprit himself.

$50bn fraud charge at hedge fund

Wall Street sign
The Madoff fraud could be one of the biggest yet

The former chairman of the Nasdaq stock market has been arrested and charged with securities fraud, in what may be one of the biggest fraud cases yet.

Bernard Madoff ran a hedge fund which ran up $50bn (£33.5bn) of fraudulent losses and which he called "one big lie", prosecutors allege.

Mr Madoff is alleged to have used money from new investors to pay off existing investors in the fund.

His lawyer said he would fight to get through these "unfortunate events".

The 70-year-old has been released on $10m bail.

High-profile victims

Bramdean Alternatives has emerged as a victim of the fraud, with 9.5% of its investments exposed to the New York broker, it said in a statement on its website.

Nicola Horlick, the high profile fund manager labelled superwoman by the UK press, is the company's nominated fund manager.

The collapse of Madoff is likely to accelerate the disappearance of hedge funds
Robert Peston

In an interview earlier this year with the Financial Times, Ms Horlick praised Mr Madoff.

"He is someone who is very, very good at calling the US equity market," she said.

She added: "This guy has managed to return 1% -1.2% per month, year after year after year."

'Pyramid scheme'

Mr Madoff founded Bernard L.Madoff Investment Securities in 1960, but also ran a separate hedge fund business.

According to the US Attorney's criminal complaint filed in court, Mr Madoff told at least three employees on Wednesday that the hedge fund business - which served up to 25 clients and had $17.1bn of money under management - was a fraud and had been insolvent for years, losing at least $50bn.Read more........